Chapter 27 Reunion in Qingyang Palace

Lu Yan stretched out his hand to catch the flying ten thousand taels of silver bill, and looked at the woman in green shirt with surprised eyes, but he didn't ask the other party's origin and name, just sat down again and gave a pat on the gavel.

"The book is next!"

"Since Shizi and his party have come to Mount Qingcheng, how can they not go to the Qingyang Palace on Mount Qingcheng?"

"There is a Crane Pavilion in Qingyang Palace, which is said to be the place where the cranes stay."

"Shizi and his party came, not to mention the cranes, they didn't even see the pheasants."

"However, there are six or seven kun dao in the pavilion, surrounded by a young man wearing a Taoist robe with a dignified appearance."

"This young man doesn't look simple. He holds the Shenxiao Peachwood Sword and wears a happy towel on his head. He looks bohemian and unrestrained, with no trace of Taoist dignity."

"Where are the Daoists Kun? They are all extremely beautiful, Yingying Yanyan, fawning around this young master, feeding fruit and snacks non-stop, that's a pleasure."

"In the eyes of bandits like Lao Mengtou, this picture is like a fairy!"

"Just as Shizi was looking at this young master, this young master also saw Shizi and his party."

"If you say this young master, he is really no different from that bandit who deserves to be killed. He stared at the three stunning Yuhuakui with all his eyes..."


When everyone heard Lu Yan's narration, they all smiled knowingly.

Most men are like this, but whenever they meet a beautiful woman, they can't help but look twice.

This and the three Yuhuakui who are beside Shizi, even the worst Mrs. Shu, can be called stunning.

Surrounded by so many beautiful Kun Dao, this son must also be a person who loves beauty. When he sees the three stunning beauties beside Shizi, he will be crazy, which is normal.

"This guy, just tell the story, and insist on talking about some eclectic scenes."

Shangguan Haitang looked at Lu Yan who was smiling all over her face, and suddenly became curious, wondering if Lu Yan also longed for this kind of life surrounded by beauties?


"When the son heard Wu Shizhen say that the Qingcheng King in Qingyang Palace is his father, he was immediately happy."

"There are only two Wangs with different surnames in this world. It is really a technical job for you to vote and carry them to one of them."

"Using Shizi's catchphrase, it should be rewarded!"

When everyone heard this, they laughed.

The prince said that other people's reincarnation into King Qingcheng's house was a technical job, so if he himself was reincarnated in Dazhu country, wouldn't it be a technical job among technical jobs?
Lu Yan slapped the gavel, and everyone's laughter gradually stopped.

"The son of a dude, Wu Shizhen endured all the way."

"When the prince asked about the fairy legend of King Qingcheng, Wu Shizhen was like a student reciting a thousand-character essay in school, and he just opened his mouth."

"When I went down the mountain to help the people, I met Wang Tianjun, the fire master in the sky. Seeing my father's pure Taoism, the heavenly king taught the gods and thunder to worship the emperor, and he can serve ghosts and gods36."

"Why do you travel to Baishuize Daomen cave, and meet the mother of electricity in the sky by chance, so you have to be awarded the "Shenxiao Wulei Tianshu", and you can turn the clouds and rain with your hands."

"Just like that, his father was turned into a true immortal in the world. The emperor saw that Long Yan was very happy, so he sealed the Qingcheng King."

"When the prince heard it, he was shocked."

"His father fought all the way from an unknown person, and he risked his life to become the Dazhu Kingdom."

"It's good for King Qingcheng. After walking down the mountain, he met two gods. This blessing is too profound!"

"Jiang Ni, who was sitting in the carriage, also looked shocked. Is this King Qingcheng really so powerful?"

"The old sword god who was sitting on the side curled his lips when he heard the words, and spit out two words, liar!"

Everyone originally heard Lu Yan's description of King Qingcheng, and thought that King Qingcheng was a rare god in the world, but they didn't expect that the old sword god's comment was "liar".

This made everyone dumbfounded.

The old sword god said so, it seems that Qingcheng King is definitely a liar.

However, this deception was able to deceive the emperor and become a king with a different surname, which is considered remarkable.


Lu Yan took a sip of herbal tea, paused for a while, and continued talking.

"Wu Shizhen will show his true colors when he gets to Qingyang Palace."

"The formation of the Yuxiao Sword Formation gave Wu Shizhen unlimited confidence. He pointed to Shizi to sit on the tall horse, and said with a smile, this horse belongs to me."

"After speaking, he looked at the beauties who were beside Shizi. He not only wants horses, but also beauties."

"However, Wu Shizhen hasn't been complacent for long, and the three fierce generals under Shizi's command started to act, and within a short while, the Yuxiao Sword Formation was broken!"

"The Yuxiao Sword Formation was broken, but Wu Shizhen is not afraid, after all, he still has a stronger Shenxiao Sword Formation to use!"

"This Divine Firmament Sword Formation is the Qingyang Palace's Town Palace Sword Formation. When it dances, it is majestic and powerful. It is impossible for idlers to break through it."

"However, the Divine Firmament Sword Formation was just set up, when there was a roar of horseshoes outside the Qingyang Palace."

"I saw a hundred elite light cavalry led by a heavy-armored general, holding Beiliang swords, rushing toward us like a rolling wave!"

"Facing this murderous army formation, Wu Shizhen was instantly dumbfounded."

"Thanks to Wu Lingsu, the King of Qingcheng, who came forward in person, this turned hostility into friendship..."


"The son stood in front of the iron chain bridge, looking at the ferocious Kun Dao, not only did he not feel scared, but he was devastated and burst into tears!"

"When the son was young, there used to be a maidservant wearing a bronze visor beside the princess."

"Once, while traveling in mountains and rivers, this maidservant took off her bronze visor to drink water, revealing an ugly face full of scars, which frightened the prince into crying."

"The princess who has always spoiled the prince not only did not comfort the prince, but instead punished the prince to face the wall and think about his mistakes after going down the mountain."

"The maid went to visit the son with food, but the son not only didn't appreciate it, but felt that he was plotted by the maid, so he beat and scolded the maid."

"This completely angered the concubine, and he insisted on letting the son stand at the base of the wall until he was completely weak and unconscious, and then he gave up."

"Wait until the son wakes up, and then the princess will tell the son the story of the maidservant."

"It turns out that this maidservant is the sword attendant next to the princess."

"In order to follow the princess, this sword servant has suffered a lot. Not only his face was destroyed, but he was also bruised all over on the battlefield!"

"After learning about the maidservant's origin, the prince realized his mistake, took the initiative to pick a handful of mulberries, and apologized to the maidservant."

"Later, the concubine passed away and the maidservant disappeared. The prince thought that he would never see each other again in this lifetime, but he never expected to meet again in this Qingyang Palace."

"It was also at this time that the son knew that the King of Qingcheng was actually a puppet secretly supported by his father, Dazhu Kingdom!"


"When I went down the mountain, Shi Zi had an extra red lacquer sword case in his hand."

"There are words on the box, this sword heals the injustices of the world, this sword is worthy of all the shameful people in the world!"

"The sword in the box is called the Great Liang Dragon Sparrow!"

Lu Yan clapped the gavel in his hands, and said loudly: "Today's story is over, everyone wants to know what will happen next, please listen to the next chapter to break it down!"

 Third more.

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(End of this chapter)

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