Split up!

The only choice seemed to be in front of him.

The leader of the No. 2 ship's command team found Xiao Jun and asked, "Xiao Jun, how many people can you spare now?"

Xiao Jun replied: "As long as the original squadron of No. 2 ship remains."

"Six people?"

The command team leader asked specifically.

He wants to confirm.

Because here, any decision will involve the issue of life safety.

Any slight omission will lead to irreversible consequences.

As the tactical commander of the No. 2 ship, he must take responsibility.

Xiao Jun replied without thinking: "No problem, I believe in the second team, and I also believe in Zhang Jian's command ability."

The shift commander heard Xiao Jun's decision, so he made up his mind and said, Xiao Jun, except for the 2nd team, all your remaining commandos returned to the ship, handed over the security area to the 2nd team, and immediately boarded the ship. The ship-borne helicopter went to No. 1 ship, and then went to the port of Aden with the ship.

Xiao Jun asked: "What about Ship No. 3?!"

The command team leader knew what Xiao Jun was worried about.

Ship No. 3 is a comprehensive supply ship with relatively weak protection capabilities. It must be accompanied by frigates or destroyers to ensure a high degree of security.

The original plan was that the No. 2 ship would be the first to dock first, and then the No. 3 ship would enter the port area half an hour later, and the two ships would load and evacuate together.

Now the situation has changed.

The No. 1 ship is going to the port of Aden immediately, and there is no room for delay. After all, time is life. The surrounding area of ​​Hudaydah port is in such a mess. The situation in the port of Aden is not much better at this time, so we must rush there as quickly as possible. Pick up the overseas Chinese.

Therefore, the No. 1 ship did not even have time to dock to pick up the members of the special warfare unit, and turned around and rushed to the port of Aden. The members on the shore could only use the ship-borne helicopter to carry them to the No. 1 ship.

Once the No. 1 ship leaves, it means that the No. 3 ship cannot leave after the No. 2 ship enters the port, and must wait until the No. 3 ship has finished picking up its compatriots before evacuating.

It sounds like it's just an extra hour or two.

In normal times, it doesn't seem like a big deal.

But the problem is that this is a war zone, and its nature is completely different.

Not to mention waiting an extra hour, even if you wait an extra half an hour, the risk will increase dramatically.

"The No. 3 ship will enter the port early and try to pick up people as quickly as possible. I calculated just now that 78 people have boarded the ship. From entering to security check to customs clearance and finally boarding the ship, it takes time for each person. About 25 seconds, this is not fast enough, we need to be faster, after the No. 3 ship enters the port, I will coordinate the customs clearance team and security inspection team, and negotiate with the DSG comrades to shorten the time for compatriots to board the ship as much as possible. The vigilance pressure of the battle team will be very high, are you sure Zhang Jian is competent?"

Xiao Jun said: "I believe him!"

The command team leader didn't say much: "Okay, you immediately wait for people to go back to the ship, and hand over the dock to the 2nd team!"


After receiving the final order, Xiao Jun opened the team's internal channel and contacted Zhang Jian: "Zhang Jian, come to me for a while."

Soon, Zhang Jian flew over.

When he arrived in front of him, he saluted.

Xiao Jun said: "Don't engage in red tape during wartime. Time is urgent. I have to take away all the team members except the squad. All the security tasks here are left to your squad. I just want you to say something—can you competent!"


Of course Zhang Jian was also very curious about why Xiao Jun made this decision suddenly.

But he also knew that the situation must be very urgent, and the captain would make such a decision.

He didn't need to ask too much.

To ask is to delay the fighter plane.

Only execute!

Why is it said that soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty.

The truth is here.

Although the evacuation of overseas Chinese is not a war, it is also a wartime task.

If you get to the bottom of it, the daylilies are cold before the explanation is finished, and the delay of the fighter plane causes losses, then go directly to the military court and wait for the gunshots. If it is serious, you don’t even need to go to the military court, and you will be executed directly on the spot.

Xiao Jun immediately notified other team members in the channel to come and assemble, also without explaining anything, directly gave the order to board the ship.

The carrier-based helicopter has already been preparing. Lao He and the co-pilot are already in place. They checked their favorite aircraft in the cabin and made all preparations before the flight.

The command team leader coordinated everything and watched the commandos jump on the helicopter one after another, then the propellers turned faster and faster, and finally took off into the air, the nose of the aircraft turned, and it flew towards the direction of the No.

On the pier, many compatriots witnessed all this.

The number of special forces members suddenly decreased, and many people seemed to realize something.

But no one asked much, and it was useless to ask.

Now everyone has only one thought, get on the boat early.

Only when you board the warship of the motherland can the big stone in your heart fall to the ground with a crash.

A warship is a mobile land, and the land of one's own motherland is the most reassuring support for wanderers.

Those who boarded the ship, some relaxed and some cried with joy.

When I walked to the No. 2 ship and saw the red banner of "Welcome Chinese compatriots to board the ship" hanging next to the gangway, I couldn't help covering my face and crying.


Perhaps at this time, we can understand what a strong motherland means.

Maybe something that is casual, indifferent, or neglected, when I see a warship of my own country at sea, I think it is a warship, just a warship, nothing special.

But at this moment, it is the ark of life-saving, the hope that can take you away from the war, and the ticket that can take you home.

No matter where you are in the passport of the Huaxia people, there is no such rhetoric as saying that the army is your strongest support, but when you really have something to do, that brown passport can really take you home .

In fact, Fatty Wei was the happiest when Xiao Jun took people away.

He finally got his wish.

Because of the shortage of guards, Zhang Jian had to withdraw the large-caliber machine gun posts on the deck.

After all, as long as it is negotiated with the command team leader, the close-in defense system on the ship can also act as a medium-to-short-range interception and rejection mission.

The previous arrangement was due to sufficient manpower, and the firepower of multiple manually controlled machine guns was always safer.

The situation has changed at this time, and Fatty Wei's machine gun team can only be sent down to the pier to participate in the security mission.

"Oh, it's finally my turn to show my talents."

Fatty Wei turned off the safety of the machine gun, moved the automatic rifle slung on his back to his chest and took a gun-holding posture, and hurried to the pier.

If it wasn't for the tense atmosphere on this occasion, it is estimated that this guy would jump for joy.


Zhang Jian saw Fatty Wei trotting over here to report after getting off the ship, and hurriedly greeted him.

"You go to the boundary point in front of the security check point. There is a lot of pressure there now. Team Xiao and the others have left. I will go to the command position. There are only Fang Chengbo and two people over there. You will immediately step up!"

After finishing speaking, he patted Fatty Wei on the shoulder. He didn't know whether he was wearing a tall hat or deliberately feeding him the ecstasy soup, and added a special sentence: "It's up to you!"

"No problem! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Fatty Wei, who is the most afraid of being trampled and praised the most in his life, once saw Zhang Jian boasting himself like this, he immediately drifted away, and waved at Qiang Yong without saying a word: "Qiang Ban, let's go!"

Turn around and run towards the warning point in front of the security check point.

In fact, the place he was going to was next to the water sign that said "Idlers Do Not Enter". It was the first pass to enter the boarding area, and it was also the first pass to screen personnel.

One thing Zhang Jian is not exaggerating is that the matter here is of great importance and the responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai. Of course, the risk factor is also the highest.

"Sir, stop!"

As soon as Fatty Wei entered the post, he immediately discovered something.

He stopped a foreigner with blond hair, blue eyes and a high nose.

"Qiangban, what do you think this person is thinking? How dare he fish in troubled waters?"

He pointed to the water sign beside him, and said in blunt English: "Can you speak English?"

The foreigner nodded: "of course!"

Fatty Wei pointed at the water sign: "Chinese! You are not Chinese!"

"NO! NO! NO!" The foreigner waved his hands and head again and again, and then handed over a passport and a document in his hand.

Fatty Wei took it over and saw that the passport was indeed not from Huaxia, but the document was actually issued by the DSG stationed in country Y. It means that this is a technical expert hired by a certain company to work here, and the navy is requested to assist Evacuation of overseas Chinese and so on.

"Damn, foreign experts!"

Fatty Wei handed the document to Qiang Yong: "Qiangban, can you see if this is a real document?"

Qiang Yong didn't even look at it, he went directly to a DSG staff and handed him the document.

The other party looked at it, nodded and said: "That's right, these are the special permits issued by us. These people are technicians from our state-owned enterprises here. Let him come in within the range of evacuated overseas Chinese."

Qiang Yong went over to Fatty Wei and said, "Confirmed, let's go."

Only then did Fatty Wei hand back the ID, and smiled at the foreigner: "You can go in now, hurry up!"

The foreigner was very happy. After taking the passport, he raised it up and stuck it on his forehead as a military salute, and trotted all the way into the boarding area.

Everything seems to be going well.

Although there are fewer people.

However, due to a certain amount of communication and coordination in advance, although there was still fighting outside the port area, no militants entered the port area.

Both the pros and cons of country Y at this time seem to have a tacit agreement to give the evacuated troops in the port area some time and not touch them.

However, this temporary silence will not last long.

Soon, the commanding team leader on duty received another piece of news that made his teeth hurt. (end of this chapter)

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