seven gods

Chapter 249 Welcome to Triumph

Chapter 249 Welcome to Triumph
Alitius Grand Canyon.

A strange grand canyon formed by the restricted area of ​​creation.

It is full of red maple trees.

The maple leaves are like fire, and seem to be burning the entire canyon.

When the wind blows, it is as magnificent as a wave of blood.

Few people can witness such a spectacle, because almost no people dare to set foot here, because it is said that this place is a peerless and fierce place, and no one who enters will come out alive.

But what outsiders don't know is that the lair of the famous Hades in the West is actually hidden in the Aliqius Grand Canyon!You have all broken into the lair of the world's three major killers, how can you get back alive? !
In the Aliqius Grand Canyon, deep in a large scarlet maple forest, there is an extremely magnificent palace.

Its whole body is red, with patterns of maple leaves, and it is shrouded in dark and powerful blood.

Many awakened people wearing dark robes were laughing and laughing in the palace.

"Oh, Claude, my God, I didn't expect you to come back alive to complete the mission."

"Ha, what nonsense are you talking about, I, Claude, can have missions that cannot be completed?"

"This is the most difficult B-level task of our year! You really deserve it!"

In Maple Leaf Palace, many killers from Hades looked at a man who was carrying a tall giant blood scissors. The man was dragging an extremely huge sack in his hand. The sack contained a secret awakening force in the West. The heads of 25 people.

He is the famous Claude Scissorhands in the West. He likes to cut off the heads of the target people with scissors and take them away when performing tasks. Therefore, many people are extremely afraid of his name.

Although it is only a B-level elite killer, it is the most famous among the B-level killers of Hades.

And he awakened his killing power at a young age. No one would doubt that when Claude was promoted to the rank A ace killer, it would definitely shock the West and make countless forces frightened.

"I have completed the task, what about the reward from Hades?"

Claude dragged a sack of human heads into the mission area, and said carelessly.

All the killers shook their heads helplessly.

"The reward elder went back to the underworld, but for some reason, he never came out."

"Ha...don't you guys go find him?"

"We tried, but we couldn't get in!"

A big man knocked hard on the translucent Mingguang gate behind him.

It sounded like knocking on glass.

"Huh? What does it mean if you can't get in?"

Claude froze for a moment.

"There are kings of the underworld who have accepted the S-level mission. They are doing the mission. It is said that even the gate of the underworld has been sacrificed."

At this time, the only A-level ace killer in the audience said calmly.

She is thin and thin, with small black snakes coiling around her body.

Every little snake exudes dark and terrifying fluctuations.

She is known as the Mother of the Nether, Alice the Ace Killer.

"Hiss... What kind of S-level mission? You actually want to use the gate of Hades?"

Claude was shocked.

Alice spread her hands: "Who knows, anyway, I don't have the authority to know. It is said that it can bring great benefits to Hades, and it is very likely that Hades will bring about earth-shaking changes..."


All the killers gasped.

Even the ace killer doesn't have permission to know?

This is already a forbidden core level secret, right?
Then they became a little expectant, looking forward to the changes in Hades.

It would be great if it could suppress Skull and Bones and Hell and become the world's largest killer organization...

Hundreds of killers from Maple Leaf Palace gathered here, some drinking, some chatting, some bragging, thinking about the future, and talking about the evil things they did when they were doing tasks.

Claude was also sitting in a big chair, drinking and waiting.

The gate of the underworld in front suddenly shook violently.

"Oh! The door is open!"

"Hahaha, let us congratulate the kings of Hades on their triumphant return!"

"Yes, let's raise our glasses together!"

In the mission hall, killers raised their wine glasses one by one.

In the gate of Hades, two figures began to appear.

The young man is riding a mighty and majestic big-headed duck, holding a doll in his hand.

The woman's seven swords surround the whole body, with peerless grace.


Unexpectedly, the hundreds of assassins in the wine glass were stunned.

The boy and the beauty were also dumbfounded.


We blew up your Hades.

Would you like to give us a toast?

"Who the hell are you guys?"

A killer said in shock.

"Hey...the girl is so beautiful!"

There are also killers who salivate.

Chen Ping and Chen Xingqiao laughed at the same time.



The entire Assassin Hall was shrouded in extreme cold, and everyone felt like they were in an ice cellar!
The next moment, seven sword lights drew the sharpest and most terrifying trajectory.

Puff puff!
Immediately, seven killers died.

"It's the enemy!"

"Oh Falk!!!"

All the killers were paralyzed and responded in a hurry.

Chen Ping's body glowed with diamond brilliance, turning into an elusive golden light trail, which instantly blasted the heads of the three killers.

In front of him, a killer holding a skull hammer wanted to seize the opportunity to hammer Chen Ping.

Chen Ping turned around and punched backhand, the skull smasher shattered on the spot, and then his fist landed on the killer's face again, smashing the killer into the palace wall, his skull shattered and died.

"Damn it, stop them!"

"Damn it, how did these two orientals come out of our Hades world?!"


The murderous nature of the killers was mobilized.

All of a sudden, terrifying attacks appeared one after another.

Chen Xingqiao and Chen Ping took the lead and killed more than 20 killers by surprise.

But there are still nearly a hundred killers attacking.

Chen Xingqiao's Crouching Dragon Sword turned into a black dragon and swept across the world.

But suddenly being bitten by a pitch-black snake, Canglong wailed, and the energy was like being poisoned, quickly decayed, and then collapsed.

"It's Alice, Alice, the Mother of the Nether, has made a move!"

"Very good, cooperate with Alice to kill them!"

"I'm going to ravage that bitch hundreds of times!"

All the killers were excited.

Claude Scissorhands turned his target to the King Kong boy.

He could feel that that young man was very strong, just like him, he was the best among B-level awakened ones.

Because of this, he was excited.

Claude is happiest when he cuts off the heads of such strong men.

"Very well, I'm curious how hard your head is."

Holding giant scissors in his hand, Claude rushed towards Chen Ping like a tiger.

The scissors in his hand erupted with an unprecedented bloodthirsty light, and a twisted scarlet ghost gathered behind Claude, like a fierce god who harvested life.

Claude had already pointed the scissors at the boy and cut it off.

The boy in front of him suddenly disappeared.

No, it's not gone.

Rather, the boy's speed has surpassed Cloud's dynamic capture limit.

When Claude found the boy again, the boy's fist had already slammed down against his face.

The boy's fist hit Claude head-on.

The terrifying strength of the Vajra Fist is even more terrifying than a large-equivalent bomb. The explosive power directly blasted Claude's head!

"How hard my head is, you have no chance to know."

"But your head is still quite fragile."

The boy spoke calmly.

Claude's headless corpse fell slowly.

He never dreamed that the prey he was looking for could blow him up with a single punch.

I cut my hair all day long, but I didn't expect that one day my hair would be exploded...

The headless corpse fell to the ground, making many killers feel terrified.

"How is it possible that Claude was killed with a single punch?"

"Who is that boy? How can a B-level King Kong system be so strong?!"

They discovered that it wasn't just the A-level awakener who needed to focus on, but also the boy who was as powerful as a little monster!

(End of this chapter)

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