Ji Yao Shan Hai

Chapter 38 Finally to the City Lord's Mansion

"Boy, don't panic, at worst, you will die with this woman!"

"Come on! Two more rampages, even if this woman doesn't die, she will most likely be crippled! Grandpa Pig, I have a lot of energy in my body, you can just smoke as you like, don't worry about me!"

When Jiang Yang and the Veiled Girl were in a stalemate, the red-eyed pig demon in the Ji Yao Catalog was chattering endlessly, making Jiang Yang one head and two big.

What is fish dead and net broken?I don't want to die at such a young age!And two more rampages. It's not that you hit the wall, of course you don't care!
Come on, I'm the one hitting the wall!You stupid pig with no brains!

After spouting this trash in his heart, Jiang Yang had no intention of continuing to complain, because the veiled girl who had completely lost her patience moved again!

Jiang Yang squatted down slightly, deftly avoiding the attack of the veiled woman.

He was just about to turn around and go to the side, but unexpectedly, a few ribs suddenly emerged from the skin on the chest of the veiled woman. Jiang Yang saw at a glance that these ribs opened and closed suddenly like a huge mouth. His head was restrained in place.


There was a harsh sound of falling into the wood, and a drop of cold sweat slowly slipped from Jiang Yang's forehead.

Damn it!This thing is really not human!It is both blood-sucking and yang-qi-sucking, and the bones in the chest can actually pierce the skin, restraining the enemy like a cage.

The veiled woman lowered her head and looked at Jiang Yang with a gloomy expression, the corners of her mouth raised slightly: "My lord, where are you going?"

"No, this damn thing is too infiltrating!" Jiang Yang gritted his teeth, resolutely ignored the sharp ribs lying in front of him, and activated the rampage skill again!
"Crack!" Under the blessing of great force, Jiang Yang's body was like an arrow flying from the string, and his face collided with the ribs on the veiled woman's chest in an instant.

The next moment, several broken bones cut through the skin on Jiang Yang's face, and the veiled woman flew out in response.

Zhu Yaoyan groaned handsomely: "I told you a long time ago, if you fail once, hit it again. This woman's small body can't bear the impact of my uncle's strength!"

As for Jiang Yang slamming into the wall of Qihua Pavilion with his castration intact, it just pretended not to see it.

In the eyes of the red-eyed pig demon, before Jiang Yang's strength reached a certain level, the brute force given to him by rampage was beyond his control at all, and if he wanted to use this super-class power, he would naturally have to pay a certain price.

Listening to the red-eyed pig demon swaying there, Jiang Yang resisted the sting on his face and said nothing.

Just when Jiang Yang was about to hit the wall, he had a sudden thought: Since I can borrow the power of Yanshuai through Ji Yao Tulu, is it feasible to borrow both of them at the same time?
It just so happens that this stupid pig has a rotten body in its skills, and it claims that no grass grows anywhere it passes. Can he use this to break through the walls of this place?
Jiang Yang didn't hesitate, he just did it when he thought of it!
Immediately, he gathered his thoughts to the page that recorded the decayed body in Ji Yao's catalog, and the information of the decayed body immediately flooded into his mind.

The next moment, an indescribable rancid smell emanated from Jiang Yang's body. Even the strong floral fragrance of Qihua Pavilion couldn't cover up the smell.

The moment Jiang Yang's head hit the wall, wisps of black-blue energy instantly covered his head.

The originally indestructible wall was corroded by this black-blue energy at this moment, and a big hole was formed.


After Jiang Yang crashed through the wall, his speed did not decrease, and he continued to rush straight to the gate of Baihuafang.

Sure enough, when using the rampage skill, he can use the decayed body skill at the same time. Jiang Yang's guess just now is completely feasible!

The veiled girl who was knocked away by brute force just got up at this moment, and could only watch Jiang Yang disappear from her sight.

"Fuck! I actually escaped alive!"

Jiang Yang, who survived the catastrophe, breathed in the fresh air in the ancient city, not to mention how comfortable he was.

During this trip, he not only saved his life, but also figured out another usage of Ji Yao Tulu.

In the future, the number of alien beasts collected by Jiang Yang will increase, and more powerful combo skills will be developed, even killing the veiled woman directly!
"Wait, why are there so many people in front!?"

Not long after he left Baihuafang, Jiang Yang saw a group of mummified corpses controlled by spiders. Before he could identify the identities of these people, there were bursts of crazy roars in his ears.

"Jiang Yang! It's Jiang Yang! Catch him!"

Originally losing Zhang Weiyu, these spiders were very unhappy, because the rare meat they could eat was gone.

But who would have thought that they would actually be here and see Jiang Yang, whom the Father God tried everything possible to catch, this was quite a surprise for them!
At this moment, the eyes of these spiders were extremely crazy, and they were excited when they thought of the treasure that the Father God would bestow after they captured Jiang Yang.

However, before the spiders manipulated the mummy to surround Jiang Yang, Jiang Yang rushed towards the center of the city with a whoosh.

With the blessing of a decayed body, Jiang Yang is like a wild horse running wild at this moment, wantonly running around in the ancient city, and he can't stop until all the effects of the rampage disappear.

A moment later, the furious Veiled Girl rushed out of Baihuafang, chasing her all the way, and by coincidence she fell into the encirclement of the spiders.

Looking at the group of mummified corpses surrounding her, the Veiled Goddess looked extremely cold: "I want to die! You disgusting spiders also want to hinder me?"

As soon as the words fell, she angrily killed these spiders without hesitation.

The veil girl's chest heaved for a while, and several big meat balls broke away from her body and landed precisely among the spiders.

Before the spiders could react, the lumps of flesh exploded, shattering the spiders and the mummies controlled by them.

All of a sudden, severed limbs flew all over the place, and the scene was extremely bloody!
The veiled girl looked around unwillingly, and after confirming that Jiang Yang was nowhere to be seen, she turned around unwillingly, and went all the way back to the Baihua Pavilion with a cold face, to meet the long-haired girl.

She never expected that the development of the matter was so unexpected that the damn Jiang Yang actually ran out of her hands!

Jiang Yang passed through several streets all the way, and when he was approaching a main hall in the center of the city, the pig demon Yanshuai reminded him: "Jiang Yang, this is the City Lord's Mansion, there are restrictions inside, stop quickly!"

But the effect of the rampage skill has not completely disappeared, and Jiang Yang seems to be stunned, unable to stop at all.

When Jiang Yang's head hit the main entrance of the hall, Cai Cai's invincible combo was blocked by the rusty iron gate.


The powerful counter-shock force from the door instantly sent Jiang Yang flying. If he hadn't forged a golden bone, the impact would have broken his cervical vertebrae in seven or eight pieces.

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