Chapter 553 If you don't shoot, you are invincible!

A cold autumn rain.

With the continuous autumn rain overnight, the originally sunny and warm weather suddenly became bleak and cold.

The jungle in the mountains was dyed yellow overnight, and when the cold wind blew, the leaves drifted down with the wind, covering the entire land.

But above the sea, the chill is more straightforward and crisp.

The bitter sea breeze came blowing in with the salty smell, making the fishermen who went out early to go fishing feel icy cold, and couldn't help wrapping their thin clothes tightly.

It was only when the fishermen reached the port that they were surprised to find that the port had been blocked.

In all directions, there are Daqin sergeants, dressed in armor and holding long spears, ready to fight.

"Fellow folks, seal the sea today, everyone can come to me to receive an ingot of silver."

Just when the fishermen were wondering, suddenly there was a shout.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw people wearing Daqin official costumes waving at them.

After seeing the basket of silver at the feet of the Daqin official, every fisherman showed surprise on his face.

It's not that everyone has encountered Feng Hai's incident.

But this is the first time that they have been compensated for sealing the sea!
And the compensation is still a piece of silver!
Such a large ingot of silver, even if they go to sea every day and work without sleep for three years, they may not be able to earn it!
If it weren't for the fact that the person who distributed the money was wearing the clothes of a Daqin official, they almost thought they had met a liar!

"Fellow folks, don't just watch, hurry up and get the compensation."

The Daqin official looked at the fishermen who stayed where they were, and understood why these fishermen were stunned.

Even he was taken aback when he learned about the subsidy.

But if you think about it carefully, you won't be so surprised, after all, the big battle is coming.

Maybe tomorrow will be the end of the world.

No matter how generous the compensation is, it might be cheaper for foreigners!
Thinking of this, the official said to the fishermen who came to receive compensation: "Go back today, buy some wine and meat, have a good meal, make up for it, don't be reluctant to spend it!"

As he spoke, he stuffed a piece of silver into the hand of the slightly timid fisherman who came over first.

When the fisherman got the silver, he seemed to be dreaming, with a surprised smile on his face.

"Go back today and buy some good wine and meat!"

The smile on the fisherman's dark and thin face became brighter when he thought that such a large ingot of silver would be enough to spend for several years, and he could also buy some wine and meat to go back to be happy with his wife and children at home.

When the other fishermen saw that the first fisherman had really received a large ingot of silver, they rushed up like a swarm of bees.

The officials were not annoyed, and each of them stuffed a piece of silver in their hands.

The fishermen who received the silver left happily together.

Some are discussing to get together at noon today, and some are discussing to buy some wine and meat, and go back to have a good meal with their mother-in-law and children.

The official looked at the excited expressions of the fishermen, then turned his head to look at the increasingly gloomy sky above the sea, and couldn't help sighing softly.

He really hoped that at this time tomorrow, he could still see such bright smiles on everyone's faces.


Just when the official was thinking of these things, there was a sudden roar of thunder on the distant sea.

The demonic energy sweeping across the sky became more and more thick and gloomy.

The sense of crisis that is about to come makes everyone feel very nervous.

At this time above the sea.

Human monks, sea monks, monster monks, and monks from the fairy world, as well as some people from the witch clan, stood on the cloud boat.

Everyone's faces were tense, looking very nervous.

Everyone knows clearly that the war is coming.

Their life and death, and even the life and death of the entire world, will be decided in this battle!

Another burst of violent thunder roared.

Above the sky, the gloomy devilish energy suddenly dispersed in all directions.

After the demonic energy dissipated, the sky did not become clear because there was a huge black-purple vortex in it.

The vortex slowly rotated and gradually became transparent.

When everyone saw this scene, the expressions on their faces became more and more solemn.

On the mirage, Xie Zhuoyan looked at the vortex that gradually became transparent, and knew clearly in her heart that when the vortex became completely transparent, the demon world and the human world would be completely connected!
"It's still coming."

Although it has long been known that this will happen.

But when this thing really happened, the mood inevitably became a little complicated.

Just when Xie Zhuoyan thought so in his heart, the vortex above the sky became completely transparent.

Now everyone above the sea can clearly see the other side of the vortex through the vortex that has become transparent!
The body of the huge extraterrestrial demon almost occupied most of the vortex, exuding a disgusting, evil and filthy aura!

This extraterrestrial demon is coming to the world through the vortex!

When everyone realized this, there was a loud dragon chant in the sea!

Transformed into the body of a real dragon, Bo Hai flew out of the sea and headed straight for the extraterritorial demon!

The extraterrestrial celestial demon that was descending on the world was aware of it the moment the real dragon appeared, and subconsciously let out a piercing scream.

At the same time, the sucker on the eight tentacles of the extraterritorial demon also spewed out an extremely astonishing evil and filthy aura, rushing towards Bohai!

Faced with the impact of this evil and filthy aura, Bo Hai opened his dragon's mouth suddenly, and spit out billowing dragon breath!

This dragon's breath is like a cloud, sweeping towards the evil and filthy aura.

When the two collided, the evil and filthy aura was almost instantly crushed by the dragon's breath!
After the dragon's breath washed away the evil and filthy aura, it continued to roll towards the extraterrestrial demons!

The extraterrestrial demon was impacted by the dragon's breath, and with the strength of its huge body, it forcibly withstood the impact of the dragon's breath.

But even so, the huge body of the extraterrestrial celestial demon still showed large areas of burnt marks, exuding a scorched smell!

The severe pain caused the extraterrestrial demon to howl, and its ferocity was completely aroused!
But before the extraterritorial celestial demon took any countermeasures, Bo Hai had already approached, and a dragon slashed fiercely at the body of the extraterritorial celestial demon!
After being drawn, the huge body of the extraterrestrial demon collapsed almost instantly, turning into black and purple flesh and blood all over the sky!
Bo Hai opened his mouth again and spewed out a cloud of dragon's breath, sweeping towards the remnant body of the extraterrestrial demon, where the dragon's breath passed, the flesh and blood of the extraterrestrial demon melted as quickly as snowflakes meeting sunlight.

In the blink of an eye, the world becomes clean!

The people on Yunzhou couldn't help cheering when they saw the scene of Bo Hai displaying his supernatural power!
Who would have imagined that the extraterrestrial celestial demon, who almost caused the world to collapse and be destroyed, would be so vulnerable in front of Bo Hai now!
above the mirage.

Seeing this scene, Xie Zhuoyan said with emotion: "As expected of a real dragon, the innate dragon's breath and physical strength are already so terrifying. If we attack with all our strength, I'm afraid it will be even more terrifying."

Standing by the side, Su Zhenzhen nodded and agreed after hearing the words: "That's right, Fellow Daoist Bohai is indeed very powerful. As a true dragon and the emperor of the sea, he gathers the luck of the sea clan, and he is already the leader of the universe. One of the strongest existences."

"Although this extraterritorial celestial demon is powerful, judging by its size, its strength is still much lower than that of the extraterritorial celestial demon that tried to come down to the world. It's normal for it to be an opponent who is not a friend of Daoist Bohai."

As we all know, the bigger the body of the extraterrestrial demon, the more powerful it is.

Although the body of this extraterrestrial demon is not small.

But compared to the extraterrestrial demon that harmed the witches and monsters and attempted to descend on the human world, it is still a lot worse.

Therefore, it is normal for Bo Hai to blow it up directly.

While Xie Zhuoyan and Su Zhenzhen were talking, the Demon King Abandoned Heaven Emperor, the Ninth Underworld Emperor, and Yi Yeshu saw Bo Hai swishing his tail to blow up the extraterritorial demon. The color of surprise.

This extraterritorial celestial demon was originally sent by them to test Bo Hai's strength, and it was the weakest of the nine extraterritorial celestial demons, so it was reasonable to be beaten.

Although a page of the book is the master of this extraterritorial demon.

But he didn't feel sorry for the death of this extraterrestrial demon.

After all, all the extraterrestrial demons are just useful items for him.

Losing a few is nothing at all.

The Ninth Underworld Emperor snorted coldly and said, "What a waste!"

A page of the book glanced at the Ninth Underworld Emperor and asked, "Are you going to make a move?"

Hearing the words, the Ninth Underworld Emperor immediately said: "I will take action to deal with the Human Emperor later, and leave the Sea Emperor to you."

Yi Ye Shu heard the words of the Ninth Emperor of the Underworld, and said flatly: "In that case, then shut up."

The Ninth Underworld Emperor saw that Ye Yishu had such a bad attitude, and was about to speak when Ye Yeshu turned around and flew towards the world.

Seeing this scene, the Ninth Underworld Emperor couldn't help snorting coldly.

He wants to see how a page of writing can perform against Bo Hai, a real dragon!
From the beginning to the end, Emperor Qitian turned a blind eye to the quarrel between the Ninth Underworld Emperor and Yiyingshu.

His gaze has been sweeping back and forth in the world, trying to find the whereabouts of Lu Yan and Ying Zheng.

As long as Ying Zheng is found and killed, the human race will temporarily lose the Emperor.

If you take this opportunity to defeat the luck of the human race, then the strength of all the strong people of the human race will be greatly weakened.

Of course Lu Yan is no exception!
In this way, everything that follows will be extremely smooth.

It's just that he scanned the whole world, but couldn't find Lu Yan.

He also didn't find where Ying Zheng was.

At the same time, a page of books has passed through the vortex and came to the world.

Everyone who was still cheering just now became vigilant when they saw the new enemy appear.

However, this was the first time for everyone to see this strange man whose whole body was like a void, and while being vigilant, it was inevitable that they would be a little curious.

But Lin Jiannan, Feng Wuyi, Ye Xiaochai, and the white-haired man in the fairy world all had extremely complicated expressions when they saw this empty figure.

Su Huanzhen had already told them before that a page of a book became a void creature.

They were all very surprised at the time.

At this time, seeing a page of a book that turned into a void creature with my own eyes, my mood will inevitably be a little complicated.

"One page, the strongest person in our fairy world, is also our pride."

Ye Xiaochai looked at a page of the book and sighed softly.

He and One Page were also friends once.

It really makes people feel very sad to watch my friend get to the present step by step because of being possessed by demons.

Hearing Ye Xiaochai's words, Feng Wuyi sighed softly and said, "But now he has come together with the enemy he once hated the most."

The one-page book used to be the number one powerhouse in the fairy world, which is their confidence in fighting against the Demon Emperor Qitiandi.

But now a page of books has become an accomplice of Emperor Qitian, which is really an extremely ironic thing.

Su really heard what everyone said, pursed her lips, but said nothing after all.

At this moment.

A page of writing above the sky looked extremely calm to everyone's gaze.

His pair of deep eyes stayed on Bo Hai's body from beginning to end.

In today's world, apart from Lu Yan who has not yet appeared, only Bo Hai, the sea emperor who has just turned into a real dragon, deserves his attention.

A page of books is observing Bo Hai, and Bo Hai is also looking at a page of books.

He has never seen a page, nor does he know the identity of a page.

But when a page came out of the vortex and stood in front of him, he knew that a page was not easy!
This is the most powerful opponent he has ever faced!

But he is not afraid!
Bo Hai roared to the sky, let out a loud dragon chant, and then spit out a cloud of dragon's breath and went straight to a page of the book!

Facing the dragon's breath that could burn and severely damage the extraterrestrial demons in an instant, Yiyingshu stood where he was and did not take any action.

When the dragon's breath landed on the body of a page, it seemed as if it had touched the air, passing through the body of a page in an instant, rushing to the farther sky!
Seeing this scene, everyone showed surprise on their faces.

At the same time, Bo Hai rushed to a page of the book with his physical body, and once again swung his tail with the dragon!
This can directly swing the tail of the divine dragon that was blasted by the extraterrestrial demons, just like the dragon's breath before, passing through the body of a page of books without any hindrance, without causing any damage to a page of books at all!
Just when Bo Hai was surprised by this, a page of the book suddenly shot out, grabbed a scale on Bo Hai's body, and tore it off fiercely!
The dragon scale was ripped off, and the severe pain caused Bo Hai to roar angrily, and turned back and slammed into a page of the book again!

But his impact once again passed through a page of the book!

When everyone saw this scene, the expressions on their faces were extremely surprised.

Bo Hai can't touch a page of a book, but he can touch Bo Hai with a page of a book.

It was the first time for everyone to see such a special opponent!

above the mirage.

After seeing this scene, Xie Zhuoyan thought for a while, and then said: "He is a creature of the void, and his body also looks like a void. Attacking him must be like attacking the void, so it has no effect."

Su Zhenzhen frowned and said, "Is there no way to touch him?"

Xie Zhuoyan shook her head and said, "It's also the first time I've seen a void creature, and I don't know much about him. If I want to know how to deal with him, I need more information."

The universe is vast, and void creatures and true dragons are generally extremely rare, and few people have seen void creatures.

So everyone has little understanding of void creatures.

At this time, there is no way to deal with the seemingly invincible one-page book.

Demon world.

Emperor Qitian was expressionless looking at a page of the book, but the Ninth Emperor Hades looked a little surprised.

This was the first time he saw a page of a book, and it was also the first time he realized the uniqueness of Void Creatures.

"If no one can touch him, isn't he invincible?"

The Ninth Underworld Emperor frowned.

He glanced at Emperor Qitian, hoping that Emperor Qitian could answer his questions.

Emperor Qitian said lightly: "In a sense, he is indeed invincible."

The Ninth Underworld Emperor was a little surprised when he heard Emperor Qitian's answer, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't you also his opponent?"

He didn't believe that Emperor Qitian would admit that he was no match for Yiyeshu.

As long as Yi Ye Shu is not the opponent of Emperor Qitian, it means that Yi Ye Shu must have an unknown flaw in him!
Emperor Qitian heard the words and said indifferently: "If he doesn't make a move, it will be a tie."

The Ninth Underworld Emperor couldn't help frowning slightly when he heard the answer from Emperor Qitian.

After a while, he seemed to have thought of something, and he couldn't help snorting coldly and said, "So that's it!"

At this moment.

The battle between Bo Hai and Yi Ye Shu continues.

It's not so much a fight as it is a book teasing Bo Hai!

Because every attack Bohai launched on a page was useless.

But a page of books can take off one dragon scale after another from Bo Hai's body at will!
If you continue to fight like this, the final result will definitely be that one page wins!

above the mirage.

Xie Zhuoyan and the others were carefully observing the battle between Yiyingshu and Bohai, hoping to see some clues from it.

But it's a pity that everyone has been observing for a long time, but they can't see the flaws in a single page of the book.

At this moment, Lu Yan's voice suddenly came from everyone's ears!
"Every time Yiyingshu attacks Bohai, it is after Bohai launches an attack. Whenever Bohai attacks him, he always stands still! He is in a void state only when he doesn't make a move, and he is invincible !"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Lu Yan's words and recalled the previous fight.

As Lu Yan said, a page is invincible only if you don't make a move!
Su Huanzhen immediately said: "Although Taoist Bohai is powerful in the real dragon state, he is too clumsy, so he gave too many chances to one page of the book!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

If Bo Hai turned into a human form, the situation might be much better!

Immediately, Su Huanzhen reminded Bohai that he should fight against Yiyingshu in human form.

But at this time, Emperor Qitian, who was far away in the demon world, slowly turned his eyes to Mount Li through Lu Yan's reminder to everyone!
"I finally found you!"

(End of this chapter)

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