God-level Trader of Rebirth

Chapter 502 Information Asymmetry

Although the security force in charge of the large equipment manufacturing base knew from the beginning that highly confidential aircraft tests were being conducted here.

However, the trial started a few years ago and was approved by the apex, South West Division.

Therefore, when Zhao Gong and others came to the base again and started manufacturing the body, they thought it was another ordinary experiment, so they did not report it to them.

All patrols within the base are performed by Infinity Company security personnel, and the security forces are only responsible for the defense of the outer areas.

They strictly enforce confidentiality regulations and never question the base's tasks and research and production.

Not to mention the ongoing aerospace aircraft trial production work, just after being on duty in the past few years, they don't even know what this base is for.

They are simply carrying out the mission assigned to them: protecting the safety of the base at all costs.

Even if you have to sacrifice your life, you must ensure the safety of the scientific researchers, technicians and equipment inside!

Therefore, when the sky plane entered the runway, taxied and took off, passing over residential areas and guarding the troops, everyone was stunned by this behemoth.

The workers' families living inside the base were startled by the roar that almost burst their eardrums. When they came outside and looked up, they quickly became petrified.

What is the concept of an aerospace plane that is nearly 100 meters long?

Such a length is like moving a three-story high street with twenty or thirty facades into the air!

Right on top of everyone's heads!

The light from the sun was blocked by the aircraft, forming a large area of ​​shadow.

Many people have seen the huge body of space battleships in science fiction movies.

At this moment, in their view, the huge aircraft above them with the "∞" colored emblem of the Infinity Company painted on the bottom, except for the lack of laser muzzles, is a complete replica of the space battleship!

A real-life space battleship!

The aerospace plane had just left the ground and was still in the process of flying off the ground. Its huge body was intimidating to everyone who saw it!

The peripheral security forces did not need radar warning to discover this unprecedentedly large aerial behemoth.

Every soldier who looked up at the space plane opened his mouth wide.

This was not only a way to balance the pressure of internal and external sound waves and slow down the impact on the eardrums, but it was also a way to be shocked beyond belief by the sight that appeared in front of him.

They were all carefully selected elite soldiers, and they could not suppress the ecstasy and excitement in their hearts at this time.

The commander who usually strictly abides by the orders did not stop his subordinates from standing there blankly, looking up at the sky and forgetting their duties.

Because even they were shaken by the aerospace plane rushing out of the valley and couldn't help themselves.

It turns out that the person they are guarding here is this big guy!

Those tough men who were not afraid of hardship or tiredness, who shed blood and sacrificed their lives without frowning, couldn't help but burst into tears for the aircraft in the sky.

All these years of hard work have been worth it!

Even if I risk my life for this huge aircraft that shocks everyone, I have no regrets!

They looked up at the blue sky greedily, watching the aerospace plane with stealth coating, like a king, calmly and slowly climbing up to the heights amidst the huge roar of the engine, crying and laughing.

All human emotional expressions seemed insufficient to express their inner excitement at this moment.

This is our own space battleship.

With it, who do we have to fear?

When the aerospace plane had just flown to a low altitude a few kilometers above the ground and had not yet appeared on foreign long-range radar detection networks, its figure suddenly jumped into the scanning screen of the Southwest Air Traffic Control Bureau's ground radar station.

The Southwest Air Traffic Control Bureau's ground radar station faithfully performed its duties as a sentinel and quickly reported the unknown aircraft that suddenly appeared on the radar screen to the radar station command center.

The command center quickly checked the flight application in this airspace.

In China, private planes are very rare, and all aircraft are subject to state control.

Even privately purchased aircraft need to be parked at a fixed airport for maintenance. Every time they fly, they need to submit a flight report in advance and fly according to the routes prescribed by the Aircraft Management Office.

The radar command center once received an order to be responsible for the air defense of that airspace.

But they were not nervous about the sudden appearance of the aircraft.

They knew that it was a highly secret military industrial base. As early as three or four years ago, there used to be small aircraft flying in the sky.

The speed of that aircraft is very fast, so fast that even fighter jets can't catch it.

During those two years, radar stations near that airspace received reports on various flights of aircraft every day.

Fighters patrolling the air, ready to support the secret base at any time, also report to the ground radar command center every day, saying that they saw the aircraft flying past their eyes at an alarming speed.

The Radar Command Center estimates that this is a secret high-altitude and high-speed aircraft development being carried out above.

They also speculated privately.

It is speculated that this aircraft is a strategic bomber used for high-altitude and high-speed penetration, or a special reconnaissance aircraft used for high-altitude reconnaissance.

To this end, they also made a bet.

Therefore, when the command center saw the flight report submitted by the base and they were about to conduct another aircraft test, the command center immediately contacted the alert ground radar station and asked about the size of the aircraft.

The radar station quickly reported.

Judging from the radar wave reflection area, this aircraft is about ten meters long and has a sharp triangular shape.

The command center immediately confirmed its opinion, and then informed the ground radar station that this was its own aircraft, so there was no need to be surprised.

Ten meters? It seems that a prototype has been built and is here for further flight testing.

The Radar Command Center is still lamenting that it is unexpected that these aircraft developers have returned here after two years of absence.

Just when they put this matter behind them and focused on other more important things, the voice of the patrolling J-10 fighter pilot suddenly came from the intercom:

"Oh my God! This, is this also a plane?"

"What a big, big aircraft!"

"I promise, I have never seen such a huge aircraft in my life!"

so big?

Everyone in the command center looked at each other.

They looked at the report from the ground radar station with confusion: the unidentified aircraft had a radar wave reflection size of about ten meters and was a light aircraft.

"Oh my God! I really can't believe my eyes! I just flew over it. Compared with it, I feel like a sparrow flying past a goshawk!"

"This must be a heavy bomber. How many bombs can it hold in it? If you use it to bomb your little life, one plane might be enough!"

The pilot's voice was a little dazed and he was still mumbling to himself.

"Sora 02! Watch what you say! Don't say what you shouldn't say, you're talking nonsense!"

The command center was annoyed.

Not to mention the signals received by their ground radar station showed that this was just a light aircraft.

Even if this is a heavy bomber, the pilot cannot say it casually on the intercom, and there is no need for discipline!

".Yes!" the pilot responded after being silent for a while.

However, he seemed a little unconvinced and added, "But it is really big. I have never seen such a huge aircraft!"

The officers at the radar command center were a little confused.

The pilot's tone suggested he was awake.

However, the ground radar station stated that this was a light aircraft.

Of the two, whose report is closer to the truth? (End of chapter)

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