If the disciple is too sandy

Chapter 286 This guy doesn't even let ghosts go?

Sunset in the forest.

The king of the spray king, Penduanchang, started to arrange his own plant army as soon as the others occupied this area. With the appearance of various strange plants, it naturally attracted a lot of attention.

After all, these plants all have strange expressions, normal smiling faces are fine, but some of them directly have expressions that make people want to do it.

For these disciples of the Xuanhuang Sect, people of all ethnic groups are very clear that they cannot make decisions based on common sense.


People from the Sea Clan and the Demon Clan have a deep understanding.

These disciples of the Xuanhuang Sect are basically unkillable existences, and they will reappear in front of you soon after being killed.

This is also the reason why the Sea Clan and the Demon Clan are jealous of the disciples of the Xuanhuang Sect.

Of course, this news is only circulated among them. After all, they have suffered a loss, and they also hope to see others suffer from the Xuanhuang faction.

Seeing that the plants were filled, the dung beetle stared at the various races and said with a smile: "Everyone, if you don't leave, we will really clear the place!"

In a word, it directly made the faces of the major races headed by the Sea Race and the Demon Race ugly.

Is it really just like this?

But if they fight, they don't seem to be their opponents, not to mention that now the Xuanhuang faction has joined forces with the Great Dream Immortal Sect and the Yaozu.

This situation is not good for everyone.

After a long time, a crab general of the Sea Clan said coldly: "Forget you, our Sea Clan admits it!"

After finishing speaking, he took out the token and urged the aura to leave here.

There is really no need to stay here any longer.

It would do them no good to stay here, and it would most likely cost their lives.

With the arrival of the Xuanhuang Sect, Sunset Forest is no longer something they can occupy, and going to other places is also full of danger.

Rather than lose their lives, it is better to leave directly.

The rest of the Sea Clan stopped talking nonsense and left the secret realm one by one by urging the tokens.

Seeing that the Sea Clan had left, one of the Demon Clan snorted coldly, and tactfully urged the token to leave the secret realm.

Many demons behind them withdrew together.

The departure of the Sea Clan and the Demon Clan also vacated a large area, but no one dared to go up and occupy it.

The Xuanhuang Sect, Yaozu, and Dameng Xianzong are still staring at it.

Whoever goes up to occupy it will die.

It is not easy for them to cultivate to the current state, and there is no need to put their lives on it.

So leaving with interest is the best choice.

Soon, the rest of the races also chose to leave here with a look of helplessness, and the rest of the human race also retreated helplessly.

Except for some people who are still struggling in various places, there are only three parties left in the Sunset Forest: Xuanhuang Sect, Yaozu, and Damengxianzong.

It has to be said that the methods of the Xuanhuang faction shocked the Yaozu.

If it were them, a fierce battle would be unavoidable, and even the Sea Clan and the Demon Clan might be forced to join forces to deal with them.

But now?

The disciples of the Xuanhuang faction simply threatened, and then no one really beat them?
Fortunately, their Yaozu chose to cooperate.

If this is an opponent, I'm afraid they will all stumble here.

"Hu Qiqi, you guys choose a place to score points."

Jun Lin looked back at Hu Qiqi and said, "Since it's a cooperation, now everyone will rely on their own abilities. We need ten places in the top [-]. How about sharing the rest equally with Dameng Xianzong?"

The Great Dream Immortal Sect is an iron ally of the Xuanhuang faction, so it is naturally qualified to participate in the equal share.

Hu Qiqi knew this very well, so he didn't say anything to refuse, and it is naturally best to divide the remaining [-] places equally.

The Patriarch of the Golden Lion Young Master behind him didn't complain either, at least they could still participate in the equal share.

If they relied on themselves alone, they might not be able to get so many places in the top [-].

Luo Yuan stepped forward and said with a smile: "Then make an agreement, we and Yaozu each occupy 45 places!"

45 places are equivalent to 45 spiritual peaches.

This is the best result for them.

If there were no members of the Xuanhuang faction, I'm afraid they would all be cleared out by now.

The three forces directly carve up the Sunset Forest, and started a boring and long journey of scoring points in it, and the disciples of those forces in other places are also dying and fleeing.

Now their only option is to leave this secret place.

Alive is better than dead.

Just as everyone was checking their scores in the setting sun forest, a figure came slowly, holding a woman with disheveled hair and blood clothes in her hand.

Noticing the situation here, Dung Beetle and the others immediately recognized the woman being carried.

Ghost in red? !

what's the situation?
Such a super boss is actually held by one person?

Immediately, everyone in the setting sun forest was taken aback, staring at this side one by one, and even forgot to pay attention to the snakes, insects, rats and ants under their feet.

The person who came was Zhao Ritian, a mysterious man who walked out of the cave in the deep valley.

Looking at the group of people and monsters scattered in the setting sun forest, Zhao Ritian narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at everyone present.

"What are you looking at? Look at me killing you!"

Zhao Ritian grinned coldly, then grabbed the red-clothed ghost and walked towards a bush. The rest of the people didn't even take a breath when they saw this scene.

Especially the Xuanhuang faction, they are well aware of the horror of the ghost in red.

This Nima super boss was destroyed by the ultimate boss?
"Your uncle, what's the origin of this guy? He's more arrogant than me!" The king of the king, Pen Duanchang, stood aside with a knife in his hand.

With that posture, he wanted to go up and cut Zhao Ritian.

However, Zhao Ritian naturally saw all this, and he didn't even have the thought of killing these little ants who only had the golden core realm.

After being locked up for such a long time, he no longer knew what was going on outside.

But as soon as he came out, he felt a lot of powerful aura here, so he cleaned it all the way.

He even chewed and swallowed the dragon on the grassland alive. The ghost in red wanted to escape, but he was still caught by Zhao Ritian.

Then he sensed that there was a wave of teleportation here, so he came straight here.

He didn't want to stay in this ghostly place forever, if he could leave, he would naturally leave with him.

Aren't these little guys in Sunset Forest just being targeted by him?

Zhao Ritian threw the red-clothed ghost on the ground, and then tore off the blood-red clothes from the red-clothed ghost in front of everyone.

This scene directly stunned everyone.

what's the situation?
This guy doesn't even let ghosts go?
Not to mention them, even the red-clothed ghost was stunned. She thought she was going to be killed, but who knew that this human race would strip her of her clothes, and...

The man started undressing in front of him!
When Zhao Ritian saw that only a pair of shining golden trousers were left, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and said viciously: "Close your eyes for me, you are not qualified to watch what I am going to do now!"

Faced with the threat of this mysterious strong man, the Yaozu had already turned around and dared not look at it, and Hu Qiqi blushed even more, muttering non-stop.

Luo Yuan also hastily motioned for the younger brothers and sisters to close their eyes.

This person is obviously not easy to mess with, what if they get violent and kill them?
Not worth the loss.

Although the red-clothed ghost looked good with his clothes off, it wasn't something they could look at blatantly.

The Xuanhuang faction is much more indifferent, after all, they are all players, and they have guessed a lot about what will happen next.

"Turtle, live broadcast, this is, I have never played such a wild game in my life."

"Who is this person? Even the red-clothed ghost will not be spared, Lao Mo, are you sure to deal with him, I mean after opening the door to death."

"If you open the dead door, you should be able to fight, but you can't beat him, and I will be eliminated, and the head will beat me to death."

"Even the ghosts are not spared, isn't this NPC too strong? Do you really want to treat us as outsiders?"


The next scene is a bit inappropriate for children.

Zhao Ritian also ignored the disciples of the Xuanhuang Sect. Although he said to tell them to close their eyes, it is not bad to be stared at.

He also wanted to show off his masculinity!

For more than an hour, the red-clothed ghost completely passed out, and Zhao Ritian did not let him go.

The dung beetle and the others also looked numb, turned around and began to clean up the snakes, insects, rats and ants under their feet.

So brutal!

Even if the other party is a red-clothed ghost, you can't use the other party as a tool, right?
I've never seen anything so brutal.

After Zhao Ritian put on his own clothes, he sat on the ground and stared at the people in the sunset forest, and said to himself, "Do you know why I'm staring at you?"

The red-clothed ghost is already in a coma, so how could he hear his words.

"I recognize you. Back then, you were someone close to Sun Yaochi. Although I don't know why you became like this, and you were still imprisoned here, you scolded me back then."

Zhao Ritian said to himself: "If you want to blame, I will blame you for being unlucky. You met me here, and you can only repay what Sun Yaochi owes me."

These words were not loud, but almost everyone in Sunset Forest heard them.

They didn't know who Sun Yaochi was talking about, let alone what he meant by these words.

But one thing is certain, this person is definitely the strongest existence in the secret realm.

Jun Lin went to Luo Yuan and Hu Qiqi to confirm the scores in their hands. After estimating the top [-] with the highest scores, they also chose to leave here.

There is a boss staring at him, who knows what will happen next.

So it is a good thing to leave as soon as possible.

Sensing their purpose, Zhao Ritian stood up slowly, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Boy, do you want to leave me and leave?"

In a word, everyone is like an enemy.

Zhao Ritian took a panoramic view of their expressions, waved his hands and smiled indifferently: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, after all you are too weak, and if you are weak, I am too lazy to do it, what I want to kill is the existence that you can't understand .”

There was a dead silence in the forest at sunset.

No one left first, they all quietly looked at the scruffy man covered in iron chains in front of him.

"Use your teleportation weapon to take me out of here together, and I can promise not to kill those people behind you."

Zhao Ritian walked up step by step, stood in front of Junlin and said, "You are their leader, right? I am not discussing with you now, but ordering you to take me out of here!"

Looking at Zhao Ritian who was so close at hand, Jun Lin didn't even have the thought of resisting.

What the hell?
Does this boss still have a ban?

Just when he was hesitating, Lao Mo sent a private message.

"Old Mo: Take him with you. I'm not his opponent, but the leader will definitely be able to fight him. Go out and let the leader fight."

"Jun Lin: Are you sure? If the boss can ban us, can the leader really win?"

"Old Mo: If you don't take him away, Luo Yuan and the others will probably die here. These NPCs can't be resurrected after they die, and we have to refresh our favorability."

"Jun's Landing: Yes, it's fine, but I'm worried that even the powerful head of this boss won't be able to suppress it."

"Old Mo: Just trust me, the leader is the ceiling of this game's combat power, and the appearance of this boss will definitely have a follow-up plot."

"Junlin: You mean... five tests?"

"Old Mo: Take a gamble, in case the five test has something to do with this boss, it's not bad for us to gain favorability!"


After a long time, Jun Lin nodded.

Seeing Zhao Ritian's promise, he patted Jun Lin's shoulder with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "That's right, I like people like you."

Seeing that this person wanted to leave with the Xuanhuang Sect, Hu Qiqi and Luo Yuan immediately chose to leave.

They want to spread the news here and make sure that everyone outside knows it.

Now that such a terrifying person appeared in the secret realm, if the other person went out, it would definitely be a disaster for the cultivation world.

Jun Lin didn't hesitate anymore, and directly urged the token in his hand, while Zhao Ritian grabbed Jun Lin's shoulders, not letting him leave him easily.


With the first appearance of Yaozu and Damengxianzong disciples, many people looked over with some dissatisfaction.

They already know the things in the secret realm, and now they don't have a good impression of the Xuanhuang faction.

"Old man, run away, there is a strong man coming out of the secret realm!"

The moment Luo Yuan came back, he yelled directly at Meng Fenggu.

Hu Qiqi and the others also returned to the Yaozu's side and explained to their Yaozu patriarch what happened in the secret territory.

The moment everyone knew that a master from the secret realm was about to come out, an indescribable sense of oppression lingered in their hearts.

This secret realm came from the upper realm, and the masters there could only be from the upper realm.

All of their major forces have ancestors who have ascended to the upper realm, so this person is likely to be related to one of them!

If you can let him stay, or even ask the other party to take action, wouldn't the cultivation world be under control?
Almost all forces think so.

The Yaozu knew that the other party was a human race, so they couldn't help worrying.

What if this human race attacks their monster race?
At this moment, the disciples of the Xuanhuang Sect also appeared in front of everyone one by one, and of course there was a man covered in iron chains, with disheveled hair and an extremely scruffy man.

The moment this man appeared, an indescribable sense of oppression rushed over his face, and even large swaths of dark clouds began to gather in the sky, and in the clouds, purple thunderbolts as thick as buckets flickered continuously.

"I... finally came out! Sun Yaochi, you all wait for me, and wait for me to come back and kill you!"

Zhao Ritian raised his head, breathing in the long-lost spiritual energy, and at the same time enjoying the freedom that he had missed for many years.

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