Chapter 76

With the slaughter knife conference ended without a problem.

One by one astonishing news also spread to the rivers and lakes.

Lin Pingzhi stole Lu Yan and became famous!

Gentleman sword hypocrite!

And this is not the most shocking thing, the most unbelievable thing is Lu Yan's amazing deed of forcing Cao Zhengchun back with a thousand-mile flying sword!

It was hard for everyone to imagine, if Lu Yan came to Shaolin Temple in person, what amazing power those twelve flying swords would display!

I'm afraid Cao Zhengchun was not forced to retreat at that time, but was killed on the spot!
Someone else said that at that time Lu Yan originally wanted to kill Cao Zhengchun with a sword, but because Cao Zhengchun was someone close to the emperor, he reluctantly let Cao Zhengchun go.

But when these news spread to Tongfu Inn in Qixia Town at a fast speed, Lu Yan was a little dumbfounded.

"Thousands of miles flying sword, the tricks of the gods, these people's transmissions are too evil."

"You also said that I let Cao Zhengchun go because of the emperor's face, you really think I'm slow to die!"

The Twelve Flying Swords in the yellow pear wood sword box are attached to his sword intent, so they can defend against the enemy independently, but it is only a single blow. Once the sword intent is exhausted, it will become scrap iron.

If Cao Zhengchun had the guts to make another move, then Mo Xiaobei would definitely be taken to the prison.

It's a pity that Cao Zhengchun didn't have the courage, and Mo Xiaobei was too good at pretending, that's why the current situation of spreading falsehoods was caused.

There are even many fans of "In the Snow" who think that he is the reincarnation of the old sword god, which is outrageous!
When Lu Yan couldn't laugh or cry because of this incident, Lao Bai came over and said, "Mr. Lu, it's time to go downstairs and tell a story."

When Lu Yan heard this, he drank the remaining millet porridge in the bowl, wiped his mouth with rice paper, got up and walked downstairs.

In the lobby, everyone looked at Lu Yan who was going downstairs with extremely curious expressions on their faces.

"Mr. Lu, are you really the reincarnation of that old sword god?"

"Mr. Lu, rumors are going crazy, saying that you can walk with a sword and take the enemy's head thousands of miles away. Is it true?"

"Mr. Lu, I heard that you were the one who handled the purification of Mr. Cao in Dongchang back then, is it true?"

"Yes, I also heard that because of this incident..."

Hearing what everyone said, Lu Yan couldn't laugh or cry, what was it all about.

How could there be outrageous rumors that he purified himself for Cao Zhengchun?
"Don't listen to these rumors. Cao Zhengchun is 60 years old. When he got clean, my father was probably just born!"

When everyone heard Lu Yan's words, a new understanding was born immediately.

"It turns out that Eunuch Cao's cleansing was done by Mr. Lu's father alone!"

"It seems that the technique of the Thousand Miles Flying Sword is a unique skill passed down in the family!"

Lu Yan's face was full of black lines, and he couldn't help asking: "Are you guys still listening to the book? If you don't, I'm leaving!"

Everyone laughed immediately when they heard the words, and stopped joking with Lu Yan.

Lu Yan walked up to the high platform and sat down, the gavel slapped!
"Beiliang Great Parade, the new king succeeds!"

"My son came back from his trip to Beimang. On the vast and boundless Hulukou, a majestic and extraordinary school martial arts platform has been built."

"There is a military parade building about three miles away on the east and west sides of the martial arts platform."

"The person standing on the parade building on the right is a veteran of Beiliang."

"Standing on the parade building on the left are civil servants."

"Left and right, one article and one military, complement each other."

"And the military parade building on the left is one floor higher than the military parade building on the right, which makes the scholars who have climbed the building one after another feel very honored."

"This made the veterans on the parade building on the right a little unhappy, and they all jumped in anger."

"The scenery of the northern country is frozen for thousands of miles, and snow drifts for thousands of miles."

"Snowflakes are floating, and in a blink of an eye, they have changed from small snowflakes to heavy snow. It seems that they will float for a year and a half, and they will not stop until they are full of snow."

"Among the heavy snow, the [-] Beiliang Army is divided into two formations, standing on the left and right sides of the Xiaowutai, leaving a path in the middle."

"In addition, there are Lianzi Camp, Dama Camp, and Partridge Camp. Go to the camp first. There are a total of 36 old camps and new camps, all lined up in a row, and the army is majestic."

"Iron armor stands in the snow, standing still, as solid as a rock!"

After hearing Lu Yan's narration, everyone seemed to have a picture scroll in front of them.

In the picture scroll, hundreds of thousands of Heijia Beiliang troops stand in a forest amidst the heavy snow, and the weather is severe!

From military appearance to momentum, they are all unparalleled in the world!
And some people who have joined the army and experienced fighting in the army, when imagining this picture, they can't help but burst into excitement!

In the fantasy of everyone, Lu Yan continued to narrate.

"At this time, there is no sign of anyone on the school martial arts stage, only a huge war drum standing there alone."

"No one was beating the drum, and the horn that is most familiar to many Beiliang soldiers never sounded."

"At this time, in the heavy snow, suddenly a figure like a small mountain came walking on the ice."

"This is Chu Lukui, the guardian of Northern Liang, the closest warrior around the prince!"

"Chu Lukui boarded the colonel's martial arts platform and stood in the center to the left."

"Beiliang's new cavalry commander, Yuan Zuozong, the world's number one cavalry warrior, and the well-known infantry commander, General Yan Wenluan, walked on the colonel's platform at the same time, separating the two sides! "

"Then there are Buqi and Chen Yunzhen and He Zhonghu, who have served as deputy commanders for many years with Liu Yuan Jiwei Tieshan!"

"Next are the two new deputy commanders, the No. 1 general of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Gu Dazu, and Zhou Hao, who was promoted to the deputy commander of the cavalry after holding the military power in Youzhou for more than ten years!"

"And followed by General Shi Fu of Liangzhou, General Huangfu Cheng of Youzhou, and General Han Yanshan of Lingzhou."

"Ten people stand in a straight line!"

"The power is amazing!"

"And after these ten people, Xu Longxiang, who was dressed in black and barefoot, led Qi Xuanzhen to sit under the black tiger, and stepped into the martial arts stage!"

"Following the appearance of the second son of the Xu family, a melodious horn from Beiliang resounded throughout the world!"

"Amidst the sound of the horn, Xu Longxiang walked slowly towards the battle drum that is one and a half tall!!"

"Behind the army formation, there is a battalion of eight hundred phoenix characters, with white horses and white armor!"

"When the gray-haired prince put on a jade-white python robe that only a dynasty and vassal could wear, and mounted his horse with a knife and a spear, the aged Dazhu Kingdom led his horse to see him off!"

"Under the expectant eyes of Dazhu Kingdom, the son took the lead and led the eight hundred Fengzi Battalion Qingqi, and galloped away in the snowy sky!"

"The sound of Beiliang's drum resounded between heaven and earth, like thunder rushing, with unparalleled momentum!"

"In front of the school martial arts platform, the son dismounted and climbed up the steps. Standing in the very center, he held the Beiliang saber at his waist, and shouted: Beiliang, draw the saber!"

"Northern Liang protects Chu Lukui with a knife!"

"The other nine generals on the stage also drew their knives together!"

"The [-] iron armors standing in the university are also drawing knives one after another!"

"The snow is heavier, and the iron armor covered with snow has shaken off, becoming more powerful and majestic, like a dragon!"

"Beiliang iron cavalry is the best in the world!"

"Beiliang drums are heard all over the world!"

"Beiliang... has a new king!"

 Fourth more.

(End of this chapter)

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