Chapter 39 Father and Son

Seeing Ding Jing's appearance as a young daughter-in-law, Chu Xiulan couldn't help laughing, she waved her hand, "It's okay, don't tell anyone.

If you tell the two of them that they have no words, it will be even more troublesome if the old man and the old lady find out. "

After finishing speaking, she nodded her chin to Wu Chuzhi, who was squatting by the bushes with the three musketeers, "We will tell them when they are discharged from the hospital and go home. If they blame them, they will all blame Chuchu."

Ding Jing laughed knowingly.


This nephew is not in vain!
When it's time to take the blame, you have to take the blame!
"You have to stay in bed at night, arrange your own time!" Wu Qingshan said forcefully, without even looking at his son beside him.

Wu Chuzhi imitated the example, his eyes were always looking forward, and he said sullenly, "Don't worry about it, I have my own arrangements."

Wu Qingshan snorted softly, turned his head and chatted with Qin Yuanchao and Kong Xiangdong, while swallowing clouds and fog.

Wu Chuzhi had quit smoking for about 40 minutes, and he was very hungry, so he squatted next to the three musketeers, exercising his willpower.

"Look at your promise! If you want to smoke, smoke it!" Godfather Kong Xiangdong threw the cigarette case over.

Wu Chuzhi handed back the cigarette case again, "Forget it, I'm still young, and I want to live a little longer."

Qin Yuanchao was shocked when he changed hands, his face was full of anger, "You mean we are old? Isn't it lung cancer? At most, we will have a physical examination every six months.

Let me tell you, Chuchu, if you can quit smoking, I will persuade Wanwan to break up with you!A man who can quit smoking is too cruel. "

Kong Xiangdong and Wu Qingshan nodded in agreement.

Kong Xiangdong took a puff of cigarette and let it out comfortably, "Men, you have to do something and not do something. If a man can quit smoking, it means that this person is really ruthless, and he can even attack himself.

Think about it, he is so cruel to himself, but what about others? "

Wu Chuzhi shook his head, "No, let's not talk about whether it's ruthless or not. I just feel that if I don't leave here quickly at this time, I will be punished together with you."

After finishing speaking, Wu Chuzhi quickly got up and looked behind him.

Sure enough, the three tigress...

Oh, no, three beloved mothers are coming to kill here.

"Mom! My dad and the others are hiding here to smoke again! Godfather even handed me cigarettes!" Wu Chuzhi yelled.


"Hey... I never imagined it in my dream. I came... I was fine when I came, I... I can't go back!" Chu Tianshu said helplessly while sitting on the hospital bed, leaning on the pillow.

Wu Chuzhi held back his laughter, "Uncle, what do you want to eat, I'll buy it for you?"

"I'm now at the point where I can eat whatever I want, right? That's fine, you can go to the North Gate Bridge and bring me some noodles.

Then I went to Dongzikou to buy a bowl of Zhang Laoer jelly, told him to put more cooked oil and chili peppers instead of vinegar, and then went to Chunxi Road to get a bowl of Longchaoshou, clear soup.Drop by Bai's house on the way, pack a portion of fat rice rolls, add two knots, a beef pot helmet, ask the boss to cut four pieces..."

Wu Chuzhi's face turned green when he heard that.

By the way?

Is the road to your house so smooth?

Chunxi Road in the city center, how can I drop by to Baijia in Shuangliu, a suburb in the southwest?

Isn't this tossing people?
He knew that this was his brother-in-law's revenge for Wu Chuzhi for tossing him to the hospital.

The little aunt Ding Jing, who couldn't bear it anymore, slapped Chu Tianshu on the shoulder, "Don't torment Chu Chu there! If he didn't find out this time early, he wouldn't find out until a few months later,!"

As she spoke, Ding Jing's eyes turned red again.

Chu Tianshu hugged and coaxed his wife helplessly for a while, "Sister and brother-in-law are all here, Chuchu is also..."

Wu Chuzhi chuckled, "It's okay, it's okay if we go out for a while."

Kong Xiangdong and Qin Yuanchao also echoed, "You can have this!"

With so many people in the ward, Ding Jing was too embarrassed to continue crying. She wiped her face with the back of her hand, and then twisted Chu Tianshu's waist.
"Call you to smoke! Smoke and smoke! Look, smoke yourself to the hospital! Will you still smoke in the future?"

"I will never buy cigarettes again, right?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Wu Chuzhi's dart, telling the boy not to expose him.

At worst, I will be a third-class smoker with only a lighter in the future!
Then he sneaked a look at his brother-in-law Wu Qingshan, but was caught by the eldest sister Chu Xiulan.

Chu Xiulan smiled coldly, "Don't think about it, they quit too."

Seeing Wu Qingshan's red ears and dodging eyes on the right, Chu Tianshu seemed to understand something, so he shook his head and sighed.

And the Three Musketeers!
One by one, they are all younger brothers!
"Tianshu, what do you want to say?"

Since Chu Tianshu knew that he was sick, he has been very calm until now, talking and laughing, which makes Zheng Xuemei, who is a doctor, unavoidably a little worried.

Although her specialty is not respiratory, but the neurosurgery also often deal with cancer patients.

When a patient learns that he has cancer, it is a major blow to the patient.

The psychological changes are very severe, and the emotions and behaviors displayed by the patients will be very different. They usually go through five psychological stages:

Shock denial period, anger period, reprieve period, depression period, acceptance period.

Chu Tianshu's current performance has entered the acceptance period in one step, which made her start to feel uneasy.

The more abnormal, the bigger the matter.

Chu Tianshu was confused by Zheng Xuemei's expression, thought for a moment, and then couldn't laugh or cry, "Sister Zheng, didn't you say it was very early stage lung cancer, did you just need a thoracoscopic surgery?

Is this disease worse than when I was in the cat's ear hole and my spine was almost interrupted? "

After that, his smile froze suddenly, and he frowned and said in a deep voice, "Could it are lying to me? Isn't it the early days?"

This time it was Zheng Xuemei's turn to be dumbfounded, and she quickly explained, "No, your reaction was too weird. You yourself confirmed the size of your tumor on the film. Don't think about it, you are at a very early stage. "

Ding Jing on the side understood it, and said with a smile, "Sister Xuemei, when Lao Chu was a soldier, he was used to seeing life and death on the battlefield, so his reaction was different from ordinary people."

Chu Tianshu frowned, and laughed, "Okay, I understand. Sister Zheng, what will be the arrangement after this? Everyone, young and old, will listen to you, and I don't know the specific process."

Zheng Xuemei glared at him angrily, and replied, "After the blood test tomorrow morning, if there is no problem, arrange an operation tomorrow afternoon, rest in the hospital for 3... no, 5 days, and then leave the hospital.

You don't have to worry about things in the hospital, what you need to consider is how to arrange your company's affairs, and leave the rest to us. "

While pondering, Chu Tianshu asked, "How long will it take me to lie down before I can walk normally? Do I need chemotherapy and radiotherapy for this problem?"

"Thoracoscopic surgery, you should lie in bed for ten days and half a month when you go home, it is a traumatic operation after all.

It will take about 1 month to walk without hindrance, and 3 months to fully recover, but your physical fitness has always been very good, so this time should be a relatively conservative estimate.

Whether radiotherapy and chemotherapy are needed, no one can be sure before the operation, it needs to look at the pathological and histochemical results during the operation.

However, the doctor who performed your surgery said that there is a high probability that only one radiotherapy is needed, and no chemotherapy is needed. Your condition is too mild to use, and maybe you don’t need radiotherapy at all.

It was discovered very early, and we are also trying to preserve lung tissue for you as much as possible. "

Hearing this, Chu Tianshu felt relieved, and the toes that were curled up under the blanket loosened.

He is not stupid. If a lot of radiotherapy and chemotherapy actions are required in the later stage, it is definitely not the early stage.

You know, having a relative of a doctor is not necessarily a good thing sometimes.

Because she can forge the whole set of things in the hospital for you, anyway, you can't see it as a layman.

Especially for a big director like Zheng Xuemei, it's completely easy for her to deceive people.

"Dad, they don't know yet, do they?" He turned to look at Ding Jing.

"The eldest sister said not to tell them, we will talk about it when I go home."

This answer made Chu Tianshu completely relieved. If it was really a serious illness, his wife would definitely not dare to hide it from the two elders.

He thought about it, and denied their decision, "Sister, don't say it when you go home, so as not to worry them, a month's time can be passed with just any reason, saying that I can go on a business trip.

Anyway, it is very early stage, doesn't it mean that it can be completely cured?As if I never had this disease. "

Chu Xiulan thought about it and agreed.

If it's nothing serious, you really don't need to let the old man know, so as not to worry about it.

I don't know, but for Chu Tianshu, he feels more at ease.

"We discussed it outside just now, and we need to hire a nurse to help you turn over. After all, you are so big, and Ding Jing and I can't move you.

Then during the day, Ding Jing and I will take care of you instead, and you, Sister Zheng and Sister Wang, will bring you meals, just tell them what you want to eat, and accompany you in the evening.

How do you arrange things in your company?Do you need Brother Qin to help you sit in town? "

Chu Xiulan handed over the peeled apple, and opened her mouth to ask.

Chu Tianshu took the apple, then shook his head, "Chuchu doesn't need to come, and it doesn't need to be so troublesome during the day, as long as there is a nurse, Ding Jing stays at night.

When I was in the military hospital, I used to come here like this. Chuchu just find me a few books and a radio.

I still feel annoyed when you stay in my presence. "

After that, he pointed at Wu Chuzhi, "Chuchu, the company will be completely handed over to you from today. Sooner or later, it will be yours."

Wu Chuzhi was stunned, "No, uncle, that's not what we said this afternoon! Didn't you say you'd take me for a few more years?"

"What's wrong? One moment and another moment! When I recover, I will take your little aunt to travel around the country in a caravan."

Seeing Wu Chuzhi's bewildered and eager to speak, Chu Tianshu smiled unscrupulously, "I am a cancer patient now, and the days ahead will be like passing a test, surgery test, infection test, one year test, three year test until five year test.

You can only say that you have recovered after five years, so you have the heart to let your uncle drag his sick body to work? "

Wu Chuzhi was a little speechless, "Uncle, you are at a very early stage and can be completely cured, thank you!"

If you want to be lazy, just say so!

Break this up with yourself?
Is this interesting?

Chu Tianshu spread his hands and acted like a rascal, "I'm just asking you, is it lung cancer that I have? No matter how very early it is lung cancer, isn't that right?"

Wu Chuzhi was speechless for a moment, he was good at playing with definitions, but Chu Tianshu withheld his definitions.

However, his father, Wu Qingshan, suddenly interrupted with a gloomy face, "No! I am firmly against it! Tianshu, while you are recovering from illness, let your Brother Qin watch over you. With Xiao Gong and Xiao Li around, nothing can be messed up. of."

Qin Yuanchao, as the dean of the Design Institute of a division-level unit, also has quite strong management capabilities. Wu Qingshan said that it is very safe to ask Qin Yuanchao to help.

However, it is clear that Chu Tianshu's purpose is not just to ensure the smooth operation of the company.

For a month or so, his presence or absence actually had little impact on the company.

As a company boss, the two core rights are 'personnel rights' and 'financial rights'.

Personnel matters are not in a hurry, just press them all.

As for the financial power, with his wife Ding Jing and her family Liu Jia watching, nothing will happen.

The business is also watched by Gong Ming and Li Fugen, two life-and-death friends.

With such an arrangement, it is impossible to cause major problems.

Chu Tianshu's idea is to let Wu Chuzhi take over.

In the conversation this afternoon, the business sense and talent shown by this nephew have far surpassed him, what is lacking is only the experience formed by actual experience.

This time is the best experience period.

He was just sick, not dead, and with him behind him, Wu Chuzhi could venture boldly.

What's more, what experience did he have when he started from scratch?
It didn't come out by hitting it head-on, either smashing through the south wall, or smashing through the south wall with bloody head.

Moreover, this was a matter of principle that the Wu and Chu families had agreed upon back then. Chu Tianshu would never agree. He frowned, and immediately roared.
"Brother-in-law! We talked well back then! My family business is well-established, so what's the problem with giving it to him earlier? You don't accept it now, or what?
Don't forget, this child was named Chu back then!You promised yourself!My old man saw that your old Wu's family was also Chuchu's only seedling, so he was allowed to return to his family and change his surname.
You want to play with your old man's prestige, if you have the ability, you can play in front of the old man!This is my old Chu's housework!It's not your turn to point fingers! "

Wu Qingshan was choked by Chu Tianshu's roar, and his face turned blue and red.

It is true that he is a little unreasonable about this matter, and it is difficult for him to say anything about the agreement of the older generation. He restrained his temper and explained,

"Tianshu, don't be impatient. What I mean is, you are in the prime of life now, so there is no need to hand it over to him so early. This kid hasn't woken up yet, and his personality is not determined. Maybe he will ruin your fortune for you." !"

After finishing speaking, Wu Qingshan squinted at Wu Chuzhi who was rolling his eyes, "Besides, what can this prodigal son do? Don't think too highly of him."

Wu Chuzhi, who was standing beside him innocently lying on the gun, endured and endured, but he still couldn't hold back, "My ability? When will you old man open your noble eyelids again? Have you seen how capable I am?"

The conflict between father and son accumulated over the years finally broke out at this moment.

The father and son stared angrily.

This is rancor.

A father-son feud that started when Wu Chuzhi chose arts and sciences when he was divided into classes.

Wu Chuzhi has the grandfather of an academician of the Academy of Engineering, the father of a professor-level senior engineer, the aunt of two mathematics teachers, and the uncle of the director of a national key laboratory of computer science.

Engineers, of course, are science and engineering subjects, and mathematics and computer are naturally science and engineering subjects. This led to Wu Chuzhi's choice of science subjects as a matter of course when they were divided into arts and sciences.

Wu Chuzhi's grandfather is looking forward to the story of his son inheriting his father's career and his grandson inheriting his son's career.

However, what is surprising is that the stubborn Wu Chuzhi gritted his teeth and went on a hunger strike to choose liberal arts, so the soft-hearted grandparents had no choice but to fulfill their grandson's wish.

Wu Qingshan and his son fought a cold war.

In fact, Wu Qingshan understood his son when he saw the results of Wu Chuzhi's first mid-term exam after the division of arts and sciences. The combined score of 292 in political history is enough to show that Wu Chuzhi is excellent in liberal arts.

Chinese is stable at 140 all year round, and history and politics are 290. This kind of liberal arts talent is indeed stronger than his science.

However, Wu Qingshan didn't know how to communicate with his son, and Wu Chuzhi didn't know how to reconcile with his father.

Therefore, this is also a grievance in the Huaguo-style father-son relationship model.

In Huaguo, perhaps due to the introversion and self-restraint of the oriental people, we have never seriously examined this extremely intimate and distant relationship-father and son.

The Huaguo-style father-son relationship has always been a strange existence, especially in the eyes of the son.

The father in the eyes of the son is the authoritative image of the patriarch.

This "big patriarch" is Zeng Wenzhenggong in "Zeng Guofan's Family Letter", and Liang Qichao who facilitated the combination of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin...

They are absolutely right, sacred and inviolable, making the son want to be close but full of fear.

Seniors and children are orderly, and father and son are related.

But we are deeply afraid of "father".

When I was young, the most obvious thing was that my father had his own special seat when eating, his own special teacup when drinking water, and special time when he was working...

As a son, he didn't dare to overstep half a step, otherwise he would be severely taught a lesson.

Sometimes, the father in the eyes of the son is an unconditional idol worship.

In the eyes of the son, the father is omnipotent and omniscient, he knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom!

So, what can you do to be more like your father?
Learn how to walk, learn how to talk, learn how to smoke, learn how to drink, and even learn how to brag!

During this period, the son will try his best to please his father, trying to gain approval and acceptance from his father.

But unfortunately, the more you please, the more you will be regarded as worthless by your father!
But sometimes, the father in the son's eyes is at war.

At your youthful age, he will deny all your plans and imaginations about the future!

He doesn't even know the scale that needs to pay attention to talking to you, even though you are no longer a child.

Sometimes, the father in the eyes of the son is kind and full of kindness.

Just like the father in Zhu Ziqing's "Back View".

In the eyes of the son, the father seems to have become no longer superior, but he doesn't know how to express it.

Worship, fight, rebuild, reconcile...

In China, the problem of father and son runs through every man's life.


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