Chapter 23
"Has classmate Wu Chuzhi come? Please stand up and answer the question!"

The crisp lark-like voice from the podium reached Wu Chuzhi's ears, but no matter how he heard it, he felt that there was a bit of banter in the voice.

She knows I'm Wu Chuzhi?

Does she know me?

Wu Chuzhi stood up with a bewildered face, this is so fucking weird.

He thought she was very familiar, but she also knew him?
But who the hell can tell me what's going on!
However, his bewildered eyes looked so stupid and cute in Ye Xiaomi's eyes on the podium.

What a rare sight.

This kind of Wu Chuzhi is completely different from the resolute and wise Wu Chuzhi in her impression.

Ye Xiaomi's eyes curled into a beautiful arc, "Student Wu Chuzhi, if you don't remember the teacher's question just now, your usual points will be lost."

Qin Xu beside Wu Chuzhi hurriedly reminded quietly, "Ask you what the broken window theory is."

Qin Xu knew that Wu Chuzhi was not listening and was looking at the textbook of microeconomics.

He is also used to it. Since middle school, Wu Chuzhi has always had good grades, but he has never been a good student.

It is commonplace to do other things in class.

What he meant was that after Wu Chuzhi repeated the question, he quickly said no, or didn't understand, and gave himself a step down.

Wu Chuzhi blinked and laughed.

If you ask other questions, he will definitely not be able to answer, but if you talk about the broken window theory, he is familiar with it.

There is no need to call the tool man, he replied confidently, "This theory believes that if a certain bad phenomenon persists in the collective environment, more people may start to follow suit and eventually intensify, making the overall situation worse."

When Qin Xu and the others heard the words, they covered their foreheads with unbearable expressions.

Swensen was speechless for a while, and cut off the link by himself.

Ye Xiaomi's beautiful Ruifeng eyes narrowed, and a chill filled the classroom.

Wu Chuzhi said in a low voice, "The Broken Window Theory is a famous theory in criminal psychology..."

On Ye Xiaomi's slender jade neck, veins appeared, and his breath was heavy, "Is this our knowledge of economics? Are you sure you just listened to the lecture?"

Wu Chuzhi snorted twice, blushing like a monkey's butt.

He also realized that what he was talking about was Qin Wan's psychological knowledge.

Ye Xiaomi stared at him angrily, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, "You, come to the edge of the podium and listen to the class carefully! Otherwise, I will deduct all my normal points!"

Wu Chuzhi, who knew he was in the wrong, had no choice but to follow suit, after all, he usually took up 40% of the share.

With all deductions, it is only theoretically possible to pass this course.

But this possibility does not exist at all.

He didn't believe that this senior who looked like a fairy would kindly give him 100 points in the final exam.

The more beautiful you are, the less good you are!

Based on his own performance, if the relationship is not eased later, he will definitely be blacklisted.

He changed the books and stood obediently by the window of the podium.

Seeing Wu Chuzhi standing upright, the corners of Ye Xiaomi's mouth curled up quietly, then returned to his cool look, and began to speak, "Then teacher will explain it again, and I hope very few students will listen carefully."

After finishing speaking, the corners of his eyes slanted, and he glanced at Wu Chuzhi.

Wu Chuzhi's lungs exploded when he saw this, he took a deep breath, and decided not to bother with this pretending senior.

She must know me!

She did it on purpose!

"The broken window theory in economics originated from an analogy in a pamphlet by a scholar named Hazlitt.

Suppose a man smashes a window in a barber shop when the market is fully saturated, although this act is socially destructive.

But the misfortune of the barber is a blessing to the society. It will create business opportunities for the glass manufacturers, and the producers will buy the products of other manufacturers after getting the money.

Under the action of the multiplier effect, the damage he caused to the society is only one-time, but the opportunities he brings to the society are chained, so we can draw such a conclusion: breaking a piece of glass provides countless benefits. Money and employment opportunities, the gains outweigh the losses.

This theory was subsequently derived as Keynes's 'pit digging theory'.

Keynes wrote in "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money" that if the 'Ministry of Households' filled used bottles with banknotes and placed these filled bottles in mines that had been mined, then, with municipal waste Fill up the mines and allow private enterprise to dig out the money on a laissez-faire basis, and there will be no unemployment problem.

Moreover, under this impetus, the real income and capital wealth of the society are likely to be much higher than they are now.

That is, in terms of macroeconomics, the Keynesian school believes that when the market is saturated, supply and demand are roughly the same, and there is no new demand or new supply.If the production capacity increases, it means overproduction, and the allocation of resources by the market cannot reach the Pareto optimal state.

At this time, as long as the owner of the item suffers a loss, in order to make up for this loss, a new demand for the commodity will be generated. This demand gap can bring about an increase in supply and rebalance supply and demand. "

Ye Xiaomi talked on and on, and glanced at Wu Chuzhi from time to time.

Others didn't know clearly from the front, but Wu Chuzhi, who was standing on the side, had a clear view of Ye Xiaomi's protruding figure.

As if she was tired from standing, when she talked about her pride, she would take advantage of the cover of the podium to break her little feet out of the shackles of her high heels.

Those toes wrapped in gray silk playfully scratched Wu Chuzhi's heart.

For some reason, facing Ye Xiaomi like this, he always felt very uncomfortable.

He always felt that she was provoking him.

"Old man, is what she said right or wrong?" Wu Chuzhi asked angrily.

Swensen smiled secretly in his heart, he, who had experienced many battles, naturally knew what was going on with this kind of ambiguous feelings for children.

However, he was unwilling to tell the truth, and pondered for a while, "All theories of economics have their background. Judging from the time when this theory was put forward, there is nothing wrong with it. At that time, it was the darkest time in microeconomics." time, market failure.

However, after all, economics is a discipline that accumulates experience and develops. In fact, these theories have their own flaws, but people's attitudes towards it vary with time and environment.

For example, this broken window theory will be abandoned by your country in a few years, but now it is regarded as the standard in your country.

Where is its flaw, you might as well think about it differently, if the glass is not broken, what should be the economic chain behind it?

Wu Chuzhi kept debating with Svensson in his mind, and the Feynman learning method of cross-examination and proof allowed him to quickly master the theory of broken windows.

After a while, Ye Xiaomi stopped lecturing, and took a sip from the water glass in the gap to moisten his throat.

It was actually very nervous for her to give a formal lecture for the first time.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of Wu Chuzhi holding the book and looking at it intently. The corner of Ye Xiaomi's mouth twitched.

This is almost enough to get off the horse, right?
She knew that, as a young female teacher, it was actually very difficult to calm down the classroom.

In this regard, she often asks people who have been there for advice.

Among all the methods, killing chickens and monkeys is undoubtedly the fastest way.

It happened that I met him for the first time in class.

The object of my crush when the flowers bloom in the rainy season.

What Wu Chuzhi didn't know was that the young female teacher in front of him was actually his senior, and a real senior directly under him.

She also graduated from Jincheng No. [-] Middle School, two classes higher than Wu Chuzhi's liberal arts class, and the two had almost the same teacher.

In the autumn sports meeting of the third year of high school, everyone who was studying nervously was forced by the head teacher to go downstairs to cheer for the basketball team of his class.

On the sidelines of the basketball court, everyone pretended to be watching, but they were all silently reciting books. Their class had already taken the lead, 33:7. What's the need to cheer for this kind of game?

At this time, a person came running from the sidelines of the opponent, as if he had just participated in another game, he changed into a Lingnan No. 7 jersey on the sidelines and went on the field.

After he came on the court, the situation was completely different. A three-pointer hit extinguished their team's hope of winning.

At the last moment, the figure of Lingnan No. 7 rushing to the basket and dunking with three people broke into her heart so arrogantly and unreasonably.

The feelings of a girl are always poetry. At that time, she did not have the courage to go up to talk, because there was already a girl standing beside him at that time. The girl was very beautiful, with a gentle and noble temperament.

From then on, she began to pay attention to everything about this boy and understand everything about him.

Then, she wrote a letter to him before the college entrance examination and entrusted it to him, but she didn't get any reply.

After entering university, she buried this thought, only occasionally in the dead of night, she would pull it out of her heart, and recall that secret love with a smirk.

In college, her family suffered a huge change. Knowing that only studying can change her destiny, she refused anything other than studies, studied hard, and worked hard to support herself.

People's continuous efforts will naturally be rewarded by fate.

Under the early adopters of the credit system, Ye Xiaomi completed his undergraduate studies a year ahead of schedule, and obtained the qualification for the combined master and doctoral studies in the school.

Ye Xiaomi, who is a graduate student, is still dedicated to learning, and without any surprises, he passed the master's defense a year ahead of schedule, and is only waiting to start his doctoral studies in the second half of this year.

The elderly mentor loved this ill-fated closed-door disciple from the bottom of his heart. After the operation, he rarely advised her that it was time to consider a relationship and not to miss her best years.

Ye Xiaomi listened.

Therefore, when she ran into Wu Chuzhi who was alone at the Chuan Chuan shop last night, her long-buried feelings rose up inextricably.

Seeing the well-behaved Wu Chuzhi at this moment, the corner of Ye Xiaomi's mouth twitched again.

Stand by the side obediently and accompany your sister to class, treat it as a date, okay?
Taking advantage of the time for the students to take notes, Ye Xiaomi secretly took a look at Wu Chuzhi.

I haven't seen him for a few years, this kid is not disabled, he is still so handsome!

It's my sister's dish!
"Wu Chuzhi, sister...Senior sister will give you another chance to earn your usual points." Ye Xiaomi, who almost slipped the tongue, blinked and quickly rounded up the words.

She paused and said jokingly, "Now do you know who came up with the broken window theory? Let's repeat it."

This question is extremely simple, Ye Xiaomi is giving Wu Chuzhi a step down.

Is it really impossible to let him stand for a class?

At this time, Wu Chuzhi just finished his debate with Swensen, and sneered in his heart.

Senior sister, you may be disappointed!

Except for English class, there has never been a teacher who dared to let me stand and listen to the class!
I don't look up, they have to be thankful.

Seeing the smile on Wu Chuzhi's lips from a distance, Qin Xu patted his forehead helplessly.

Sensei, I'm afraid you're in trouble.

He stretched out his hand and poked Kong Ziqian beside him, "Youngest, the mobile phone is ready to record, there is a show to watch."

Kong Ziqian was bewildered by his actions, "What's the point of this? Senior sister has told you twice about such a simple question."

How can such a beautiful girl be a teacher?
It must be a senior!
Qin Xu didn't talk nonsense, just grabbed his mobile phone, turned on the camera, "You will know after reading it."

Kong Ziqian’s mobile phone has just been replaced. He has a mine at home, and he uses the 7610 just released by Nuojiya, the world’s first mobile phone with a 100-megapixel camera.

Wu Chuzhi put the book on the girl's seat in the first row, and turned around, "Sister, you probably didn't pay attention to the lectures in class before, and the broken window theory you talked about is wrong."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xiaomi's face immediately changed color.

Putting away her smile, she complained secretly in her heart, seeing her for so many years, how could she have forgotten this guy's bad habits?

The king of Jincheng No. [-] Middle School who has cried countless young teachers.

As a result, many teachers are lamenting that the pressure on teachers is greater than that on students when teaching Wu Chuzhi's class.

Teachers are not gods after all, and the vast majority of teachers, in fact, were far inferior to top students in super high schools like Jincheng No. [-] Middle School when they were students.

In terms of learning talents such as IQ and reaction, they are even more crushed.

It is inevitable that there will be some slips of the tongue or even mistakes during the lecture. These mistakes may not be discovered by ordinary students, but it is not difficult for a top student.

For a god-level figure like Wu Chuzhi, it was even easier.

What's even worse is that in Wu Chuzhi's class, there is not just one such student, but a group of them.

However, others may just frown upon hearing this, and let the teacher reflect upon seeing this.

Wu Chuzhi, the king of rebellion, doesn't see it that way. He thinks that if he is wrong, he should point it out to the teacher. Although he is kind, it is especially embarrassing.

Many young teachers fell into his hands.

In the hearts of the students, he is a hero, representing rebellion and resistance to authoritarian forces.

Ye Xiaomi also saw it that way back then, and also enjoyed gossip about the gossip about teacher Yu being made to cry by Wu Chuzhi again.

However, when she was standing on the podium now, she just wanted to scratch Wu Chuzhi's face.

what does it mean?
You are a dog!

Good intentions are treated as donkey liver and lungs!

Ye Xiaomi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

The books I have read for so many years are not for nothing!
Are you still afraid of you, the former student god who has been decadent for three years?

She folded her arms, raised her small face, and pointed her chin straight at Wu Chuzhi, "That's good, you tell the senior sister, what did the senior sister say wrong! You are right, you don't need to take this class in the future." Yes, I'll give you full marks for exemption."

She paused, and then her pretty face turned cold, "It doesn't matter if you say something wrong. After all, you are a student, and the teacher won't make things difficult for you.

In my future classes, you will stand here and teach! "


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