Songhai City.

Lu Yan came to Youjian Inn again.

In a familiar place, eating familiar meals cooked by Pao Ding.

But the state of mind at this time is completely different from the past.

After all, Pao Ding is already a golden fairy.

It's not as simple as the leader of the Mohist family who was lurking in Sanghai City in the past and was ready to meet the Mohist people.

Fortunately, Pao Ding did not abandon the skill of cooking.

In Pao Ding's words, he is no longer accustomed to eating meals cooked by others, and now he can only cook by himself to satisfy his appetite.

If this culinary skill fails, he will starve himself to death.

After a hearty meal, Lu Yan went upstairs and returned to the guest room where he used to live.

Although Songhai City has undergone a reconstruction, the original scale after the completion is almost the same as before.

Of course, if some differences must be found, it is probably much newer than before.

Just when Lu Yan returned to his room to rest, Wu Zu encountered some troubles in the ancestral land far above the desert in the northwest.

After Wu Zu left the bitterly cold extreme west, the whole family of [-] people all moved to the ancestral land.

In the ancestral land where the four seasons are like spring and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, all the Wu people have tears in their eyes.

They have lived in the Far West since they were born, and they have never seen such a beautiful place, and they have never breathed such a fresh fragrance of flowers.

Now that the curse has been lifted and they have returned to their ancestral land, the scene they had imagined countless times in their dreams has finally come into reality!
At the same time, they also saw the stone standing on the grass.

At that time, Lu Yan once said that that stone was the incarnation of their high priest, You Nian.

You Nian will always stand there, silently guarding them.

The Wu people were grateful for You Nian's care for them and their kindness over the years, and spontaneously went to the grassland to pray for You Nian.

After praying for three consecutive days and nights, the Wu people began to rebuild their homes in their ancestral land.

At this moment, whether it is a centenarian or a five or six-year-old child, his whole body is full of energy.

They can't wait to live in a beautiful home in the beautiful ancestral land.

Soon, several months passed.

During this time, the Wu people have fully adapted to life in their ancestral land.

They built a new home with wood from their ancestral land.

Found wild wheat here, and began to try to grow wheat.

They also started raising cattle and sheep.

And during this period, Ah Miao also succeeded in inheriting the position of high priest and became the new high priest of the Wu clan.

Since then, the life of the Wu people has been booming, and it can be said to be smooth.

Until two days ago, an old man named Wumeng died in the clan.

Wumeng is the oldest old man among the Wu tribe.

He doesn't have any cultivation skills, but he has lived for 460 years.

During these 460 years, he suffered for almost 460 years.

After finally returning to the ancestral land, after enjoying a short few months of good life in the ancestral land, the health deteriorated, until two days ago, I finally couldn't hold on and came to the end of my life.

Wumeng is the oldest old man in the clan.

When everyone heard the news that he was going to die, they all came to Wumeng's house to visit Wumeng.

Wumeng lives with his grandson.

Their home is a small but cozy little yard.

There are two wooden houses in the yard. At this time, the patriarch Youbai and the high priest A Miao are both in the wooden house where Wumeng lives, looking at Wumeng reluctantly.

Wu Meng is the oldest person in the clan, and also their elders.

They were all taken care of by Wumeng when they were young.

Wumeng was also the bravest hunter in the clan when he was young, and was respected by many people.

Now that Wumeng is about to leave this world, they are naturally very sad.

"Grandpa Wumeng." Youbai looked at Wumeng, and said softly, "I still remember the first time I went hunting, it was you who took me with you. At that time, you protected me behind you and didn't let me suffer any harm."

"It is also because of your protection that I think Fengyang has nothing to be afraid of, so I bravely become an excellent hunter."

When Wu Meng heard You Bai's words, a smile slowly appeared on his old wrinkled face.

He whispered to You Bai: "From now on, it's up to you to protect the young children."

Wumeng's voice was very clear, and it didn't look like he was about to die.

He has already entered the radiant makeup, and he will die soon.

Hearing Wu Meng's words, Youbai nodded with tears in his eyes and said, "I know, I will definitely protect the younger generations."

Wu Meng turned his head to look at A Miao again, and said, "You are the youngest high priest in the history of our Wu clan, You Nian has high hopes for you, and I hope you can work with You Bai to protect the safety of the clan. "

A Miao nodded slightly and said, "Grandpa Wumeng, don't worry, I will definitely protect everyone."

Hearing A Miao's answer, Wu Meng nodded in relief.

Then he slowly closed his eyes, tilted his head to one side, cut off his last breath, and left this world forever.

Seeing Wumeng dying, Youbai couldn't help shouting with sobs: "Grandpa Wumeng!"

A Miao couldn't help but sobbed softly.

Not long after they returned to their ancestral land, it was really heartbreaking for Wumeng to leave this world after enjoying a good life for only a few months.

Outside, when everyone heard the movement in the room, they couldn't help showing sadness on their faces.

Everyone in the clan mourned Wumeng's death.

Even burst into tears.

"Grandpa Wumeng, have a good journey!"

"Grandpa Wumeng, woo woo woo!"

"I can't accept it! How can Grandpa Wumeng..."


Youbai and A Miao felt relieved for Wumeng when they heard the crying sound coming from outside the house.

Youbai said to A Miao: "In the clan, only Grandpa Wumeng can get such respect from everyone."

A Miao nodded lightly and said, "Grandpa Wumeng..."

Ah Miao's words suddenly stopped here.

She looked at Wumeng who had passed away, as if she had noticed something, and she couldn't help showing a look of surprise on her face.

At this moment, Youbai also noticed something was wrong.

Wumeng, who was already dead, has revived his severed breath!
You Bai was a little surprised and said, "Is this a resurrection?"

When he spoke, his tone was full of disbelief.

She had seen the death of countless people in the clan.

But it was the first time that he came back from the dead!
At this time, A Miao also didn't know how to answer this question.

Because she has never encountered such a thing!

Just when You Bai and A Miao were a little surprised, Wu Meng's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened slowly.

At the same time as he opened his eyes, Wumeng also supported his body with his hands and sat up.

His actions are quick and sensitive, and he doesn't look like a dying old man at all!

Both You Bai and A Miao were taken aback by Wu Meng's sudden sitting up.

You Bai asked Wu Meng in surprise: "Grandpa Wu Meng, why do you..."

Wu Meng turned his head to look at You Bai, and asked, "Why did I come back to life suddenly? Do you really want me to die?"

The expression on Wumeng's face was calm, even a little cold.

It doesn't look like the respected elder in the past at all.

On the contrary, it seems to have become a stranger!

Facing Wumeng's questioning, Youbai replied subconsciously: "I don't think so."

Wu Meng snorted coldly and said, "I need to rest, please go out!"

Without hesitation, Wumeng issued an order to expel Youbai and A Miao.

Youbai and A Miao couldn't help looking at Wumeng, who suddenly became extremely strange.

They suddenly realized that the Wumeng in front of them seemed to be no longer the Wumeng they knew.

A Miao put away the sadness in her heart, and asked Wu Meng: "You are not Grandpa Wu Meng, who are you?"

Wu Meng turned his gaze to A Miao, and said very coldly: "I am Wu Meng! I am your grandfather! Are you unwilling to see that I am not dead?"

Seeing the vicious expression on Wumeng's face, A Miao raised her hand and slapped Wumeng!
She didn't know who the person in front of her was occupying Wumeng's body.

But no matter who the other party is, she will never allow the other party to borrow Wumeng's body to do these disgusting things!


Wumeng yelled suddenly, then fell backwards on the bed.

With a mouthful of blood protruding from his mouth, he shouted, "Help! Agui, save me!"

Agui is Wumeng's grandson, and he is also standing outside the house at this time.

At this moment, Agui was holding the decoction in his hand and was still choking, when he suddenly heard Wu Meng's call, his expression turned from sadness to joy almost instantly.

"Grandpa! Grandpa is not dead!"

Agui cheered in surprise, and walked quickly towards the room.

He rushed into the room, and then saw Wumeng lying on the bed with a horrified expression on his face.

And Youbai and A Miao stood beside the bed with extremely ugly expressions on their faces!

Ah Gui walked quickly to the bed, put down the soup and medicine, and asked, "Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Meng pointed at A Miao and said loudly: "She wants to harm me!"

Hearing Wu Meng's words, Agui couldn't help being stunned.

The high priest wanted to kill his grandfather?
Ah Miao was about to say something, but You Bai stopped Ah Miao and said, "Ah Gui, your grandpa is insane, he has no idea what he is talking about."

Hearing Youbai's words, Agui showed understanding on his face, and said, "So that's how it is."

It's not like he, Youbai and A Miao have known each other for a day or two, so he naturally knows what kind of people You Bai and A Miao are.

When Wu Meng said that Youbai and A Miao wanted to harm him, his first reaction was disbelief.

Hearing You Bai's explanation at this time, he immediately believed it.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Wu Meng didn't continue to bite Youbai and A Miao.

After he lay down, he said to Agui, "Agui, grandpa wants to rest, let them go out."

Hearing this, Ah Gui turned his head and glanced at Youbai and A Miao, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Youbai pulled A Miao, and said to A Gui: "Take good care of your grandpa, let's go first."

Agui nodded, but did not go out to see Youbai and A Miao off.

After Youbai and A Miao walked out of the house, people outside asked what happened just now.

The two casually explained the previous situation.

Everyone was stunned when they heard that Wu Meng was not dead, but just unconscious.

But after staying there, I rejoiced.

Although it is said that Wumeng has become delirious, as long as he is still alive, it will be fine.

Youbai and A Miao looked at the joyful expressions on the faces of the crowd, and there was a forced smile on their faces.

But they couldn't laugh in their hearts.

Because they knew that the one who came back to life was not Wumeng!
After returning to Youbai's residence, A Miao asked Youbai, "Why didn't we just expose Wumeng?"

Youbai asked A Miao: "Do you think Agui will believe us? That's his grandfather! That's Grandpa Wumeng!"

A Miao couldn't help falling silent when she heard Youbai's words.

Wumeng has a high prestige in the clan.

Even her high priest and patriarch Youbai are slightly inferior.

Under the circumstances that Wumeng refused to admit it, their words might not be believed.

After a while, Ah Miao asked You Bai: "Then what should we do now?"

Youbai replied: "Let's observe Wumeng's situation first."

A Miao nodded slightly.

In the current situation, they can only do so first.

While the two were talking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

The voices of the tribe came from outside.

"Patriarch, High Priest, are you there? Grandma Amu passed away!"

When Youbai and A Miao heard the voice from outside, their faces showed surprise.

Grandma Ah Mu actually passed away?
Grandma Amu and Wumeng are old people at the same time, but Grandma Amu is more than ten years younger than Wumeng.

Grandma Amu usually helps the young people in the family to take care of the children, because everyone likes Grandma Amu, and no matter who sees her, they will call her Grandma Amu.

A few days ago, they had just met Grandma Amu.

Although grandma Amu is not particularly strong, she is still healthy.

How could he die suddenly?

Thinking of this, the two immediately stood up and walked outside, wanting to check on Grandma A'Mu's situation.

It's just that when they came to Grandma's residence with their tribe, they heard the people in the yard cheering.

Youbai and A Miao looked at each other, and suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts!
As soon as they entered the courtyard, they heard everyone thanking the witch god again.

"Sorcerer God, thank you for not taking away Grandma Amu!"

"Blessed by the witch god, grandma Amu is alive again, it's really great!"

"Woooooo, it's really great that Grandma Amu is not dead!"

When Youbai and A Miao heard the words of the people in the yard, their expressions became extremely ugly.

Although they didn't see what happened, they could guess that Grandma E'Mu died first, lost her breath, and then suddenly came back to life.

This made it difficult for them not to link this incident with the resurrection of Wumeng.

Could it be that grandma Emu has also become like Wumeng?
Thinking of these, both of them felt shuddering!
They squeezed into the crowd and walked quickly into Grandma's house.

Then I saw a group of children gathered around the bed, looking at Grandma Amu happily.

"Grandma, grandma! It's great that you're fine!"

"Woooooo, I thought I'd never see grandma again!"

The children were crying and looked very happy.

E Mu, who was lying on the bed, looked at the people beside the bed, but there was not much of the kind smile in the past on his old face.

She looked at the eyes of the children and was even a little bored.

It wasn't until she saw A Miao and You Bai walking in that a kind smile appeared on her face, and her cold eyes became gentle.

It's just that the expression on her face was pale and A Miao could see it clearly.

They finally confirmed that Grandma Amu, like Grandpa Wumeng, was resurrected by a certain guy!
"Grandma, are you okay?"

Youbai looked at Eminem with the same expression on his face.

Eminem nodded slightly and said, "I'm fine now, better than ever."

After hearing Ah Mu's answer, You Bai said again: "Grandma Ah Mu has a good rest, I will take the children away first."

Speaking of Youbai, she beckoned the children to go out with her.

She was really worried that Eminem would suddenly do something dangerous and hurt these innocent children.

Seeing this scene, Eminem did not stop him.

After Youbai put all the children on and left the room, Ah Miao took a deep look at Ah Mu, then turned and walked out without saying a word.

After everyone went out, the expression on Eminem's face immediately became extremely ferocious.

She snorted coldly and said, "What a group of criminals' brats! You should eat them all!"


A Miao and You Bai looked at the people in the yard, and they couldn't help showing a look of worry on their faces.

Wumeng and Amu came back from the dead, it's all too weird!

They want to investigate, but they seem to have no way to investigate!

"What shall we do now?"

A Miao asked Youbai again.

You Bai was about to speak.

At this moment, another tribe came in a hurry.

"It's not good! Grandpa Sangjia seems to be dying!"

The expressions on the faces of the people who were still happy just now became extremely surprised when they heard this call.

Grandpa Sangjia is going to die?
In one day, from Wumeng to Amu, and then to Sanjia, how could so many old people suddenly fail?
When Youbai and A Miao heard this call, they seemed to have seen a ghost, their faces were extremely gloomy and ugly!

They didn't even need to look to know that Sangjia must become the same as Wumeng and Amu, and will die and come back to life soon!
You Bai turned to look at A Miao, and asked, "How many old people are there in our clan?"

A Miao replied: "160 two."

There are many old people in the clan, and there are a total of 160 people over the age of [-].

Youbai is also very clear about this number, but she still can't help but want to ask A Miao.

If something like this happened to Wumeng, Amu and Sangjia.

They don't know who will be next.

What will happen when more and more old people come back from the dead?
Will such weird things spread to young people again?

Thinking of this, Youbai couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said to A Miao: "A Miao, you should leave tonight, go to the Central Plains, and find Lu Yan, only he can help us now!"

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