If the disciple is too sandy

Chapter 299 Going Deep into the Mountains, and the Field Boss Appears!

Chapter 299 Going Deep into the Mountains, and the Field Boss Appears! (seeking subscription)
Accompanied by Nanji's shout, his figure rushed out of the ruined temple first.

Holding Chang'e Roasted Jade Rabbit before the five of them could react, they felt their feet shaking for a while, as if something rushed out from under their feet.

Just a few breaths after rushing out of the Antarctic, the ruined temple began to shake crazily, followed by dust and smoke.

The bells in the ruined temple have been put away by Antarctica.

It didn't take long for the crazy shaking to calm down, and as the dust and smoke dissipated, the ruined temple returned to normal.

It seemed that the shock just now was just a simple earthquake.

But Antarctica standing outside had a dignified expression on his face.

At this moment, his gaze had already fallen on the ruined temple, but the five people who were supposed to be in the ruined temple, holding Chang'e and roasting the jade rabbit, completely disappeared.

It was as if they had never appeared before.

The next moment, the message of roasting the Jade Rabbit with Chang'e in his arms came.

Holding Chang'e and roasting the jade rabbit: "Brother Nanji, we suddenly forcibly died, there is something wrong with that ghost!"

Looking at the message he sent, Nanji looked at the whole ruined temple again, his brows full of solemnity.

That's right.

This ruined temple is also a prop!
And it is a prop that will kill you if you touch it, without any exceptions!
For some reason, he couldn't see the specific situation of this ruined temple. On the contrary, the gate of this ruined temple was wide open, as if waiting for someone to enter.

After waiting for a long time, they rushed back with Chang'e roasted jade rabbit in their arms, all of them still in shock.

"Brother Nanji, what's going on?"

A big shark hurriedly asked: "We didn't realize it just now, and we were forced to die when we came back to our senses."

Rabbit Ears and the others also nodded.

The scene just now didn't give them a chance to react at all, which made people very confused.

Nanji Shensheng explained: "Do you know the pitcher plant? This ruined temple is actually similar to the principle of the nepenthes. I suspect that the ruined temple itself is a powerful prop, but it is a pity that the attributes of the ruined temple cannot be seen now. "


This ruined temple is actually a powerful prop?
There are props with invisible attributes in this game, did the planner intentionally create such a thing?

"Brother Nanji, do you mean that as long as you enter this ruined temple, you will die?" holding Chang'e roasted jade rabbit with a look of fear.

If this is the case, then this item is not so powerful.

Nanji frowned and said: "It's not about entering the ruined temple, but coming into contact with the ruined temple, and maybe you won't die immediately when you walk in, just like you searched inside at the beginning.

But when one of you touches the inside of the ruined temple, it will directly trigger forced death, and when no one touches it, the ruined temple should also count the ground.

In this way, as long as it is a person standing on the ground, it can be regarded as triggering forced death.

It is more similar to the one with rules, but the specific situation is hard to say, after all, it is the first time I have seen this kind of props with rules. "

Fortunately, the ringing bell was collected, otherwise it would not be easy to get the ringing bell again.

As for the situation of this ruined temple, Antarctica is really helpless.

I don't know the specific attributes of this ruined temple, and he tried just now, but it seems that he can't take this ruined temple away.

"Okay, I'll go back and study the bell next time, so be careful."

Antarctic doesn't want to stay here anymore, he is very interested in these props now, so he wants to check the situation.

Seeing this, holding Chang'e roasted jade rabbit and others also watched Antarctica leave here.

After Antarctica left, the five looked at each other.

"What should I do now? Continue to explore or go back for a rest? I feel that the level of danger here is quite high."

"There is no need to explore, who knows if there are similar props here."

"I also think so. It's better to go back earlier, and then go to the Contribution Hall to buy something. This version is too unfriendly to us."

"It's not just discord, it's outrageous. Almost all players have died once, right?"


The fifth test has just started, and almost all the players died once. This is the first time that such a situation has occurred.

Even in the previous few tests, the players haven't been forced to this point yet.

The large-scale deaths at the beginning are enough to show the difficulty of this version.


On the other side, the people of Muye Village, who kept going deep, pushed all the way under the leadership of the dung beetle, and killed a lot of blood rabbits along the way.

Although the blood rabbit does not have as high a reward as the nightmare, this thing also has a hundred contribution points.

Killing one is equal to one more life.

Now, under the leadership of the dung beetle, the players in Muye Village have explored the location of the indigenous cave.

"Boss, there is a cave over there, and there are still many life forms in it."

At the beginning, a dog waited with a pair of white eyes, and the veins around the temples were bulging, looking a little scary.

But the players in Muye Village all know that this is the reward from the previous First World Martial Arts Conference.

At that time, the Aoxiang team had almost won all the rewards.

Everyone has a special bloodline or a peculiar physique.

Blank is almost perfect for scouting, which is one of the main reasons they can push all the way.

"There is a living body? So there are still NPCs in this ghost place? Do you think these NPCs will be as difficult to deal with as the weird ones we killed?"

The dung beetle rubbed his chin, and said suspiciously: "Get ready, let's go to the cave over there and have a look. The Straw Hat Pirates are in charge of keeping an eye on it, and the navy team brought their equipment and directly surrounded the entrance of the cave."

Hearing this, people in Muye Village took action one after another.

Although their Konoha Village is a hall, they gather a large number of Two-dimensional players.

The establishment of Muye Village is to give this group of Two-dimensional players a place to develop, to play games happily together, and to bring Two-dimensional culture into the real game.

Several members of the Straw Hat Pirates went to buy specific costumes, and they were all well-dressed.

The naval brigade is the same, everyone is wearing a white navy windbreaker, full of domineering.

Players in the entire Konoha Village have their own favorite outfits, even wigs.

It is not bad to say that it is a large-scale cosplay show scene.

How about the female gamers in Konoha Village are more popular, after all, you can see all kinds of female players playing cosplay every day.

Exciting batch!
The dung beetle saw that everyone started to move, and he led a large army up, and at the same time, a dog was responsible for guarding the surrounding situation.

There are many people living in the cave where they are, all of them are human races without cultivation, and there is no strong aura.

The word "Anjia" is written on the stone tablet at the entrance of the cave.

"What does this mean? You have a good brain, you can explain it to us."

The dung beetle stood at the entrance of the cave and asked.

Steady as an old dog, he shook his feather fan and said with a smile: "Could it be that the NPCs here have settled down here? But there are quite a few people inside. It should be a large camp, and the settlement should be the name of the camp. The person in charge I'm afraid the surname is Ann.

Of course, this is all my guess. We still have to go in and ask about the specific situation. After all, we are not familiar with the place, so maybe we can know our current location from them? "

The dung beetle standing at the entrance of the cave nodded.

He is a man who has learned the magic sealing wave, even if the gods come, he can seal them.

It's just a cave, can you still scare him?

Now he is invincible, okay?
Inside the cave, people with disheveled hair and filthy bodies hid in the grass shed, listening to the voices coming from outside the cave entrance.

When the dung beetle and the others killed the blood rabbit, the people in Anjia Cave had already discovered them.

But they dare not come out.

In their cognition, the outside is a place full of dangers, and if you go out, you will die.

Even if they knew that there were other caves outside, only those in charge of hunting had the courage to go out, and everyone else was afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

not only that.

They also saw that it was the actions of the dung beetle and others. The method of setting fire and spitting water was simply unheard of.

So no matter how uncertain the situation is, they will definitely not go to die.

Cave Master An didn't know the origins of Dung Beetle and the others, but now that this group of people was about to come in, it was hard for him, Cave Master, to hide.

"Fuck, this cave is so big, it completely hollowed out the mountain."

"This is an air-raid shelter, right? And why are there so many grass sheds inside? Are people hiding in the grass sheds?"

"My fellow, we are good people, don't hide it."

"That old man is looking at us, as if he is the only one who dares to come out, he can't be the person in charge here, right?"


After the players entered the cave, they were all shocked by the situation of the cave.

But looking at the fearful eyes in those huts, the players felt a little helpless, so they had no choice but to show that they were good people.

Dongzhu An was pointed at by several players, and he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk up.

"Are you from that cave? Why have I never heard of you?"

Dongzhu An came in front of the dung beetle. He was not a fool, so he could see that the dung beetle was the leader.

When he asked such a question, the dung beetle was also stunned.


Are there many caves in this mountain range?
The dung beetle scratched his head and said, "We belong to the Xuanhuang sect, and we are on the outermost mountain. Are you residents here?"


It seems that this ghostly place is a bit weird, he has forgotten how to communicate with NPC.

Damn it.

"Hurry up and leave, we don't welcome outsiders in Anjia!"

Cave Master An immediately started chasing people away.

What is the outermost hill, they have lived here for so many years, and they have never heard of the outermost hill being inhabited.

Among the entire mountain range, the most dangerous place is the outermost place.

This group of people is full of lies, and you must not have too many negotiations with them.

"Hey, what's the matter with you old man?"

The dung beetle rolled up his sleeves and said, "Believe it or not, I beat you so hard with my fist the size of a sandbag that you can't take care of yourself?"

Seeing that the dung beetle was about to attack, Cave Master An also panicked.

But at this time, there was a commotion outside the cave.

Dongzhu An's complexion changed drastically, and he knelt down and kowtowed hurriedly, "The ancient gods have mercy, we really don't know them, the ancient gods have mercy."

Ancient God?

What the hell?

At the beginning, a dog turned his head and said: "Boss, a boss appeared outside, and the people of the navy brigade were attacked."

Hearing that there was a boss, the players became excited.

A boss can provide a lot of contribution points, how could they just miss it?

"Go and fight the boss first, don't worry about these people."

The dung beetle hurriedly turned his head and ran out: "Cheer up, everyone, this may be the first field boss in Wutest, if we take it down, we will be prosperous!"

"Chong Chong, we want this boss from the Yordle Pirates!"

"A group of dwarves are thinking of farting, and our sexy prisoner is the boss' nemesis!"

"Stop arguing, the Marine Corps and the Straw Hat Pirates are outside, if you don't hurry up, the boss will be gone!"

"Don't worry, who the hell touched my butt, is it sick!"


For a while, the players made a mess.

After rushing out aggressively, Dongzhu An also looked at the entrance of the cave quietly with a puzzled expression on his face.

From his hand, an arm-long wooden statue trembled slightly.

This statue is in the shape of an eyeball, and it looks extremely weird, giving people an indescribable sense of awe.

Soon, the players in Muye Village rushed out of the cave.

Outside, a five-meter-tall monster shaped like a tiger was fighting with members of the Navy Brigade, and many members of the Navy Brigade had already died around them.

What really scares the players is the eyeballs on this tiger monster that look at various angles.

These eyeballs staring at the players around them are really uncomfortable.


This boss is definitely not simple.

"Fuck, what the hell is this?"

"I'm suffering from trysophobia, and the eyeballs of each one make me feel hairy."

"Damn it, this is a boss? Are you planning to start this disgusting thing to dirty us now?"

"No, my heart rate has gone up, I give up on this boss!"


With the appearance of the players, many eyeballs on that weird body looked over, staring at many players and their scalps became numb.

The dung beetle swallowed, turned his head and said, "Steady as an old dog, you are in command. I will prepare Mo Fengbo. If I can't kill it directly, I will use Mo Fengbo to seal this thing."

"it is good!"

Steady as an old dog nodded and said: "All earth players are ready, use the earth wall to restrict the boss's actions first, wood players will save people immediately, seriously injured players will be sent to reincarnation, fire players don't shoot first, once the boss breaks through the restrictions , you are blocking it."

As a commander with a small number of figures in the whole game, many people will obey the arrangement of the old dog.

After all, when the Sea Clan fought and the Demon Clan invaded, he was in charge of commanding the battle with the sixth child next door, messy dancing steps and others.

Right now, this kind of situation is not too difficult, but it can be easily dealt with.

As long as the players obey the command and cooperate well, they can completely win this boss battle.

"Boss, the people from Lingxiao Temple are here too!"

At the beginning, a dog rolled his eyes, and when he saw someone approaching, he immediately warned.

The corner of the dung beetle's mouth twitched, and he turned his head and said, "You all follow my command, this wild boss must be taken down by us, don't let the people from Lingxiao Palace snatch the boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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