Chapter 6: The Monster Hunting Department (Revised)

Walking on the street full of people, Jiang Yang did not feel as relaxed as in the past.

In this short period of one day, he has experienced so many unimaginable things one after another. One can imagine how he feels when he is still young.

The existence of the weird parents was like a huge mountain, weighing him down.

When he arrived at the security station, the scorching sun was already high in the sky.

As one of the three main institutions in Xicheng, the Security Bureau occupies a very large area. In a tall building that towers into the sky, countless figures in security uniforms are busy in it.

Jiang Yang stood at the gate, looking at the guard room.

In the guard room, a little white-haired old man turned his back to Jiang Yang at the moment, and kept fiddling with something with his hands. Under the trend of curiosity, Jiang Yang looked intently, but he couldn't see clearly.

This little old man is the guard of the security bureau. A big living man in Jiangyang lay on the glass and watched him for a long time. Even if he didn't make a sound through the glass, he should have noticed it, but this guy is lucky, he didn't look back glance.

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiang Yang, who was restless, watched for a while, and finally couldn't help reaching out and knocking on the glass at this moment.

"Master, open the door!"

"Huh?" Hearing the movement outside the door, the little old man froze slightly, and quickly put away the things he was tinkering with.

When the little old man turned around, Jiang Yang vaguely saw something clearly.

Is that... a figure figure?
"You're so old, you still play with children's things... This old man... so fashionable!"

"Ahem..." The old man cleared his throat, stretched out his hand to open the glass window, and asked, "Young man, what's the matter? Did you come to call the police?"

Jiang Yang gave the little old man a strange look, and replied, "Master, I'm here to find Captain Qi from the Monster Hunting Department."

The little old man pointed to the road on the left: "Oh, call the police? You follow this road and walk 200 meters, and there is the police reception hall."

Jiang Yang:?
I'm afraid this old man is too old to hear what I'm saying...

Jiang Yang raised his voice and repeated loudly twice: "Master, I'm not here to call the police! I'm here to find Captain Qi from the Monster Hunting Department!"

The little old man smiled mischievously: "I'm getting old, my ears are a little hard..."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked Jiang Yang up and down with scrutiny, and then asked in confusion, "Young man, do you know Xiao Qi from the Monster Hunting Department?"

For some reason, under the gaze of the little old man, Jiang Yang felt chills all over his body, as if he had been completely seen through.

Intuition told him that although this old man has special hobbies...but he is definitely not an ordinary person!

The reason why he pretended to be deaf and dumb just now is probably because he saw the disdain in his heart and did it on purpose.

Jiang Yang scratched his head and smiled shyly: "Well, I don't really know each other... It was a woman named Kamo who asked me to find Captain Qi."

After hearing Kamo's name, the little old man didn't tease Jiang Yang again this time. He casually took out one of the walkie-talkies hanging on the wall: "Xiao Zhang, come and guard the door. Someone is looking for you, Captain Qi."

After a while, a young man in a black guard uniform came to the guard.

The young man ignored Jiang Yang, but said to the little old man with a playful smile: "Master, the sun came out from the west today, and you didn't mess with your precious bumps?"

Hearing this, the old man blew his beard and stared and said: "Go and play, you have to look like you are going to work, what is the main and what is the second, your uncle, I can still tell the difference!"

The young man called Xiao Zhang glanced at Jiang Yang calmly, and asked, "Is this the kid who came to find Captain Qi?"

The old man nodded: "Well, it means the command."

Xiao Zhang was stunned: "What does the commander mean? Could it be that the ministry is adding new people?"

Then, he whispered to the old man again: "But, I don't think this kid has any cultivation base, and he doesn't even have any traces of supernatural abilities..."

The old man put his hand in his pocket, touched the small hand-made model, and said indifferently: "How can you understand the idea of ​​command?"

"That's right." Xiao Zhang blinked thoughtfully, then waved to Jiang Yang: "Come with me!"

Although the conversation between the two was not loud, they didn't mean to avoid Jiang Yang deliberately, so he heard it all.

"Cultivator... ability?"

According to them, these things that only exist in legends...may really exist?
When Jiang Yang was young, he accidentally saw some ancient books brought home by his parents.

At this moment, this memory that should have been buried in dust came to mind again.

In ancient legends, when the human race is in decline, demons and ghosts are the real masters of the world.

In order to resist these powerful monsters, the human race worked together, and under the leadership of generation after generation of kings, united with immortals and gods, and successfully expelled these monsters from the cholera world.

After repelling the demons, the immortal gods, as the main force in this war, finally turned against the human race in order to gain greater power.

When the human race was on the verge of extinction, there were frequent generations of celestial beings. The five emperors, who have been famous for thousands of years, borrowed the cultivation techniques inherited from the immortal and god system, and opened up a path suitable for the human race.

Under the leadership of the Five Emperors, the human race killed immortals and killed gods, and finally became the master of this world!
As for monk and supernatural ability, after the end of the Five Emperors era, the careerists of the two continents, the East and the West, changed their names arbitrarily in order to completely separate the two lands and make it easier to rule them.

Although the appearance of abilities seems to be different, but on the road, they lead to the same goal by different routes.

As soon as he entered the security station, Jiang Yang keenly sensed a faint sense of peeping, but he couldn't find anyone who was peeping.

That feeling... It's as if I've been stripped naked and naked!
At this time, Xiao Zhang, who was laughing and laughing with the old guard, was uncharacteristically, and shouted impatiently into the air: "What are you looking at! Everyone is free and has nothing to do, right?"

Jiang Yang couldn't help shivering until the sense of peeping disappeared completely.

Jiang Yang's actions naturally couldn't be hidden from Xiao Zhang, he glanced at Jiang Yang in a little surprise: This kid, did you notice it?As expected of someone the command favored, even if he didn't have a cultivation base, he could still sense these things...

Xiao Zhang patted Jiang Yang on the shoulder and said with a light smile, "Don't be nervous, they are just some old guys who are too busy. They have nothing to do when they are full. They want to see who is looking for Captain Qi."

Jiang Yang gave a soft "um" and didn't say much.

This so weird!In the future, if you have nothing to do, you must not run around here.

This feeling of being stripped into a lamb, I don't want to do it again!

Along the way, Jiang Yang didn't dare to look too much, he lowered his head and followed Xiao Zhang without saying a word.

"Here we are, this is the office building of our Monster Hunting Department! Captain Qi is on the eighth floor, in the room with the signboard of the captain's office. I still have things to do, so I won't send you up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Zhang took out an access control card, swiped open the automatic door with a beep, led Jiang Yang into the office building, and then turned and left.

Jiang Yang: "..."

Good guy, the people in the Security Bureau are too unreliable!
Not only the nasty little old man who pretended to be deaf and dumb and deliberately teased himself, but also this incomprehensible Xiao Zhang!

The first time I came to the Security Bureau, he actually assured me to go upstairs to find someone by myself, and he was not afraid that I would see something confidential.

Jiang Yang muttered a few words in his heart, but he didn't think much at the moment because he still had something to do.

"The eighth floor..."

Jiang Yang looked at the office building of the Monster Hunting Department, and couldn't help but be amazed.

In such a large place, the first floor is empty, except for a huge ancient screen in the middle, there is nothing else, let alone people.

On the screen, an ancient palace glowing with black air is located in the middle, and the word "Ghost Judgment" on the palace gate is shining brightly, as if it has been plated with a thick layer of gold.

On the west side of the palace, there is a twisted line drawn. Jiang Yang carefully distinguishes it for a while before confirming that this seems to be a road?

For some reason, when Jiang Yang watched the picture on the screen, he inexplicably felt a bit of coldness, and even faintly heard the wind in his ears.

"This weird!"

Jiang Yang didn't dare to look at the screen anymore, but ran around to the exit of the safe passage on the left. After walking in with his head, he saw the stairs leading to the top.

Jiang Yang didn't rush up, but turned back and ran to the right side of the hall.

On the right side of the hall is a high-tech elevator that has just been launched in recent years.

Between the stairs and the elevator, Jiang Yang chose the latter without any hesitation.

If you really have to go up the stairs step by step, you will probably be exhausted, and the elevator still smells good!

With the development of science and technology, Xicheng, a lifeless rear city, has finally ushered in a breath of new life in recent years. Some high-tech products that originally only existed in the central region have gradually spread to the four directions.

Although his family background was good, he had only seen elevators on TV, and it was his first time to take an elevator.

Jiang Yang imitated the people on the TV, carefully pressed the button to go upstairs, and waited quietly for the elevator to descend.

Not long after, with a "ding", the number on the display screen changed to 1, and the elevator door slowly opened at this moment.

Like the elevator Jiang Yang saw on TV, the elevator in the Hunting Department was the same except for the interior decoration.

After Jiang Yang looked at it curiously for a while, he soon lost interest. After he reached out and pressed the 8th floor, the elevator door slowly closed, while Jiang Yang fixedly looked at the display screen.

1, 2, 3... 6!

When the elevator reached the sixth floor, it stopped suddenly.

Jiang Yang couldn't help muttering in his heart: "Someone wants to go up?"

As the elevator door opened again, a strange man dressed in white and his face covered by a layer of white gauze walked in.

Jiang Yang didn't think much about it at the moment. After all, this is the Monster Hunting Department. Most of the people who work in it are monks who Xiao Zhang and the old guard say are well-educated monks. Their clothes are a bit weird. It doesn't seem to be a strange thing?

This white-clothed weirdo was so tightly wrapped that Jiang Yang couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman for a while.

After the strange man in white got on the elevator, he pressed a button for the seventh floor, and then lowered his head silently, as if he didn't notice the existence of Jiang Yang at all.

"What a strange person..."

Jiang Yang stared at the strange man in white for a moment, but the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

The clothes this person is wearing... don't seem to be the usual white clothes, but... Mourning clothes!
What's even more weird is that under the light of the elevator's built-in light bulb, there was no shadow under the feet of this strange man in white!
"What the hell?"

Jiang Yang glanced at his feet suspiciously. His shadow was as usual, and he lowered his head following his movements.

"Why doesn't this person have a shadow?"

When he was surprised, Jiang Yang looked up at the strange man in white again.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Jiang Yang always felt that when he saw the strange man in white this time, there was a slight change in his body.

Seeing this, Jiang Yang was a little surprised: "Could it be my eyesight?"

He narrowed his eyes and looked intently.

However, the white clothes on the strange man unexpectedly had a different color at some point. Under the illumination of the light, this color that suddenly appeared shone with a strange luster.

In Jiang Yang's shocked sight, the white clothes on the strange man were gradually replaced by dark red, and drops of black and red liquid dripped from his clothes.

At the same time, a faint smell of blood penetrated Jiang Yang's nose.

"This is... blood!?"

"It's bleeding all over the place, this thing...isn't it a human?" Recalling what he saw and heard last night, Jiang Yang's soul suddenly froze!


The seventh floor is here!

The elevator door slowly opened.

Under Jiang Yang's gaze, the strange man in white walked out of the elevator step by step.

Looking out along the elevator, I saw that in a huge floor, densely packed coins and yellow paper were scattered on the ground.

A nanmu square table is facing the elevator.

On the square table, there were all kinds of offerings.

This is... giving people an excessive seven?
Perhaps it was because the windows were not closed, a gust of wind blew, and the yellow and white paper money all over the ground flew all over the sky. The fear in Jiang Yang's heart almost made him scream.

In the small and airtight inner space of this elevator, Jiang Yang, who knew that something was wrong, did not dare to make a sound.

Although this weird existence in front of him has no intention of attacking him for the time being, if he offends him unintentionally, it will probably end badly.

Every major event must be calm. After what happened last night, Jiang Yang's psychological quality has been greatly improved. Even the monk's abilities have come out. It seems reasonable to have a ghost in the security bureau...

Yes, Jiang Yang speculated that the strange man in front of him was probably a ghost.

But the Security Bureau is one of the three major institutions in Xicheng, if this ghost has any intention of harming others, can he be kept until now?
Judging by this posture, it is likely that this ghost is trying to play tricks on him.

After figuring out the key, Jiang Yang's nervous mood gradually calmed down.

Li Gui grabbed a handful of banknotes and stuffed them into his pocket indiscriminately. Jiang Yang disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when the elevator door was about to close, a bloody hand that came out of nowhere suddenly stretched out and locked the elevator door firmly.

At this moment, Li Gui, who had disappeared, suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Yang. With the sudden wind in the elevator, the white gauze covering Li Gui's face was lifted instantly, and a terrifying grimace covered with sutures was stuck to Jiang Yang. In front of Yang!
Jiang Yang didn't scream, nor did he use violent body movements to vent his fear, he just stared into Li Gui's eyes without blinking.

One person and one ghost just looked at each other directly, and no one spoke.

After a long time, Li Gui asked suspiciously, "Aren't you afraid?"

Jiang Yang pursed his bloodless lips, but did not answer his question.

"Good temperament!"

Li Gui sincerely praised: "Welcome to... the Monster Hunting Department!"

(End of this chapter)

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