Chapter 247 Rules are meant to be broken! (Please subscribe!)
Lu Yan asked Li Chengen, "How old are you this year?"

Li Chengen replied: "Eighteen!"

Lu Yan nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, it's the time when you are young and vigorous, no wonder you are so straightforward."

He continued to ask: "You know how powerful I am, if you offend me so much, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Li Chengen was like a muscle, without any fear, he said calmly: "As a disciple of Tiance Mansion, my duty is to maintain the security and stability of the Jianghu of the Tang Dynasty."

"No matter who the enemy is, I will go forward bravely, and the worst thing is to die!"

"This is the rule of Tiance Mansion!"

Lu Yan looked at Li Chengen's serious face, and suddenly asked with a smile, "Is it because you have successors that you are not afraid of death?"

Hearing Lu Yan's question, Li Chengen felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Involuntarily, he thought of his first love.

If they had come together, their child should have been born.

Looking at the flash of grief on Li Chengen's face, Lu Yan knew that Li Chengen must have experienced a painful relationship.

Lu Yan poured Li Chengen a glass of wine and said, "I will be a good listener."

By coincidence, Li Chengen raised the wine glass in front of him.

He looked at Lu Yan, who was free from inside and outside the rules, and his mood was extremely complicated, and he felt like he couldn't vomit.

Lu Yan didn't speak, and poured wine for Li Chengen one after another.

Li Chengen drank one cup after another, and after a while he became drunk.

Perhaps because of the power of alcohol, facing Lu Yan who had just met for the first time, Li Chengen somehow started talking.

"Her name is Aying, and she's a girl from the laundry in Tiance Mansion."

"From childhood to adulthood, she washed my dirty clothes for me, and she sewed my torn clothes for me."

"She is like a mother in my heart, caring for me like a sister, she is my only relative in Tiance Mansion."

"I...I like her."

Saying this sentence "I like her" seems to have exhausted all the strength of Li Chengen.

Lu Yan refilled another glass of wine for Li Chengen at the right time.

Li Chengen drank it down again. He raised his hand to wipe the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, and continued: "We came together, and that was the happiest time in my life."

"It's a surprise that Ah Ying is pregnant. To me, it's an accident and a great surprise, because I'm going to be a father."

"When I excitedly told my master about this, I thought they would congratulate me and bless Ah Ying and me."

"But Master scolded me and even severely punished me."

"It was also at that time that I realized that I am not an ordinary person. My ancestor is Li Ji, the founding hero of the Tang Dynasty, and my father is the contemporary British Duke."

"After I am a duke, I am a nobleman."

"And Ah Ying is just a lowly maidservant."

"There is a huge gap in our identities!"

Lu Yan sighed with some emotion.

This is feudal society.

Nobles can only intermarry with nobles. If you want to marry an ordinary woman, it is simply a treason and loses the face of your ancestors.

Li Chengen is the son of a contemporary British prince, and Ah Ying is just a maidservant from a humble background.

If they are combined, it is disrespectful to the British Duke.

Don't say that the British government disagrees, and other aristocratic groups cannot recognize this relationship.

Because this is discrediting the entire noble group.

So the ending of Li Chengen and Ah Ying is already doomed.

Li Chengen continued: "I don't want to be separated from Ah Ying, but when I went to find Ah Ying the next day, she disappeared."

"I don't know where she went, and no one is willing to tell me where she went."

"I don't even know whether she's dead or alive, our child, or dead or alive."

"I know, Master and the others did this."

"They are trying to save the face of the British Crown Prince."

Speaking of this, Li Chengen felt extremely painful in his heart.

He didn't understand why two people who really loved each other were forcibly separated just because of the difference in status.

British public face is very important.

Isn't the relationship between him and Ah Ying not important, and isn't their child important?

If given a choice, he would rather be from a humble family background!

In this way, no one will stop him from being with Ah Ying again.

"That's the rule."

Li Chengen whispered such a sentence.

Because of the rules made by the ancestors for generations, the nobles are superior, and the humble ones will always be slaves.

According to the rules, it is doomed that he cannot be with Ah Ying.

It was also this time that he realized that no matter who he is, he must abide by the rules.

Not everyone can bear the consequences of violating the rules.

The price to pay for bearing the consequences is too heavy.

So since then, he has been living within the rules, never going beyond a step.

But today, he saw with his own eyes that Lu Yan used the rules rationally, evaded them, and even provoked them, which had a huge impact on his mind.

He didn't understand why Lu Yan could be so unscrupulous.

But I have to be cautious and live under the shadow of the rules.

This is also the source of the aggrieved emotion in his heart.

Lu Yan looked at Li Chengen who looked lonely, smiled slightly, and asked, "Do you know what the rules are for?"

Li Chengen replied without thinking: "It is used to observe, restrain, and regulate words and deeds."

Lu Yan shook his head and replied, "This is only for the weak."

"For the strong, rules are meant to be broken!"

Lu Yan's words exploded in Li Chengen's mind like thunder on the ground.

The education he received since he was a child, and the things he encountered, all clearly and unequivocally told him that he must abide by the rules.

But now Lu Yan told him that rules are meant to be broken!

Break the rules!

This is something he never thought of in the past!
Lu Yan looked at Li Chengen who was stunned, and asked, "Who made the rules?"

Li Chengen was a little confused, and hesitantly replied: "Grandfathers."

Lu Yan asked again: "Why did the ancestors make the rules?"

Li Chengen opened his mouth, but couldn't answer a word.

Lu Yan continued: "Are the ancestors able to make rules just because they were born earlier than us?"

Li Chengen looked at Lu Yan and asked in confusion, "Why?"

Lu Yan replied very seriously: "Because the ancestors are strong, only the strong are qualified to make rules!"

"The weak will be sanctioned by the strong if they violate the rules set by the strong, so if the weak want not to be sanctioned, they must abide by the rules!"

"You are bound by the rules because you are not strong enough, and I can test the bottom line of the rules, and even cross the bottom line, because I am strong enough and not afraid of sanctions!"

"If you are also strong, then you can overturn all the rules you don't agree with and make new rules!"

"Or jump out of the rules and act according to your own wishes."

"This is the right of the strong!"

Li Chengen looked at Lu Yan, his eyes gradually brightened.

A fire seemed to be lit in his heart.

A raging fire.

This fire is scorching the rules that bind Li Chengen, and sooner or later, the chains of the rules will be burnt and Li Chengen will be released from the rules!
Li Chengen took a deep look at Lu Yan, and said very sincerely: "Thank you for telling me these words."

Lu Yan smiled and said, "You don't need to thank me, I'm just talking. As for what these words can bring to you, that depends on you."

Li Chengen didn't say anything more.

He stood up, bowed deeply to Lu Yan, then turned and left.

Not far away, Fu Junyue and Yu Rui looked at the scene in front of them, both a little dazed.

What is this God unfolding?

Obviously not long ago, Li Chengen still looked brave and fearless.

In the blink of an eye, after the two chatted for a few words, Li Chengen bowed to Lu Yan to thank him.

This change is too sudden and strange!
At this time, Yu Rui couldn't help but walked over, and asked Lu Yan very curiously, "What did you guys talk about just now?"

Lu Yan thought about it seriously, and replied: "I didn't talk about anything, I just acted as a relationship consultant for him."

Emotional counselor?

Hearing this understandable yet somewhat strange word, a big question mark appeared in Yu Rui's head.

Fu Junyue looked at Lu Yan delicately, and said, "You are so eloquent, you should go to the court to compete with others. It's a pity to tell stories here."

Lu Yan smiled and said, "I don't like arguing with people very much. In fact, I prefer to convince people with reason."

After saying that, Lu Yan got up and walked towards the backyard.

A big question mark also appeared on Fu Junyue's head.

I don't like to quarrel with people, but I also like to convince people with reason.

Isn't this inconsistent?


Lu Yan returned to the room, glanced at Xie Zhuoyan, who was doing his exercises, and didn't bother him.

During the recent period, Xie Zhuoyan seldom showed up outside.

The kung fu she practiced had already reached the bottleneck period, and recently the bottleneck suddenly loosened, showing signs of a breakthrough.

So for the past few days, Xie Zhuoyan has been working hard to seek a breakthrough.

But according to Xie Zhuoyan, her breakthrough this time cannot become a celestial being.

Just a step further in kendo.

As for where to go, it's hard to say.

Just when Lu Yan thought of this, Xie Zhuoyan suddenly exuded a very strange aura.

Lu Yan looked at Xie Zhuoyan with a little surprise.

The aura emanating from Xie Zhuoyan was completely different from the aura Lu Yan felt from Xie Zhuoyan in the past.

If we say that Xie Zhuoyan's aura in the past was fierce, sharp and sharp.

Now the aura exuding from Xie Zhuoyan's body is gentle and inclusive, with a sense of returning to basics.

Just as Lu Yan was seriously perceiving the aura emanating from Xie Zhuoyan's body, he suddenly noticed that things in the room had become a little different.

Lu Yan turned his head and looked at the table and chairs, then at the cabinet, then at the vase and the mirror.

At this moment, in his eyes, all this is still the original appearance.

But in his perception, the inner core of all this has changed.

It's like a sword that has grown into a table!

Everything is a sword!
A grotesque sword!

Even the rounded vase gives him the feeling of a sword.

Not sharp, but enough to kill!

Just when Lu Yan was surprised by the changes in the surrounding things, Xie Zhuoyan suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

She slowly opened her eyes, looked at Lu Yan, smiled and said, "I succeeded."

Lu Yan asked curiously: "What is your level of swordsmanship?"

Xie Zhuoyan replied: "There is a sword in my heart, and everything is a sword."

At this time, Xie Zhuoyan has reached the highest level of swordsmanship.

Everything can be a sword in her eyes.

Tables and chairs, vases can be used as swords.

Even air can be turned into a sword.

All of this was within Xie Zhuoyan's thought!
Even, Xie Zhuoyan had a premonition that as long as she continued to walk along this road, she would definitely become a heavenly being!
"That's really congratulations."

Lu Yan smiled and congratulated Xie Zhuoyan.

The stronger Xie Zhuoyan is, the more help he will be given, which is a good thing.

Xie Zhuoyan got up and got out of bed, and asked Lu Yan, "How is the situation these few days?"

Lu Yan replied, "Nothing serious happened."

In today's Datang, wars are burning everywhere.

Almost everyone's attention is on this war that is enough to determine the future direction of the Tang Dynasty.

Not many people will pay attention to him as a storyteller.

While Lu Yan and Xie Zhuoyan were talking in the room, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Lu Yan glanced at the direction of the door and said, "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, Fu Junyue walked in from the outside and said, "Something big happened."

Upon hearing this, Lu Yan asked curiously, "What's the big deal?"

Fu Junyue said: "The general Zhao Xiong under the tent of King Li Zhen of Yue has rebelled!"

Lu Yan was a little surprised.

In the past few days, he has also gotten to know the eighteen princes headed by the Li clan.

Among them, there was a tiger general named Zhao Xiong under the tent of Yue Wang Li Zhen.

This Zhao Xiong was originally a wanderer in the rivers and lakes, and by chance, he learned a profound sword technique, and since then he has made some famous names in the rivers and lakes.

30 years ago, he joined Jianjian Villa. Three years later, Jianjian Villa encountered a catastrophe, and no one in the villa was spared.

Only Zhao Xiong survived, and Tianxiong Sword, the divine weapon of the Sword Trial Villa, also fell into his hands.

At that time, there were rumors in the Jianghu that it was Zhao Xiong who brutally killed all the people in Jianjian Villa in order to seize the Tianxiong Sword of Jianjian Villa.

It's just that everyone has no evidence to directly prove that Zhao Xiong did all of this, so the rumors spread for a while and disappeared.

After the wind passed, Zhao Xiong joined the Changjian sect again.

Another three years passed, and the Long Sword Sect was stolen, and the sect's most precious sword heart stone was lost.

Zhao Xiong disappeared with Jianxinshi.

It will be ten years later when Zhao Xiong reappears in the arena, and Zhao Xiong has already become a walker by then.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Zhao Xiong became a walker with the help of the Jianxin Stone, but this time there is still no evidence to prove this, everything is just speculation.

As for Changjianzong, he has been devastated in the ten years since he lost the Jianxin Stone.

When he heard that Zhao Xiong had come out of the rivers and lakes again, he sent his disciples to question Zhao Xiong.

Zhao Xiong denied the theft of the Jianxin Stone, and cut off both ears of the disciple of Changjianzong who came to inquire, as a punishment.

At that time, Zhao Xiong was still a nominal disciple of Changjianzong, and this move made Zhao Xiong a target of public criticism.

After that, Zhao Xiong retired and disappeared from the arena.

After many years, when someone familiar with Zhao Xiong saw Zhao Xiong again, Zhao Xiong was already a guest of Yue Wang Li Zhen.

And when Yue Wang Li Zhen raised his troops, Zhao Xiong became the number one general in Yuzhou.

But he never thought that after only a few days, Zhao Xiong betrayed the king of Yue, Li Zhen, and joined Wu Zhao's sect!

Fu Junyue said: "Zhao Xiong took the [-] elite soldiers given to him by Yue Wang Li Zhen to leave Yuzhou and cast them under Wu Zhao's sect."

"And he also threatened that good birds choose trees to live in, those who know the current affairs are heroes, and the eighteen princes will be defeated sooner or later. He just made the most correct decision."

"Wu Zhao took him as a role model and vigorously publicized it, which dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the eighteen princes."

"It is said that Li Zhen, the king of Yue, became seriously ill because of this anger, and is still bedridden."

Hearing what Fu Junyue said, Lu Yan said in a subtle tone: "This Zhao Xiong is quite interesting."

Fu Junyue continued: "This Zhao Xiong was originally a big support for King Li Zhen of Yue to raise troops this time."

"Now that he has betrayed Yue King Li Zhen, returned to Wu Zhao, and said such words, Wu Zhao is still very useful."

Lu Yan nodded slightly.

Zhao Xiong's surrender can be said to be a manifestation of people's aspirations, and it is normal for Wu Zhao to be happy.

While everyone was talking, there was a burst of shouting outside.

"Where is Lu Yan?"

When Lu Yan heard the call, he walked outside.

When they arrived at the lobby of Zuixianju, they saw a young man in white standing in the center of the lobby with a haughty expression on his face.

Lu Yan looked at the young man curiously, and asked, "Who are you?"

The young man held his toes high and replied, "I am the ninth son of Zhao Xiong, the great general of the Zuo Jinwu Guard, Zhao Ju!"

Lu Yan looked at Zhao Ju in surprise.

They had just talked about Zhao Xiong before, and it was a coincidence that Zhao Xiong's son came here.

At this time Zhao Ju said again: "My father first entered the Shendu, and all the dignitaries in the Shendu took the initiative to send congratulatory gifts to General Xiong's Mansion."

"I heard that you have a martial arts secret book called "The Secret of Longevity". As long as you donate this "Secret of Longevity", you will have a place in the banquet held at General Xiong's residence tomorrow!"

"Now my father is a celebrity in front of the empress dowager, don't be ignorant of flattery!"

Lu Yan smiled.

Originally, he was still wondering why Zhao Ju came here.

After working for a long time, it was also aimed at the "Secret of Longevity".

Presumably without Zhao Xiong's permission, Zhao Ju would never dare to do such a thing.

Immediately, Lu Yan didn't bother to talk nonsense with Zhao Ju, and raised his hand to beat Zhao Ju out of Zuixianju with a cloud-dispelling palm.

Zhao Ju fell to the ground heavily, not to mention his head was bleeding, but his ears were smashed to pieces!
Just as Zhao Ju was crying in pain.

Lu Yan stepped out of Zuixianju, looked at Zhao Ju, and said calmly, "I won't kill you because I want to save your life to go back and spread the message."

"Go back and tell Zhao Xiong that I don't have the "Secret of Longevity" here, and tell him to get out of God City as soon as possible."

"If he doesn't leave within three days, then wait for his head to be lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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