Rekindling looking back has been three lives

Chapter 145 The Bad Old Man Doesn't Follow the Script

Chapter 145 The Bad Old Man Doesn't Follow the Script
Ye Xiaomi, who was in the audience, looked at Wu Chuzhi on the stage with admiration and began to talk, "I personally think there are five points that we need to think about, why we don't use enough policy tools.

First, on the execution side, we lack a clear strategy to guide the development of large enterprises.

The government should select large-scale high-tech enterprises with strong market competitiveness and technological innovation capabilities as carriers for implementing strategic technologies and industries, and thus grow a group of large enterprises with international competitiveness.

The practice of the beautiful country is to publish the "National Key Technology Selection Report" every two years, analyze the key technologies in the near and mid-term, select strategic technologies and industries, and establish corresponding development policies.

This not only provides a strategic direction for the development of large enterprises, but also clears the channels for the government to support large enterprises, so that the country's strategic investment can be more concentrated on the advantageous enterprises.

Europa is to organize and promote internal member countries to first determine strategic technologies, and then industrialize strategic technologies to support the development of strategic technologies and industries in each country.Most of these industry and technology choices are also implemented by large enterprises with advantages.

Silla has formulated a national plan (G7 plan) to guide the development of enterprises.

The practices of the above three countries or economies all detail policies at the implementation level. At the same time, this also points out the way for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. It is clear at a glance what the country needs and what the industry needs. "

Xiao Yajun nodded slightly, agreeing with Wu Chuzhi's point of view.

In fact, there is no lack of macro policies at all, and the annual central documents also point out the direction of industrial development.

But as Wu Chuzhi said, there is a lack of specific guidance and supporting measures on the implementation side.

The reasons are varied and varied.

"Second, on the execution side, we lack the protection of the legitimate interests of the enterprise.

In order to improve the competitiveness of domestic enterprises in the international market and protect the interests of domestic enterprises, under the framework of WTO rules, governments of various countries usually have to adjust economic and trade policies in a timely manner according to the economic situation at home and abroad, and adopt appropriate trade protection measures.

This has become an important means for the governments of various countries to support the development of large enterprises.We can see that the beautiful country is the country that has filed the most lawsuits in the WTO, and most of these lawsuits are won by the beautiful country, which effectively protects the interests of their own enterprises. "

Xiao Yajun was in a cold sweat hearing this point, but fortunately Wu Chuzhi didn't make an in-depth analysis, but only asked a question, and then jumped over after a little explanation.

Xiao Yajun breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this little bastard is not stingy, he is very measured.

"Third, we lack the formulation and maintenance of industry rules and standards.

In a certain sense, the modern market economy is a rule-based economy. In the competition, whoever controls the rules first will have the initiative in the competition.

Because the formulation of rules and standards is a process of preferential selection, the best in the same industry should be used as the standard and the rules should be formulated accordingly.

In the beautiful country and Europa, we can all see the industry standards led by large enterprises with advantages.

I do not deny that controlling the standards is equivalent to controlling the market, and will bring special benefits to those who master the standards.

But we should see that starting from the national strategy, only in this way can we have the right to speak in the international market.

Otherwise, no matter how fierce the domestic fight is, it will be the same in the international arena. "

Zeng Huixian nodded when she heard the words, it seems that the youngest has big thoughts!
They've all gone overseas.

She turned her head to look at Ye Xiaomi's eyebrows beside her, and sighed inwardly.

A man with such a big heart, Xiaomi will definitely not be able to control him.

Forget it, as long as she is happy herself.

Women, the greatest happiness in life is to find a man who can spoil you for the rest of your life, and you are willing to be spoiled by him for the rest of your life.

Seeing the interaction between these two villains, the corners of Zeng Huixian's mouth curled up.

When she doesn't know what happened between them, does she?
They're all from here, so they don't understand anything.

She thinks, isn't this better than talking about economics on stage?
After going round and round several times between life and death, Zeng Huixian has long since lost the intention to continue to study.

Academic, some are inherited.

What she is most concerned about now is the lifelong event of Ye Xiaomi, whom she regards as her daughter.

Zeng Huixian was even thinking, should she persuade Xiaomi not to take safety measures?
Maybe Wu Chuzhi will have many children in the future, but the eldest will always be his favorite child.

In fact, Xiaomi's age is just right, and after another two or three years, it will be difficult to recover after giving birth.

Zeng Huixian secretly made up her mind to persuade her more later.

"Fourth, support for corporate R&D is not enough.

Governments are competing to step up support for research and development by large corporations.The vast majority of government research funding in the beautiful country is allocated to large enterprises, among which large enterprises account for about 95% of the total research and development expenditures of enterprises, and the 15 enterprises with the most research and development expenses account for about 70% of the total expenditures... ..."

A burst of applause rang out, Zeng Huixian also interrupted her thoughts, and hurriedly clapped along.

What did the youngest say just now?


It is true that I am getting older, and I lost my health when I was young, and I don't know if I will survive the day when Xiaomi has a child.

No, you can't sit still and wait for death. This summer vacation, I will go to the third child's place.

I heard that the Department of Cardiac Surgery of Fuwai Hospital in Huating is the best, so I will go to see it again.

It's just that the third child marries a daughter-in-law who has a good life, which is quite embarrassing.

Wang Deming, the old principal of Shu University in the front row, turned his head and smiled, "You apprentice, you have to watch carefully."

After finishing speaking, the old man yelled at Xiao Yajun who was in front of him with bright eyes, "Here comes the snatcher."

Zeng Huixian smiled, and said confidently and calmly, "Don't worry, I can't take it away."

"Fifth, and I think the point that needs to be resolved most urgently is that our support for mergers and acquisitions is not enough.

The government often actively promotes restructuring through policy induction and legal support, which accelerates the growth of large enterprises.

Take the beautiful country as an example. Since the beginning of the last century, the beautiful country has undergone five major mergers and acquisitions.The earliest large companies in the beautiful country were all formed in this way, such as the beautiful country steel company, the telephone and telecommunications company, and general motors.

Another aspect of the restructuring promoted by the governments of various countries is to carry out a vigorous transformation of large state-owned enterprises.

During the first large-scale privatization campaign that began in 1986, the Franc State denationalized 12 state-owned enterprises in 29 state-owned groups, with total assets of 1200 billion francs, resulting in a lot of competitiveness Strong company..."

Xiao Yajun blinked and looked at Zeng Huiyan in the stands, feeling a little helpless.

As expected of the successor of that master's sect, how dare you say it!
But Wu Chuzhi's point of view is really too angry with him.

As the former leader of the Yan University Department, he has many years of practical experience in the enterprise, and he understands what Wu Chuzhi wants to express better than the scholars around him.

Mergers and reorganizations mean the destruction of existing interests.

Even zombie companies, in the eyes of some people, have value in existence.

In fact, what Wu Chuzhi said is quite right. Today, after joining the WTO, it has come to a point where there is only a dead end if we do not become bigger or stronger.


After Wu Chuzhi spoke eloquently, he naturally received warm applause at home.

The few scholars on the stage, holding their own identities, also smiled and applauded facing such a young man.

Zeng Huixian stared at Xiao Yajun who was nodding his head while picking up the microphone to speak.

Very meow!
Old shameless!

However, what surprised Zeng Huixian and Wu Chuzhi at the same time was that Xiao Yajun only made a few appreciative comments, then put down the microphone, without expressing any intention to accept disciples.

Zeng Huixian breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't said in public.

Constrained by his identity, the school cannot tear his face apart in front of so many people.

What if you say it in private?
Ha ha……

Really think Shu University is easy to bully!

Wu Chuzhi, who was standing on the stage, was completely beaten by Xiao Yajun.

What about the script?

This old man, will not forget.

Say a few words so that I can slap my face.

Slapping the future father-in-law in the face openly, this refreshing energy, is once in a thousand years!

He blinked and looked at Xiao Yajun, seeing that he was only focused on talking to other people, so he had no choice but to step down resentfully.

At this moment, Wu Chuzhi's heart was full of doubts.

Why doesn't this old man play his cards according to the routine!

Could it be that, after meeting Ye Xiaomi, the old man got so angry that he canceled this incident directly?
Are you being too big on yourself?
Wu Chuzhi became a little worried about gains and losses.

But on his face, he didn't dare to show anything unusual.

He knew that his old man was also a cunning fox.

Even more cunning than Mr. Xiao.

After all, the old man is a soldier, and sometimes he doesn't bother to use tricks.

As for Xiao Yajun, although he doesn't have an official job now, he is full of bad water.

While talking with others, Xiao Yajun peeked at Wu Chuzhi's face.

Yo hoo!

So calm?

The report meeting was over, and Xiao Yajun approached Zeng Huixian, "Sister Zeng, let's go?"

Zeng Huixian smiled helplessly, what should come will still come.

She didn't refuse anything, smiled, and pointed to the wheelchair next to her, "I can't walk, youngest, push me."

Wu Chuzhi bent down, picked up the teacher and put him on the wheelchair.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaomi was stunned. If she was fine in the morning, why would she be in a wheelchair again and need someone to hug her?

The corners of Xiao Yajun's eyes twitched, and he couldn't say anything.

Brilliant acting, right?


Xiao Yajun didn't go too far, he left the lecture hall, asked Wu Chuzhi to push Zeng Huixian, and sat down in a shaded place by the lotus pond of Shu University.

"Sister Zeng, I heard that your health is not very good, but I didn't expect that you have reached this point. How many years do you have to retire?"

They are all in the same academic circle, and they have dealt with each other more or less for so many years. How old is Zeng Huixian, Xiao Yajun has always called that.

Zeng Huixian snorted coldly in her heart, she wanted to say that I am not in good health and I don't have the energy to take care of my apprentices, right?

"My body is not bad, and I can support these two apprentices to graduate. Lao Xiao, you are in charge of administration and political affairs, and you haven't taught students for a while. Bar?"

When Xiao Yajun heard the words, he didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile, "You big sister, I won't play around with you anymore, I've taken a fancy to you, your apprentice."

"You said you fell in love with it, so you came to grab it? Maybe there is no such book in the world?" Zeng Huixian said angrily.

Xiao Yajun didn't think it was disobedient, and waved his hand, "Sister Zeng, you misunderstood, as for me, I am really happy to see Lie Xin. But I won't do things like robbing other people's apprentices.

However, I have a proposal, you might as well consider it? "

Zeng Huixian froze for a moment, and asked with a half-smile on her face, "Oh? What's your suggestion? Let's hear it."

Xiao Yajun said quickly. "Wu Chuzhi was jointly trained by the two of us, with double doctorate degrees, economics from Shu University, and management from Yanda University. Correspondence, centralized teaching, and telephone teaching are all available here. What do you think?"

Zeng Huixian pondered for a moment, then looked at Xiao Yajun suspiciously, "Old Xiao, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd? I don't understand why."

Could it be that there is a pie in the sky?

There have been double doctorate degrees, triple doctorate degrees, and even 8 doctorate degrees in this world.

But that is abroad.

In China, double doctoral degrees are very rare.

Because the degree mechanism in China is completely different from that in foreign countries.

The admissions system for doctoral students in China is based on the application assessment system.

If you meet the requirements for studying for a doctoral degree, you must first apply and find a doctoral supervisor with a recommendation letter. After the supervisor evaluates and approves you, you are willing to accept you, and you are qualified for the doctoral examination.

Don't get too excited, this is just the first step.

Next, you have to take the doctoral entrance examination organized by the school.

This test is an independent test of the admissions unit, not a national unified test. Only by passing this test can one be admitted as a doctoral student.

Therefore, you have to go through two hurdles for admission: the first is a supervisor, there is a doctoral supervisor who is willing to guide you; the second is an exam, you still have to pass the exam.

Some people can solve the exam level, but they can't solve the tutor level, and some people can solve the tutor level, but they can't solve the exam level, so we can only hope and sigh!

And just one application time can make people give up the idea of ​​double doctorate.

Domestic application time: generally in December each year; the examination time is March of the following year, and the interview time is April-May.

However, there is no fixed statement on the application time abroad, and you can read as you go.

So in foreign countries, you can cast a wide net and apply to 100 schools at once, as long as you can get an offer.

But in China, sorry, without the consent of the instructor, you are not even qualified to take the exam.

As we all know, in China, graduate students, regardless of their master's or doctoral degrees, are the mentor's horses, and they come to work.

The task of doctoral students is to make their supervisors become outstanding youths, doctoral supervisors, and academicians. Although the words are ugly, they make sense.

So, the instructor sees that you want to have a double Ph.D., sorry, turn left when you go out, the next one.

In Zeng Huixian's view, even if Xiao Yajun valued Wu Chuzhi again, he was coveting Wu Chuzhi's thesis strength.

This point was also valued by other professors during the defense at that time.

Because Wu Chuzhi's theory is innovative enough, and what's even more rare is that his theory fits the national conditions of Huaguo.

Wu Chuzhi didn't know yet, and Swensen also ignored one point. In Huaguo and even the world, he, Wu Chuzhi, was the first person to clearly propose supply-side structured management.

Lin Yifu and others even saw the emergence of a new theoretical school of "new supply-side economics" from Wu Chuzhi's theory.

Who doesn't want to have an apprentice who reads the core periodicals and plays like a kid?
Or to take a step back, Xiao Yajun has a high level and a large structure, and what he values ​​is the reputation that Wu Chuzhi can bring to Yanda.

But what can double doctorates bring to Yanda?
Half the glory?

I'm afraid not at all.

What Yanda offers is a doctorate in management, what does it have to do with economics?
In other words, any achievements Wu Chuzhi has made in economics have nothing to do with Xiao Yajun or Yanda.

Zeng Huixian had no idea what Xiao Yajun's picture was.

Good people and good deeds?
Xiao Yajun glanced at Wu Chuzhi with a half-smile, and then turned his head to look at Ye Xiaomi standing beside him.

Zeng Huixian thought that he had something confidential to say and needed to avoid Ye Xiaomi, so she said displeasedly, "My apprentices are all my children, so there is no need to hide anything."

Xiao Yajun shook his head amusedly, and said with a little embarrassment, "Sister Zeng, to be honest, I have a deep relationship with the grandfather of this child's girlfriend..."

Zeng Huixian understood.

It's Grandpa Qin Wan's connection.

Where is this to rob the apprentice?

This is obviously to carry the sedan chair for Wu Chuzhi.

The PhD degree in management from Yanda University is actually a pass for a circle.

Under Zeng Huixian, Wu Chuzhi can get a good starting point in the academic world.

And Xiao Yajun can take Wu Chuzhi to hang out in the business world.

It's very simple, Yanda's business alumni circle is also the top existence in Huaguo.

Moreover, although Yanda University and Huaqing University vowed not to be at odds with each other, the business alumni circles of the two schools recognize each other.

In their TOP2 eyes, other schools can only lean back.

Zeng Huixian smiled wryly, even someone like Xiao Yajun can build a bridge...

The Qin family actually still has such connections.

She sighed slightly in her heart, Xiaomi's road seemed even more difficult to walk.

Ye Xiaomi, who also figured out the joints, stood quietly aside, but his face was very peaceful.

It's a good thing for the little man, and she has no reason to object.

Wu Chuzhi on the side almost let out a pig cry from laughter, but he couldn't help it.

Xiao Yajun is related to my girlfriend's grandfather.

And the origin is quite deep.

What a father-son relationship.

But at this time, he didn't dare to show it.

Otherwise, Xiao Yajun and Zeng Huixian will play doubles together.

After all, in Xiao Yajun's eyes, he got a huge advantage.

The words of Xiao Yajun's "girlfriend's grandfather" had pointed out to him a fact, the Xiao family already knew about his relationship with Xiao Yuejia, and also knew about his relationship with Qin Wan.

Before speaking, he glanced at Ye Xiaomi, and told him plainly that Xiao Yajun knew all about his behavior of stepping on a few boats.

Wu Chuzhi now understood that Xiao Yajun did not follow his daughter's script, and this was a warning to him.

However, standing up to help him at this time shows that the Xiao family is willing to acquiesce in the existence of Qin Wan and Ye Xiaomi.

Xiao Yajun is expressing an attitude, as long as you treat my daughter well, I can bear anything.

"My Xiao family is so grand, you little bastard can figure it out."

This is Xiao Yajun's subtext.


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