Chapter 381 The situation is not good!

After learning about this situation, Lu Yan immediately decided to communicate with You Nian.

Maybe he can get more information from You Nian.

It's just that You Nian is still worshiping him at this time.

He couldn't meet him in time, and now he could only wait patiently.

And in the process of waiting, the patriarch of the Wu clan came back.

Amidst the fierce wind, there was a muffled sound of horns.

When Ah Miao heard the sound of the horn, she turned to Lu Yan and said, "The clan leader blew the horn just now. They are back from hunting."

Lu Yan had also heard the sound of the horn before.

He asked Ah Miao: "So the sound of the horn is calling you?"

A Miao nodded and said, "That's right, this is calling us to share the meat in the square."

While speaking, Ah Miao had put down the stick bone in her hand and stood up.

Lu Yan also got up, and he planned to go to the square to see the excitement.

When Lu Yan and A Miao left the stone house, they met many other Wu people.

Almost all the Wu people wear clothes made of animal skins, and a thick animal skin covers their heads.

They wrapped themselves tightly to resist the attack of the knife wind.

It is worth mentioning that almost all the animal skin clothes and animal skins for the Wu people come from the wind sheep.

In other words, Fengyang not only provides meat to the Wu people.

It also provides its own fur to the Wu people to protect them from the cold wind.

This Fengyang is simply a selfless devotion, dedicated to the Wu people, and died.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan suddenly asked: "The bones used in the records, are they also from Fengyang?"

A Miao nodded and said, "That's right."

have to.

Lu Yan had no choice but to give Feng Yang a thumbs up.

They have contributed too much to the Wu Clan.

When Lu Yan and A Miao came to the square, other Wu people also came to the square one after another.

This place is said to be a square, but it is actually an ice field with basically no buildings.

In the middle of the square stood a group of people.

They held sharp spears made of bone in their hands, and wore thick animal hides, but they didn't make people feel bloated.

And they gave Lu Yan a very harsh feeling.

Completely different from other Wu people, this is a group of warriors with powerful fighting power!
And in front of these fighters, stood a tall woman.

She also wears heavy animal hides.

On his head was a fur cap.

The appearance is seven or eight points similar to the high priest.

But the difference is that the weapon in her hand is not a spear.

But a scepter!
That is the symbol of the patriarch of the Wu clan.

Only the patriarch of the Wu clan can control it.

Lu Yan did not expect that the patriarch of the Wu clan was actually a woman.

He couldn't help asking A Miao curiously: "Does the high priest and patriarch of your Wu clan have to be succeeded by women?"

Then he suddenly thought again.

Among the Wu people he met today, it seemed that most of them were women.

Men are very few.

A Miao heard Lu Yan's question, and replied: "The population of the tribe is getting smaller and smaller, because it is too difficult for male babies to survive."

Don't know for what reason.

Most of the newborns born among the witches who survived were girls.

Baby boys have a hard time making it through those first days.

As time goes by, there are more and more women among the witch clan, and fewer and fewer men.

In this case, most of the outstanding people in the Wu clan are basically women.

So this has led to the fact that the leaders of the Wu clan are basically women.

It is also because of this that the population of the Wu people will become smaller and smaller.

After hearing A Miao's explanation, Lu Yan realized that there was such a factor in the small population of the Wu tribe.

Just when Lu Yan asked A Miao for the news.

You Bai, the patriarch of the Wu Clan, was also observing Lu Yan.

Lu Yan is really too eye-catching.

Among a group of people wearing leather clothes and animal skins on their heads, Lu Yan was wearing a glowing gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes, which was really eye-catching.

"Who are you?"

Youbai looked at Lu Yan and directly asked his own question.

Although she had already guessed that Lu Yan was most likely the outsider in the legend.

But after all, she has never seen outsiders before, so she still wants to ask again.

When everyone heard You Bai's words, Qi Qi looked at Lu Yan who was wearing "exotic clothes".

Facing Youbai's question, Lu Yan replied: "My name is Lu Yan, I come from the outside world, and I am a human race."

outside world!

Human race!

After hearing Lu Yan's words, those witches who had never met Lu Yan showed a forced look of surprise on their stiff and numb faces.

They have lived in the Far West for so many years, and this is the first time they have seen foreigners!

Looking at the clothes of foreigners, don't you feel cold?

Just when everyone was curious and surprised, You Bai walked slowly towards Lu Yan and asked, "Why did you come here?"

Lu Yan glanced left and right, then at Youbai who was extremely aggressive, and said, "This is not a place to talk, why don't we divide the meat first?"

You Bai took a deep look at Lu Yan, and did not continue to press Lu Yan.

She turned back to the center of the square and shouted, "Line up!"

Following You Bai's order, all the Wu clansmen lined up consciously.

There is no distinction between men and women, but line up according to age.

The old man is at the front and the young man is at the back.

The warriors in charge of hunting dissected the wind sheep skillfully, using a dagger polished from the bones of the wind sheep.

It can be said that it really squeezed all the use value of Fengyang to nothing left.

The wind sheep is huge, like a cow.

The reason why it is called Fengyang instead of Fengniu is that it has thick white hair on its body.

It's like a magnified version of a goat.

After Feng Yang died, the body was already frozen hard on the way back.

So the mutton cut off by the soldiers was like stones.

Everyone can receive two pieces of meat.

This is enough for one person for two to three days.

And the hunting team will set off again after a day's rest.

Then return after two days.

This has become a practice.

The people who got the meat didn't stay in the square for long, and took the meat to go home one after another.


The ten limelight meats were basically distributed.

The rest were carried by the soldiers to the stone house where the high priest You Nian was.

At this moment, You Bai looked at Lu Yan again, and said, "Come with me."

Lu Yan pulled A Miao, followed You Bai, and walked towards You Bai's home.

Youbai's house is an ordinary stone house, almost no different from the stone houses of other Wu people.

The room was also very simple, except for a stone bed, there was nothing else.

Lu Yan looked at the environment here, and suddenly asked curiously: "How do you usually drink water?"

You Bai glanced back at Lu Yan, and asked back, "Isn't there enough snow outside?"

Lu Yan was speechless.

He felt like he was asking a stupid question.

When there is no water source, the ice and snow on the ground are the best water sources.

You Bai glanced at the hands that Lu Yan and A Miao held together, frowned slightly, and said, "Let go!"

Hearing this, Lu Yan looked down at his hand and subconsciously wanted to let go.

But Ah Miao clenched his hand tightly and handed Rang's hand to Youbai!
"Patriarch, a warm feeling."

A Miao looked at Youbai with a very special look.

It seemed that he hoped that Youbai could personally experience the warmth of Lu Yan's hand.

You Bai couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard what A Miao said.


She has also heard this word countless times, but she has never experienced what kind of feeling it is.

Can't help but.

She looked at Lu Yan.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze fell on Lu Yan's hand again.

There is a warm feeling on the outsider's body.

Thinking of this, a great impulse suddenly arose in her heart.

She wants to feel the warmth!

Lu Yan watched the expression change on Youbai's face, and couldn't help but become a little weird.

Is he being treated as a warm baby in human form?

Just when Lu Yan thought of this, You Bai walked over.

At this time, she was not a strong member of the Wu clan, but a curious woman.

She took the initiative to hold Lu Yan's left hand.

The moment the two hands touched, Youbai felt as if he had been electrocuted, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.


You Bai held Lu Yan's left hand, feeling the temperature on it.

For the first time in my life, I understood the meaning of warmth.

But only for a moment, she let go of Lu Yan's hand.

Although she was extremely reluctant to give up that warm feeling.

But she knew that she needed restraint and needed to maintain the majesty of the patriarch.

"Thank you."

You Bai thanked Lu Yan earnestly.

She knew she couldn't have warmth forever.

But as long as you feel it for yourself and know what it feels like to be warm, that's enough.

Seeing Youbai being so rational, Lu Yan also looked up to Youbai in his heart.

If Youbai is like A Miao, too greedy for warmth.

Then he would doubt whether You Bai is qualified to be the patriarch of the Wu Clan and continue to lead the Wu Clan.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan said to You Bai: "You don't need to thank me, it's just a little effort."

Just shaking hands is indeed a small effort.

You Bai looked at Lu Yan and said, "Since you can move freely in the clan, you must have met the high priest."

Lu Yan nodded and replied, "That's right, I've already met the high priest, and the conversation was quite pleasant."

Hearing this, Youbai looked at Lu Yan with a very deep gaze.

She asked again: "So, what did you all talk about?"

Lu Yan replied: "I talked about some things that I can say, but you can't."

Hearing Lu Yan's answer, Youbai glanced at A Miao.

Facing Youbai's gaze, A Miao nodded slightly.

After Youbai got A Miao's response, he knew that Lu Yan was not lying.

Now that Lu Yan has met the high priest You Nian.

That means that Lu Yan poses no threat to their witch clan for the time being.

At this point, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and let go of most of her vigilance.

But she still reminded Lu Yan: "You can be active in our tribe, but you must abide by our rules."

"No matter where you go, you must be accompanied by A Miao."

Lu Yan nodded and said, "This is no problem."

After hearing Lu Yan's answer, You Bai continued, "Then let's talk about your purpose for coming to our tribe."

"How did you find this place? And why did you come here?"

Lu Yan replied, "Because of Awang and Alie."

You Nian concealed it from everyone, so You Bai didn't know about the death of A Wang and A Lie at this time.

Hearing Lu Yan's answer at this time, she couldn't help showing a complex look on her face, and said, "Since you came here, but they didn't come back, it seems that they are dead."

"Did you kill them, or did the curse kill them?"

Lu Yan was a little surprised and puzzled when he heard Youbai say the word "curse" openly and aboveboard.

He asked You Bai: "Why does the high priest talk about God's gift, but you can say curse at will?"

Youbai replied: "We are different from the high priest, we only come into contact with his statue on the holy festival every year."

"But the high priest comes into contact with his statue every day and receives the most attention from him, so she must be more cautious."

Hearing You Bai's explanation, Lu Yan nodded slightly.

He had the same idea at first.

Hearing Youbai's explanation at this time, one can be sure that the more people who have contact with the statue, the more deeply they will be influenced by him.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan asked again: "Isn't there any danger for the high priest to be in close contact with the statue every day?"

You Bai replied: "In our Wu Clan, every patriarch can serve for a lifetime, but the high priest will change almost every hundred years."

"Because the high priest needs to be in contact with the god image every day, he is deeply affected by him, and suffers more than us."

Hearing You Bai's words, Lu Yan asked again: "Then what will the high priest do after he leaves office? Live like ordinary clansmen?"

You Bai shook his head and replied: "It is their fate that the high priests will commit suicide after completing their appointment."

Speaking of the high priest's suicide, Youbai hardly showed any mood swings, as calm as talking about eating and drinking.

Even if the current high priest is her own sister.

Just like the clansmen are used to life and death.

The high priests are replaced every hundred years, and the tradition of the previous high priest committing suicide has been passed down among the witches for countless years.

It has already become a normal part of life.

No one experiences any particular mood swings due to the normality of life.

Lu Yan couldn't help falling silent when he heard You Bai's answer.

This is already the few times he has been silent today.

The current situation of the witch clan made him feel distorted and weird.

From the perspective of the outside world, this is an almost abnormal pathology.

But from the Wu clan's point of view, they are just for survival.

Seeing Lu Yan's silence, You Bai said again: "The high priest has been in contact with the god statue every day, and has already been polluted by the god statue, and the curse is very serious."

"Even the bitter cold in the Far West cannot completely suppress the curse on them."

"If they don't kill themselves, sooner or later they will change their temperament and do some crazy things."

"In the past, we still had the strength to suppress such madness."

"But nowadays, we can no longer be tossed about."

Today's Wu clan has a population of less than [-].

There are only more than a hundred people with combat power.

At the level of the great witch, there are only two people, she and the high priest.

And the strength of the high priest is stronger than her.

If the high priest fell into madness, with her strength, she would not be the opponent of the high priest at all.

After she was defeated, the Wu Clan had no choice but to perish.

Therefore, the high priest must commit suicide before being completely changed by the curse!
Hearing You Bai's explanation, Lu Yan frowned slightly and said, "Maybe you need to make preparations to replace the high priest as soon as possible."

You Bai frowned slightly when he heard Lu Yan's words, and asked, "What did you find?"

Lu Yan replied with some seriousness: "I just checked the records about Buzhou Mountain and Tianzhu among your Wu clan."

"The records say that the channel between heaven and man is hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, and there are no clouds above the sea of ​​clouds."

"I once saw a high mountain in Kunlun Mountains on the way to the Far West."

"This mountain soars into the clouds, but there is no peak above the sea of ​​clouds."

"I suspect that this is a new channel between heaven and man!"

The emergence of a new channel between heaven and man means that his control over the witch clan will deepen.

The influence of the high priest through the idol will also be deepened.

Originally, a high priest's hundred years was the limit, but now the high priest's limit may be 90 years, or even 80 years!
Although this may be his unfounded worry.

But if the Wu Clan wants to continue without fail, then they must make a good choice!
When You Bai heard Lu Yan's words, his face suddenly became a little ugly!
Her gaze at Lu Yan also became extremely anxious at this moment, and she asked in a deep voice, "When did this happen?"

Lu Yan replied: "I don't know when this new channel between heaven and man appeared, but I found it yesterday."

Hearing Lu Yan's answer, You Bai immediately said, "You guys follow me to see the high priest!"

If it really is a new heaven-human channel appears.

Then the high priest will definitely be greatly affected by this.

They had to tell the high priest about this, and be prepared in advance!

Ah Miao, who was standing by the side, heard Lu Yan's words, and only then did she realize that the record on the bone was so important!

The appearance of the new channel between heaven and man actually poses such a huge threat to the high priest!

Just when Lu Yan was about to leave the stone house with You Bai to find the high priest.

Suddenly there was a low, painful moan amidst the fierce wind.

Hearing this familiar voice, Youbai's face changed again and again!
"This is the voice of the High Priest!"

Lu Yan couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

He just told You Bai about this matter, did something happen to the high priest?

Just when Lu Yan thought of this, You Bai had already pushed open the heavy stone door.

But after the stone gate was opened, the sound of the wind immediately became more intense and harsh.

The voice that came with the wind also became clear!


"I can not!"

"Kill me! Who will kill me!"

The High Priest's scream of pain echoed in the wind.

It sounded like she was struggling and resisting something.

You Bai looked in the direction of the stone house where the high priest was, and said in a deep voice, "It's him! He's invading the spiritual world of the high priest!"

After saying that, Youbai has already ran out quickly!
She has to stop all this!
(End of this chapter)

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