Chapter 71 Wu Wang Nine Thousand Years Old

The host was furious when he thought of this section.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend!
Debate team of Wujiaochang Vocational and Technical College of Secretaries Come on!

"Okay, thank you, Hu Jianbiao. Next, please invite Xiao Yuejia, the fourth debater of the affirmative party, to make a concluding statement. The time is 4 minutes, please."

Glancing at Wu Chuzhi who was making a cheering gesture to her in the audience, Xiao Yuejia on the stage smiled.

Turning her head, her eyes changed and became sharper.

It's your show in the morning, then it's my turn in the afternoon.

Xiao Yuejia stood up gracefully and started her performance on the stage.

"Debate is about playing with language and words. Today, we also appreciate the ability of the four students on the other side to play. However, here, I would like to ask, what is the premise of playing?"

Xiao Yuejia, who was standing on the debate table, did not directly answer the opponent's four debate questions, nor was she in a hurry to make a concluding statement, but directly defined the behavior of the Wujiaochang debate team as a word game.

The four members of the Wujiaochang debate team were all sneering in their hearts.

I know that you, Xiao Yuejia, have won the best debater for two consecutive years. You are very strong, but under this topic, you can still play well.

Hu Jianbiao stroked his chin with stubble. The senior opposite him was quite pretty.

Then don't think too beautifully.

Such a beautiful senior sister, what kind of debate is she playing, and she calls out "Student, are you good or bad!" Isn't it good?

Xiao Yuejia didn't expect the other party to be able to reply, it was just a summary stage, and there was no such link.

She paused, dragged out a suitcase from under the table, picked up a thick book from it, and continued talking on her own,

"The premise is that there is a norm and a standard for the basic concepts. What I have in my hand is the most authoritative "Chinese Dictionary", which tells me that there are nine meanings of the word Wanzi.

Five are nouns, one is numerals, and three represent extremely great, extremely, and extremely many. "

Hu Jianbiao's face changed. He didn't expect someone to bring the reference book to the debate.


At this time, all their previous debates about the word "ten thousand" will be smashed to pieces by Xiao Yuejia on the basis of logic.

As he expected, the pretty senior opposite smiled slightly, "So, today we only need to prove that money has produced a variety of evils in this world, and our point can be proved.

And the other classmate told everyone today that we want to prove that money produces all the small, trivial, and subtle crimes in the world. Is this a bit of a paper moon as the sun, and the suspicion of stealing the sky for the sun?

And I would like to remind everyone that "Ci Hai" is a dictionary, but all evils are actually a phrase.

Isn't it strange that a phrase can appear in Ci Hai?

They told me that in "Ci Hai" Wan means everything, but we have also checked "Ci Hai", whether it is "Ci Hai", "Ci Yuan", or "Shuowen Jiezi", Wan never means everything. "

The other three members of the debate team took the books out of the suitcase and presented them on the table. They were "Ci Hai", "Ci Yuan" and "Shuowen Jiezi".

The melon-eating crowd burst into applause. Unexpectedly, Team Yan, or this beautiful girl with a high ponytail on the stage, did not take advantage of the rules to seek victory.

Instead, start a head-on decisive battle with the opponent, and decide the winner from the essence of the problem.

The host was slightly taken aback.

What a proud girl!

In fact, according to his experience, the scores of the Yanda team and the Wujiaochang team should be almost the same.

In fact, the Yan team made fewer mistakes due to their familiarity with the rules of the debate. Before the final debate, they actually had a slight advantage.

Debating is such a crap, the disadvantage on the scene does not mean the final victory or defeat, the score is.

In his opinion, Xiao Yuejia only needs to finish the summary steadily, and in the end it is nothing more than a fight to see who gets the least points.

Relying on the point difference in the previous few games, as long as the Yanda team didn't lose too badly in this game, they would definitely qualify.

But he never expected that this girl would choose to be tough.

Moreover, Xiao Yuejia's actions are enough to prove that the Wujiaochang team's previous explanations about the word "ten thousand" are all nonsense and nonsense.

Good fighters have no illustrious feats.

Debating with a suitcase of reference books, Yanda, the teacher of the king, is indeed well-deserved.

Looking at the dazzling girl on the stage, a word jumped out of the host's mind.

Born to be proud!

My pride does not allow me to lose, let alone use the rules to win shamelessly!
Xiao Yuejia smiled slightly, and finally began to summarize, "To sum up the views of the other classmate today, in fact, it is nothing more than saying that evil originates from the human heart, from human nature.

But please think about it, what is human nature?

Mencius said that human nature is good, if there is water, it will fall.

We all have the four senses of right and wrong, compassion, respect, and shame. This is the original heart, this is the nature. "

Wu Chuzhi in the audience smiled knowingly, such a clever little crescent moon.

The battlefield has been shifted to whether sex is good or evil.

Mencius's most famous view is "The Theory of Good Nature". He believed that human nature tends to be good, and the reason why people change their nature is due to the acquired environment.It is the same reason that water always flows to a lower place. If you use external force or pressurize the water, you can make the water flow to a higher place, but this is not the nature of water.

To refute this point of view, we must refer to Xunzi's "evil nature theory", which holds that human nature does not matter good or evil, good or bad, human nature may be transformed into evil, and it may also develop into good. growth is necessary.

But in fact, the two are not only opposite to each other, but also complementary.

When returning to the question of "whether money is the root of all evil", the two even have the biggest commonality: there is not much difference in human nature in essence, and they can all be changed later in life.

This directly defeated the Wujiaochang team's denial of Yan's team's point of view that the newborns had no money and no evil, and completely defeated it.

And at this moment when she raised this point of view instead of a free debate, Xiao Yuejia obviously didn't intend to let the other party have a chance to speak sophistry.

The four members of the Wujiaochang team became a little nervous.

They took advantage of the topic, but in terms of the order of debate, the affirmative was the one who took the most advantage.

In the last part of the final debate, the affirmative party can use the last 4 minutes to leave the most intuitive impression in front of the judges and audience.

Xiao Yuejia continued her show on the stage with a smile on her lips, "When you have evil thoughts in your heart, it's like filth rising from a clear lake. Is the source of this filth the lake itself or external impurities? Woolen cloth?

External temptations are impurities in our hearts, and money, as a general equivalent, is the abstract incarnation of these external temptations.

That's why we say that money is the root of all evil.

Facts speak louder than words.

Today, we review how money corrupted the powerful Roman Empire and the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages together in history. At this time, the other classmate told everyone that money is not the root of all evil.

We have seen smuggling, war, and organized crime together in reality. If they were all born of money, the other classmate still told everyone that money is not the root of all evil.

We saw together that the thousands of years of human civilization history are full of blood, violence, hatred and betrayal in the pursuit of money. At the same time, the other classmate still told everyone that money is not the root of all evil.

At this moment, while the opposing debaters are talking and defending money, we don't know how many profiteers get rich overnight and how many thugs take risks under the operation of the magic wand of money?
We don't know how many people are using gleaming gold to save those simple and kind souls, and how many souls, under the temptation of money, are stepping into the abyss of degeneration step by step?

Facing all of these, we cannot perceive the shadow of evil behind the brilliance of money, and we cannot hear the shadow of conscience in the clamor of money.

Yes, money is the root of all evil.

However, the root of all evils is not evil itself. As long as we develop our own rationality and conscience, money still has its due place on the balance of history. From this root of all evils, beautiful flowers of goodness can also bloom.

Indeed, there is always a kind of power that can make us lose our nature, that is the omnipotent magic of money, but at the same time, there is also a kind of power that can make us return to our original heart, which is the eternal light of humanity in our hearts.

Thanks! "

Xiao Yuejia's concluding remarks aroused thunderous applause from the venue.

The judges in the audience are also scoring points based on the performance of both sides.

Well-founded, clear logic, and what's more rare is the elegant diction, coupled with her peerless beauty, directly filled the impression points.

Big win!

At this time, Xiao Yuejia, who was looking down at the audience, looked at the figure sitting on the small bench in front of her, smiling like a flower.

Smelly brother, do you see that I am very strong!

Looking at her cute and arrogant appearance, Wu Chuzhi smiled, shook the phone at her, Shi Shiran got up and left.

"I'll have dinner with my roommates tonight, I'll drink less, see you tonight."

Xiao Yuejia, who closed the phone, looked at his retreating back, pursed her lips and smiled happily.


"I wish our King Wu~[-] years, [-] years, and [-] years!"

In Huangcheng Laoma's hot pot restaurant, a group of young people are making a fuss.

The waiters in the past were no strangers to it, and it was the graduation season, and it was the same.

As today's protagonist, Wu Chuzhi cursed with a smile, his glass was drained, and he raised his head and drank the blessings from his sons.

"Boss, you have kept us a secret. We only found out today that you will graduate early." Kong Ziqian touched Wu Chuzhi with a wine glass.

Wu Chuzhi scratched his head and smiled embarrassingly, "Didn't I not be sure before? You have also seen today's battle. If you can't pass today if you say it in advance, you will be ashamed."

Liu Liu gave him a white look, "But I think you're in Versailles! Today you really turned the audience over."

Qin Xu smiled playfully, raised his wine glass, "I don't know what to say, you are supposed to graduate, but why don't we have the feeling of graduation at all?"

Wu Chuzhi laughed loudly, "Because we didn't go our separate ways, it's just that I changed a dormitory when I started school in the second half of the year. We're both in Shu University, so it's not like we won't be able to see each other anymore."

Yan Heng nodded, "I was planning to bring a guitar today to play a song "Bon voyage" for you to make you cry, but after thinking about it, I still didn't bring it."

Everyone laughed until they burst into tears.

Especially Qin Xu, Kong Ziqian and Liu Liu's eyes turned red.

They suddenly felt that maybe it wasn't just a change of dormitory, and it was time to go their separate ways after they were seniors.

It's just that Wu Chuzhi's sudden departure suddenly made their graduation season a lot longer.

"Boss, when you leave, let's take a family portrait in our bedroom." Confucius choked up.

He remembered a video.

The people sitting on the chairs in the dormitory got up and left with their luggage one by one, and went their separate ways, leaving only an empty dormitory, and after the dormitory was painted, freshmen moved in again.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Wu Chuzhi thumped Yan Heng's shoulder, "What are you talking about! It's not a farewell."

Looking at the moody crowd, he stood up, holding a beer bottle, "My sons, why are you so hypocritical all of a sudden?
If you don't want to separate, it's easy to handle. After graduation, everyone will help me. As long as you think highly of me, Dad will always love you. "

Qin Xu laughed and cursed twice, and stood up, "I know, don't do business with good friends, and don't work under good friends, it hurts so much.

But you, King Wu, I agree, and I don't plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Your company will reserve a place for me. "

Kong Ziqian and Liu Liu also stood up excitedly. The three of them have tasted the sweetness of being a club with Wu Chuzhi.

Wu Chuzhi's rules are often unreasonable, but in the end, it seems that it is indeed the best way to preserve brotherhood.

He will not be embarrassed to correct and criticize everyone just because they are friends and brothers, nor will he deliberately criticize to establish authority just because he is a close person.

It is completely discussing the facts, dealing with things very fairly, rewards that should be rewarded, and punishments that should be punished.

High school students such as Yan Heng, Gao Chao, and Yang Zhenchun are more familiar with Wu Chuzhi's style of doing things.

This has been the case since high school, you can share collective honor with him, even if you don’t do anything, it’s okay, he takes you to fly, but consciously go far away when you need to discuss merit individually.

"Old rules, let's talk about breaking first and then not messing around. Follow me, I guarantee that you must have a moderate standard of living, this is the bottom line.

If you want to have a big fish, you have to rely on your own ability. I will build a platform for you, and you can build it vigorously. "

Gao Chao waved his hand and raised his cup, "I understand you, I will never starve to death with you, and if you want to get rich, rely on your own ability, it's fair."

Yang Zhenchun hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, "Old Wu, what are you going to do? If it's just your uncle's company, I think it's because you are giving us a job, it's completely unnecessary. "

Don't forget the rich and the honor is a good wish, but more often it will turn into a kidnapping by Zhong Dao.

No one should treat anyone well, there is no such obligation.

Yang Zhenchun hopes that everyone's feelings will be pure, and he doesn't want Wu Chuzhi to be reluctant for the sake of brotherhood.

Everyone also reacted and looked at him with wine glasses.

They all started clubs with Wu Chuzhi, and Yan Heng and others have followed him since elementary school, junior high school, and high school, and they are used to listening to him for the charter.

But let them take advantage of Wu Chuzhi, they can't do it.

Wu Chuzhi held a wine glass and touched them one by one, "Of course it's not my uncle's stall, so I might as well go to Jincheng University of Electronic Science and Technology to find Liu Hanyu and the others, and they are more professional.

Frankly speaking, I really haven't figured out what to do and how to do it, which is the truth.But when your school recruits season, I will definitely figure it out.

At least it won't let your four-year university books be read in vain.Of course, it’s still the same sentence, if my brother has a better place to go during the school recruitment season, then today’s incident should not have happened. "

Qin Xu rolled his eyes at him, "We are mentally ill, so we should climb up from the bottom and accept exploitation from others?"

Everyone giggled and laughed, drank the wine in their glasses together, and began to heat up the hot pot.

Huangcheng Laoma Hotpot was synonymous with high-end hotpot in Jincheng at the beginning of the century.

Wu Chuzhi is bleeding profusely today. With such an expensive hot pot, you can't waste your stomach on beer.

With a hot belly, Yan Heng sighed, "I may not be able to come, I will probably become an official, and the old man of my family may not let me choose a career by myself."

Wu Chuzhi picked up a piece of Merlin luncheon meat and got up, "I don't think Uncle Yan will let you become an official, as far as your temperament is concerned, being an official is a way to bring disaster.

I suggest you have a good talk with Uncle Yan, he should understand. "

Yan Heng shook his head like a rattle, "Lao Yan's face is as dark as Bao Gong's all day long. I don't want to provoke him. I'll talk about it later."

Yan Heng's father, Yan Dongming, was a victim of factional struggle. He was originally a member of the Mushou party, but now he wasted his time in the National History Office.

In fact, strictly speaking, Yan Dongming is Wu Chuzhi's half teacher.

In Yan Heng's house, the most furniture is the bookcase, which is full of books.

The books on Yan Dongming's bookcase are not just decorations like other people's, his books are basically read carefully.

He has a habit of reading and likes to annotate reading notes on books, so Wu Chuzhi especially likes to borrow books from Yan Heng's family.

What I borrowed is not only books, but also the experience and mentality of this official who has experienced ups and downs in half his life.

"I'll visit your father at your house some other day. I haven't been to your house for a long time." Wu Chuzhi was a little bit sentimental. Ever since he became decadent, he has inexplicably alienated many people.

Maybe it's because I don't want to hear advice from others.

"Hey! Your relationship problem is a bit too much. Tell the brothers, what do you think? Otherwise, we don't know how to call people in the future."

Yan Heng bumped his shoulder.

The people who had been paying attention to the conversation between the two suddenly looked at Wu Chuzhi with burning eyes.

Qin Xu put down his chopsticks, "Be honest, who was the girl you asked Yan Heng to bring in before the defense this morning?"

After he and Yan Heng came down, they passed the breath.

No way, Yan Heng didn't go to them after entering the lecture hall, but sat on the opposite side with Gao Chao Yang Zhenchun and a girl, which was too strange in itself.

"If you don't tell me the truth, I will make you nine thousand years old today!" Everyone also smiled maliciously at Wu Chuzhi.

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