seven gods

Chapter 384 What, You Are The King Of Maya? !

Chapter 384 What, You Are The King Of Maya? !

In the conference room, a group of bigwigs gathered here.

There is huge energy behind these bigwigs, which is enough to determine the trend of a country.

And they all have a piece of information in their hands, which is about the Mayan God Realm.

Now is the time to face a major decision.

But their ideas are still not unified, and there are many debates.

"Everyone, we must not miss this opportunity in the Mayan God Realm..."

"For now, we only need to provide the Mayan family with a base for them to gain a foothold in this world, and then conduct some simple practice exchanges and material exchanges, and we will be able to get all-round support from the Mayan family's technological patterns. , no matter how we look at it, we will not lose."

A gentle-looking middle-aged man wearing glasses spoke calmly.

"Hmph! Those who are not of my race must have a different heart. How do we know what they came to this world map? They are creatures in the S-level restricted area! In case the S-level restricted area invades the world, it is right before our eyes If it appears below, where should we put the safety of the people of Xia Kingdom?!"

The bearded man in combat uniform said in a deep voice.

"Commander Zhu, you can't say that. We have many ways to monitor the activities of the Maya clan in real time. To put it bluntly, if the Maya clan really betrayed us, relying on the strength of our Xia Kingdom, all members of the Maya clan will be mobilized to overthrow the Maya clan. What's the problem with the family?"

"Since the Lighthouse Kingdom rose from the Mayan God Realm, why can't we use the power of the Mayan clan?"

The middle-aged woman with a capable figure said lightly.

"Hmph, that's not necessarily the case. The background of the Maya family is mysterious and unpredictable. Let alone us, even the Lighthouse Kingdom, which has been in contact with them for a long time, doesn't know them well enough."

"How do you know what they will do when they come to this world, and what changes will they make? If they really cause disasters in this world, once they get out of control, it may be too late for us to remedy it!" Commander Zhu with a beard Arms folded, still insisting on their own ideas.

"Yes, this matter is still too risky..."

"It is not in line with our policy of stable development."

"How about we see if there is any more conservative development policy?"

In the meantime, several people echoed Commander Zhu.

"Okay, okay, everyone is clear about the huge resources in the territory of the Mayan gods. Isn't the main point of conflict for everyone is whether the Mayan clan is controllable?" Vice President Bai Xin reconciled with a smile, "About this One point, how about waiting for King Chen Pingxiong to come and discuss it?"

"Yes, King Chen Pingxiong said that he has reached a deep consensus with the Maya family. Since he said that he can cooperate, there must be a basis for saying so." The middle-aged woman nodded.

"Hmph, even if King Chen Pingxiong comes, what can he say? Does he have the ability to ensure that the Maya family will not have two hearts? He is not the same as the Maya family. I am afraid that he was not deceived by the Maya family's rhetoric. It's not someone from the Maya family." Commander Zhu snorted softly.

At this moment, the boy had pushed the door open and entered.

With a warm and humble smile on his face, he bowed to the big guys.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I just finished retreat."

"Hahaha! You really deserve to be the number one evildoer in the world. I haven't seen you for a few days, and I have made another breakthrough in my cultivation!"

"Prince Chen Pingxiong, you don't have to be polite. You have made great contributions to our Xia country, but our Xia country's awakening world is a card! Now you have brought such a great opportunity to Xia country. We old bones are very admired."

"King Chen Pingxiong, please sit down."

No matter how fierce the debate was before, all the bigwigs are now smiling when they see the young man appearing.

Now Chen Ping is the favorite in the eyes of all Xia Guo bigwigs, and also the spokesperson of Xia Guo's awakening world. Only relying on Chen Ping's reputation can raise Xia Guo's reputation to a higher level.

The power of role models is enormous.

Especially for the awakened world.

The birth of the world's number one evildoer represents the location of luck.

Even Commander Zhu, who was the most vocal opponent before, looked at Chen Ping softly and benevolently, as if looking at a very satisfied junior.

Chen Ping sat down under the warm welcome of all the bosses.

He didn't sell all kinds of tricks, but went straight to the point.

"As soon as I entered the door, I heard what Senior Zhu said. I was worried that I was being coaxed by the Mayan clan. Here, I can explain my behavior...Because this matter is relatively sensitive, I hope everyone can keep it secret for me..." Chen Ping said, "That's a rumor about the outside world, saying that I have been recognized by the Mayan family, and I have not become the Mayan king..."

"King Chen Pingxiong also heard this rumor?"

"Haha, the first time I heard this rumor, I thought it was outrageous."

"Me too, I laughed for a long time. Those rumor-mongers really dare to create any kind of rumors. Even the races are different, and they actually said that you became the Mayan king? What a joke! No matter how to create a threat to the Xia Kingdom On the other hand, it’s not enough to say such a foolish thing!”

In the meeting room, a group of bigwigs were giggling and laughing non-stop.

Chen Ping paused, but added: "What I want to say's true."

There were some conference rooms that had a lively atmosphere before, and suddenly they became audible.

All the bosses looked at Chen Ping in disbelief.

Chen Ping pondered for a while, and took out a token unique to the Mayan king.

Immediately, the profound meanings of the complete technological pattern emerged one after another, and a supreme king's profound meaning manifested.

All the bosses silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Tokens don't lie.

This keepsake obviously has the aura of a king, and it also has the unique meaning of the array technology of the Mayan clan...

"I have been recognized by the Mayan clan and become the only king of the Mayan royal city."

Chen Ping said.

Commander Zhu opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, like a dog caught in shock, trying to maintain a majestic demeanor, but found that his body was out of control.

" said you became the king of Maya? So how much authority do you have...?"

Commander Zhu got rid of the shock, and spoke hastily.

Chen Ping thought for a while and said with a smile: "The highest authority of the whole clan, the king of the Mayan clan is not the same as the king you know. The king of the Mayan clan can control the life and death of the royal city. Once they are recognized, then they have no choice but to submit. One way. Now they will give me whatever I want, and they will fight wherever I point.”

Listening to the boy's words, Commander Zhu's mouth twitched slightly.

Before that, he thought that Chen Ping was just a person who could be used by the Maya clan. Chen Ping was probably deceived by the Maya clan's rhetoric. Now look, who dares to lie to his king? !
Chen Ping has become the supreme existence of the Mayan clan, who dares to disrespect the king?
"So... what is the purpose of the Mayan clan?"

"Why do they want to expand their power and enter our world?"

Another old man asked curiously.

Chen Pingdao: "I can also explain this. After I became the queen of the Maya, I have a very clear understanding of their history and mission. The Mayan family once had a very brilliant civilization, but it was destroyed by the Red Horn family. Their current The goal is naturally to restore strength and expand their power, but being trapped in the Mayan God Realm will not allow them to do this, they can only expand, and as for the ultimate goal, it must be to avenge the Red Horn Clan."

"So, they don't have an irresolvable hatred with us humans?" Commander Zhu said.

Chen Ping laughed: "That's natural. They called us humans as livestock before, and they only called us that way because they thought they were a higher race, and they could devour human essence and blood to become stronger. Of course, I have become the Queen of Maya, so they naturally dare not treat humans like this, and as for devouring human essence and blood, I can issue a royal decree to prohibit them from doing this."

Seeing the young man talking about it so casually, all the bosses were shocked beyond measure.

The way they looked at Chen Ping changed again.

The one who dares to sit in front of them is not only the most evil awakened Tianjiao of mankind, but also the king of the clan?
Even the Mayan family is his. Is there any problem with the Mayan Godland becoming the back garden of Xia Kingdom?
No problem at all!
Thinking of this, the breathing of all the bosses became short and hot.

"In this case... I think the in-depth cooperation with the Mayan God Realm... is feasible." Commander Zhu, who was the most hawkish, let go at this moment.

To know that this meeting is held...

The king of the opponent's clan appeared in front of them and promised them...

How can we talk about this?
As for Chen Ping himself, whether it is character, character, or conduct, he is all first-class.

I am afraid that there is no other extremely strong person who is more suitable to become the king of the Mayan clan than Chen Ping...

Commander Zhu glanced at Chen Ping again, feeling emotional in his heart.

Xia Guo... came out of the dragon.

It is not an exaggeration!

(End of this chapter)

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