Ji Yao Shan Hai

Chapter 15 Arriving at the Ruins

Chapter 15 Arriving at the Ruins
"The big formation that covers the sky...Captain Qi actually allowed you to come up with this formation this time? It seems that this ruin is very tricky!"

"This Japanese relic has not only seeped a large amount of original sin power, but even the shikigami has recovered. Do you think that if she doesn't come up with this formation, she will let me lead the team to block the relic without worry?"

Looking at Qi Yuer's indifferent expression, Xiao Zhang couldn't help but reminded: "That's right. But I think it's better for us to be careful. Just now I heard from Kamo's command that the team that entered the ruins has been completely cut off from the headquarters. After making contact, there is no news from the other team stationed on the periphery!"

Qi Yuer frowned: "If I remember correctly, the team that entered the ruins was led by that dog Xu Ge?"

Xiao Zhang nodded: "Yes. It's Xu Ge!"

The conversation between the two of them made Jiang Yang on the side tremble with fear.

This Qi Yuer is a real tiger!Don't even give yourself a chance to explain, you have to let yourself perform the task together.

He said that he didn't need to do anything, but after entering the Lao Shizi formation, who knows how to cooperate... Moreover, strictly speaking, he is not even a bone-forging monk now.

If you expect him to cooperate, it's better to wash up and go to bed as soon as possible!
The people in the Monster Hunting Department are all poisonous, there is not even a single one who is a little bit normal... It's simply!

"Huh? Yu'er, why did you bring Jiang Yang with you?" Qi Yushu stood quietly at the office window on the eighth floor, looking at the three people who walked out of the hunting department without saying a word.

She changed her mind and murmured: "That's fine, if you use Jiangyang as a bait, you can just explore the depth of this Japanese relic."

"Yu'er... has grown up!"

Relieved laughter sounded in the office, but in the next second, Qi Yushu disappeared.


Qi Yuer and the two dragged Jiang Yang all the way, pushing him into a military pickup truck without any explanation.

I don't know what special method Qi Yuer used. At this moment, Jiang Yang, who was pressed on the back seat, lost control of almost all other parts of his body except for his eyeballs.

"It's over! These two idiots! If you want to die, you still insist on dragging me along with you... What evil did I do in my previous life!"

Jiang Yang closed his eyes in pain.

A bad premonition arises spontaneously.

Qi Yuer, who was sitting in the driver's seat, started the pickup truck in a hurry. Suddenly, there was a beast-like roar from the engine. With a sound of "Woo", the pickup truck flew away like an arrow from the string. go out.

Rao Zhang is used to Qi Yuer rushing out on missions, but every time he gets into the car driven by Qi Yuer, his fragile little heart will start beating wildly.

"Yu, Yu'er! You, you, drive slowly!"

"Don't worry, I have driven the road of the Security Bureau not only a thousand times, but also eight hundred times. What else can happen? It's not me. With my driving skills, I can't find a second one in the whole Tin City. Come!"

Before the words were finished, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the pickup truck. Qi Yuer slammed on the brakes, and Jiang Yang, who was sitting in the back seat, came into intimate contact with the front seat with a bang.

If eyes could kill, Qi Yu'er would have died ten thousand times by now.

"Accident, Accident"

When the three of them arrived at the ruins of the Japanese people, the periphery of the ruins had already been piled up with obstacles. If they wanted to get close to the ruins, they had to abandon their cars and walk.

Qi Yuer put on the handbrake, turned off the pickup truck, and turned to look at Xiao Zhang and Jiang Yang: "We are here! Get out of the car!"

The faces of the two who survived the catastrophe were pale, and Xiao Zhang even shook his hands when he opened the door.

Qi Yuer released Jiang Yang from the restraints on his body, and then he took out two pairs of standard armor from the carriage and handed them to the two in turn.

"Come on, put this on!"

After calming down, Xiao Zhang took the armor: "Where did you get this thing?"

While putting on the armor, Qi Yuer explained: "It must be from Xiaobai."

Jiang Yang took the armor with a blank gaze: "By the way, if you are not a member of the Monster Hunting Department, can you use this?"

Hearing this, the two looked surprised, and said in unison: "Huh? You are not a member of the Monster Hunting Department!?"

Jiang Yang asked back: "When did I say I was?"

Qi Yuer was slightly taken aback: "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Jiang Yang's eyes were dark: "From the beginning to the end, did you ask me to say a word?"

Hearing this, Qi Yuer couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and he subconsciously scratched his head in embarrassment.

After a while, Xiao Zhang on the side said dully: "Since you are not a member of the Monster Hunting Department, why do you know our Captain Qi?"

"...To be honest, today is the first time I have met Captain Qi."

"Ah, this"

For a while, the two stared at each other.

The relationship has been quarreling for a long time, this Jiang Yang is not only not a newcomer in the ministry, he is not even a monk in most cases! ?

"Yu'er, what should we do now?"

Qi Yuer rubbed the center of his brows, and immediately asked, "Jiang Yang, are you a monk? Or, are you a supernatural being?"

Jiang Yang blinked his eyes innocently: "I'm not a supernatural person. As for the monk, I just embarked on the road of practice today, and the exercises taught to me by Kamo have only tried to run for a week, I don't know Are you a monk?"

After listening to Jiang Yang's words, Xiao Zhang's mentality exploded in an instant, and he stared at Qi Yu'er without saying a word, as if to say: Look at what you have done!

Qi Yu'er was stared away by Xiao Zhang's murderous eyes, and then he straightened his neck and said, "Forget it, the matter has come to an end, it's useless to blame me! I didn't know that I would make such a mess!" Oolong incident. Moreover, the Blinding Formation is quite special, except for the person who controls the eye of the formation, there are no rigid requirements for other support personnel. At worst, let him go in to fill up the number!"

Xiao Zhang said unhappily: "Whatever you want! Just don't blame me if something goes wrong!"

Qi Yuer's words, no matter how unreliable Jiang Yang heard, he immediately whispered, full of desire to survive: "You two, let me say something. You put so many monks in the Xicheng Monster Hunting Department, why don't you use them?" Do you have to include me? Besides, you don’t seem to have asked for my consent beforehand.”

Qi Yu'er suppressed Jiang Yang's doubts, and said loudly: "Recently, there have been many extraordinary incidents in Xicheng, and other people in the Hunting Department have other tasks to perform, otherwise I will not arrest people casually Come to make up the number. After all, there are not many bastards who are as idle as Xiao Zhang."

After a pause, he continued: "I told you just before departure that you were temporarily recruited to my team. Whether you agree or not, you have to listen to me from now on! Even if you have an opinion in your heart, you Go to my aunt and complain about me!"

"Fuck!" Jiang Yang couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Listen, this dog speaks human language?Not only killing people, but also killing people!

He even told me directly about his own relationship, he didn't treat me as a human being at all!
At this time, Xiao Zhang, who was called a bastard by Qi Yuer, looked unhappy and said, "Who are you calling a bastard?"

"Xiao Zhang, now is not the time to debate whether you are a bastard or not. We still have work to do! We are going to be run out by the things in the ruins, and neither of us has good fruit to eat!"

After finishing speaking, the guilty Qi Yuer unloaded all the materials needed for the formation from the pickup truck on his own, and didn't say anything to ask the two to help.

After working for a while, he picked up Xiaoshangao's materials on his back and yelled at the two of them, "Let's go! Go to the periphery of the ruins first!"

Xiao Zhang responded, and immediately followed Qi Yuer, while Jiang Yang hung at the end of the three-person team.

Speaking of it, he is not afraid of people's jokes. Jiang Yang, a native of Xicheng, actually doesn't even know where he is now, which also cut off his idea of ​​running away in disguise.

Since the catastrophe a hundred years ago, some different spaces attached to the main world have reappeared. With the intensification of the spiritual recovery in the main world, except for some special spaces that have turned into relics, other different spaces have gradually merged with the main world. , which also led to the connection between various provinces, becoming more and more difficult.

The expansion of the territory of the real world has brought the Longhua royal family's control over the other provinces under its jurisdiction to a freezing point in the Eastern Continent. This undoubtedly gives the careerist a chance to dominate one side.

For some ordinary people, if they do not use some modern means of transportation, they may not be able to leave the province they are in for the rest of their lives.
As several people approached the ruins step by step, Jiang Yang felt more and more uneasy.

He began to comfort himself in his heart: "Forget it, although these two guys seem unreliable, they are still powerful monks. If something happens, they will shrink behind them."

As he was walking, a big bottomless hole appeared not far ahead, and Qi Yuer, who was at the front of the team, suddenly stopped, and Xiao Zhang, who was closely behind him, suddenly asked nervously: "Why? gone?"

Qi Yuer ignored Xiao Zhang, but bent down to pick up a fragment of the long sword buried in the soil.

After rubbing the fragments in his hand, Qi Yuer said solemnly, "This is the standard weapon fragment of the garrison team!"

Xiao Zhang snatched the fragments, and after confirming them, he said in surprise: "Really! But the strength of our Xicheng standard weapons is not as strong as that in the central region, but if you want to break these weapons, you must not cultivate your mind. Impossible! Could it be that the mind refining monster in this ruins can still walk out of the ruins?"

"Yu'er, something is wrong with this place! Just to be cautious, why don't we just set up battles here? Going deeper, I'm afraid something will go wrong!"

Thinking of the power of the mind-refining monster, Qi Yuer couldn't help but shudder: "Alright, let's set up the formation here!"

The two carefully observed the surroundings, and after confirming that there was nothing dangerous, Qi Yuer put down all the materials for the formation.

"Xiao Zhang, don't be distracted when I set up the formation later. If you see any suspicious things around you, remember not to hold back, and kill them all first! We in Xicheng can only make up one piece!"

"Okay, I'll pay attention!"

After the two arranged the division of labor, they began to set up a large formation. Jiang Yang, who had nothing to do, looked curiously at the big hole not far away.

"Is this the entrance to the ruins?"

 More than 3K words, that's all for today. .

(End of this chapter)

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