seven gods

Chapter 424

Chapter 424

The governor of Phoenix spoke with great pride.

Then he looked at the delicate little man in his arms.

The little man's expression was terrified, like a weak, helpless and pitiful little beast.

The governor of Fenghuang smiled at the corner of his mouth, and there was a touch of affection on his beautiful face. He gently touched Chen Ping's head, and said softly: "Guide the way, don't be so afraid, I won't eat you."

Chen Ping's heart is complicated, is this something you, a woman, should say?

The governor of Fenghuang hugged Chen Ping and flew in the air at an extremely fast speed.

It soon entered the state of hypersonic flight, and the speed was so fast that the mountains flashed past in front of my eyes.

"Has there been a change in direction?"

"Yes! They are going in this direction!"

"Hey, the trajectory deviated again, and they went in that direction."

Chen Ping, as a loyal dog leg, is showing the way to the Governor of Phoenix.

The governor of Phoenix was also very decisive and changed the flight route with Chen Ping in his arms.

She hunted StarClan's main ship in the most primitive way.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly narrowing.

Just when Star Clan's main ship entered another city, planning to concoct the previous actions according to law.

From the rear, a blazing red energy flooded the sky.

Accompanied by the explosive voice of the woman, it echoed in the sky.

"Extraterritorial demon, die!!"

A flaming spear pierced through thirty miles.

Star Clan's battleship immediately raised a heavy defensive barrier.

But the ultimate penetrating power contained in the flaming spear actually tore through several defensive barriers in one breath, piercing the entire main ship with a big hole flowing with molten iron.


The main ship shook violently.

The Star Clan powerhouse inside looked shocked.

"Damn it! Why is Zhan Zun chasing after him?"

"How did she find out where we are?!"

The faces of the Star Clan showed panic.

"Run! Run away!!"

The main ship started to drive the engine at full power, and at the same time released a large number of unmanned fighter planes, intending to intercept the mighty Governor of Phoenix.

Missiles and energy cannons burst out.

"Heh... still want to escape?!"

The governor of Phoenix shuttled at high speed to avoid countless missiles and energy cannons.

The light of energy like silk was released from the whole body, tearing apart the fighters directly.

Boom boom boom!
Dazzling flames erupted from the sky.

The governor of Fenghuang hugged Chen Ping, without using his hands at all, he used his powerful energy to destroy all fighters.

"Hold me tight!"

The Governor of Phoenix suddenly squeezed his hands together, and pulled out a scarlet spear from the void.

The spear spewed out blazing fire.

Chen Ping hugged Governor Fenghuang's powerful waist, feeling the surging energy of Governor Fenghuang. Although his skin was very hot, it was also smooth.

The head has been attached to the armpit of the Governor of Phoenix.

In order not to let the governor of Phoenix say that he is a coward, he moved his head forward again.

Then my head hit something soft...

At this time, the Governor of Phoenix had already killed seven in and seven out at high altitude, splitting the barrier of the StarClan main ship with a single shot, and then the main ship was covered in flames.


A group of Star Clan powerhouses were burned into blood by the terrifying flames.

The entire main ship actually began to be melted by such a high temperature.

"Kill my officials of the Great Moon Dynasty? Let me see if you group of extraterrestrial demons can continue to be arrogant now?"

Feeling the screams of the Star Clan creatures, Governor Phoenix had a vengeful smile on his face, with a wild and unruly expression. The last shot penetrated the core of the Star Clan main ship, and the entire main ship turned into a destructive fireball at high altitude. .

The governor of Phoenix killed hundreds of Star Clan with one shot!

StarClan's army was wiped out!

From the beginning to the end, the governor of Phoenix still held Chen Ping in his arms.

Hug my brother in my arms and kill!

This bull beeping scene shocked Chen Ping.

The strength of the Governor of Phoenix is ​​stronger than he imagined.

The war masters in this world are comparable to the S-rank powerhouses in the outside world!

Isn't this just a small world?
How could the power level be so high? !

If the Zhan Zun is already at the level of an S-level overrunner, then how terrifying is the Zhan Zun at the pinnacle of the world's pyramid?

A strong sense of insecurity rose in Chen Ping's heart.

At this time, StarClan's main ship began to fall to the ground.


A ball of fire exploded.

Smoke billows.

"Hmph! Those who violate my Great Moon Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

The flaming spear in Governor Phoenix's hand disappeared, and there was sharpness and coldness between his brows.

She turned her head to look at Chen Ping in her arms again, with a gentle look.

"Hey, the battle is over, aren't you scared?"

"Ah? No! No!"

Chen Ping came back to his senses and shook his head slowly.

The governor of Fenghuang smiled arrogantly, stretched out his slender hand, and touched Chen Ping's butt: "Yes, he is really a brave little man."

Chen Ping:? ? ?
"You did a good job on this matter. I will help you settle the case in Hongshi County." Governor Fenghuang said, and then touched Chen Ping in the name of a physical examination, and then said with burning eyes, "And your His physique is strong, his soul power is also strong, he is a man blessed by heaven..."

"Such a talent shouldn't be buried. How about it, I will give you a fortune, give you a gift, and you can be my male slave!"

Chen Ping:? ? ?
"I can still find opportunities to promote you to become a servant, or even a commoner on the same level as us women!"

The governor of Fenghuang said to Chen Ping with a look on his face that I want to bestow you with a gift.

Chen Ping: ...

Chen Ping's mood at the moment was like eating a fly.

You call this a gift?

Why do you call this a gift? !
But now his situation is really embarrassing.

Chen Ping thought of how to kill this star clan main ship, but he didn't know how to get out!
He originally thought that after Governor Phoenix caught up with the main ship, he would sneak away while Governor Phoenix was fighting with the main ship, but who the hell would have thought that Governor Phoenix would hold him all the way and destroy the StarClan main ship.

The governor of Fenghuang held his brother in his arms and killed Chen Ping directly.

"Hey, look at your dazed look..."

"You were so smart before, why are you so stupid now? You were shocked by the surprise I gave you?" Governor Fenghuang stretched out his slender fingers, pointed at Chen Ping's chin, and said with a smile.

"Then let me reiterate, yes, you heard me right, little man, I've taken a fancy to you!"

"I decided to let you be my male pet!"

Chen Ping was shocked by the confident and domineering eyes of Governor Fenghuang.

Chen Ping couldn't help but gasped again.

His eyeballs rolled sharply, quick to gain wisdom, and suddenly a trick sounded.

"My lord governor...I...Actually, I still have one thing on my mind."

Chen Ping said with a look of embarrassment.

"Oh? What else can you do?"

The governor of Fenghuang smiled and patted his chest, with a womanly look on his face, he said: "Speak out, I will help you solve it, and wrap it on me!"

"It's like this. I have a brother named Ye Qianqiu... He once saved my life, and now he is being hunted down by demons from outside the territory due to unknown reasons. I want to rescue him! If my brother I can't get out of danger, I really don't want to do other things." Chen Ping said.

When the governor of Phoenix heard that it was related to the extraterrestrial demon, he instinctively felt that it was not easy.

She couldn't help but took a deep look at Chen Ping: "Can you use the soul projection to cast his appearance on me?"

"Yes." Chen Ping nodded, and then gave Ye Qianqiu's appearance to the Governor of Phoenix.

The Governor of Fenghuang saw it, Huo, she is a little beauty!
"Okay, after I go back, I can use the seal of a state to help you find it!"

The Governor of Phoenix nodded in satisfaction.

Chen Ping also smiled moved.

Yes, just because he couldn't find Ye Qianqiu, doesn't mean he couldn't ask the governor to help him find it!

I, Chen Ping, will definitely eat this soft meal!
(End of this chapter)

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