Ji Yao Shan Hai

Chapter Eight

Chapter 8 Dragon Slaying Technique in the Chest, but No Dragon Slaying Knife in Hand (Revised)
Jiang Yang was slightly distracted. Over the years, his parents never said this to him, nor did they ask for anything, but let nature take its course.

As Captain Qi said, although he has dabbled in the supernatural in ancient mythology, he really understands very little.

What Jiang Yang is really interested in is the way of governing the world.

This is also inseparable from his family background and childhood experiences.

The Eastern Longhua Empire is divided into 99 provinces, with tens of thousands of big cities and tens of billions of people under its rule.

As one of the ancient families that has been passed down to this day, the Jiang family has been entrusted with Jiang Province since ancient times.

For the increasingly corrupt royal family, these ancient families in the provinces have always been objects that need to be guarded against.

Jiang Province has a special geographical location and a large number of ancient relics. However, due to the arrival of the Dharma-ending era, most of the relics cannot be opened.

In the turmoil a hundred years ago, the Longhua royal family chose to stand by and watch, causing the world to suffer, and most of the ancient families were also devastated because of this. The Jiang family also completely lost their dominant position in Jiang Province.

The Longhua royal family originally wanted to take advantage of the fisherman's fortune, but unexpectedly, the demons had become powerful without knowing it, and the ancestors of the Jiang family were also extremely decisive. Return power to the people.

After the spiritual energy recovered, all the geniuses in Jiang Province gained powerful power in the ruins, not only repelling the royal family, but also keeping most of the demons out of Jiang Province.

Afterwards, the Ministry of Education, the Bureau of Security, and the Department of Administration, the three main institutions jointly established by countless Tianjiao, banned the Jiang family's position in Jiang Province.

As a result, Jiang Province ushered in a new turning point!

In order to restore the glory of his ancestors, Jiang Yang's grandfather devoted himself to studying the way of governing the world. However, in recent years, as the Jiang family has declined, Jiang Yang's grandfather has also missed the officialdom, but he still can't let go of what happened back then.

He firmly believes that as long as he can learn how to govern the world well, the Jiang family will still be the uncrowned king of Jiang Province!

Grandfather pinned his hopes on Jiang Yang's father, Jiang Zhendong, but Jiang Zhendong was not interested in these things, and devoted himself to archaeological research.

After Jiang Yang was born, his grandfather pinned his last hope on Jiang Yang.

After being influenced by his ears and eyes since he was a child, Jiang Yang developed a keen interest in the study of world governance. Even his grandfather, who has been immersed in this way for many years, praised some unique insights.

After his grandfather passed away, Jiang Zhendong and his wife did not interfere with Jiang Yang's choice, but let him make his own decision.

Jiang Yang originally thought that as long as he could learn how to govern the world well, he would be able to realize his ambitions and regain the glory of his ancestors.

But last night, after the appearance of the two infected people who looked very similar to their parents, Jiang Yang's faith began to waver for the first time.

However, he selectively forgot all of this afterwards.

Today, the appearance of Li Gui Xiaobai and Captain Qi's unintentional display of strength undoubtedly shook Jiang Yang's heart again.

After Captain Qi confirmed that the legendary practice and supernatural powers really existed, he could no longer escape from reality.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yang closed his eyes in pain: "God, it's changed!"

Perhaps, in this era, strength is the most important thing!
Father is able to explore the ruins that Captain Qi said, so he must be strong, otherwise, Kamo and Captain Qi would not know him as an ordinary person.

After the myth reappeared, the grandfather's insistence may have been wrong from the very beginning!
Even if he has the dragon-slaying skill in his chest, but he doesn't have a dragon-slaying knife in his hand!Only strength is the right way!
For Jiang Yang, at the moment, no matter whether Captain Qi is hindered by her parents' favor or influenced by Kamo, she finally made the proposal to let Jiang Yang get in touch with Chaofan.

He must not miss such an opportunity!

"Thank you Captain Qi!"

Jiang Yang leaned slightly, bowed to Captain Qi, and continued, "I don't know, who should I ask for advice on cultivation?"

Jiang Yang's answer at this moment was obviously beyond Captain Qi's expectations.

The main reason why she said those words just now was that the note paper Kamo gave her mentioned some conjectures about Jiang Yang.

Although she said that Kamo was a little girl's film, she never despised her in her heart.

To be on the safe side, no matter whether Kamo's deduction is true or not, she will not let Jiang Yang have any accidents at this critical juncture.

As for cultivation and so on... It's just to stabilize Jiang Yang's words.

After all, she wanted to come.

Jiang Zhendong and his wife didn't let Jiang Yang practice, probably because of his poor talent, or some other unknown reasons.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yang would be so decisive... This was also beyond her expectation.

But now that the words have been spoken, Captain Qi has no intention of going back on his word. She thought about it in a blink of an eye: "Are you sure you want to practice?"

Jiang Yang nodded firmly.

"You know, practice does not happen overnight. If you really want to embark on this path, setbacks will always accompany you, and crises will always follow you."

Jiang Yang looked straight at Captain Qi: "I am the Jiang family!"

Yes...he is the proud Jiang family!
Seeing that Jiang Yang's attitude was so firm, Captain Qi did not persuade him again: "In that case, have you made a decision whether to follow our Eastern way of cultivation, or the Western way of supernatural powers?"

Jiang Yang, who knew little about this, said suspiciously: "As far as I know, the way of cultivation and supernatural powers are just different in name, but in fact they lead to the same goal..."

Before Jiang Yang finished speaking, Captain Qi interrupted him: "What you said was the world before the end of the Dharma Era, but now, the rules of the world have changed!"

Jiang Yang was slightly taken aback, and did not argue, but asked: "Then, dare to ask Captain Qi, what is cultivation and what is supernatural power?"

Captain Qi explained with a dignified expression: "A hundred years ago, after the change of the sky, practice and abilities were completely separated. The so-called ability is to release part of the potential in the human body to communicate with the world by transforming original sin or external forces. , so as to obtain extraordinary power in a short period of time! These people are also called supernatural beings."

After a pause, she continued: "The so-called practice is to communicate with the world through some exercises and breathing methods handed down from ancient times, so as to slowly cultivate oneself. These people are practitioners!"

Jiang Yang frowned slightly: "According to what you said, there is actually no essential difference in the way supernatural beings and practitioners obtain power. The roots are basically taken from heaven and earth."

Captain Qi shook his head: "You are wrong! Judging from the appearance, the source of power for supernatural beings and practitioners is indeed heaven and earth."

"However, you have to know that the supernatural person mainly relies on the power of the outside world to stimulate the potential in the body, and use this to communicate with the world and burst out powerful power that does not belong to him. In the final analysis, these powers do not belong to the supernatural person himself! If used improperly, these powers of the superhumans will cause irreversible damage to themselves!"

"But practitioners are different! Practitioners integrate the power of heaven and earth into their bodies, use it for their own use, and use it to nourish themselves. In other words, these powers belong to the practitioner!"

"Think about it, one is to stimulate the potential to communicate with the power of the world, and the other is to strengthen oneself and fight with one's own strength. Isn't there a big difference between the two?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yang frowned slightly: "So, the way of cultivation is stronger?"

Captain Qi shook his head and said: "It's hard to say which is stronger and weaker between the two. The growth rate of the strength of supernatural beings is relatively fast, but in the long run, our Eastern practice is undoubtedly more beneficial. own!"

"In my opinion, there are too many disadvantages of the way of supernatural powers. Blindly stimulating the potential and drawing on the power of heaven and earth is not a long-term solution! Who knows if the potential will be exhausted one day? Besides, those supernatural beings in the West Strength will fluctuate due to environmental changes such as terrain and celestial phenomena, but we Eastern practitioners will not!"

"Only if you are strong enough, you are really strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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