seven gods

Chapter 77 I want to face it with you

Chapter 77 I want to face it with you

Use the power of the gods to solve problems.

Undoubtedly the simplest and most brutal method.

It is also a shortcut to deal with problems that the world cannot imagine.

However, Chen Ping didn't want to rely too much on them.

Because it is poison.

If you use too much, you will become addicted, addicted, and lose yourself.

Killing all enemies is a false proposition. How many enemies does he have, and how many people can he kill to effectively avoid revenge?

How many deserve death, and how many deserve death?
How does he exercise the right and limits of killing?
Chen Ping only borrowed the power of the gods for protection.

Borrowing the power of the gods to kill people, satisfy selfish desires, and satisfy personal interests, he has never done it before.

He didn't know what he would face if he took this crucial step and created this precedent, and whether his state of mind would change because of it...

There are too many unknown factors.

Chen Ping once again restrained the impulse driven by desire and made another choice.



"Brother Ping, why did you go? We agreed to open up wasteland together here?"

Zhao Liang was carrying a hoe, looked at the young man walking in the distance, and complained a little.

Chen Ping smiled and explained, "I just went over there to dig the soil."

"Dig the soil?" Zhao Liang was stunned for a moment, "Aren't we in charge of weeding?"

"You weed the graves, and I'll loosen the soil for them. There's nothing wrong with that." Chen Ping said cheerfully.

Zhao Liang was stunned, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Unlucky!"

After finishing speaking, the rich second generation started weeding vigorously again. His movements were still decent, and his upper body was drenched with sweat. It could be seen that Zhao Liang was serious about weeding.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ping sighed secretly.

The son of the same big group.

Why is there such a big gap between the rich second generation and the rich second generation?
If Jiang Wenqiang's personality could be like Zhao Liang's, how wonderful would the world be?

Before get out of class was over, investigators from the Awakened Administration rushed over.

The same old faces, the first-level investigators of the Awakened Administration, Kong Ling and Zuo Wuxiong.

When Kong Ling saw that the person who reported the crime was still attending the labor class, and was diligently weeding the grass with a hoe, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Look, isn't that the most famous investigator in Nanteng City?"

"My God, why are they here?"

When a group of students noticed the investigator coming, they all showed surprise.

Wherever these two investigators appear, there are major events. For example, the punishment of Tianbing Group not long ago was led by these two investigators.

They saw the black silk beauty with maroon curly hair walking in front of Chen Ping, and with a somewhat official and friendly smile, they asked, "I rushed over when I received the report, are you okay?"

Chen Ping stopped the hoe in his hand, and also raised a flawless smile: "It's okay."

"Where are they?" Kong Ling asked curiously.

"Follow me." Chen Ping led the way with a hoe on his shoulder.

Zhao Liang at the side was a little dazed: "Chen Ping, where are you going?"

"Go to the place I just dug." Chen Ping said.

"Huh?" Zhao Liang was even more confused.

"There are a few killers who don't know the heights and depths in that place, and I just buried them."

Chen Ping wrote lightly.

Zhao Liang's head was buzzing all of a sudden, he stared blankly at Chen Ping, and at the young man who seemed spotless, his eyes were a little straight.

Instinct told him that this was his deskmate bragging.

But the appearance of Kong Ling and Zuo Wuxiong made him speechless at all.

"Why... how many killers can be buried in the last labor class?"

Zhao Liang could only murmur and question his soul.


In the woods of Qingxiu Mountain.

Chen Ping pointed to the soft soil and said, "It's right here."

"Why did you bury it?" Zuo Wuxiong frowned, "This will increase the difficulty of our investigation."

Kong Ling smiled sweetly, and said in a friendly tone: "This is a good habit. Even if it is against the enemy, Brother Chen Ping is not willing to let them expose their corpses in the wilderness. What a gentle person."

As she said that, she patted Chen Ping on the shoulder and said with a slight smile, "Brother Chen Ping, don't mind Zuo Wuxiong's words, he is just like this, his head is rigid."

"No, no." Chen Ping shook his head again and again.

Kong Ling speaks nicely, and getting along with her always makes people feel very comfortable.

As soon as Zuo Wuxiong stepped on the ground, the whole ground surged rumblingly, and finally split open from the middle, exposing the bodies of three people inside.

The soil covering it seemed to be alive, and dispersed one after another, revealing the intact bodies of the three killers.

Chen Ping was surprised.

Kong Ling explained with a smile: "Zuo Wuxiong is an awakened elemental earth, and he is a peak-level great elementalist. He is a very reliable person. If you encounter trouble, you can call him for help."

Chen Ping was stunned.

Elemental Awakeners are divided into Element Apprentices, Element Masters, Great Element Masters, Element Masters, Wendao Celestial Masters, and the legendary Holy Lawmen. The peak Great Element Master corresponds to the B-level peak-level combat power.

The peak elemental master is definitely a strong man in the awakened world, and he can become the local leader in such fourth- and fifth-tier cities.

The two began examining the killer's body, and soon identified the other as the Skull and Bones killer.

As for Chen Ping's claim that the other party was sent by Jiang Wenqiang, it has not yet been confirmed.

"Hmph! It's that group of sons of bitches from the Tianbing Group again! They've all been in collusion with the Skeleton Society." Zuo Wuxiong was so angry that the surrounding soil trembled, and said in a low voice, "I've suffered so much. Remember to hit hard, how dare you be so arrogant!"

"Brother Chen Ping, don't panic, I will send special personnel to protect your safety..." Kong Ling comforted Chen Ping softly, "We will continue to investigate this matter, please trust us."

Although it has not been confirmed, but as an investigator's intuition, how can he not know that this matter is inseparable from the Tianbing Group?
After all, after searching for so long, the two of them know the composition of Tianbing Group best!
"Okay, I trust you." Chen Ping nodded with some emotion.

At the very least, both investigators have made it clear that they want to stand with him.

After school.

Chen Ping walked home.

He did not use the white jade whale as a mount.

Because in dealing with the crisis of the Tianbing Group, the White Jade Whale can be used as one of his trump cards, and it is not easy to expose it at present.

Song Siyao pursed his lips and silently followed beside the boy.

The dusk was sinking, leaving a faint halo on the two of them.

"Si Yao, you don't have to follow me anymore." Chen Ping said suddenly.

Song Siyao paused, her clear face was filled with astonishment, then she seemed to realize something, and said with a stubborn expression: "No! Something must have happened to the Kong Ling investigators when they came here today, right? They belong to the Tianbing Group. Is that the right question?"

Chen Ping was silent. He didn't expect this girl to be so sensitive.

"It must be the matter of the Tianbing Group, right? In the end, if it weren't for my incident, how could you have conflicts with the Tianbing Group... It's all because of me, I can't let you face all this alone... ..."

Song Siyao raised his head, his eyes were clear and bright, and he said with a bit of determination, "Student Chen Ping, I want to help you!"

Chen Ping laughed: "You are so afraid of death, how can you help me?"

Song Siyao clenched his fists with a little grievance: "I...I will help you without dying, just like when I strayed into the restricted area, please believe me!"

Chen Ping remembered how the two of them fought side by side in the restricted area back then. At that time, Song Siyao was indeed not shy when encountering monsters, and he helped him.

But now, the gap between the two has actually been widened.

Chen Ping was already a strongman at the peak of the middle level of the Quenching Realm, but Song Siyao was still standing still. He was a C-level awakened person, but he didn't get any training.

Facing a brainless lizard monster is okay, but facing a truly intelligent and terrifying enemy with blood on their hands, the risk she faces will be greatly increased.

Chen Ping was still hesitating.

The white jade whale on the shoulder suddenly whispered: "Master, you can give her the Black Moon Soul Ring. She is a Nine Nether Body, and her own soul power is very good. She can fully display the power of Lingbao. For you It will be of great help."

Chen Ping's eyes lit up: "Yes, why didn't I think of it?"

Song Siyao was stunned: "What did you think of?"

But seeing the jade pendant on the young man's chest light up, he conjured a ring like a magic trick.

The whole body of the ring was pitch black, like a world that fell at night, with exquisite patterns on the surface, and a small crescent moon rising in the night, with a mysterious and luxurious beauty.

Song Siyao was attracted by the charm of the ring at first glance, and his pair of black and bright eyes fixed on the ring in Chen Ping's hand.

"Stretch out your hand." Chen Ping said.

"Ah... oh..." Song Siyao didn't know why, but obediently, stretched out her white and smooth little hand.

Chen Ping held the soft and tender little hand, which felt extremely comfortable to the touch.

He held Song Siyao's small hand in one hand, and a black ring in the other.

The twilight of the evening shone on the faces of the two of them, Chen Ping was solemn and solemn, but Song Siyao's face was covered with a blush brighter than the sunset at some point.


Why is this scene so strange?
Song Siyao opened his small mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know whether it was because his face was burning hot or because his heart was beating so fast, his mouth had already started to stutter.

Chen Ping slowly slipped the ring into his dexterous white finger.

The figures of boys and girls are not conspicuous in the busy streets.In the hazy twilight, the light and shadow of the two seem to be connected at this moment.

No one witnessed this scene, but the White Jade Whale on Chen Ping's shoulder witnessed it, and was very excited. There was a wicked and triumphant smile on that big head.

 I recommend a friend's new book "I Learned to Slay Demons in the Prison of the Gods".

(End of this chapter)

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