Rekindling looking back has been three lives

Chapter 18 Quantum Waves Reading Method

Chapter 18 Quantum Waves Reading Method

On the day of discharge, Wu Chuzhi was not very happy.

The hospital didn't find any trouble, but it was Wu Chuzhi's father, Wu Qingshan, who made trouble for him.

After a while, he thought that he had lived too leisurely in the past few years, so he began to force Wu Chuzhi to take the exams for CET-[-] and CET-[-], accounting certificate and certified public accountant to prepare for the future.

For the rest, Wu Chuzhi can bear it, and it doesn't matter if he passes the fourth and sixth exams.

The key is the set of financial certificates, which makes it difficult for him to accept.

With the two golden fingers of 'master-level inheritance' and 'predicting the future', you still ask me to do a hard research, who is this kind of insulting!
The strife has since begun.

The father and son had their first long-term meeting since they were divided into classes in arts and sciences and broke off diplomatic relations.

Wu Qingshan expressed great indignation and serious concern about Wu Chuzhi's loafing, neglecting his job, and aggressive behavior in school, and reserved the right to make further reactions.

Wu Chuzhi believes that Wu Qingshan's unclear distinction between father and son's communication boundaries, and his behavior of pointing fingers at other people's choices of life paths are unfriendly behaviors and absolutely intolerable.

In the end, the two sides advised each other to rein in the precipice, otherwise it should not be said that it was unpredictable.

When the meeting was going to be unhappy, Wu Chuzhi and Wu Qingshan expressed their regrets to each other, and the two sides returned to the issues of mutual concern.

The two sides fully exchanged views on the issue of 'employment' or 'starting a business', which enhanced the understanding between father and son, and the talks were beneficial.

Wu Qingshan pointed out that under the current situation, no matter whether it is "employment" or "starting a business", starting a family before starting a business is the primary consideration for regional peace.

Wu Chuzhi pointed out that although "the Huns are not destroyed, why should the family be", but as a responsible entity, he is willing to contribute his own strength in order to promote the peaceful growth of the region.

The two parties finally agreed to establish a dialogue partnership on the basis of each other's views on "employment" and "entrepreneurship".

However, both sides have reservations about the issue itself.

At the end of the meeting, the two sides reached a consensus: completing their studies should be the top priority.


Wu Chuzhi, who returned to the university campus, seemed to fall in love with the library, spending all day in it.

This also surprised Qin Xu and others inexplicably.

"Don't think about it, there must be a beautiful woman in the library recently!" Kong Ziqian concluded after two weeks of observation.

Liu Liu glared at him, squatted down and put on his shoes.

Noticing his movement, Kong Ziqian took off his earphones and parked the World of Warcraft thief on the edge of the fort invisibly, "Hey, third brother, where are you going?"

"Follow the boss to recite vocabulary." Liu Liu got up, picked up his schoolbag, opened the door and went out.

It's already 8:[-] in the morning, and the boss seems to have been in the library for more than two hours.

It has been almost three years since he entered Shu University, and Liu Liu has been thinking about how he is inferior to those Qingbei students.

Liu Liu was born in a remote township. Although his family was not poor, he was not rich either.

Since elementary school, Liu Liu has always been the student with the best grades in the school, and he was also the best student in the college entrance examination.

So when he worked hard to get into the gate of Shu University, a famous 985 school, and learned that Wu Chuzhi was transferred in, he was actually not very convinced by the so-called Qingbei students.

Wu Chuzhi's college entrance examination scores are indeed admirable. If he didn't kill himself, he would be a proper Qingbei player.

But looking at Wu Chuzhi's appearance after entering university, Liu Liu didn't feel that he was missing anything.

The Qingbei seeds in middle school are like this, and there is nothing special about them.

If you don't work hard, you will become a scumbag.

And as long as I work hard, I will be able to overtake on the curve.

Life is very long, a moment of backwardness does not mean a lifetime of backwardness.

However, after seeing the revived Wu Chu, Liu Liu finally understood that he had always been a frog in a well before, and could not extricate himself from the achievements he had made in the small circle in the township.

It turns out that the gap in self-discipline is the gap between him and Qingbei.

After being discharged from the hospital, Wu Chuzhi's self-discipline was terrifying.

I got up at 5:30 in the morning for a run, and entered the library with breakfast at 6:10. Except for classes and meals, I stayed until 30:45 in the evening. After running for [-] minutes at night, I went back to the dormitory to sleep.

For two consecutive weeks, the work and rest were unshakable.

And the efficiency is amazing. According to him, he memorized 400 words every day.

400 words, one day may be able to do.

But 14 new words per day for 400 days for two consecutive weeks, Liu Liu didn't believe it.

Confucius recited Wu Chuzhi's words in disbelief, but found that they seemed to be true.

A Level 5500 vocabulary book with [-] words was actually memorized by Wu Chuzhi in two weeks.

Meow, it's not human at all!

The only one in the dormitory who thought it was normal was Qin Xu, who was a classmate of Wu Chuzhi in middle school for six years.

He deeply understands Wu Chuzhi's talent in language, that is to say, Wu Chuzhi was too angry and young, resisting foreign languages ​​from the bottom of his heart, and just didn't want to learn.

In fact, if it weren't for the failure of the listening equipment during the college entrance examination, which caused the loss of more than ten points, Wu Chuzhi's English scores that barely crossed the passing line would have no problem entering Yanda.

"However, the method of memorizing vocabulary that the boss said is too unbelievable. No matter how I think about it, I don't think it's reliable." Confucius sighed and closed the laptop.

Seeing that Qin Xu had also started to pack his schoolbag, he also felt that he couldn't live too decadently.

"I experimented for a week, and although I couldn't reach his level, 80 a day, I seem to have done it."

For Wu Chuzhi, Qin Xu had a mysterious trust.

So when he discovered Wu Chuzhi's transformation, he immediately asked the method.

"Look at each word for no more than 5 seconds, read two sets of words every day, how much each set is, depending on the person's ability, repeat seven times a day.

On the second day, on the basis of the newly read words, there is an additional program to simply read the words memorized yesterday twice, once in the morning and once in the evening, and ignore the forgotten or unclear ones.

From the 3rd day to the 7th day, read every day of the first day.After seven days, you should be able to remember. "

Qin Xu tried Wu Chuzhi's method, but he did not have a set of 200 words like Wu Chuzhi, but a set of 40 words.

People value self-knowledge, and he knows very well that he does not have Wu Chuzhi's perverted liberal arts talent.

In the era of 3+2 college entrance examinations, if you take 290 in physics and chemistry, you are a genius, but if you can take 290 in history and politics, you are undoubtedly a genius among geniuses.

The effect is very obvious, at least better than his previous method, which used to be memorizing the back and forgetting the front, turning over and memorizing the front and forgetting the back.

When the three of Qin Xu came to the library, Wu Chuzhi was flipping through a book.

If it hadn't been for testing the effects he had memorized, Qin Xu and the others would now have every reason to doubt whether this guy had mastered the long-lost technique, the "Quantum Fluctuation Reading Method" in the hospital.

The pages of the book were not rattled by Wu Chuzhi, but after a few seconds of flipping through each page, it really made people feel that this guy was not seriously endorsing the book at all.

Qin Xu and the others were no longer surprised. They put down their schoolbags, took out their vocabulary books, and started to memorize them independently of each other.

In fact, what they didn't know was that Wu Chuzhi was not seriously endorsing the book at this time, but was thinking about it in his mind.

Wu Chuzhi, who has received all the memories of David Swensen, a beautiful Chinese, still needs to recite words?

This is too funny.

Although beautiful Chinese may not be able to get high scores in Huaguo's English test papers, but for the CET-[-] and CET-[-] exams, which only need to judge whether to pass or not, it is not difficult.

After doing several sets of mock questions and confirming that he could get about 100 points out of 75, Wu Chuzhi resolutely gave up the act of wasting time.

Staying in the library now is nothing more than deceiving people. After all, the sudden improvement in English requires a reasonable explanation.

After being told that he was almost sent to the Chinese Academy of Sciences to check the cause of his sudden awakening, Wu Chuzhi will undoubtedly be more cautious now.

Scientific research rabbits are sometimes unreasonable. Any miracle will happen in their hands, and their brains are quite big.

God knows if those rabbits will check out the three extra memories in his brain.

It's not like the research rabbit has never done the soul weighing experiment.

At this time, Wu Chuzhi was checking the three gifts of memory.

Needless to say, those of the same species, the memory of the first life is the most comprehensive, covering the development trend of the next 20 years.

After all, the first life is a reborn person, with the experience of two parallel worlds.

Wu Chuzhi compared the memory of the first life with that of David Swenson, and basically confirmed the trend of the world timeline.

There is no difference in the development trend from the plane I am in now.

After retrieving several documents, Wu Chuzhi was sure that he and David Svensson were on the same timeline, but Svensson returned from the future to the present.

When Wu Chuzhi discovered this, his first reaction was to get rich.

David Swenson's legacy is too much, a full 30 bitcoins!

According to the unit price of $5 when David Swenson died, he was sitting on a wealth of $150 billion.

Wu Chuzhi pinched his thigh, then froze, and slapped himself with a backhand.


In the quiet library study room, such a voice is very crisp.

Many people raised their heads and looked at the five fingerprints on Wu Chuzhi's face with admiration.

A slap in the face when you are tired of studying, you are a ruthless person!
She is a role model for my generation!

Facing the kind eyes around him, Wu Chuzhi lowered his head embarrassingly, cursing himself as an idiot.

Yes, Svensson's legacy, there are 30 bitcoins alone.

But, does this have anything to do with me having a dime?
It's 2004 now.

Can he still travel through time and space to withdraw money in 2021?
What's more, the fucking Bitcoin itself was not created until 2009.

Wu Chuzhi sighed, and gave up the absurd fantasy of getting rich overnight.

After recalling the timeline, he could only smile wryly.

At this time, Svensson had just come out of the grief of Emma's death, and had just officially returned to work.

In fact, Wu Chuzhi has a question. After receiving Svensson's memory, he actually knows all the online banking passwords of Svensson at this time. If the deposit of this plane Svensson is taken away at this time, what will happen?

After thinking and thinking, Wu Chuzhi still gave up this tempting idea.

Swensen's deposit in 2004 was only tens of thousands of dollars.

Meow poor ghost!
Totally unnecessary.

Moreover, it seems that becoming a rich person does not seem to be so happy.

Svensson's experience is the best commentary.

Yes, he is rich.

But he, who lost his beloved, actually died a long time ago.

Looking at Wu Chuzhi, who has experienced Svensson, it is very clear that for Svensson, in the days after Emma left, living has no meaning.

So Svensson worked desperately to create and create, and as a billionaire, he lost himself at the age of 66.

Svensson, suffering from cancer, refused any possible drugs and waited for death.

You know, according to his level of wealth, it is actually very easy to live.

Regarding the choice of fighting or lying down, Wu Chuzhi is very open now.

At what stage to do things, as a college student, if you don't enjoy your campus time, you will regret it for life.

The digestion of memory requires a process, and the massive amount of information read makes Wu Chuzhi's time very fast.

After the vocabulary book in his hand was turned over several times, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Chuzhi's stomach growled as his hands and feet began to tremble.

The reason why he didn't go to the cafeteria to eat with his roommates was because he was a little embarrassed at this time.

Perhaps after accepting Svensson's memory, his body was more or less affected.

At some point, he started to crave western food, especially steak.

As a Chinese in the past, the desire for fragrant rice from the depths of the soul seems to have disappeared without a trace.

Now he is suppressing the urge to go to the steakhouse every day, which makes Wu Chuzhi panic.

I won't say goodbye to chopsticks and start using knives and forks from now on, right?
He sighed, and under the surprised eyes of the three roommates, he carried his schoolbag on his back.

"I'm going to the hospital for a review."

Qin Xu and the others nodded in understanding, and continued to read the book with their heads buried.

After all, for them, the Level [-] and Level [-] exams, which will be held in a few dozen days, are indeed the last chance.

Although the exam can be taken in the first semester of senior year, but at that time, the school recruitment season for good companies and units is over, so what is the point of taking the exam?

Wu Chuzhi, who walked out of the school, came straight to 'Haokelai', a chain steak restaurant.

Black pepper legendary big stomach king set meal, 68 yuan a set.

Even though he knew that the price would not change in another ten years or so, he still couldn't help complaining in his heart.

too dark!
After feasting to satisfy his taste buds and body, Wu Chuzhi sat in a daze while holding a cup of self-service drink.

This is how to do ah?

If this body has to eat Western-style steaks in the future, how can my future income support my family?

The 68 yuan steak set meal is not cheap.

A meal for two people is 136 yuan, and the daily expenses for food are almost 300 yuan.

Wu Chuzhi wailed in his heart, without a monthly salary of 1, it would be a problem to even feed his stomach.

You can't really become a charterer, let's live on the rent of the shop.

His tricky old man, wouldn't he have to send him to the [-]th floor of hell?

What's more, when he was discharged from the hospital, the old man made it very clear that the rent for those shops belonged to his grandson, and he didn't want to touch a penny.

Thinking of this, Wu Chuzhi curled his lips, if I don't want to give birth, where are you going to hold your grandson?
Or, try harder and lie down a little more comfortably?


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