Rekindling looking back has been three lives

Chapter 5 She's Still Getting Married...

Chapter 5 She's Still Getting Married...

Qin Xu and Liu Liu looked at everything in front of them, slumped their shoulders powerlessly, and clenched their fists tightly.

Why is it different from TV dramas and novels?
Faced with this situation, shouldn't the bad guys run away?

They have seen the shamelessness of social people to the fullest today.

The bald head who is familiar with the law and still drives a regular company, the dead pig is not afraid of the yellow hair scalded by boiling water, and taught them a vivid lesson for the group of heaven's favorites in the university.

Wu Chuzhi took a deep breath, then smiled at Huang Mao and stopped talking.

He walked past Huang Mao sideways, took 5 out of the stack of money that was originally on the bald table, turned back, and handed it to the boss, "Boss, count the lottery and pay the bill."

Wu Chuzhi really didn't have the guts to act first, after all, there was surveillance here.

No matter how you say it, it is the wrong party to do it first, and the school's discipline is not vegetarian.

It's not worth it, and it's not necessary.

The middle-aged boss nodded secretly in his heart, this kid's breaking the game is also as miraculous as a flying fairy.

Pay the bill and leave, and stay at home for a few months after entering the school. Forgive the Huangmao group and they can't do anything about them.

The little girl at the counter came out timidly, took the stick in the stick quickly, slipped back into the counter, and weighed it on the scale.

The middle-aged boss looked at the display screen pretendingly, "Add 269 drinks, just give 260."

This time it was Huang Mao and the others' turn to be dumbfounded. Didn't the storyteller all say that young people are full of animal blood and can't stand it?
Huang Mao was ready to fall to the ground and touch porcelain as soon as Wu Chuzhi made a move.

Anyway, his purpose is just to delay time.

But Wu Chuzhi's response made him blind.

Sure enough, scholars are not good people!
All of them are bad and bad.

"Brother Ren, why don't we hurry up and withdraw as well. It's justified to send the boss to the orthopedic hospital for emergency treatment. Just leave a brother to follow."

A younger brother poked Huang Mao's arm and whispered.

The veins on Huang Mao's neck were twitching, he was very unwilling.

He picked up a wine bottle and pointed at Wu Chuzhi's back, "Boy, your father is talking to you! Turn your head around to me."

Qingming Company is a diversified group, and Huang Mao, as the person in charge of a regular security company, not only understands the law, but also knows how to use professional strength.

Glass wine bottles are the most common wounding objects in reality.

The litigators in the group conducted an in-depth investigation of the cases in the emergency department of the affiliated hospital, and came to such a conclusion after analyzing 103 cases of living injury caused by glass wine bottles.

The head is indeed the hardest hit area for wine bottle injuries, accounting for 47.66%, and the entire head and face accounted for 85.04%. If a complete wine bottle (blunt instrument) hits the head, the proportion of serious injuries (10%) is higher It is far less than the ratio of minor injuries/insufficient minor injuries (90%), so it is not easy to say that it is not easy to kill.

Huang Mao clearly remembered that the emergency doctor of the group hospital explained that the reason why the bottle was hit on the head caused a small proportion of serious injuries.

On the one hand, it is because the hardness of the skull itself is hard enough, and it is relatively "firm". On the other hand, the nearly spherical structure of the skull gives it the ability to disperse external striking forces.

Therefore, it is not an easy task for a wine bottle to penetrate the head and cause a serious craniocerebral injury.

On the contrary, hitting something like the nasal bone is more likely to fracture. It is precisely because the skull is hard enough that the bottle is often broken the first time.

Moreover, when the litigators further counted the cases in the emergency department of a certain hospital in the past five years, they were surprised to find that, without exception, the head was hit by a wine bottle and caused serious injuries, all of which were hit on the back of the head.

That is, if the blow is on the forehead, it is non-fatal.

Therefore, beer bottles, which are safer, more reliable, and easier to obtain than bricks and folding chairs, became the first choice of Qingming Company for fighting.

Huang Mao turned Wu Chuzhi's head in order to give Wu Chuzhi a slap in the forehead.

While paying the bill, Wu Chuzhi turned his head and looked at the beer bottle in Huang Mao's hand, with a half-smile on his face.

"Come on, aim, hit here! Don't be cowardly!"

Wu Chuzhi pointed to his forehead, lowered his head and curled his lips playfully at Huang Mao, his face full of disdain.

Yes, he, Wu Chuzhi, really didn't dare to do anything, so you Huangmao dare to do it again?

As long as you dare to make a move, don't blame me for being rude, Wu Chuzhi's cold eyes conveyed such a signal.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of the twisted wrist of the bald head on the ground, Huang Mao's throat unconsciously wriggled a few times, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

The kid in front of him was so good at fighting, he probably had to lie down later.


There was a struggling look on Huangmao's face, and he closed his eyes.

What a godsend opportunity!
If the bald head could lie down for a few months, it would be enough for him to carry out his plan.

Glancing at the unconscious bald head on the ground, his mind was full of yellow hair from the scene of his woman and the bald head having sex with each other, and he gritted his teeth.

What is there to say?

The storyteller's words flashed by.

If the sky and the sky are not taken, you will be blamed; if the time is not good, you will be blamed instead.

Seeing this, Wu Chuzhi smiled contemptuously, and turned to get the change that the boss gave back.

Huang Mao finally made up his mind, and he was so vicious, he didn't open his eyes, and threw a wine bottle at Wu Chuzhi's head without hesitation.

It happened at the moment when Wu Chuzhi turned around.



Under Huang Mao's all-out attack, the beer bottle had a lingering and painful kiss with the back of Wu Chuzhi's head, and then his body was crushed to pieces.

After the shot, the yellow hair who opened his eyes was a little dazed, looking at the remains of the beer bottle in his hand, his mouth was bitter.

In view of Wu Chuzhi's fierce image before, Huang Mao was afraid to deal with him, and the empty wine bottle was not enough to look at, so he specifically mentioned the full bottle.

Looking at the beer mist flying up in an instant, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Wu Chuzhi turned around slowly, grabbed Huangmao's collar with one hand with a ferocious face, lifted him vigorously, and hung him in mid-air.

Then, an iron fist was slowly raised, and it retreated to gain momentum.

Huangmao, whose feet were constantly thumping, was a little out of breath, and he knew what would happen in the next scene.

I hope the nose can be saved.

But at this time, Huang Mao secretly called luck in his heart, and fear rose from his heart after a while.


Almost died just now!
my darling!

Fortunately, this kid can carry the beating!
what happened?

Why am I standing up again?
Huang Mao felt that his feet were on the ground, and before he could recover, he saw the boy in front of him suddenly fall sideways.



"Boy! Don't scare me!"

Qin Xu, the middle-aged boss, Huang Mao and others screamed.

But he saw a stream of blood gushing out from the back of Wu Chuzhi's head, gradually soaking the tiles on the ground.


At this time, on May 2021, 5 in another time and space, on the other side of the ocean, an interesting soul has just left its body.

David Swenson, chief investment officer at Yale University.

Well, it should be the former chief investment officer, after all, he has died.

At this moment, he was floating in the air, looking at the lively scene in the cemetery below, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's great that I don't have to suffer from the pain of cancer!
A relaxed David Swensen floated around excitedly in the sky, just like the willfulness of his youth.

But it didn't take long before he felt that his spirit was a little weak.

He crossed his legs, sat in the air, and stopped tossing.

It turns out that death is such a thing, the separation of the soul from the body, and the extinction of the soul.

It turned out that the nagging old man in Cambridge named Penrose was telling the truth.

Svensson had heard an absurd lecture on quantum mechanics in which Professors Penrose and Hameroff made such a point.

They believe that the process of human observation is the process of brain cells changing from a superposition state to a collapsed state, so in the brain nerves, one observation is a collapse of a large number of electronic entangled states.

Electronic entanglement exists in many places in this universe, so consciousness does not only exist in the nervous system cells of our brains, then it is very possible that after the death of a human body, consciousness may form entanglement with electrons in other places relationship into the universe.

Svensson is not a physicist who studies the foundation of the world. He is an investor and an applied scientist.

So he didn't bother with the right and wrong of the theory at all, but accepted it frankly.

To exist is to be reasonable.

Needless to say, it was very interesting to watch my own burial.

"When you walk through Yale today and look around you, all you see is David's legacy. The students, the vibrant buildings, the diverse faculty, none of this would be possible without David."

Ben Pollack, former provost of Yale University, waved goodbye to David Swenson in his coffin after delivering his eulogy.

Then, an old man tremblingly stepped forward and put an unopened can of Coca-Cola into the coffin.

"Biggs once said that there are only two truly great investors in the world, and they are Svensson and Buffett.

But now, in this world, there is only me. "

David Swenson in the air curled his lips and said nicely, you should give me a can of original Coca-Cola instead.

The devil would drink your cherry flavored bottle!

"He is my good teacher and helpful friend, remember..."

Looking at the grief-stricken Zhang Sanshi below, David Swenson's mood was rather complicated.

This kid, don't be so polite.

I just gave you an investment of 3000 million US dollars, and you gave me 300 billion US dollars.

Of course, what is more important is that you have brought me the equity and even control rights of so many large enterprises that Huaguo is familiar with.

Along with Zhang Sanshi, there were many people from Huaguo, all of them had sad expressions on their faces like virtuous sons and filial grandchildren.

David Swenson is very proud of this, and vigorously recruiting Huaguo students is the smartest choice in his life.

This is also the biggest difference between David Svensson and the 'old money' and 'new money' foundations.

'Old money' makes friends with elites and powerful people, focusing on cultivating long-term relationships, and many of them are family friends today; while 'new money' funds education, culture, law, and medicine, and cultivates more believers from the young people at the bottom.

Regardless of "new money" or "old money", they are actually based on local conditions and focus on the realization of relationships.

The 'Old Money' Foundation likes to spend money on a small number of "acquaintances". It is cultivated from a young age.

The 'New Money' Foundation likes to spend money on a group of "amateurs". It also starts training when it is young, and then reshuffles the cards by overturning the old system. It will not open for 30 years, and once opened for 30 years.

David Svensson completely scoffed at the practices of these two foundations, because they are completely high-risk behaviors and can easily attract attention.

If you meet a smarter opponent, such as a rabbit with thousands of years of wisdom across the sea, the actual return of this approach is very low.

When the relationship between the two countries is good, they are guests, and when the relationship is bad, they will be kicked out.

Investors should look like investors.

David Swenson's approach is to establish a friendly reputation with foreign countries by using the teacher-student relationship as a link.

Then encourage the best students to return to their country to serve the country, and through their original investment, they can indirectly obtain the equity of the country's most growing company and enjoy rich returns.

Teachers without borders are the best borders.

The assets of the Yale Foundation under his control have grown rapidly in the past 30 years, most of which come from the contribution of emerging markets such as Huaguo.

The little things that have happened with Huaguo in the past few decades are surging in David Svensson's heart. What makes him can't stop thinking about is not the mentor-student friendship that is about to be blown away by the wind.

It's the white bodies of the young girls in Huaguo.

Those women from the mysterious East have God-given honey and milk-like silky skin.

It's a pity that those silky smoothness can no longer be touched.

When the cross was put into the coffin by the pastor and pressed on his chest, David Svensson's consciousness gradually became chaotic.

Is it over?
It's time to meet her.

Emma, ​​my love.

I just don't know, decades have passed, if she still recognizes me, a bad old man.

Time and space seemed to freeze, the hustle and bustle of the world fell silent, and David Svensson fell into eternal sleep.


The development of medicine for thousands of years is to let you die from a confused and helpless death to a clear death.

Obviously, having you know how you died would make you more unhappy.

From this point of view, Wu Chuzhi is undoubtedly happy at the moment.

Because he didn't know that he was so close to death.

However, the progress of medicine exists objectively. It allows your relatives and friends, the people you care about or those who care about you, to have the opportunity to come to you at the last moment.

Wu Chuzhi, who was lying quietly on the hospital bed, was breathing on the ventilator.

"The patient does not respond to any stimulation, the muscles of the whole body are relaxed, the eyeballs are fixed, the pupils are dilated, the brainstem reflex is weak, the vital signs have changed significantly, the breathing is involuntary, and the blood pressure is declining. It is considered that the course of the disease is from deep coma to excessive coma, that is, the direction of brain death. develop."

A young man with gold-rimmed glasses was talking in the ward, surrounded by young people who were almost the same age as him, surrounded by a middle-aged beautiful woman in a white coat.

A girl objected immediately, and bowed slightly to the middle-aged beautiful woman, "Professor Zheng, I have the opposite opinion from Brother Lin Tao, although the patient's vital signs are not stable now.

However, the monitor report obtained this morning showed that the patient entered the sleep state at 11:27 last night and ended the sleep state at 6:14 this morning.

That is to say, the patient has a sleep-wake cycle. Based on this, I believe that the patient's course of disease will transition from deep coma to awakening coma, that is, into a continuous vegetative state. "

Lin Tao smiled coldly in his heart. He knew that Wu Chuzhi lying on the bed was Professor Zheng Xuemei's nephew, and he could even be said to be Professor Zheng's future son-in-law. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have a dedicated single ward in this overcrowded West China Hospital.

But medicine is medicine after all, it's professional, and it doesn't have personal feelings. What's the use of talking about the patient's condition in a nice way?

What's more, as the head of the department, Professor Zheng, would he not know about Wu Chuzhi's current situation?
The surgery was performed by Professor Zheng himself.

In front of medicine, what's the use of flattery and good words?

"Both possibilities exist. We have done everything we can, and we can only see the patient's own fortune. Let's go to the next ward."

Usually when encountering such patients, Zheng Xuemei would explain carefully to the students, but when lying on the bed was Wu Chuzhi who she had watched grow up, she was frowning and lost her usual patience, and ended the investigation hastily. house.

Lin Tao, who was following behind her, frowned slightly, and quickly held back.


No matter what the state is, this person is useless.

Thinking of the beautiful figure of Professor Zheng's daughter, Lin Tao wished he could pull out Wu Chuzhi's breathing tube right now.

It would be nice to die early, don't occupy the latrine and not shit.

When a group of people went out, they saw a middle-aged woman carrying a thermos bucket at the door, Zheng Xuemei stopped in her tracks, and said with a forced smile, "Xiulan, Chuchu's situation is better than yesterday."

Chu Xiulan looked at her girlfriend in front of her, and smiled bitterly, "Go and do your work."


In the office of the dean of the design institute, smoke was lingering.

"Qingshan, do you really want to hide it from Wanwan? Xuemei said that the situation is already very bad. If there is something wrong with Chuchu, I'm worried that Wanwan won't recognize me as my father in the future!"

Qin Yuanchao frowned tightly, smoking a cigarette in a dull manner.

If Wu Chuzhi really left like this, according to her black-hearted little cotton-padded jacket character, it would be easy for her not to recognize her parents, but the key is that she won't be able to get out by herself.

Wu Qingshan shook his head, slammed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and sighed, "Don't tell her."

Qin Yuanchao slapped the table and was about to get angry when Kong Xiangdong held his shoulder, "Qingshan is right."

Kong Xiangdong sat down and passed another round of cigarettes. Qin Yuanchao pointed at his throat and shook his hand. He had smoked too much these days.

Kong Xiangdong thought for a while and put down the cigarette, "Chuchu's matter involves a special action by the relevant management agency, and the reporter is also very concerned about this matter, and has been keeping a continuous follow-up report.

With Wan Wan's personality, once she finds out, she will definitely come back and stay by Chu Chu's side.Those reporters might even take the relationship between Wan Wan and Chu Chu as a selling point. "

Qin Yuanchao was furious when he heard the words, "It's fair and aboveboard, so what if you know! Don't you have the freedom to fall in love?
Or, you, Wu Qingshan, think my daughter can't see the light?Can't be the daughter-in-law of the Wu family? "

Wu Qingshan shook his head, "Yanchao, don't provoke me! Wanwan is a good girl, I have always treated Wanwan as a daughter, but what if..."

He wiped the corners of his eyes, took a deep breath, and patted Qin Yuanchao's shoulder, "So I have to think about Wanwan's future, after all... she will marry in the future."


(End of this chapter)

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