seven gods

Chapter 143 Have You Seen My Little Snake?

Chapter 143 Have You Seen My Little Snake?
Jin Chan Buddha swept across the battlefield holding a golden Gatling.

There was silence in the Kunlun Dojo.

They have never seen such a sturdy monk!
In their minds, Jin Chan Buddha has always been an image of a kind and compassionate old man.

Because of this, even though Jin Chan Buddha has a unique inheritance and incomparable strength, many people feel that Jin Chan Buddha has little hope of winning the championship.

But now, Jin Chan Buddha's appearance of letting go of himself in such a way shocked them deeply.

"Is this the Tianjiao who came out of Leiyin Temple?"

"It's horrible... Look at that group of Tianjiao, they were all beaten to pieces!"

"Hiss... are all monks' ways so wild?"

Many people have had a 360-degree change in the image of Jin Chan Buddha.

The golden cicada Buddha son is still wreaking havoc on the battlefield.

The six-winged green python was beaten into a sieve.

Jin Chan Buddha recited the scriptures of transcendence, and came to the body of the green python, and held down the head of the green python with one hand. It was extracted, imprisoned with twisted scriptures, and coiled around the arm.

This kind of profound and mysterious power caused all the Tianjiao's expressions to change.

Others were either sticking skin or drawing blood, but this little monk was lucky, he directly transcended the other party, and even took out the other party's soul and used it directly.

Is this something a normal monk can do?

Not far away from the broken and collapsed mountain peak, a blazing pillar of flame suddenly rose into the sky, melting the surrounding land.

"How dare you provoke me!"

Shangguan Yan was furious, his golden hair stood on end, and the fiery red spiritual flame was released from his body, violently raging around, as if the flame god had descended into the world.

He glared at Jin Chan Buddha, as if he wanted to take revenge on him.

Jin Chanfozi was also polite, and turned the red and hot Golden Gatling to point at Shangguan Yan.

Shangguan Yan was startled for a moment, and then found that the opponent's Golden Gatling burst fired a lot of bullets.


The Golden Crow's blood in Shangguan Yan's body was instantly activated, and the crimson spiritual flame released from his body turned into a golden golden flame of the Golden Crow, which was a flame that could directly melt bullets!

But Gatling, the son of the golden cicada, is shooting out any ordinary bullets.

A large number of terrible bullets tore through the flames and landed on Shangguan Yan's body.

Although most of the bullet had been melted, the terrifying impact brought Shangguan Yan back again and again, and a large number of red spots appeared on his skin.

Everyone was slightly shocked when they saw this.

After all, Shangguan Yan was the favorite to win the championship, and Gatlin, who fought hard against Jin Chan Buddha, only suffered some minor injuries.

"Amitabha..." Jin Chan Buddha whispered a sentence, a large amount of Buddha energy poured into the Gatling, a large number of mantras appeared on the surface of the Gatling, the speed slowed down, and fewer bullets were fired, but each bullet The surface is blessed with the power of the mantra, turning into a scarlet bullet like blood.

"Are you still here?!"

Shangguan Yan was furious, and was about to throw a fireball, when an unprecedented omen of danger came to his mind, and then he discovered that those scarlet bullets could withstand high temperatures, tearing apart his Golden Crow flame.

He did not hesitate to use Fire Escape, and his figure moved sideways, but his arm was still pierced by bullets, tearing his skin and flesh, causing severe pain.

"Vald donkey!"

"you wanna die!!"

Shangguan Yan was furious, and terrible flames exploded all over his body like a storm. The temperature of the sky and the earth suddenly increased by more than ten degrees. fireball.

Jin Chan Buddha carried the huge Gatling on his shoulders, and walked nimbly, avoiding the bombardment of fireballs one after another. The fireballs exploded on the ground and could instantly melt huge pits one after another.

"Amitabha, the benefactor should be sober and restrain his anger well, that is the difference between a beast and a human."

Jin Chan Fozi shot Shang Guanyan while holding Gatlin on his shoulders kindly, while persuading Shang Guanyan to calm down.

chug chug chug!

The bullets containing the magic power burst out.

Shangguan Yan was so suppressed that he could only dodge quickly, unable to get close at all.

on a chaotic battlefield.

Altai turned his head and glanced at the people who were fighting, and then turned his head to look at the bloody puppet that was contaminated with the special aura of the seraph, and it has safely passed the restriction and is alive and kicking inside.

He laughed: "Let's fight, the more intense the fight, the better...Stupid Xia you really think that I came here to join Kunlun? It's just for this legendary chance to get Dao..."

Altai, covered with snake scales, passed through multiple mysterious taboos and came to the restricted area.

The misty fog inside seemed to have lightened a lot.

The field of vision has become wider.

Altai found that since entering the mysterious forbidden space, the space has been distorted, and everything in front of him has become wider. It doesn't look like a group of buildings appearing on the top of a mountain, but more like a continent.

A large number of dilapidated palaces and pavilions appeared in front of my eyes. Some of the entire domes were flattened, and only broken stone pillars stood up. Some of them had been burned and carbonized by unknown energy, and some of them were covered with cracks. Half of it, the cut surface is flat, as if it was cut by some terrible sharp blade.

A burst of extremely rich feathered energy appeared, making him feel ecstatic.

"Oh...thanks to the Blood Ancestor for his guidance, I have come to the right place."

Altai walked forward with surprise on his face.

But before taking a few steps, he was locked on by an extremely dangerous air machine.

One after another, strange-looking monsters came out of the ruins, staring at Altai with hostility.

The fluctuations emitted by these monsters are extremely powerful, at least they are four-star forbidden monsters, and some are even five-star alien beast kings.

"It seems that it is not that simple to get good things..."

Altai was smiling, not showing the slightest nervousness, and blood was spreading around his feet.

Blood-colored puppets crawled out from under the blood, releasing a powerful aura.

Another battlefield.

Shangguan Yan was furious when he saw Altai, who was ahead of him, and said furiously to Jin Chan Buddha, who was still yelling at him, "Are you stupid? We don't need to be hostile here at all! Everyone just get what they need." Already!"

In fact, what he said is quite correct.

But I couldn't bear the joy of Jinchan Buddha, the Gatling barrel still kept spraying bullets.

"Hahaha... Hell is not empty, and I swear that I will not become a Buddha!"

Jin Chan Buddha laughed.

Shangguan Yan's arm was hit by a bullet, bringing up a spray of blood, and a terrifying spell crawled towards his body like an earthworm entering his body, trying to destroy his vitality.

"Damn it! Is this monk a lunatic?!"

The power of the Golden Crow burned in Shangguan Yan's body, instantly igniting the magic power that entered his body.

At this time, Mo Xiangxiang had already obtained what she wanted, and flew towards the ruins without hesitation.

But Jin Chan Fozi suddenly turned his guns and shot at Mo Xiangxiang.

Mo Xiangxiang screamed and immediately deflected the flight path, only to escape the ambush of Jin Chan Buddha.

"This crazy monk, he wants to be an enemy of all of us?" The girl was terrified and furious.

With a cheerful smile on his face, the immature boy escaped a few terrifying flame attacks, carried Gatlin on his shoulders and turned to Shangguan Yan's direction for another burst of fire.

"I probably know what he's thinking..." Kong Mubai said with an ugly face, "He wants to kill us all, and then he can enjoy the opportunities inside the ruins all by himself..."

"What... how dare he?!" Tang Xiaoshi was also shocked.

Although everyone couldn't believe it, this seemed to be the only reasonable explanation.

Jin Chan Buddha took a look at Kong Mubai, and said appreciatively, "Benefactor, you are very enlightened!"

As he spoke, he rewarded Kong Mubai with hundreds of bullets.


Kong Mubai dodged in horror.

Jin Chan Buddha really thinks so!
Hell is not empty, I swear not to become a Buddha.

They are hells, so if you kill them, he will be able to enjoy the fairy fate in the ruins all by himself, so he can better attain the Tao and become a Buddha? !
"It can't be like this anymore!"

"Let's kill him together!"

"Yes! A mid-level B-level guy dares to be so unscrupulous. Do you really think we are sick cats?!"

"Let him taste our power!"

Jin Chan Buddha's disturbance finally made the group of B-level geniuses who were fighting on their own decide to form an alliance for the time being!
Just when they were ready to do it.

A strange bird flew from the sky.

There is also a boy with roasted legs thicker than a human being gnawing on it.

While eating meat, the young man looked at the chaotic battle situation below, and landed with a friendly smile: "You... have you seen my little snake?"

(End of this chapter)

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