Ballistic Silence of Special Years

Chapter 1382 No matter the cost

I saw a large group of drones flying from the direction of the red defense line. The number was enough to make patients with trypophobia immediately get goosebumps!

These small drones were like swarms of flies, buzzing and swarming over the blue armored vehicles and personnel on the beach like locusts in a plague.

In a short period of time, the long coastline and beaches burst into flames.

Those armored vehicles, whether they were armored vehicles or tanks, were all directly opened by these small drones!

What armored vehicles are most afraid of are small attack drones. Since they have no effective means of defense, they are powerless to fight back. Moreover, both armored vehicles and tanks have the same characteristics. The front is thickly armored and has superior defensive performance, but the top is generally The defenses on the sides and rear are very weak. The small drone will not fight you head-on. It will fly directly overhead or behind you and hit you head-on.

The special armor-piercing projectiles hung on the drones collided with the armored vehicles, easily tearing apart their protective armor and igniting the ammunition or fuel inside.

Most armored vehicles will catch fire after being bombed. If the soldiers in the cab fail to jump out of the vehicle in time and escape, they will also be dead.

What troubles the blue team the most is that these drones not only attack armored vehicles, they also attack attacking soldiers.

Once the soldiers formed an attack formation and charged forward, they would rush in, hit the ground and explode themselves.

The fragments and shock waves generated by the explosion were enough to wipe out a squad of blue marines.

For a time, the sand on the entire beach was dyed red, and the disgusting smell of meat being roasted by flames and high temperatures was everywhere.

Seeing this situation, the less courageous blue marines saw many of them hiding behind their horses and not daring to raise their heads, let alone launch a charge.

In fact, even hiding behind Juma is useless.

These small drones are very flexible. They can dodge left and right while flying and turn. Even if the soldiers are hiding behind cover, as long as they don't dig into the ground or fly back over the top to kill a carbine, they can still kill them. Blast to pieces.


The blue Marine Corps commander who was in charge of commanding the amphibious landing on the Burke-class destroyer in the distance suddenly turned pale.

FPV drones, also called flying drones, are a battlefield weapon that has become popular in recent years and are also the nemesis of armor and infantry.

In principle, both the blue team and the red team have certain means to deal with such small swarm drones.

Under complete system combat conditions, most of the methods to deal with such large-scale swarm drones are jamming devices. Some are small and carried by individual soldiers, some are medium-sized and placed on vehicles, and some are directly airborne or Shipborne.

In this landing operation, the blue side also considered that the red side would use a swarm of small drones to carry out a fatal blow to the landing troops. Of course, they also knew that based on the strength of the red side, the number of drones was definitely in the tens of thousands.

Therefore, some jamming devices are installed on the deck of the landing craft and some armored vehicles. Some soldiers also carry jamming guns. Such jamming systems are even installed on nearby electronic reconnaissance ships and support aircraft.

At this time, the blue team's interference is all-round. It is said that the red team's drones are unable to form a large-scale swarm attack.

But why...

"How did they do that……"

Looking at the scene on the beach, the blue marine commander's cold sweat seeped out of his hair and dripped down his cheeks.

Blue's landing force was now struggling to counterattack.

The machine guns and close-defense systems installed on landing ships and armored vehicles have already had their barrels reddened, and the jamming system has been able to push the power to the maximum.

It now seems that this combined jamming and interception mode has a certain effect. Many FPV drones have lost their accuracy, but most FPVs can still hit the target accurately.

"SIR, I guess their drones are autonomous attack drones that do not require manual control, but are already equipped with automatic enemy-seeking functions."

The subordinates on the side gave their own guesses.

The so-called automatic enemy hunting is actually a very simple system.

A program is implanted in the built-in chip of the drone to distinguish between friend and foe through the video system.

All the blue team's armored vehicles and soldiers' clothing, general shapes, etc. are input into the system. Each drone has its own camera. Through the camera, images of all blue team soldiers and armored vehicles on the beach can be obtained. As long as the built-in If the preset image in the chip roughly matches, it will be attacked. The most terrible thing is that the red team can also distinguish different targets, and adopt what attack mode it will use when encountering any vehicle.

When encountering soldiers, they adopt an attack mode of touching the ground or directly hitting the human body.

This attack pattern is effective, but extremely brutal.

You know, if a small FPV drone directly hits a human body, it can blow the whole person into several pieces.

But the original intention of the red side's weapon designer was this intention.

The purpose is to make the scene of being attacked more tragic, so as to more effectively intimidate the enemy and create battlefield fear.

Clearly this design works.

Many Marines from the blue team were rushing to the beach. As they were running, they suddenly saw a comrade not far in front of them being hit by a small FPV. Then his body was shattered into pieces and blood splattered everywhere. Anyone who saw it would feel a thump in their heart, and subconsciously would find cover and not dare to rush again.

However, the troops stopped attacking and were replaced by a more serious consequence - stranded on the beach.

Because the scale of Blue's landing is very large, the sea is densely covered with various landing craft, hovercraft, and amphibious vehicles, just like waves of ants rushing forward. If the troops in front slow down, they may even stagnate. On the beach, it means that there are more and more people behind, and it is even more disastrous for armored vehicles.

Many armored vehicle drivers saw that they were surrounded by their own people. They couldn't even get to the shore. They could only keep calling through the channel in the water, asking the big guys to rush forward and make room for them to land.

But at this time, who would listen to them?

The front attack was blocked. In fear of death and blood, the marines sought cover on the spot, most of them hiding behind the horses.

Originally, many of these rebel horses had opened a gap due to previous air strikes, and armored vehicles could rush through. However, the Marines were crowded in there, and naturally the gap was blocked. Unless they were crushed to death and crushed, otherwise Armored vehicles cannot open the front through the gap, let alone establish a landing site.

As a result, Blue's login fell into an endless loop.

"What now?" the subordinate asked.

The Marine Corps commander was having a violent conflict in his heart - retreat, or continue to advance!

Retreating can reduce losses.

But it means that all previous efforts will be wasted. This round of attack will end in failure, which will be a huge blow to morale. Moreover, our side may not be able to come up with any means to deal with the red team's drone swarm in the future and launch a second attack. The effect will be Maybe even worse than now.

"Convey my order, so that everyone must rush! Only by rushing to the beach can you survive, otherwise you will die! Order the armored group, regardless of what is happening in front, rush for me! You must rush to the beach and establish a fixed launch point , open up a way to survive!"

" mean...but...the armored fleet is in front of all our own people...rushing over will cause crushing..."

The subordinate felt that his throat was dry, and it was extremely difficult to ask this question.

That means that you cannot care about the life and death of your own soldiers. For the drivers of the armored cluster, rushing forward is the first goal.


The Marine Corps commander pressed his hands firmly on the stage and stared at the beach in the distance, his eyes filled with blood.

"No matter who you are, don't block the road! If you block the road, run over them! Otherwise, the whole army will be annihilated! I emphasize again, no one is allowed to stand in front of the armored vehicle, otherwise they will be crushed over!"


The subordinate felt a chill down his spine. He turned around, took the good radio microphone, and began to convey orders to the attacking troops!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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