Ji Yao Shan Hai

Chapter 53 Bone Race

The long-haired girl's analysis was not unreasonable, but the other infected people who always liked to sing against her didn't think so.

The brawny man whose muscles almost covered his head scoffed at the idea of ​​a long-haired woman sitting on the sidelines. He snorted coldly and said, "It's a woman after all, with long hair but little knowledge!"

"Master Sin Envoy let us enter this place because he wanted us to take our crimes and make meritorious deeds, and catch back those rats that broke Mr. Sin Envoy's affairs, instead of standing here and staring blankly! Yu, you are so timid, waiting for me to go out, you must I want to refer you to the sinner!"

The skinny man with the most utilitarianism in the five-member group, at this moment, echoed with a strange yin and yang: "Nu, you are wrong. Desire is the direct descendant of the sinner, and we are just a few young people! Even if we If you ask Master Sin Envoy to read her book, it is impossible for Master Sin Envoy to do anything to her, but it is us"

Yu looked coldly at the strange people at the side, not paying attention to their words at all.

The veiled female dancer at the side couldn't listen anymore, she sneered and said, "Now the entrance to the Enlightenment Altar is closed for no reason, and this ancient well is so powerful, I think you have heard it before. What are you talking about? Since you are doing this, Why don't you go down by yourself?"

The burly man who called himself angry was so excited by Wu, he flew into a rage instantly, and he was about to go down the well to chase Zhang Weiyu and Qi Yushu with an ax in hand.

If it wasn't for the thin man who had wishful thinking in his heart to stop him, Nu might have jumped down the ancient well at this moment.

After passing through the virtual wall, Jiang Yang did not move forward immediately, but stopped at the spot, observing this unique and special space, waiting for Zhang Weiyu's arrival.

Different from the western ancient city full of high-rise buildings, this space shrouded in purple mist is desolate, with bones everywhere, and a deadly silence permeates the entire sky, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

Jiang Yang waited for a while, Zhang Weiyu did not enter this special space, but the entrance to this space was slowly closing.

By the time Jiang Yang realized something was wrong, the entrance to the space was almost completely closed.Jiang Yang, who was in a hurry, wanted to evacuate this space, but this space didn't want him to go out. Seeing this, Jiang Yang couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, Zhang Weiyu, what kind of plane is this guy doing!"

"Little piggy, this space can only pass through two people at a time, and the people behind will not be able to enter for a short time."

Hearing this, Jiang Yang was slightly taken aback: "Then how do I get out then?"

After getting off Jiang Yang, the woman who looked like Kamo stretched her waist: "You want to go out? There is an exit on the altar of enlightenment!"

After a pause, she changed the subject, pointed to the bones in front of Jiang Yang and said, "However, these Bone Races will not easily put you in the altar of enlightenment."

"The Altar of Enlightenment?" Jiang Yang subconsciously thought of the Enlightenment mentioned by Zhu Yaoyanshuai.

Come to think of it, the place Yan Shuai mentioned and the Altar of Enlightenment that this woman mentioned should be the same place, right?Jiang Yang thought so.

However, didn't Yan Shuai say that there are infected people everywhere in Qishen? Now that the infected people didn't see it, instead a Bone Race popped out, what the hell is this?

While Jiang Yang was thinking about it, those lifeless white skeletons were actually branching out one by one at this moment.

But in the blink of an eye, these bone frames were transformed into a fully armed skeleton warrior like a mech.

Seeing the weird scene in front of him, Jiang Yang couldn't help but call him a good guy!
The so-called Bone Race are creatures made up of these rotten bones?
The one who answered Jiang Yang was the hammer of the Bone Race in front of him, which weighed more than a thousand junctures.

When the strong wind hit, Jiang Yang, who had been prepared for a long time, turned sideways, barely avoiding the inevitable fierce attack of the Skull Race. The next moment, Jiang Yang's right hand suddenly clenched into a fist, and he slammed it hard On the heads of the skull race.

But the scene of bones collapsing and flying in Jiang Yang's imagination did not happen, instead his fist swelled up high.

This body composed of countless broken bones is far beyond Jiang Yang's imagination!
After missing a hit, the dark green flames in the skeleton warrior's eye sockets flickered, and the giant hammer that had been hammered deeply into the ground was quickly lifted by it, and then continued to hit Jiangyang relentlessly.

Although the skull clan is only the lowest-level skeleton warrior, it is still too far-fetched for the unarmed Jiang Yang to deal with it.

Looking at the mysterious woman standing beside her with nothing to do, Jiang Yang, who was cornered by the skeleton warrior, gritted his teeth and got behind her without hesitation.

Jiang Yang wanted to try this woman's depth, and the skeleton warrior was very cooperative.

The giant hammer came whistling, and the skeleton warrior obviously had no intention of letting Jiang Yang go, and he didn't know whether he didn't care about the woman who seemed to be a big boss, or he didn't notice her at all.
After the goal was achieved, Jiang Yang rolled on the spot, out of the attack range of the skeleton warrior, and the giant hammer fell on the mysterious woman at this moment.

The strange thing is that the mysterious woman is like a ghost, even though the sledgehammer passed through her body, she didn't suffer any harm.And the skeleton warrior, who had been dodged twice by Jiang Yang, was faintly showing signs of madness at this moment.

Just as Jiang Yang expected, the skeleton warrior didn't notice the weird woman in front of him at all, but swung the bone hammer again, hitting Jiang Yang head-on!

"You don't have to test me, I have no malice towards you."

When the mysterious woman's unsalty voice came, Jiang Yang couldn't help muttering: "Is that true? Neither the infected nor the Bone Race can see her!"

After getting the answer he wanted to know, Jiang Yang put away all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on competing with the skeleton warrior.

Although the physical strength of this skeleton warrior is very irregular, it is still easier to deal with than those infected with various means.

For Jiang Yang, who had just broken through the bone forging realm, this kind of opponent with single means and clumsy movements was the best partner for training.

Jiang Yang got up from the ground calmly, and at some point picked up a hard arm bone in his hand as a weapon.

The moment the skeleton warrior's bone hammer swung in front of him, Jiang Yang moved!
"Ding!" There was a crisp sound of bones colliding, and the powerful hammer was blocked by the arm bone.

Jiang Yang, whose hands were numb from the force of the counter-shock, had a flash of light in his eyes at this moment.

Jiang Yang clenched the hard arm bone left by an unknown creature, and instinctively stabbed the hollow eye socket of the skeleton warrior.

Caught off guard, the skeletal warrior who had been stabbed in the vitals trembled, and stepped back a few steps, even dropping the bone hammer in his hand to the ground.

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