Rekindling looking back has been three lives

Chapter 20 This old grandpa, he is not serious

Chapter 20 This old grandpa, he is not serious
Wu Chuzhi, who returned to the study room of the library, read the book intently. He has a grandfather with him, and he seems to be very good.

If you don't understand something, or if the textbook itself is controversial, it is much more convenient to ask David Svensson than to ask the teacher in the school.

The so-called famous teacher means 'everyone is different, teach students in accordance with their aptitude'.

Swensen, who has a very high level of teaching attainment and understands Wu Chuzhi's past and thinking mode, is indeed the best tool person.

Even completely overqualified.

"Western microeconomics uses virtual equality to cover up real inequality, while political economics uses virtual inequality to cover up real equality."

"According to Western Microeconomics, enterprises get nothing; while according to political economy, workers get nothing. Obviously, they are two sides of the same coin, two extreme points of the same line."

"From the point of view of economics itself, the model construction of Western Microeconomics is more beautiful; from the perspective of outside economics, politics and economics are indeed standing on the fundamental standpoint of the broadest masses of the people. Both are the brilliance of the development of economics in the 19th century As a result, it is the best attitude to learn from others’ strong points and absorb everything.”


One old and one young, immersed in the atmosphere of learning during the question and answer room.

"You can't read like this. Not only is it not efficient, but in my opinion, you can't quickly apply what you have learned."

After a long time, facing Wu Chuzhi's question, Swensen answered it solemnly.

Wu Chuzhi's mind was full of doubts, "I think it's okay, I've finished reading most of the book in just half a day."

Swensen pondered for a moment, "Indeed, you have read the book, and you seem to understand the theory, but this is fed to you by others, not your own knowledge.

Frankly speaking, you are not a theory material. "

Wu Chuzhi closed the book, curled his lips, "Master, I don't want to hit people like this. As a student, I seem to be pretty good."

Having been a 'child of other people' for over ten years, he has reason to be so confident.

"It's not a blow, it's a fact. I'm not questioning your learning ability or talent or anything.

You have seen my memory, and I have also seen your memory. In essence, we are the same in the habitual mode of receiving knowledge. We are not the kind of people who can sink their hearts and immerse themselves in those boring theories.

So I suggest that when you lay the foundation, you might as well combine reality, start with examples in real life, and accumulate a certain perceptual knowledge, so that you may have a better understanding of the essence of economics.

Economics, this is an applied subject that is constantly summarized and precipitated in practice. I personally think that the economics education in your Huaguo is a bit upside down.

Moreover, for you, it is a waste of time. Your purpose of reading is to prepare yourself theoretically for entrepreneurship.

Learning the basic theories of economics is helpful to what you want to do, but it is not decisive.

What you need to do is to learn to use economic principles and methods to explain various phenomena in life, and through the explanation of these examples to deepen your understanding of economics, cultivate economic thinking, improve your cognitive level, and make your future various The decision becomes more rational. "

Svensson said seriously.

"What should I do?" Swensen's analysis was very reasonable, and Wu Chuzhi had to be convinced and humbly ask for advice.

Looking at my memory in the previous life, I actually created a misunderstanding for myself, thinking that Wu Chuzhi in the previous life had a lot of theories before rebirth, and after rebirth he achieved success through the realization of poor cognition.

This is actually true and true.

But he overlooked one point. The economic theory of Wu Chuzhi in his previous life before his rebirth actually came from the accumulation of nearly 20 years of actual combat. After he started teaching in Jinpenwashing, he slowly summed it up and formed it by referring to the principles.

"I suggest reading in a different way, using natural economics to observe the world, to observe the real world hidden under the surface."

Wu Chuzhi blinked and blinked, "Old man, can you speak human language? Do you think I can understand? What is natural economics?"

Swensen didn't think it was disobedient, "Don't worry about this concept. It's very simple. You should read the simple bestsellers of economics first. Although those books are popular science, they contain a lot of practical classic cases for you to think about.

Speculation is the most effective way to learn economics. "

"Bestsellers? Our teacher said those were written by Xiaobai and used to fool people." Wu Chuzhi didn't understand.

Swensen said helplessly, "Isn't it unreasonable for a person who studies economics, or an economist, to be an economic person in an economic society, to write bad books and earn bad money?
Therefore, books related to economics, especially books on management, account for more than 50% of the library.

Frankly speaking, I don't understand why people are always willing to believe a management book written by a person with no management experience.

Remember, this is also a principle of economics, 'interest-driven'.Corresponding to it is 'value-driven'.

For example, the road to the founding of your country is the unification of the two.

Your success is first driven by profit, and the local tyrants will be divided into fields, and you will have food, clothing, and fields.

The second is driven by value. Maogai represents justice and light, and has attracted countless people of insight and progressive young people to join us, so that they can throw their heads and blood. This is your valuable experience in the successful founding of the country.

Going back to your question, the number of bestsellers in economics is so huge that it is inevitable that there are good and bad books. It can even be said that most of them are rubbish, but there are also books that are really readable. "

Wu Chuzhi thought for a moment, and said in his mind, "Old man, I think I can understand it very quickly when you say it this way.

But which are the bestsellers that don't fool you? "

Since Svensson said so, he could indeed avoid detours.

He is also very skeptical of the school teacher's argument that "bestsellers are rubbish books".

It has been inevitable since ancient times that literati look down on each other.

Svensson pondered for a moment, "You should first look for "Natural Economist" in your library, seems to be called "Milk Coke Economics" in your Huaguo.

This book uses the principles and methods of economics to explain phenomena that we are familiar with but have not noticed in reality, and to deepen people's understanding of economics through these examples and explanations.

After reading it, read "Principles of Economics" by Gregory Mankiw. He started with the three major issues of economics, 'how people make decisions', 'how people trade with each other', 'how the overall economy works' ,
Focusing on three major issues, he demonstrated ten basic economic principles in detail.

It's a pity that there is a book called "Thinking Modes in Economics", which is a good introduction to economic thinking, but it will not be written until 2008.


Swensen seemed to be back in school, and began to explain Wu Chuzhi's various precautions.

"It's best if you can find the English version of these books, after all, it's not difficult for you to read the original books now."

"Old man, it seems that you have also written two books, why don't you let me read them?"

"My book, you can't read it now, use your Chinese proverb, just don't aim too high."

Wu Chuzhi curled his lips, and then searched the library for the bibliography recommended by Svensson.

Listen to people's advice and eat well.

Being an independent person is certainly not a bad thing.

But being assertive does not mean not listening to other people's opinions. When other people's opinions are indeed reasonable and beneficial to you, you must be able to accept them. Otherwise, you will be stubborn.

As Si Wenshuo said, when Wu Chuzhi picked up the original version of "Milk and Coke Economics" and read it, his English skills were fully stretched, and he didn't feel any discomfort.

"Huh? Old man, how do I feel that I have read this book?" Wu Chuzhi asked after turning a few pages.

What puzzled him was that many passages seemed familiar to him, as if he was revisiting an old book.

Before today, he had never even heard of the title of the book.

"Because I have read it, you have my memory, so of course you will feel that you have read it yourself." Swensen said angrily.

Who the hell is willing to release their memories to others unconditionally?

His memory carries all kinds of secrets about him, some things, even the closest people won't tell, and now being read by others nakedly, anyone has the feeling of death.

What's more, he still has so many sex scenes in his youth in his memory, which completely provided this kid with hundreds of G's of material.

Just thinking about it made Swensen feel like dying.

But at this time, Wu Chuzhi didn't think about those aspects. After all, compared to European and American movies, he prefers life movies, which are more immersive and empathetic.

Besides, whether it is the design of the plot or the use of the lens, it is obvious that life films of small days are more artistic.

"Old man, it's strange. Since I can use English directly, why can't I use other knowledge directly? If you just give it to me, it's over? Do you still need to read so many books?"

Wu Chuzhi looked at the long book list and sighed.

Swensen's voice was full of helplessness, "How do I know this! It should be the ghost of your terminal space-time bureau!

If I could just give you everything in my head, wouldn't you become me? "

Damn the Terminal Time and Space Administration!

Just wait, fool this kid abroad, and then I will swallow him again!

He suppressed the resentment in his heart, "I guess it should be that English belongs to my mother tongue and is a basic skill. Since our souls are fused together, it is equivalent to English becoming your mother tongue. Just like me, I also understand your language. Chinese.

But the acquired knowledge is different. It needs to be solidified in the later stage before it can be transformed into yours. "

After all, Swensen advised, "Boy, judging from your memory, you are not the kind of person who can't read books, don't try to be lazy.

Besides, can you just be lazy and accomplish that little shady thought in your heart? "

Wu Chuzhi, who was punctured by Svensson, could only smirk, and then decisively switched to another question, "By the way, old man, when will you come out?"

This state is cool, but it always feels very awkward.

"Do you think I want to stay in your body? I'm in the dark, except for sleeping! I can only pass the time by chatting with you!

How to get out, I don't know, I guess I have to wait until my soul power is fully recovered to see if there is a chance. "

Svensson was also extremely depressed.

At the beginning, I must have had my head squeezed by the door, and if I wanted to seize the house, I would go back to the mainland.

It's good now, people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts.

Wu Chuzhi felt a little sympathetic to Svensson. For him, being forced to read something like a little white book every day, "It seems quite boring!"

"Grandpa, do you have any books you want to read? Every day I take some time to come out and read some books you haven't read? Small movies you like are also fine."

Wu Chuzhi smiled wretchedly, this old and unscrupulous old man was quite to his liking.

None of them are good people. When Svensson was young, the word 'slutty' couldn't be accurately described.

It's just a walking thing.

Svensson was blown away, "Get lost! So what if you watched a short movie? Don't leave any pot unopened!"

And there is no body to use, so sad to see too much!

What you said is so oily, but you lend me your body!

After a while, he opened his mouth and brought the topic back, "Boy, why don't you spend some time every day to read your country's financial and legal books.

Whether it is business or investment, it is the same thing in theory, two paths, finance and law.

In the process of taking the exam for your certificate, I also learned along the way. After all, the differences between the two countries are still quite large. My experience is placed in Huaguo, and it is inevitable that there will be unacceptable situations. "

Swensen proposed this because he did not give up his plan to seize Wu Chuzhi's body.

Coming from 2021, he deeply understands that the next 20 years will be a golden period of rapid development for Huaguo.

There is nothing easier than gaining wealth in the midst of a nation's rise.

He does know Hua Guo very well, but just knowing is not enough.

A foreign entrepreneur who understands Huaguo and a young entrepreneur born in Huaguo have completely different status in the long run.

After all, one is at best an 'old friend', while the other is one of our own.

The end of the universe is organization, and the end of business is status.


"This method is very effective." After trying the "Feynman Learning Method" recommended by Svensson, Wu Chuzhi was still a little bit unsatisfied.

Under Swensen's suggestion, Wu Chuzhi and him each specialized in a chapter, and then taught each other the knowledge points of this chapter.

"This is a very efficient and in-depth learning skill, in line with the cognitive laws of the brain, the process from chaos to order, from passive memory to active understanding and elaboration.

When you use this method, you slowly walk through each step of the technique, discovering exactly what you don't understand.

This kind of learning is very efficient and rarely wastes time.And most importantly, it’s actually an effective way of thinking.

For each concept, ask the most basic questions and explain it directly in the simplest language.Trace things back to the most basic truth, and then proceed logically from the most basic truth. "

After that, he laughed wretchedly, "Boy, it's getting dark, don't you want to have some fun?"


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(End of this chapter)

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