Ji Yao Shan Hai

Chapter 31 Ancient Western City

Chapter 31 Ancient Western City

Looking at the majestic city in front of him, Jiang Yang would be lying if he said he wasn't shocked.

It is unimaginable how much it would cost to build such a city.

Out of curiosity, Jiang Yang asked, "Handsome guy, were there many such cities in your time?"

Yan Shuai, the pig demon, shook his head: "Not many. In ancient times, such cities were relatively rare."

Jiang Yang had such an expression on his face: "Is it because the cost is too huge?"

Yan Shuai replied sighingly: "No, no, it's just the opposite. This kind of city is not expensive, and the reason why it is built is mostly to hide people's eyes and ears. For example, this one is built right before the entrance of the seal. In fact, if the city is not destroyed, then the seal below the city will not appear in the world. The main purpose of establishing it at first was to suppress the entrance of the seal. Perhaps in your opinion, this city is very majestic, but you must know that it is only It’s just the lowest level of city.”

"This is just the lowest level of city? So what kind of city is considered a high-level city?"

"The city in the east is one of the top cities, but the spider is currently entrenched there. If you have a chance in the future, you might as well go and have a look."

It's far from a big picture. The city in the east has been broken into that bird, and it is still a high-level city. The western city, which is so well preserved, is only the most inferior city.

Some speechless Jiang Yang changed the topic: "Where is the exit you mentioned just now in this city? Also, after entering the city, is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

Yan Shuai thought for a while, and replied: "The exit is located in the city lord's mansion in the center of the city! But now without my suppression, the infiltration of demonic energy there will only become more and more serious. Although this city is not high-level, But the basic defensive measures are not lacking at all. After you go in, it is best not to enter the buildings in the city at will, those high towers... If you can avoid them, avoid them!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yang kept Yan Shuai's words in his heart, and then stepped into the city step by step.

Just as Jiang Yang passed through the city gate, the tall towers in the entire western ancient city lighted up slightly, and various lights flowed on the top of the towers at the same time.

Under the reflection of the light, traces of the original sin power remaining in Jiang Yang's body twisted and were pulled out by the light, and then slowly disappeared into the air.

At this moment, Jiang Yang, freed from the entanglement of the power of original sin, only felt relaxed, and his whole body's energy and spirit had stepped up to a higher level.

Jiang Yang was amazed in his heart: "This tower actually has the mighty power to cleanse the demon energy."

Gu Diao said indifferently: "Cleaning up the demonic energy is only one of the functions of the Demon Breaking Tower. If the energy reserves in the tower are sufficient, it can even injure monks in the upper three realms!"

Hearing Gu Diao's words, Jiang Yang's curiosity about the top ancient city rose sharply.

If the city in front of me is only the lowest level city, what about the well-preserved top level city?
Yan Shuai, who heard Jiang Yang's heartfelt thoughts, interrupted abruptly: "Boy, don't be surprised. You will know when you come back to the upper three realms and come back to see the ancient city of the East?"

Jiang Yang walked cautiously in the empty ancient city, and said as he walked, "But hasn't the ancient eastern city been broken long ago?"

The two demons looked at Jiang Yang contemptuously: "Superficial! The level and appearance of the city cannot be generalized! Just like the city in the west, although it looks majestic, but to put it bluntly, it is just a gold and jade outside, and nothing in it! If there is no strong person to sit in the town, it may be possible for any big monster to come and destroy this place completely, but the ancient city of Dongfang is different."

Jiang Yang just wanted to ask, but after the two monsters looked at each other, they chose to silence at the same time, as if they had some taboo and didn't want to say more.

These two dogs are irresponsible after arousing people's curiosity. It is a bit too much to be true!Every time, like the Riddler, say half and keep the other half. If there is a rank in the skill of selling off, these two guys are definitely not low-level!If you have a chance in the future, be sure to clean them up!

Jiang Yang, who knew he couldn't ask anything, stopped talking, but looked left and right and looked up and down the buildings in the city.

This ancient city is the same as the modern city. Not only are there various road signs filled with ancient texts on the roads, but there are even numbered house plates hanging on the doors of the residential areas.

Jiang Yang, who didn't know much about ancient civilization, looked at it for a long time, but couldn't understand the meaning of the words written on the road signs. As a last resort, he could only ask the two big monsters again.

"Master Diao, do you know the characters on it?"

Gu Diao has a black thread on his head: "You don't know your own characters, so you have the nerve to ask me?"

Jiang Yang froze for a moment, and soon understood the implication of Gu Diao's words.

This stupid bird pretended to be wise and didn't want to answer himself directly, it was nothing more than it couldn't understand.

As for Yan Shuai, to be honest, even if he really knew him, Jiang Yang would not ask him.

Being despised by a bird, maybe Jiang Yang can accept it, but if he doesn't know the characters that even pigs can understand, then where should his old face be put?

Yan Shuai, the pig demon, faintly noticed some thoughts in Jiang Yang's mind, and immediately said with a lot of evil humor: "This stupid bird doesn't like to read books on weekdays, so naturally he doesn't know words, but I am different! I was born in the scholarly family Second, I have read a lot of books since I was a child, let alone street signs, I can translate any ancient books for you, why don't you ask me?"

Jiang Yang's complexion couldn't help turning dark, does this bastard take me for a fool?
He clearly remembered that when subduing the red-eyed pig demon, Gu Diao used this to mock this wilting stupid pig, it was good, and used this to mock himself in turn!It is tolerable or unbearable!
He's obviously a lazy, stupid pig, and he's still talking about a scholarly family with me!Jiang Yang didn't even believe a single punctuation mark in what the dog just said.

Jiang Yang felt ruthless in his heart: After leaving this ruins, I must make up for the knowledge of ancient civilizations, otherwise, with the pissing nature of this pig, maybe it can talk about this matter and despise me for the rest of its life!

But now one person and two monsters don't know the ancient characters. If they want to go to the city lord's mansion, maybe they really need to ask the red-eyed pig monster who is most familiar with this place.

Jiang Yang, who knew the truth that people are under the eaves, took a few deep breaths, and after self-hypnosis, he said to the red-eyed pig monster: "Handsome guy, you have been here for many years, you must know how to get to the city lord's mansion, right? I'm going! I can't even see a person in this ghostly place, if I stay any longer, I feel like I'm going crazy!"

Just as the pig demon wanted to show off his abilities, unexpectedly he was about to say something, but was suddenly taken back by it, and his fat body was inexplicably shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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