Ji Yao Shan Hai

Chapter 41 Trail

"Enlightenment...what a strange place name..."

After feeling the unprecedented power of original sin impacting Jiang Yang, the record of Ji Yao in Jiang Yang's mind shone brightly.

Dazzling golden light came out through the body, forcing these purple-black energy tides back not far from Jiang Yang.

Taking advantage of the interval between Ji Yao Tulu's power, Jiang Yang took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and pushed open the door of the main hall.


The dull sound of pushing the door sounded, and the core hall of the City Lord's Mansion, which had not been entered for many years, ushered in the No.1 guest after tens of thousands of years.

Contrary to what Jiang Yang imagined, the hall was pitch black, making it impossible to see anything at all.

"Dark insight."

With the help of the ability of the red-eyed pig demon, Jiang Yang, who regained his sight, began to look carefully at the hall.

In the main hall he is currently in, most of the inner pillars are supported by huge dark red pillars of unknown material, and the same pattern is engraved on each giant pillar.That is... a ferocious golden dragon that is lifelike and hovers around it!

Both sides of the front hall are covered with crystal jade.Perhaps because no one has cleaned them for many years, a thick layer of black ash has deposited on these ornamental crystal jade discs that look like lamps.

Jiang Yang was slightly taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked into the depths of the front hall.

In the depths of the front hall, there is a dark golden throne carved with dragons, and dozens of metal seats are arranged in an orderly manner under it.

You don't need to think about it to know that this front hall is probably the place where the city lord of the ancient western city called his subordinates to hold meetings in the past.

After looking around and finding nothing, Jiang Yang quickly walked through the front hall and continued to walk deep.

Passing through the gate of the front hall, Jiang Yang stepped onto a path paved with cobblestones.

There are ten steps and one pole on both sides of the path, and the poles are decorated with inverted bell-like flowers.

In this dark environment, these flowers with white calyxes actually glowed with a hazy layer of pale light.

Walking on this trail leading to nowhere, Jiang Yang felt a chill for no reason.

After walking for a while, Jiang Yang suddenly noticed a problem: "Something is wrong! This path is only tens of meters long, but I have been walking for several minutes. Why does it feel like I haven't walked much?"

While Jiang Yang was meditating, a thin layer of mist rose from the path at some point.

And in Jiang Yang's sight at the moment, the surrounding environment gradually became blurred.

But in the blink of an eye, the fog quickly covered the entire path, and the visibility ahead plummeted.Even the dark insight ability of the red-eyed pig demon is greatly restricted here.

Jiang Yang waved his hand vigorously, trying to dispel the mist, but it was obviously futile.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yang did not panic, but stopped cautiously.

He thought to himself: "How can a layer of mist rise from a good place? Could it be that something is staring at me?"

Just when Jiang Yang was hesitating, there was a faint sound of footsteps behind him.

"Click, click."

In this silent environment, the sudden sound of footsteps was undoubtedly very frightening, and Jiang Yang was no exception.

Subconsciously, Jiang Yang wanted to turn his head to take a peek, but suddenly there was a slightly frightening urgent call in his ears.

"Jiangyang. Jiangyang"

The moment the sound sounded, Jiang Yang's goosebumps popped up almost at the same time.

Even if Jiang Yang's heart is strong enough, it is inevitable that his scalp will tingle at this moment!
Recalling the repeated reminders of the red-eyed pig demon before entering this place, Jiang Yang could only suppress the fear in his heart, not daring to look back for the source of the voice.

This unreasonable rule made Jiang Yang a little helpless.After thinking about it, perhaps the only way to leave this place is the most correct choice!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yang couldn't help cursing angrily: "MD, what a horrible place."

"Click, click."

The footsteps behind him were getting closer, and Jiang Yang didn't dare to stay any longer, so he could only rush forward without looking back.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the fog around Jiang Yang gradually thinned, and not far away, the outline of the inner courtyard also appeared in his sight.

"Huh? Did I run out?"

Before Jiang Yang could be happy for three seconds, he was horrified to find that the scene in front of him began to blur again.

The next moment, Jiang Yang actually returned to the first step of the trail just now!
"Fuck! What the hell is this?" The strange scene in front of him made Jiang Yang feel extremely uneasy.

At the same time, footsteps sounded again behind Jiang Yang, and these footsteps were obviously clearer than before!
"Jiangyang. Jiangyang"

When the hurried shouts came, Jiang Yang couldn't help but scream.

Why are the rules in this place so overbearing and weird?Not only did he forcefully drag him back to the original place, but the sound of footsteps chasing him also took this opportunity to get closer to him?
If this happened a few more times, wouldn't the sound of footsteps appear directly behind him! ?
After two more unsuccessful attempts, the sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer to him just as Jiang Yang thought!

"No. You can't try like this anymore! The reason why this place is so weird is mostly caused by those strange rules."

"The so-called rules are the rules followed by the rules of operation and operation. Since this rule can exist, there must be a rationality for its existence!"

Thinking of the peace and tranquility when he was exploring the front hall, Jiang Yang couldn't help but muttered to himself: "If these footsteps and calling are regarded as impending punishment, they will appear at this time, probably I broke the rules here."

"So... what rule did I break? Or, how do I break this rule?"

After thinking for a long time, although Jiang Yang had figured out some basic logical relationships, he couldn't think of the key point to break the game. Instead, the sound of footsteps and calls behind him was getting closer.

I'm afraid that in a few minutes, something making footsteps and calling will appear behind him.

I don't know if it's Jiang Yang's illusion. When he was thinking in situ, the fog that made it hard to see around him was faintly thinner.

After seeing this miraculous scene, Jiang Yang's eyes suddenly flashed.

"Could it be that the key to punishment for breaking the rules here is not to be afraid of these things?"

Jiang Yang, who thought he had found the key, seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw at this moment. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and try again when he was unable to fight against the rules here.

After all, no matter whether his conjecture is correct or not, running away will only increase the speed of his death!

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