Chapter 68

Looking at the young man beside him who was listening intently, Zhang Weiying suddenly smiled, and immediately after Zeng Huixian began to speak,

"Using demand management and supply management is completely misleading. In essence, is the economy driven by the management of the six central departments or by entrepreneurs?

Keynesianism itself believes that the economy is driven by the national center, which controls investment, consumption, exchange rate, currency, and then makes the economy work, but I think the most important economic driver is entrepreneurial spirit, including demand.

If monetary policy is used to create demand, if other means of the national center are used to create demand, I think it will be a disaster.

If entrepreneurs are really allowed to create demand, he creates real demand instead of demand in the form of money, and the economy will have sustainable development. This is the starting point for my consideration.

So I am not willing to use the demand side and the supply side to describe the problem, and I prefer to look at the problem from the perspective of entrepreneurs.

If the short-term is wrong, it is impossible to have a good long-term.Related to this, I think the issues of total quantity and structure mentioned by some of you just now are actually misleading.All crises have structural problems, and without structural problems there would be no crisis.


Only in this case can Huaguo's entrepreneurial spirit shine through.

National central demand management often inhibits entrepreneurship and misleads entrepreneurs to make wrong decisions.

We often take some bad means for some goals. If we don't slow down the speed this year, there will be a catastrophic decline in the speed in two years.

So Xiao Wu's research is very meaningful! "

Zhang Weiying's words stunned everyone present.

What this man likes to talk about most is the spirit of entrepreneurship. He has always insisted on using entrepreneurs as the guide for economic development, and there is nothing special about it.

However, this man is also a staunch advocate of the state-led economy. At this time, he made a sudden turn, which caught people off guard.

Lin Yifu, who is also a professor at Yanda University, was also puzzled when he heard the words. Didn't we just discuss it last week? That's not what Zhang Weiying said at the time.

Zhang Weiying smiled casually, ignored everyone's strange eyes, and continued talking.

You bunch of academic bookworms know nothing!

Zhang Weiying believed that in the entire lecture hall, he was the only one who understood the hidden meaning of Wu Chuzhi's paper.

Between the lines of Wu Chuzhi's words, he smelled the same kind of smell.

That is, it is all anti-economic heresy.

Although as an economist, Zhang Weiying thinks this way is a bit pretentious, but he really doesn't believe in economics at all in his heart.

Coincidentally, the same is true for Wu Chuzhi and Swensen.

The definition of economics is a discipline that studies various economic activities and various corresponding economic relations and the laws of operation and development of human society at various stages of development.

To be honest, this definition is nonsense. How can there be any laws in economic activities?

From a large country to a small individual, there are thousands of changes.

There must be commonality in economic activities, but this commonality is basically equivalent to an axiom that does not need to be proved.

Everyone's observation of economic activities is different, so there are often cases of overturning, overthrowing, reversing, and reversing in economic theory.

Even under the same theory, N branches can be born according to different understandings of the observed economic activities.

For example, the modern property rights theory founded by Coase was divided into three different schools according to the different understandings of property rights theory researchers.

The three schools are like the Five Sacred Sword Schools, "connected with each other", and they will discuss swords every once in a while, which is very harmonious.

This also allowed these people to see the essence of economics application.

That is, economics is just a forced explanation after the fact.

Are economists right about housing prices?

almost none.

Are economists right about the financial crisis?

almost none.

Do you believe what economists say?

Hardly believe it.

Why almost?
Because of the factors of probability, dead cats and rats will always happen.

Does the technological revolution have anything to do with economists?
It doesn't matter a dime.

Does the rise of the Internet have anything to do with economists?
It doesn't matter a dime.

If the world is driven by a group of entrepreneurs and technological innovators, how many of them have benefited from economists?
Absolutely not.

There is only one country in the world that listens to economists when making decisions, and that is polar bears.

So the polar bear became big hairy.

Zhang Weiying didn't go to see Wu Chuzhi specifically, he was going to use his theory to gain Wu Chuzhi's favor.

Because, only he understands that Wu Chuzhi's article is actually a prelude article for applying what he has learned.

The core point of this article is not to study the driving mode of the economy at all, but to explore a question.

Is it a false proposition to create demand?

There's a saying that goes like this: What's the difference between a good company and a great company?
The answer is: the former satisfies the demand, while the latter creates the demand!
This conclusion has also been affirmed by countless people.

Giants such as Apple and Google have also been regarded as models led by "creating demand".

Therefore, the matter of "creating demand" has become a myth passed down by countless industry practitioners.

But when we think about it carefully, we will find that "creating demand" is logically problematic, at least not rigorous, both in theory and in practice.

Need can only be stimulated or awakened, because it is always rooted somewhere in your heart.

The research and development of any product is to meet the needs (or potential needs) of people.

Since the target of the phrase "needs are met" is people, when thinking about products from the perspective of people instead of thinking about products from the perspective of existing categories, the so-called theory of creating demand is just in the present On the basis of need, it has been elevated to a higher dimension.

Maybe it will be difficult to understand, what do you mean?

Let's talk about people.

First, let's look at a classic product case of "creating demand".

The Suoni Company, which has a good life, has invented a series of epoch-making products, which have always been considered synonymous with "creating demand" in product research and development.

The invention process of the Walkman is as follows:

One day, Ibuka, the company's marketing manager, came to Akio Morita's room with a portable stereo cassette recorder produced by Suo Ni Company and a pair of standard earphones on his head.

After entering the door, I kept complaining about how bulky the machine was.He said to Akio Morita: "I want to enjoy music, but I'm afraid of disturbing others, but I can't sit in front of this recorder all day, so I take it and listen to it while walking. But this guy is too heavy, I can't stand it. .”

Ibuka’s troubles sparked Akio Morita’s long-awaited idea, so he began to research ultra-small recorders, and finally invented the Walkman.

Let's review this scenario, is the demand created?
No, it is rooted in the heart of the company's marketing manager Ibuka, and it also has a vague embryonic form in the heart of Akio Morita.

Moreover, what the Walkman meets is that the tape recorder meets the music needs plus the need for portability, thus meeting the needs of people who can go out and listen to music with them at any time.

"I don't know how to feel severe" in most cases is because of "unknown", not because of "severe".

And Wu Chuzhi's thesis is basically saying that the demand is always there, and the supply meets the demand.

What does that mean?

Looking at the face of the young man beside him, Zhang Weiying smiled knowingly.

In fact, this thesis should be Wu Chuzhi's mental process, which is to apply what he has learned, using theory to solve practice.

In other words, this young man should want to be an entrepreneur and do something, and this article is his own theoretical guidance article.

Zhang Weiying is ready to make friends with this young man.

His own proposition of "treating entrepreneurs well" is in line with Wu Chuzhi's future interests.

In Zhang Weiying's eyes, a professor is a job, but he is a person.

People always need to have a good meal, how much money can they make as a professor and vice president at Yanda?

This little income is not enough for him to go out fooling around with Manzi and others.

He thought about going out to give lectures, but it was a waste of money to hold lectures, but he was worried that the reputation of "doing knowledge in a down-to-earth manner and teaching students conscientiously" that he had finally accumulated would be ruined.

He knows very well that it is difficult to establish a human setting, but it is easy to collapse.

Feathers still have to be cherished, this person can be realized at a critical time.

Therefore, he set his sights on entrepreneurs in Huaguo.

According to Zhang Weiying's theory, Huaguo's private entrepreneurs can be divided into three waves of historical development according to the age, namely: 84 faction, 92 faction, and overseas returnee network faction.

But it's a pity that he can't take advantage of the older generation of Huaguo entrepreneurs like the 84 faction and the 92 faction.

These are all real fighters. The leaders of the older generation of private enterprises that can exceed 20 years are mostly doers.

Take the lead in everything you do, understand technology, and be good at business.

What they have in common is: being able to combine group development goals with personal wealth goals, having a distinct temperament of a man of action and a sense of mission that is in line with the times.

And most importantly, well-known entrepreneurs like Lu Guanqiu, Zhang Ruiming, Cao Dewang, Ren Zhengfei, etc. are all about the same age.

All of them are human beings, so it's not easy to fool them!

While secretly cursing these people as idiots, Zhang Weiying had no choice but to turn his attention to the new generation of entrepreneurs.

The Sea Turtle Internet faction is a good faction, but it is a pity that Zhang Weiying didn't like this group of people at all at the time.

Do Internet in China?
In Zhang Weiying's view, this is a fantasy.

But when the Sea Turtle Network faction officially rose, he sadly found that he couldn't get in at all.

The growth trend of the Internet is completely different from that of traditional enterprises. The growth is exponential. Once successful, it is impossible for Zhang Weiying to gain much voice.

After all, he doesn't know anything about it.

Moreover, Internet companies are very risky. Once such an asset-light industry collapses, it will be a catastrophic accident.

Zhang Weiying didn't want to lie in such muddy water, and he couldn't wade in. After all, the turtles are a circle.

The appearance of Wu Chuzhi immediately made him happy.

Unlike others, he likes to pursue his own business. When he first received this unusual defense invitation, he figured out the context of the whole incident through his contacts.

He and Zeng Huixian's judgment is the same, Wu Chuzhi has a great possibility of success.

Although I don't know how great Wu Chuzhi's future achievements will be, but it is beneficial and cost-effective to form a good relationship in advance.

Facing the suspicious eyes of others, Zhang Weiying sneered in his heart and continued, "Actually, in my opinion, Xiao Wu's performance today is more than enough for a doctoral graduation defense.

If you are a student of our Yanda University, I will definitely report to the degree committee today, and I will award you a doctorate right now. "

After that, he cast his eyes on Lin Yifu in the middle.

Although Lin Yifu was very surprised, as a colleague, there is still some tacit understanding.

In fact, he was also a little happy to see Liexin. How could such a good seed not be dug up by Yan Dalai?
So Lin Yifu asked, "Xiao Wu, would you like to come to Yanda?
Just now Professor Zhang said that you can directly award a doctorate, because your thesis was completed at Shu University, so it is not possible.

But I can recommend you to become a direct Ph.D. student and match you with the most suitable professor as your advisor.

I am from the Keynesian school, and I may not be interested in my theory, but Professor Xiao Yajun of our school, I think it should be in line with your direction.

You don’t need to take doctoral courses at all. Yanda has this policy. As long as you write a paper of the same quality as this one, I can guarantee that you will get a doctorate directly. "

Lin Yifu's words caused an uproar in the audience, and the professors of Shu University were so angry that their beards shook wildly.

I've never seen such a face-to-face poaching!

So outrageous!
Xiao Yuejia covered her mouth and laughed, Xiao Yajun was her father.

Although based on her understanding of Wu Chuzhi, she didn't think he would agree.

But she still expected him to nod.

After all, when Wu Chuzhi went to Yanda University, the two spent more time together.

Wang Deming, the principal of Shu University, stood up angrily, "Old Lin, you are not kind! You are too disrespectful to us."

Lin Yifu laughed loudly, "Old Wang, what you said is biased. This is also for Xiao Wu's better development. Don't say too much, let the young people make their own choices."

He is confident that, as the top institution of higher learning in Huaguo, the attraction of Yanda to any insightful person is beyond imagination.

Excellent people, together with excellent people, can spark sparks even more.

Zhang Weiying also laughed. Although he can't be Wu Chuzhi's instructor directly, Yanda's master tour teaching system allows himself to become Wu Chuzhi's half-teacher.

With this relationship, Wu Chuzhi will develop in the future, and he will have a way to realize it.

Wang Deming was so angry that his blood pressure went up. Everyone knew how to choose between Shu University and Yan University.

He didn't let Wu Chuzhi's teacher, Zeng Huixian, speak.

Knowing the inside story, he knew very well that this disciple Zeng Huixian was picked up for nothing, and he would not believe how much Wu Chuzhi had feelings for his master.

"Xiao Wu, the school's conditions are just like this, and I can't break the rules. can choose for yourself!" Wang Deming sighed and said dejectedly.

Compared with Yan University, which can give Zhibo directly, Shu University has no such right even if it wants to.

At this point in time, there are only two top universities in China, Huaqing University and Yanda University, that can approve direct Ph.D. qualifications.

Ye Xiaomi, who was sitting in the back row, was very hesitant.

On the one hand, she hoped that Wu Chuzhi would agree. After all, this would be of great help to Wu Chuzhi's future development.

Even if the business fails or something, with the status of a doctor of Yan University, Wu Chuzhi can live comfortably even if he is teaching.

Moreover, the resources that Yan University can provide are far beyond what Shu University can match.

On the other hand, she didn't want to see Wu Chuzhi choose to go to Yanda University, after all, she would suffer from long-distance lovesickness for several years.

Moreover, the relationship between her and Wu Chuzhi is still unstable, and it is hard to say whether it can be maintained after being away from each other for a long time.

After all, Qin Wan was studying at Yan Normal University, so he would have no chance at all.

Ye Xiaomi's psychology is very entangled. She wants him well, but she is reluctant to let go.

Zeng Huixian, who was sitting on the side, was expressionless and didn't even look at Wu Chuzhi, but her slightly trembling hands still revealed her mood.

In fact, she didn't care about losing an apprentice, what she cared about was Ye Xiaomi.

The people present sighed slightly in their hearts, but they also had to face such a bitter fact:

The talents cultivated by the school with great difficulty will eventually be poached by the top schools.

The weak bleed, the strong remain strong.

Wu Chuzhi stared at the smiling Xiao Yuejia in the distance, and shook his head apologetically.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yuejia smiled and shook her head to express her indifference.

She had already made up her mind to come to Jincheng after graduation, so she didn't care what Wu Chuzhi chose.

But she was very satisfied with Wu Chuzhi's action of apologizing to her before saying the decision.

Old Comrade Wu, you are very sensible!
Suppressing the emotion in his heart, Wu Chuzhi turned to Lin Yifu and said, "Thank you Professor Lin for the invitation, I still choose to stay in Shu University to continue my studies."

Wu Chuzhi's words made Master Shu's eyes light up.

He actually...

Rejected Yanda?
Many young people, even young lecturers and associate professors, are scolding Wu Chuzhi for not knowing good and bad.

Lin Yifu was startled when he heard the words, with a look of regret in his eyes. He really cherished his talent, and asked the reason.

Wu Chuzhi bowed slightly, thanked again, and said loudly with the microphone, "A son does not think his mother is ugly, and a dog does not think his family is poor.

Shu University took me in when I was the most decadent, and my teacher picked me up when I was at my weakest, and gave me a chance to rise up. My glory at this time is Shu University, both The teacher gave it to me, so what reason do I have to leave them?

Whether it is doing things or learning, you should first be a person, and you should not be like this. "

The audience was silent for a while, and then louder applause broke out than when Wu Chuzhi dominated the audience.

At this time, the applause outside the door also spread into the lecture hall, and even those sitting by the window could hear the applause outside the building.

Lin Yifu fell silent.

Zhang Weiying sighed and sat down resentfully.

Wang Deming laughed out loud.

Zeng Huixian also smiled, and patted her knees with her hands.


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