Compared with the more anticipated Eighth Hades and Seventh Hades.

The performance of the sixth Pluto was relatively indifferent.

Because his original fiefdom in the Netherworld was wide enough to fully meet his requirements for the fiefdom.

He didn't have to come to the fairyland to conquer the fairyland with other Hades.

But the damage caused to his fief by the Fifth Pluto tearing up the space ten years ago is too serious!

For ten years, he tried every means to repair the space rift, but all failed.

He even went to plead with the Emperor of the Underworld, but the Emperor of the Underworld remained indifferent to his plea, allowing the crack in space to expand and swallow his fiefdom.

In desperation, he had no choice but to cooperate with the Ninth Hades to attack the Immortal World, and then re-divided an area from the Immortal World as his new fiefdom.

Every time he thought of this matter, hatred filled his heart.

And this hatred is naturally aimed at the two main culprits, Lu Yan and Fifth Pluto!

If it weren't for Lu Yan's coming to the Netherworld, the Underworld Emperor wouldn't have given them the order to look for outsiders.

Without this order, he naturally wouldn't have met Lu Yan, and he wouldn't have invited the Fifth Pluto to help him.

If the Fifth Pluto hadn't come, there would be no subsequent battle, and the space would not be torn apart.

He will not be reduced to the current situation.

In the final analysis, all this is the fault of Lu Yan and Fifth Pluto!
The Ninth Hades looked at the gloomy face of the Sixth Hades, chuckled, and asked, "Brother Six doesn't seem happy and doesn't look forward to it at all?"

After hearing these words, the eighth Hades and the seventh Hades turned their heads to look at the sixth Hades.

Speaking of which, in their original plan, the three of them would divide up the fairy world.

But not long ago, the sixth Pluto came suddenly and invited them to cooperate.

This made them both surprised and reasonable.

Because they all knew that the Kunyu Realm, the fiefdom of the Sixth Pluto, had basically been abolished after that battle.

As long as the sixth Pluto wants to continue his cultivation, he must obtain a new fiefdom.

It is almost impossible for the sixth Pluto to obtain a brand new fiefdom in the Netherworld.

So the sixth Pluto can only come to the fairyland with them, and work together to develop the fairyland.

At first they refused to join the Sixth Hades.

Because the current situation in the fairy world is already very favorable to them, the Sixth Hades joined in at this time purely to take advantage of it. Of course, they are unwilling to share the benefits that should belong to themselves to the Sixth Hades.

But the Ninth Hades finally convinced them.

On the one hand, although they have a great advantage now, the fairy world is still stubbornly resisting after all.

When it comes to the final decisive battle, Immortal Realm will inevitably fight back desperately.

In case there is a little carelessness at that time and the success falls short, wouldn't it be nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

And with the participation of the sixth Pluto, they will have another layer of protection, which is naturally beneficial to them.

On the other hand, it is because of the demon world.

Now the demon world, as the main force invading the fairy world, now also occupies a lot of territory.

Don't look at the way they seem to be cooperating very friendly now, but no one can guarantee that after the real and complete occupation of the fairyland, the two of them will not turn against each other because of the division of interests.

The possibility of this kind of thing happening is not small, so they must always be on guard.

And the addition of the sixth Pluto also gave them more confidence in the future when facing the devil world.

After hearing these reasons from the Ninth Hades, they all felt that the Ninth Hades was very reasonable, so they did not refuse the Sixth Hades to join.

Although the sixth Hades may come in handy in the future, at least the existence of the sixth Hades is meaningless for now.

Logically speaking, they should be the ones who should show their faces. What does it mean that the sixth Pluto is pulling a face at this time?
Hearing the words of the Ninth Hades, the Sixth Hades, facing the unfriendly gazes of the Eighth Hades and the Seventh Hades, snorted coldly and said, "This King just feels that the current environment in the Immortal World is still a bit poor."

The Ninth Hades heard the explanation of the Sixth Hades, and said with a half-hearted smile, "So that's how it is."

The seventh Pluto sneered, but said nothing.

Although the area they are in now is not big, it only has a radius of about ten thousand li.

But after nearly ten years of transformation in this area, the environment is no longer much different from the Netherworld.

The sixth Pluto said that the environment here is bad, it is purely lying with open eyes.

However, although the sixth Pluto's explanation was a bit far-fetched, it still gave them an answer anyway, so he just returned a sneer and didn't say any more sarcasm.

When the Sixth Hades heard this sneer, his expression suddenly became even uglier.

He turned his head and glanced at the Seventh Hades, and was about to question, when the Ninth Hades suddenly intervened between the two of them.

He smiled and said to the Sixth Pluto: "Although the transformation of the ten thousand miles around is not bad, it is a bit too small for us after all. Outside the ten thousand miles around, the environment of the fairy world is indeed a bit poor. The sixth brother said That's right."

When the sixth Hades heard what the ninth Hades said, his expression became a little better.

The seventh Pluto didn't continue to provoke the sixth Pluto either. He also knew the truth that too much was too much, and it was enough to provoke him to show his attitude. It would be too much to do it again.

At this time, the Ninth Hades said to the Sixth Hades again: "Brother Six, the battle in Muyu is tense now, I want to ask Brother Six to go to support, and also to get acquainted with the people from the Demon Realm who are fighting on the front line. I don't know what Brother Six means. How about next?"

The sixth Pluto said lightly: "This king is fine."

As early as when they decided to cooperate with the Ninth Hades, the Sixth Hades was ready to be used.

After all, he wanted to get a share of the interests of the fairy world.

That's impossible without paying any price.

And it's better to pay the price now than to pay the price later!

When the ninth Hades heard that the sixth Hades agreed, he said with a smile: "My little brother will arrange for someone to take the sixth brother to Muyu."

After saying this, the Ninth Hades didn't hesitate, and asked the people around him to lead the way for the Sixth Hades.

The sixth Pluto didn't say anything, just followed and left.

Wait until the sixth Pluto leaves.

The Seventh Pluto snorted coldly and said, "I don't know what he's pulling!"

To say that among the Hades, the seventh Hades is the one who dislikes the seventh Hades the most, and that is the sixth Hades.

There is no other reason, just because the person pressing on his head is the sixth Hades.

If it wasn't for the sake of the overall situation, he wouldn't have swallowed his anger so much!
The Eighth King of Hades said: "He just wants to eat and drink with us, but he can't bear to lose face and pretend!"

The Eighth Pluto is also very upset.

But he, like the Seventh Pluto, was out of overall considerations, so he had to pinch his nose and admit it.

The Ninth Hades glanced back at the Seventh Hades and the Eighth Hades, and said, "Why are you two brothers getting angry? You don't want him to take a share of the pie, so do I?"

The Seventh Hades heard the words and asked, "What do you mean?"

The Ninth Hades said with a chuckle: "At the beginning, he invited the fifth brother to help him deal with outsiders. As a result, the fifth brother lost the entire fief and bet everything, but he sold the fifth brother in the end."

"With this lesson learned from the past, how can I rest assured to cooperate with this kind of person?"

"When things are done and everything settles down, it's natural to let him taste the feeling of being betrayed and betrayed by the fifth child!"

The eyes of the Seventh Hades and the Eighth Hades couldn't help but light up when they heard the words of the Ninth Hades.

The Seventh Pluto asked with a smile: "You mean to kick him after it's done?"

The Ninth Hades nodded and said: "If it was in the past, I would never have dared to do this, because as long as he revealed this matter to the emperor, we would be overwhelmed, but now..."

Thinking of Hades, the expression on Ninth Hades' face couldn't help but become extremely subtle.

When the Fifth Hades fought against Lu Yan, he had been patiently waiting for Hades to sweep the battlefield.

But until the end, Hades Emperor didn't make a move.

What surprised him even more was that the sixth Pluto went to Hades and begged Hades to take action to make up for the space rift, but Hades remained unmoved.

Although he didn't know why, at least he could guess that Hades would probably not care about anything about them.

In this way, if he wants to kick the sixth Pluto away at that time, he will naturally not have any psychological burden.

Although the strength of the sixth Hades is not weak, but the three of them join forces, the sixth Hades is not enough!

The seventh Pluto and the eighth Pluto finally felt comfortable at this moment.

When they thought that they could use the sixth Hades, and finally kick the sixth Hades away, they were very happy!


As one of the five realms of the Immortal World, Muyu, like other regions, has its own characteristics.

The soil area is full of yellow sand.

The waters are full of swamps.

And Muyu is surrounded by towering giant trees.

The entire wooden domain is like an extremely huge forest.

There are all kinds of towering giant trees growing in the forest, and the shortest tree is ten feet high.

The height of the tallest tree reaches an astonishing three thousand feet, almost going straight into the sky.

The largest city in the Wood Domain, Tianmu City, was built on this giant tree named Tianmu.

Tianmu City is not a traditional city, but a city located on trees composed of various wooden houses built on Tianmu and surrounding trees.

All people live in wooden houses on trees, the environment is elegant and quiet, very comfortable and pleasant.

But that's the wood domain of the past.

Today's Muyu is completely different.

Because war is coming.

The invaders from the demon world set off a monstrous fire as soon as they invaded the wooden domain.

This fire burned from the edge of the wooden domain to a third of the wooden domain.

This fire destroyed countless towering giant trees, and also burned down the homes of countless people in the Muyu area.

Thousands of people in Muyu were forced to leave their homes where they had lived for many years and flee for their lives to the depths of Muyu.

There are more Muyu people who were buried in the sea of ​​flames!

When this news spread to the depths of Muyu, all the people in Muyu became angry!

They have always cherished every giant tree in the wood domain.

These giant trees not only carry their homes, but also accompany their playmates from childhood.

For them, giant trees are like relatives.

Now that the devil invaders have burned down half of the wooden domain, how can they not be angry!
Under the control of this angry emotion, the monks in Muyu launched revenge against the invaders from the demon world.

The invaders from the Demon Realm had already expected this day, so they made preparations in advance and defeated the Muyu cultivator.

Fortunately, Su Zhenzhen and Ye Xiaochai led the army to support, so that the monks of Muyu did not suffer too heavy a loss.

At the same time, they also took action to stop the fire, so that Muyu would no longer be attacked by raging fire.

Since then, the allied forces of the fairy world and the human world, as well as the invaders of the demon world, have confronted each other with the place where the fire was extinguished as the dividing line.

Although minor conflicts broke out from time to time, no major battle broke out.

The fairy world and the human world are taking advantage of the opportunity when there is no war to dispatch troops.

The same is true of the demon invaders.

They are waiting for reinforcements from the underworld to arrive.

Since the beginning of the war, they have exerted a lot of strength, and it is time for the people of the nether world to come out and exercise their muscles and bones.


There are two great saints sitting in the demon camp.

Resent the red light.

Strong wind blows.

Resenting the Red Lantern, carrying a Ghost Music Lantern, wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, with a white face and red makeup, and lips as bright red as maple leaves.

His hands are made of bones and skeletons, and his whole body exudes a frightening chill of death, giving people an indescribable ghostly charm that makes people shudder.

Compared to complaining about red lights.

When the wind is blowing, it will be normal.

He was blond and bohemian.Holding the saber-cutting sword Guan Yan, he can display the powerful supernatural powers of both wind and fire.

The fire that burned down one-third of the giant trees in the Wood Domain was also caused by him.

Besides these two people, there was another even more ferocious monster.

That is the Heavenly Slaughter of Beasts.

War Beast Tianlu is tall and mighty, with jet black hair all over his body and golden armor, he is very mighty.

He is a monster formed by the Demon Emperor Qitiandi using the remnants of alien dragons, with pure killing instincts.

His skin is stronger than iron, and even the magic weapon can't hurt him at all. His roar is like thunder, with a strong explosive airflow, which once caused a great threat to the monks of the fairy world on the battlefield.

Attacking Muyu this time was the task entrusted to them by the Demon Realm Military Fuying Master.

However, according to Master Fu Ying's order, they only need to take one-third of the wooden domain.

The remaining two-thirds of the wooden domain will be handed over to the people of the Netherworld to attack.

So it is.

Gai Fengyang didn't stop Su Zhenzhen when he extinguished the fire.

Because their task has been completed, the rest of the work should be done by the people of the Netherworld, they just need to fight and cooperate.

Now they have been stationed in Muyu for half a month, and the army of the underworld finally arrived in Muyu one after another today.

In order to be able to take down Muyu in one go, the Nether Realm invested a lot of troops this time.

There are millions of Yin soldiers alone.

There are tens of thousands of Yin generals, thousands of Yin commanders, and thirty Yin kings.

In addition, the sixth Pluto came in person!

When he heard the news of the sixth Pluto's arrival, Lie Fengyang took the initiative to walk out of the tent to greet him.

He looked at the burly and black armored Sixth Hades with a somewhat unscrupulous gaze.

Facing Lie Fengyang's scrutinizing gaze, the sixth Pluto couldn't help frowning.

He asked Lie Fengyang with some displeasure: "What are you looking at?"

Lie Fengyang said calmly after hearing the words: "It's just to see what the Nether Realm Pluto looks like in the rumors, it doesn't mean anything else."

Saying that Gale Fengyang shook his head.

Seeing Lie Fengyang shaking his head, the Sixth Pluto's expression turned cold, and he asked, "What do you mean?"

Lie Fengyang replied: "I originally thought that the Pluto of the Netherworld should be a powerful character, but at this moment, it seems that I am thinking too much."

Hearing what Lie Fengyang said, the Sixth Pluto's face became even more gloomy.

He originally thought that he would be warmly welcomed by the Demon Realm when he came to the front line.

I didn't expect to be ridiculed and ridiculed as soon as we met, and gave him a severe blow!

He took a deep look at Lie Fengyang, and said: "The Daoist sage of the devil world also disappointed this king, why don't you and I fight first to see who is more disappointing!"

Lie Fengyang laughed and said, "That's unnecessary, after all, we are allies now, so it's better not to do anything."

Speaking of Lie Fengyang, he turned sideways and made an invitation gesture, and said: "I offended you so much earlier, please don't take it to heart, please."

The sixth Pluto saw Lie Fengyang's change of attitude, and his face became a little better.

With a cold snort, he lifted his feet and walked towards the tent.

In the camp, Yan Hong Deng and Zhan Beast Tianlu sat at the table, and when they saw the sixth Pluto entering the tent, they had no intention of getting up to greet him.

Lie Fengyang explained to the sixth Pluto: "These two people are not normal, and Pluto must be able to see it, so Pluto doesn't need to pay attention to them, just talk to me directly if you have anything to do."

The sixth Pluto took a deep look at the red light of resentment, then at the war beast Tianlu, and then sat down at the table beside him.

Gale Fengyang also took his seat.

Immediately after they were seated, a maid served snacks and fruits.

After the maid retreated, the sixth Pluto said to Lie Fengyang: "Since the king has come to the front line, the battle can begin."

Lie Fengyang nodded and said: "Now our Demon Realm has captured the Small Banmu Domain and is resting and recuperating, but the army of the Nether Realm has not yet been dispatched and is still at its peak. Afterwards, we will leave everything to attack the Wood Domain to your Nether Realm. It won't hold you back."

The sixth Pluto heard Lie Fengyang's words, his expression changed slightly, and he asked, "What do you mean? Don't you plan to continue to attack?"

Lie Fengyang nodded and said: "Our conquest of the Demon Realm has consumed a lot of energy. Now that your army from the Nether Realm has arrived, we finally have a chance to breathe. Of course, we need to take a good rest."

Hearing this, the Sixth Pluto's expression became extremely gloomy again.

Before he came here, no one had ever told him that the attack on Muyu this time was for them to fight alone in the Netherworld!

Lie Fengyang saw the sixth Pluto's expression changed, so he asked with a smile: "What? Is Pluto scared?"

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