Chapter 98
Wu Chuzhi looked confused.

Manager Xiao Bian got angry, "Hey! You little bastard! Do your homework well, and I'll come back later to check. If you can't pass, watch your ass carefully!"

The little boy hurriedly ran away.

Looks like a regular customer.

Wu Chuzhi laughed, "Mr. Bian, it seems that your business is quite busy."

Manager Xiao Bian scratched his head, "Hey! What is this? At my busiest time, I took care of 5 children and 3 dogs."

Wu Chuzhi was startled when he heard the words, and after a while, he laughed and said, "Now I believe you have the ability to integrate ten courtyards."

Manager Xiao Bian, who was walking forward with his hands behind his back, looked back and smiled, "Then it's Mr. Wu's turn to show me your strength."

Wu Chuzhi felt a chill, and goose bumps all over his body.

This kind of looking back and smiling, if it was done by Xiao Yuejia with a pair of peach blossom eyes, it would be a heart-stirring and intoxicating style.

If it were done by a big internal manager, there would be an urge to beat someone up.

If it weren't for seeing that this guy is really capable, Wu Chuzhi would have kicked him flying.

Walking along the alley, passing an ATM machine, he inserted the bank card directly, and the manager Xiao Bian consciously turned his back to the machine, waiting for him to enter the password.

"Come on, let's take a look." After Wu Chuzhi made a pass, he stepped aside.

Before he finished speaking, Manager Xiao Bian came over.

A gust of fragrant wind made Wu Chuzhi frown unconsciously.

Doesn't seem to be the smell of the perfume, though.

On the contrary, there was a fragrance of goose pear tent, which surprised Wu Chuzhi a little.

Unexpectedly, the manager is also a person who loves fragrance.

Hmm... there seems to be something wrong with that.

Everyone in the palace seems to love this tune.

After Manager Xiao Bian checked the balance clearly, Wu Chuzhi returned the card, took two steps back, and looked at him with a half-smile.

Manager Xiao Bian nodded, and cupped his fists at him, "Mr. Wu, I'm the one who can't see gold and jade, this way please."

I found a box in a teahouse, and the two sat down.

While serving the tea, the two exchanged business cards.

"Ben Ning?"

"Mr. Wu, just call me Xiao Bian." After checking the bank card balance, Bian Ning kept his posture very low.

He should be a few years older than Wu Chuzhi, but in shopping malls, the rich are the big brothers.

Wu Chuzhi's bank card balance of more than 4000 million made it hard for him to keep his eyes open.

He has been a real estate agent for so many years, and he has met many rich people.

But it is really rare for rich people to have tens of millions of cash in their bank cards.

Not to mention that it is available at any time, even if it is for them to collect tens of millions in a short period of time, it is not a small difficulty.

After all, cash is a paper number that can't get income, no matter how bad it is, it should be a financial management.

"Mr. Bian, I'm not talking nonsense. My request is very simple. I don't know how long it will take for you to purchase 10 courtyards." Wu Chuzhi opened his mouth after pouring out the tea.

Bian Ning was silent for a while, and asked back, "Mr. Wu, do you really want to use the market price?"

Wu Chuzhi nodded, "What I want is time."

Bian Ning picked up the teacup and took a sip, "Mr. Wu, you don't know that the demolition price of this area is 3800 yuan per square meter.

At present, the average price of second-hand housing in Yanjing is 5000 yuan, with a difference of 1200 yuan in the middle, but each household has an affordable housing purchase index, and the market price can be worth 3 yuan.

An average courtyard is 300 square meters, 6 households, that is, 6 indicators, 18.

According to the appraised price of 3800, and 6 indicators of affordable housing, the demolition expenditure of a courtyard and yamen is 132 million, and you have to pay 150 million.

For these residents, the longer the delay, the higher the housing prices outside, the more they will suffer.

So now even if you charge 3500 yuan per level, except for a very few nail households, the vast majority of people are willing.

I don't think this is how business is done. What are you trying to do?It is a loss-making business, and with your funds, you can directly talk to the developer, and you can get 5000 yuan for buying a new house. "

From Bian Ning's point of view, what Wu Chuzhi did was neither business nor investment.

Where monetary placement is a foregone conclusion, it's called charity.

Buying at a high price and selling at a low price is not such a way to lose money.

Is Wu Chuzhi a prodigal son?
Bian Ning didn't believe it. Judging from the business card, at least he was the general manager of the company. Even if he was the second generation, he wouldn't be such a prodigal.

Bian Ning didn't believe in Wu Chuzhitu's indicators of affordable housing.

As a foreigner, who is not in this industry, how can there be a way to realize these indicators?
Even if there are resources, wouldn't it be more fragrant to directly collect the indicators?

The current index has a clear price, 3 for each, and 5 for sale.

The indicator is that the money earned is the network. If ordinary people go to line up, wait, two or three years will be enough, and after buying a house, they cannot trade it for five years.

Even if affordable housing can be listed for trading after five years, it is still repurchased by the government.

Yamen will repurchase at the market price?
Ha ha……

What's more, where did Wu Chuzhi get so many accounts to receive so many indicators?

Therefore, Bian Ning believes that there must be an information gap in the middle.

Wu Chuzhi must have learned the inside information that these 'house bugs' did not.

He said so much, on the one hand, to show his professionalism, and on the other hand, he just wanted to set Wu Chuzhi's words.

To make money, sometimes it is to make a difference in information.

Wu Chuzhi smiled when he heard the words, and didn't speak, just playing tea art on his own.

After a while, Bian Ning was helpless.

What the hell, young people nowadays are so good at raising energy, are they so slippery?
Bian Ning persuasively persuaded, "Mr. Wu? What you want are 10 courtyards and 60 or so households. Why should others believe in the fact that the sky is falling?"
I have to make up a story!With such a large body, others are not fools.

And, you do this, I take it, bad manners.This market has been ruined by you, and I can't continue to mess around here.

Not everyone will bid this price. You are equivalent to raising the price of the entire front door.

I can't earn this money. "

Wu Chuzhi stared at him, pointed to his bracelet, "I believe in Buddhism."

He knew that what Ben Ning said was also reasonable, one was confidentiality, and the other was rationality.

As long as Bian Ning is not too short-sighted, he will not agree to raising the whole market.

Bian Ning held back a mouthful of old blood and almost vomited it out. He smiled wryly, "Mr. Wu, can we be more serious?"

Wu Chuzhi chuckled, "Didn't you just make up a story? My uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer a few days ago. Although the operation was successful, no one can tell the truth about cancer.

As a nephew, I also want to be filial. It just so happens that my ancestral house is also here, but it was taken away before.Now the neighbors who come to look at this area are frowning every day, and I will take it as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. "

Bian Ning curled his lips and gave him a thumbs up, "Mr. Wu, someone has to believe this."

Wu Chuzhi shrugged his shoulders, "This belongs to Believe it or not, anyway, I also made up the story, it's their business to believe it or not, and I paid the price well.

I think no one wants to have trouble with money. "

After finishing speaking, he paused and stared into Bian Ning's eyes, "Boss Bian, if there are 20 courtyards, you will also be given the affordable housing index to sell, and you will account for 4% of the proceeds. I wonder if it can make up for your losses. ?”

Hearing this, Bian Ning took a deep breath, and then his eyes became hot, "Mr. Wu, are you serious?"

At this time, it's not that he doesn't believe that Wu Chuzhi doesn't have the money.

According to the purchase price of 5000 yuan per square meter, the 20 courtyards are 6000 square meters, and the transaction volume is 3000 million yuan. According to the 2% commission, he can earn 60 yuan.

It's all decimals.

The highlight is on the economic housing index.

Of the 120 indicators, 5 of them were sold, 600 million, accounting for 4%, 240 million.

Although he himself received 120 indicators, he still earned that much when he sold them.

But where did he get the 120 indicators?

Wu Chuzhi is completely full of capacity.

Mr. Wu's single business is enough for him to earn for several years.

To Wu Chuzhi, it didn't matter, he nodded with a smile, "President Bian, you can come up with an agreement now."

He took the indicator and finally sold it through the "House Bug", after all, he didn't have the ability to jump in line to claim the house.

The actual profit is still the same, and it is still a toss, it is better to sell it to Bian Ning directly.

Of course, with such a large quantity, the price can be made higher.

But it's not necessary, the total price is only a difference of one hundred thousand, which is a waste of energy for him.

When you want someone to do something, you have to give something.

What's more, it's not that he needs to pay in advance for the indicators.

Ben Ning took out his handkerchief and wiped his forehead.

The movement of the orchid finger flipping made Wu Chuzhi, who was drinking tea, almost choke.

Well, understand.

His elder sister is also such a person.

This kind of pursuit of pure love is completely different from that of ordinary people like him.

Wu Chuzhi moved his butt quietly, getting further away from Bian Ning.

After all, girls and girls have an inexplicable sense of beauty, and he is more accepting.

Bian Ning bit his lip, hesitated for a while, looked up at Wu Chuzhi, and said earnestly,

"Mr. Wu, I suggest that you set the purchase price at 4500 yuan per square meter. This price is not too outrageous.

In terms of speed, I can also guarantee you that within half a month, 20 courtyards will be delivered to you.

After all, if I want to work in this industry, I have to abide by certain rules.Moreover, the price you have given is too high to be worthwhile. "

He is now completely sure in his heart that Wu Chuzhi definitely has the news that they don't know.

It doesn't matter what the message is.

The important thing is that there must be profit in it.

It's not that Bian Ning has shallow eyesight and wants to cut off his beard.

For one thing, he doesn't have the financial resources.

Second, there is no need for him to offend someone who has information of this level.

After struggling for so many years, Bian Ning knew that to earn money, he could only earn what he should earn.

Don't think about money you shouldn't be earning.

Don't spend your life earning money.

Wu Chuzhi pondered for a while, without any hesitation, nodded and agreed, "Then it's up to you, 4500 yuan per square meter is 4500 yuan.

The total price is 3000 million, and you can charge as much as you can, but it must be connected into a piece. "

The reason why he called out the purchase price of 5000 yuan was entirely because he didn't want to waste time and spend time with money.

But now, he can accept the time given by Bian Ning, and naturally he won't mess around.

He is not Abu.

Bian Ning nodded to express his understanding, the demolition rules of Qianmen were like this.

There are lots of demolition, one by one when they are mature, and the yamen don't bother to waste time talking nonsense.

"For 4500 yuan per square meter, 3000 million yuan is 6666.67 square meters. According to the land use ratio of 2.8, the vacated space is 18666.67 square meters, which is almost 28 acres of land.

After you buy these 20 sets of yards, the yamen can also immediately enter the land auction process. It is not a big problem to build a smaller high-rise building on 28 acres of land. "

Wu Chuzhi shook his head, "You think too much, the land in this place, the Yamen will not be so short-sighted to build new high-rise buildings."

Bian Ning was stunned, "If you don't build a new house, do you want to tear it down and build a park? Mr. Wu, you are joking, the yamen has money and no place to spend it, right?"

Wu Chuzhi sneered, "There are so many culturally protected buildings here, how does he repair them? It's not like a few years ago that they could be demolished casually.

They took it back, repaired it for protection, transformed those large courtyards into courtyards, and sold them one by one, no worse than high-rise buildings. "

This is not insider information, it was a topic at this year's National Council of Elders.

Bian Ning had also heard about it. He watched it on TV just for fun, and never thought about it. Hearing what Wu Chuzhi said, he reacted.

Many elders proposed that the culturally protected buildings in some old urban areas of Yanjing should be properly protected and should not be demolished.

Then the front door may really be operated in this way.

However, this has nothing to do with them, and they do not intervene in the subsequent links.

"Hey! If that's the case, when the time comes, we'll sell the pot and make him live in a courtyard house."

Wu Chuzhi smiled, and took a deep look at him, "Buy it, you won't lose money."

As long as you can endure the loneliness of being friends with time, these millions will be at least tens of millions more in more than ten years.

"Mr. Wu, since this is the case, then let's sign the contract. My agency fee rate is 2%. If you have a large quantity, I will charge you 1%. Let me make friends. What do you think?" Bian Ning Cautiously asked Wu Chuzhi for his opinion.

Seeing Wu Chuzhi shaking his head, Bian Ning felt ruthless, "Qianwu! What do you think of Qianwu? No matter how low I am, I can't explain it."

Bian Ning intends to stick his own pocket, and put up Qiansan. After all, it is affiliated with a franchise store under a big brand, and Qianba of the transaction amount needs to be handed over.

But in fact, even if it is zero commission, Bian Ning will agree to it. As long as the business is completed, the 120 affordable housing indicators will give him the confidence to post it.

But in business, calling poor and suffering is engraved in the bones.

A few words cost hundreds of thousands, Bian Ning felt that his face was much cheaper than this.

Wu Chuzhi smiled and shook his head, seeing that Bian Ning wanted to speak, he waved his hand, "Boss Bian, according to 1%, I will give you an extra 1%, which is 30.

You have done things well for me. If I am satisfied with the speed, I will give you a big red envelope in the end. "

Bian Ning was overjoyed when he heard the words. Originally, he only stayed in ambush for a few days in half a month, worrying about encountering nails or something.

Hearing what Wu Chuzhi said, he thought to himself, he would hurry up and do it when he got back later, and it would not be a big problem to recruit a few more people.

Just recruit the neighbors in the front door and give them some money to help persuade them, which is more effective than anything else.

The two of them were chatting about gossip and drinking tea while waiting for Bian Ning's subordinates to make a contract.

After a while, the contract was drawn up. Wu Chuzhi took out his mobile phone and laptop, took pictures and sent them directly to Liu Hui in Jincheng.

After Liu Hui confirmed that it was correct, the two hurried to the bank to open a joint account.

Collecting a house requires funds, Bian Ning doesn't have that much money, and Wu Chuzhi doesn't have that much free time.

After the joint management account was opened, without the seals of Wu Chuzhi and Bian Ning, it was impossible to withdraw money from the counter.

What Wu Chuzhi valued was the online banking payment. He gave Bian Ning a U-shield for order making, and took the U-shield for review by himself, and the matter was settled.

In this way, both parties are guaranteed.

After leaving the bank gate, Bian Ning offered to drive Wu Chuzhi off when the two parted.

Wu Chuzhi didn't bother to take a taxi, so he pretended to decline a few words and agreed.

He also wanted to take advantage of the situation.

The journey along the way is not boring, Yanjing people are born with a broken mouth, and talking about the mountains is a necessary skill.

After talking and laughing happily, we arrived at the place.

Looking at the majestic and majestic courtyard of the county palace gate, and Wu Chuzhi who was opening the lock, Bian Ning was stunned.

No wonder!
No wonder others know so much.

This is not a person of the world at all.

Bian Ning didn't hesitate anymore, got out of the car quickly, ran up the steps in two quick steps, and said to Wu Chuzhi who was about to enter the door,

"Mr. Wu, to tell you the truth, I am also planning to close two courtyards after you. I don't know if it is convenient or not."

Wu Chuzhi stopped walking when he heard the words, and laughed dumbly, "Mr. Bian, didn't you think this was charity?"

Bian Ning smiled wryly, "Mr. Wu, I'm not stupid, there must be something to gain here, if you don't want to say it, I know the rules, so I won't ask.

As for me, to tell you about it, I also thought that I might as well get together with you, and then the yamen will do it together.

To put it bluntly, I will give you a ride and follow you to earn some money. "

Wu Chuzhi laughed loudly, "Then make a fortune together!"

The purpose of asking Bian Ning to send him off is to borrow Xiao Yuejia's family power.

Regardless of whether there are or not, in Yanjing City.Now preserved to this day, there are only twenty or so complete gates of the palace.

Regardless of whether it is declining or not, it means that the people living here are not something ordinary people can provoke.

Bringing Bian Ning here is a deterrent, lest Bian Ning play any tricks.

The second is the binding of interests.

Wu Chuzhi didn't believe that Bian Ning was so stupid that he couldn't tell, or couldn't speak.

They are all for business, for face or something, what do you want to do here?
Bian Ning was overjoyed when he heard the words, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Whether this business, or the two courtyards he followed Wu Chuzhi to, can make money is a trivial matter.

He wanted to catch Wu Chuzhi's line.

To be able to grasp information that "house bugs" like them don't know is enough to show the strength of Wu Chuzhi's background.

For this kind of person, even if there are a few cracks in his fingers, it is enough for him to live a leisurely life.

"You rest, leave everything to me, and I promise to make things beautiful for you as quickly as possible."

After sending Bian Ning away, Wu Chuzhi stood on the steps, looked at the gate and smiled wryly.

Does this count as indirect eating soft rice?
After all, without this gate as the background, it is hard to prevent Bian Ning from smelling something strange during the processing process.

He patted his face lightly.

It should be well maintained.

As soon as he turned around and was about to enter the door, he was stopped by a distant voice, "Boy, let's go and play chess!"

Wu Chuzhi looked back and was amused. It was the 'Li Zhanggong' from yesterday.

The old man is addicted to chess!

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