seven gods

Chapter 50 Cangshan Blood Map

Chapter 50 Cangshan Blood Map

Nanto City survived the crisis without any risk.

After resting for a while, everyone went to the restricted area with great opportunities.

Because the restricted area requires four people to use a special four-element array to break through the restricted area's barrier and enter the interior, that restricted area was named the Four-Elephant Forbidden Area by Qin Xiaoyu.

"The Four Elephant Forbidden Zone is not far from the S-level restricted area of ​​the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and now the Hundred Thousand Mountains has a new wave of beasts. We must be extremely careful during this trip!" Qin Xiaoyu said to everyone.

"It's rare for a beast horde of this scale to appear in Shiwan Dashan. They attack Nanteng City this time, and they don't know what their purpose is." Ning Beiyang knew a lot about the beast race, and said, "This level of beast horde , Generally, it will not be a beast tide that follows instinct to hunt and kill creatures, but a beast tide with a strong purpose."

Qin Xiaoyu said with some regret: "It's a pity, the Seven Gods made a move, and wiped out the beast horde with one blow. It's too late for us to find out the reason..."

Chen Ping scratched his head in embarrassment.

It is not what he wants to do to wipe out the beast horde with one blow.

After all, tens of thousands of powerful beasts, how much are their bodies worth?
It's a pity that he really didn't have time at that time.

He has always had a certain degree of borrowing the power of the gods. When he feels that the will of the gods is stronger than his personal consciousness, he will end the battle as quickly as possible.

Of course, when conditions permit, he will also use the power of the gods quite indulgently. It's not that he likes this kind of power, but it is equivalent to a kind of venting.

Because he found that the seven gods in his body seemed to be suffocated, and this suffocated feeling would also indirectly affect him.

Once he was able to use his divine power to vent properly, he would personally feel a little more relaxed, as if the hoarded power, the power that was pressing on his body, was finally released.

"'s a pity...a slap on the palm, even the scum is gone..."

Chen Ping thought it was a pity. I heard that high-level alien beasts still have beast cores. There are tens of thousands of alien beasts, let alone dozens of high-level alien beasts. Dozens of beast cores are broken like this. How much is this? money?
When he was not awakened, he didn't care about the resources of the awakened world at all.

But now it was different, he felt distressed.

"Brother, you are too serious, can't you be gentle?" Chen Ping complained.

"Huh... big brother, I really can't blame me..." Di Shen's voice was a little fluttering, and after venting, he seemed a little hopeless.

He opened his mouth and explained: "It's like you trampled a bunch of ants to death with your feet. You can't control their organs while trampling them to death, can you? You can only blame them for being too brittle."

Chen Ping was speechless for a while. If other people knew that Brother God compared such a group of terrifying beast hordes to ants, he didn't know what kind of mood he would feel.

Although the practice resources such as the beast core are gone.

But what is the purpose of the beast tide that Qin Xiaoyu said, Chen Ping has a little understanding.

Chen Ping closed his eyes, felt his body, and found a picture floating in his mind.

He slapped all the alien beasts to death with one slap, and all the alien beasts turned into flesh, but there was a picture that was hidden in the body of a dragon-shaped alien beast king, releasing a strange blood-colored aura.

Brother God told him that it was a little treasure, so he directly refined it and put it in his mind.

Chen Ping was very excited at that time, brother god said that the baby's things are still worth it?

That picture is extremely bloody, and it is painted with scenes of various ancient fierce beasts fighting.

When Chen Ping looked carefully, he could see a green dragon with a body like a mountain, a gorgeous phoenix, King Zhu Yan coiled around a giant python, Bi Fang with one wing burning the sky, a flying horse like a fire, a god with one eye and three tails...

These creatures that only appear in mythology appear in the picture scroll, but they look extremely ferocious, each with red pupils and ferocious faces, fighting together like crazy, swallowing blood and sucking marrow, the scene is extremely tragic, the blood in the painting seems like It's all coming out of the painting.

The whole picture is full of cruelty and madness.

When Chen Ping saw it, he felt that the painting was not a good thing.

And the weirdest thing is that when he shot tens of thousands of strange beasts to death, the mysterious picture scroll was able to swallow the blood energy and life essence of all the dead strange beasts in an instant.

At the same time, the scene in the painting seemed to be alive again.

This is terrible.

What is the concept of life essence that swallows tens of thousands of strange beasts in an instant?
What is the concept of a palm against the gods?
Chen Ping didn't think that a mere Alien Beast King could possess something of this level.

Then there is only one explanation left, the behavior of the beast tide has a lot to do with this picture.

It is very likely that this batch of beasts will use this blood map to do something?
They made a surprise attack on Nanteng City, maybe they were targeting the life essence of those millions of people.

Dead people, it can suck.

Even if the beast is dead, it can also suck it.

Isn't this wave a win-win situation?
It's just that they probably didn't expect that there was a Seven Gods in Nanteng City who settled the battle with a single slap and took the treasure away.

"A proper villain treasure..."

"Should I not offend some terrible villain?"

Chen Ping muttered in a low voice, a little scared.

The gods in his mind were excited.

"Haha, Brother Chen Ping, what's so scary about this? If any villain wants to bully you, I will use my power to crush its head! Villain? There is no such thing as a squashed watermelon head!"

The younger brother is very arrogant, but also very arrogant.

"Hey, a bastard who only has brute force but no brains, wants to step on other people's brains every day, so my brother won't become a vulgar and reckless person like you." The younger sister said contemptuously.

"Brother, will you use my power next time? I promise to leave the whole corpse of those monsters, and let you touch the corpse..." Sister God understood Chen Ping's thoughts and offered even more tempting conditions.

"Master, I can do it too, woof!" the dog god echoed.

"Forget about you dog." Papa said ho ho.

"You are discriminatory, you are attacking with a dog! Bark bark!" The dog god was angry.

Chen Ping's mind suddenly became noisy.

"I don't care about corpses. I only care about this Cangshan Blood Map. Can I use it?"

When Chen Ping probed his consciousness into the blood map, he would naturally get a message, that is, this treasure is the blood map of Cangshan Mountain, which is an innate treasure.

It can sacrifice everything in the world and refine a world.

You can summon thousands of blood beasts and become the master of all beasts!

The information about this treasure is evil, and even sacrificed everything in the world to refine it. It's a proper magic treasure!
But Chen Ping couldn't help being a little bit moved, because he hadn't seen a treasure of this level before, and he didn't know how awesome it was.

"Brother, your current strength is too weak, and you can't call the power of this map yet."

"Ha, that's just your trash, brother, let me lend you my strength, I can transform it into a treasure that you can use now..."

"Pingping, you can't listen to that little green tea's bewitching, maybe after she transforms it, the treasure will no longer be the original treasure, and you will be controlled by that treasure."

" can you defile someone's innocence out of thin air? Everything I do is for my brother, brother, you have to believe me!"

"Well, of course I believe you."

Chen Ping answered with a nod, and then asked: "Mom, what level of cultivation do I need to achieve to use the power of the Cangshan Blood Map?"

Sister God: "..."

Goddess Mother smiled slightly, and replied: "The blood map of Cangshan Mountain is an innate treasure. If you want to fully exert its power, you must be at the level of a true immortal and a true god..."

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment: "True fairy? What the hell?"

"Based on your current practice system, it's hard to describe it to you. In short, it must be stronger than the S-level awakened people in your world..."

Mother God patiently explained: "However, if you don't use its full power, but only use a very small part of it, then after you reach the B-level awakened person, and then cooperate with our unique exercises, there should be a certain degree of strength." opportunity to be able to use it..."

Chen Ping was stunned for a moment.

Class B awakener?
Reaching the level of a high-level awakener can only use a very small part of the power?

How high is this baby's level?

Chen Ping looked forward to it, feeling that the future was full of hope.


A large cloud of colorful clouds appeared in front of my eyes.

Chen Ping saw Taos of auspicious energy rising in front of him.

In front of the large stretch of mountains, the soil is actually colored.

This is very interesting.

Such a special landform is often accompanied by all kinds of incredible things.

The nine-colored kite landed on a hilltop.

This mountain top didn't look special, but when Chen Ping landed, he felt that his body was wrapped by some kind of power, and his noisy mind became quiet.

"Four Elephant Forbidden Zone, we're here."

Qin Xiaoyu said.

Chen Ping took a look around and found that there was nothing special.

"Sixiang Forbidden Area? Where is it?" Ning Beiyang also looked puzzled.

"Come with me." Qin Xiaoyu took the lead and walked towards the mountain.

Chen Ping discovered that there was actually a rock wall covered with strange formations in front of him.

Qin Xiaoyu took out a nail, which was the key to the restricted area. With a flick of her fingers, she drove the nail into the rock wall, and a crack that kept expanding appeared on the rock wall, and a strange light came out of the crack.

Everyone walked dozens of steps along the gap, and the gap became bigger and bigger, and then suddenly, a brand new world appeared in front of them!
(End of this chapter)

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