Chapter 316 Killing Curse Launched!
Time flies by, and two days pass in the blink of an eye.

During these two days, Ying Zheng has been paying attention to his natal lamp in the bedroom all the time.

Fortunately, during these two days, the natal lamp has been performing very normally, and there is no sign of going out.

This is a good thing for Ying Zheng.

Two days have passed now, and in five more days he will be done and his life can be extended by one century.

12 years in the first century, 12 years is enough time for him to do many things.

And after 12 years, he can use this method to continue to extend his life.

As long as the natal lamp never goes out, he will live forever.

Just when Ying Zheng thought of this, without warning, his heart throbbed suddenly.

It seems that something bad is about to happen!

This feeling made Ying Zheng feel flustered for no reason.

He turned his eyes to the door of the bedroom, and was about to call Lu Yan, when he saw the door of the bedroom was pushed open, and Lu Yan walked in slowly.

Seeing Lu Yan come in, Ying Zheng immediately said, "Master Lu, I suddenly have a very bad feeling in my heart."

Lu Yan nodded slightly and said, "Eternal life is not easy, this is your first test."

Ying Zheng quickly asked, "I don't know what will happen?"

Lu Yan shook his head and replied, "I don't know exactly what will happen."

When one's cultivation base reached Lu Yan's level, one would have some premonitions in his heart when something big was about to happen.

The only thing he can be sure of is that this happened against Ying Zheng.

Obviously someone wanted to prevent Yingzheng from prolonging his life and preventing Yingzheng from succeeding Huang Datong.

But now in the Great Qin Empire, the only force with this ability is the Yin Yang family!

With this in mind, Lu Yan took out the water-avoiding beads and the wind-fixing beads, and placed them around Ying Zheng's natal lamp.

He said to Ying Zheng: "This is the water-avoiding bead and the wind-fixing bead. With these two treasures, your natal lamp will never be extinguished by water or wind."

Ying Zheng immediately showed joy on his face when he heard the words.

In the past two days, he has been worrying about what to do if a gust of wind blows out the natal lamp when the door is opened.

Now that you have the Wind Bead, you don't need to worry about such things anymore.

As for avoiding water drops, although the dormitory is unlikely to leak, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

Just when Ying Zheng thought of this, a drop of water suddenly fell on the bedroom!


This drop of water fell in front of Ying Zheng, only two feet away from the natal lamp!
Seeing this drop of water, Ying Zheng's expression suddenly changed!
The roof of the bedroom is leaking? !


Another drop of water fell, and this time it landed precisely on the top of the natal lamp.

Just because of the existence of water-avoiding drops, this drop of water was discharged before it fell into the natal lamp.

And then more and more water droplets fell!
Seeing this scene, Lu Yan said in a low voice: "The eight formations can block people, but they can't block the sky."

Ying Zheng looked up at the roof of the bedroom, only to see the darkness, unable to see the existence of loopholes.

Seeing Ying Zheng looking up, Lu Yan shook his head and said, "No need to look, the roof has no holes."

"If there was a hole in the roof, I would have taken out the water beads in case of rain, instead of waiting until now."

Ying Zheng lowered his head and looked at Lu Yan when he heard the words, and asked, "Could it be artificial?"

Lu Yan nodded and said, "I have protected the Dune Palace in the middle with four eight formations. Ordinary people cannot break through these eight formations and cannot enter."

"But people can't get in, but the wind can, and so can the rain."

"In the Great Qin Empire, who do you think can make clouds and rain, and even make raindrops seep through the intact roof?"

When Ying Zheng heard Lu Yan's words, he thought of the Yin Yang family without thinking.

In the Great Qin Empire, only the Onmyoji of the Onmyoji School can do this kind of thing.

Among the five elders of the Yin Yang family, Mrs. Xiang, the head of water, is even more outstanding!
"It's Mrs. Lao Xiang, the Water Minister of the Yin Yang family!"

Ying Zheng concluded that Mrs. Xiang must have done this.

Lu Yan nodded slightly upon hearing this.

He also thought that this was what Mrs. Xiang did.

He killed Mr. Xiang, the minister of soil.

Mrs. Xiang avenged her husband, so it was reasonable and reasonable to be sent to deal with Yingzheng.

Ying Zheng looked at Lu Yan and asked, "Master Lu, what should we do now?"

Lu Yan replied, "Wait and see."

Ying Zheng pondered for a while, and asked, "Why didn't Master Lu go out and find Mrs. Xiang, and solve her once and for all?"

Lu Yan smiled slightly, and asked back, "Mrs. Xiang knows that I am here, and that I can kill him with a single blow, but she still comes."

"Is it just because she wants to avenge her dead husband?"

Hearing Lu Yan's words, Ying Zheng's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Is this a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain?"

Lu Yan nodded and said, "That's right, she did it on purpose, telling me she's around here and asking me to find her."

"Once I leave the Dune Palace, even if it's only for a moment, what do you think will happen to you?"

Ying Zheng's face changed again and again when he heard the words.

After Lu Yan's advice, he also figured it out.

Mrs. Xiang herself was a bait to lure Lu Yan away.

Once Lu Yan leaves, the Yin Yang family will definitely take the opportunity to attack him.

With the methods of the Yin Yang family, he might not be able to hold on to Lu Yan's return!

Lu Yan looked at Ying Zheng's ever-changing expression, and continued, "The Yin Yang family's goal is obvious, and that is to kill you."

"My goal is also obvious, which is to protect you."

"So the key lies with you, not Mrs. Xiang."

"As long as I'm by your side, the Yin Yang family won't touch you."

"If you persist in this for seven days, all troubles will be solved."

Ying Zheng was a little puzzled, and said, "If the Yin Yang family wanted to murder me, why didn't they do it before?"

Lu Yan replied: "The key point is actually the word "people's hearts."

"Whoever wins the hearts of the people can be a king and an emperor."

"Those who lose the hearts of the people lose the world, and heaven and man abandon it."

"They don't kill you directly because you are the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, the lord of the country, and you inherit the spirit of the emperor Ziwei."

"You are protected by the aura of crape myrtle, and they cannot touch you."

"That's why they will use all means to bring disaster to the world, causing the people to be bullied and miserable."

"When the people can't bear it anymore and revolt in anger, you will completely lose the hearts of the people and lose your status as an emperor."

"When the time comes, they will raise their arms and kill you, which is what the people want."

"With the support of the people, they can logically inherit the throne of the emperor, and even become the emperor!"

Hearing Lu Yan's words, Ying Zheng's expression turned extremely ugly.

He didn't expect the Yin Yang family to be so insidious, and they wanted to use this method to deprive him of his emperor status!
But if you think about it carefully, the Yin Yang family is just pushing the boat along the way.

If it wasn't for his great success and building palaces for pleasure, the people would naturally not live in dire straits.

The most fundamental problem actually lies with himself!
Thinking of these, he couldn't help but think of King Shang Zhou in "Fengshen Yanyi".

King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty was the emperor of the people, and he was originally the lord of ten thousand vehicles, respected by the whole world.

Su Daji was guilty of slandering him.

But if King Zhou of Shang Dynasty is a wise king, no matter how much Su Daji said, it would be useless!

So the real reason why King Zhou of Shang Dynasty failed was actually on his own body!
If he wants to be a good emperor who is supported by the people, or even a human emperor, then he must take King Shang Zhou as a warning!
Lu Yan watched Ying Zheng deeply reflect on himself, and nodded slightly, very relieved.

It seems that Ying Zheng has deeply realized the importance of popular support.

When Yingzheng returns to Xianyang in the future, presumably the people of the world will be able to live a good life.

However, it may not be necessary to wait until that time, after all, the person currently in charge of the country is Fusu.

With Fusu's disposition, he should have already implemented some policies to benefit the people.

While Lu Yan was talking with Ying Zheng.

It was raining harder and harder outside.

The entire Dune Palace was almost submerged by the heavy rain.

Sensing the situation outside, Lu Yan raised his hand to avoid water droplets.

Under the action of Xianli, the water-avoiding beads burst into a bright brilliance, and immediately drained all the accumulated water in the dune palace!
In just an instant, the Dune Palace became very dry and clear, and there was no more flooding.

Seeing Lu Yan's actions, Ying Zheng asked, "Is there still a source of clean water in the palace?"

Lu Yan replied: "I have already ordered General Zhang to store a large amount of clean water, enough for us to last for a few days."

Hearing what Lu Yan said, Ying Zheng felt relieved.

Then Ying Zheng asked Lu Yan some questions about the gains and losses of the people.

Lu Yan also used his vision of a traveler and a certain understanding of history to solve Yingzheng's doubts.

Before I knew it, most of the day passed.

Outside the Dune Palace.

Mrs. Xiang stood on a pile of sand, frowning and looking in the direction of the Dune Palace.

She felt that the accumulated water in the Dune Palace had been drained out, which made her plan to flood the Dune Palace ruined.

"Information says that Lu Yan has a treasure in his hand that can avoid water. He must have used this treasure to drain water."

"Damn! He knows I'm here, but he hasn't come to me for a long time. Does he look down on me?"

Mrs. Xiang was very angry.

Not only because Lu Yan underestimated her, but also because if Lu Yan did not leave Ying Zheng, she would not be able to carry out her plan smoothly.

In her hand, she has a spell drawn by Hu Hai with great resentment. As long as the spell is activated, Ying Zheng can be cursed to death.

But if Lu Yan was by Ying Zheng's side, she wouldn't be 100% sure of successfully cursing Ying Zheng.

That's why she tried her best to transfer Lu Yan away.

But she didn't expect that Lu Yan would give her a hand to keep things unchanged!
This made her a little helpless.

She didn't know how long it would take for Yingzheng to continue her life, but Donghuang Taiyi once told her that she had three days at most.

Now it has been nearly two days of traveling, and it has been raining for most of the day here.

There is not much time left for her!

late at night.

Lu Yan sat at the door and closed his eyes to rest.

Ying Zheng sat in the middle of the formation, facing the natal lamp.

Tonight passed, that is, three days passed.

In four more days, he can successfully extend his life.

"Four days away, only four days."

In the past, Ying Zheng always felt that time passed quickly, and a day passed before he knew it.

But since lighting up the natal lamp, he has experienced the feeling of living like a year.

Seven days, it sounds like it passed in the blink of an eye.

But in fact, it feels longer than one year or ten years.

Just when Ying Zheng thought of this, he suddenly felt angina.

That intense feeling, as if someone had grabbed his heart and ravaged him, made Ying Zheng's face immediately pale!
He opened his mouth to let out a cry of pain.

But he seemed to be cursed, unable to make any sound!
He is in great pain!
It seems to be falling into the abyss of death at any time.

This was the first time he was so awake, and felt the coming of death so clearly.

Under the shroud of endless darkness, as if he was about to drown and couldn't grab any life-saving straws, his spiritual world almost collapsed!

As for Lu Yan, Master Lu Xian was sitting three feet away.

As long as Lu Yan finds out about his situation, he will definitely be able to save him!
He wanted to ask Lu Yan for help, but as soon as he opened his mouth, countless water would pour into his throat and fill his body!

In fact, water really poured into Ying Zheng's mouth.

It was water born from the void, which appeared strangely next to Ying Zheng's mouth, but rushed in!
Faintly, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Ying Zheng's eyes.

It was a familiar, slightly fat figure.

It was this vague figure that strangled him by the throat!
This is……


In the end, he lost all consciousness.

Suddenly, the feeling of death receded like a tide.

Ying Zheng regained his freedom without warning. He began to gasp and cough loudly.

It was as if he wanted to use all his strength to spit out all the water in his mouth and stomach.

This huge movement finally caught Lu Yan's attention.

He got up and came to Ying Zheng's side, first glanced at the natal lamp that was almost extinguished, and then turned his gaze to Ying Zheng.

"You are this?"

Ying Zheng panted heavily, and said, "I almost died!"

Immediately, Ying Zheng told Lu Yan intermittently what happened just now.

It was only then that Lu Yan realized that Ying Zheng was in an extremely dangerous state earlier, almost dying!
And he was sitting opposite Ying Zheng, at such a close distance, he didn't know anything!
Lu Yan frowned and said, "This should also be a kind of Yin Yang technique, which can kill you silently!"

"It's just how did they cast the yin and yang technique on you from the air? And they can even make me unaware!"

Ying Zheng shook his head.

He didn't know why.

Suddenly, he thought of that familiar, fat figure.

In the crisis before, he didn't have time to think about it, but now that he thought about it carefully, that figure was clearly his youngest son Hu Hai!
Could it be that Hu Hai is helping the Yin Yang family to murder him?

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng's face quickly became extremely ugly.

When Ying Zheng told Lu Yan his guess, Lu Yan's expression became extremely subtle.

"I see, I think I know how you were rescued."

Ying Zheng was a little surprised, and asked, "Master Lu knows?"

Lu Yan smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Before I came to the Sand Dune Palace, I asked my wife to secretly go to Xianyang."

Speaking of this incident, Lu Yan also felt very lucky.

Back then, he wanted to stay in the sand dune palace, so he asked Xie Zhuoyan to go to Xianyang City.

Order Xie Zhuoyan to protect Fusu secretly and ensure that Fusu's decree can be implemented.

At the same time, he also reminded Xie Zhuoyan to beware of Hu Hai.

Maybe it was Xie Zhuoyan who discovered Hu Hai's abnormality, so he happened to save Ying Zheng.

But this is just Lu Yan's guess. He still doesn't know what is going on.

"I was careless."

Lu Yan originally thought that he and Ying Zheng were in the same room.

No matter what problems Ying Zheng has, he can find them immediately.

But Ying Zheng almost died before, but he didn't know anything about it.

It can be seen from this that the Onmyoji of the Onmyoji family should not be underestimated.

"From now on, I will stay by your side and never leave."

The succession of the emperor's great lineage has a lot to do with it, and there must be no accidents.

Ying Zheng nodded and said, "Thank you, Master Lu."

Although he almost died before, he didn't blame Lu Yan.

Lu Yan is a true immortal with great strength, but since the Yin Yang family has the guts to confront Lu Yan, it means that the Yin Yang family has no fear of Lu Yan.

In addition, Yin Yang is mysterious and weird.

So it is understandable that he would encounter such a crisis.

At this moment, the person he really hates in his heart is Hu Hai.

It's his own son!
He never imagined that Hu Hai would join forces with the Yin Yang family to murder his father!
If he is allowed to leave the Dune Palace alive and return to Xianyang.

He must execute Hu Hai, a rebellious son, and remove him from the royal family of the Great Qin Empire!


Outside the Dune Palace.

Madam Xiang looked at the two talismans split in her hand, and her face suddenly became extremely ugly!

"This Lu Yan, is he really that powerful?"

"Did I use the hidden spell bestowed by His Excellency Dong Huang to cover up my murderous intentions, or did he find out?"

Mrs. Xiang really couldn't accept this result.

This hidden spell was originally bestowed on her by Donghuang Taiyi to protect herself when facing Lu Yan.

As long as she activates this hidden spell, even if she is standing in front of Lu Yan, Lu Yan will not be able to find her.

In this way, she can escape from the sand dunes calmly.

But now that Lu Yan has been refusing to show up, she thought of using a hidden spell to cover up the killing intent of the killing spell.

From her point of view, the plan was absolutely foolproof.

Even if Ying Zheng was killed right under Lu Yan's nose, Lu Yan would know nothing about it.

But it was such a perfect plan, but it failed!
It's just a pity that Mrs. Xiang didn't know that it wasn't Lu Yan who made her plan fail, but Hu Hai who was far away in Xianyang City!

The killing curse drawn by Hu Hai himself can certainly kill Yingzheng.

But it also has a fatal weakness.

That is, once Hu Hai dies, the killing curse will become invalid!
It can be said that as long as Hu Hai lives a little longer, she can successfully use the killing curse to get rid of Ying Zheng.

But it happened that Hu Hai died by such a coincidence at the moment before Ying Zheng was about to be unable to hold on, causing her to fall short!
If she were to know the truth of the matter, I'm afraid she would vomit blood in depression!

 Donghuang Taiyi is a BOSS.

  Therefore, the hidden spells he drew are very powerful, and it is not difficult to hide them from the protagonist.

  It won't happen after the protagonist's strength improves later.

(End of this chapter)

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