Chapter 76
1998, mid-September.

Western hot money such as Soros launched an attack on the foreign exchange market.

After resisting the first wave of attacks, the Hong Kong government deeply realized that Hong Kong's current foreign exchange reserves are simply unable to resist the attacks of many international financial giants.

Therefore, after calling the capital, Xiangjiang's top finance executives sent a special person to Beijing secretly, and got a promise from the mainland that "it will spare no effort and fully support China's foreign exchange reserves."

Only then did he decide to give it a go and put on a stance to fight Soros.

This is by no means just talk. In order to support Xiangjiang's foreign exchange reserves, the Huaxia authorities handed over the land fund with a net value of 1971 billion Hong Kong dollars to the Hong Kong government.

This move has greatly increased Hong Kong's foreign exchange and financial reserves, and it is also a source of confidence for the Hong Kong government to stick to the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate.

Of course, Soros is also very aware of the strength behind the Hong Kong government. At this time, Huaxia has successfully achieved economic transformation, and the central bank has sufficient ammunition reserves to deal with this battle of the century.

However, the eight major foreign capitals headed by Soros are not vegetarians. Behind them are the top ten consortia in the United States, any one of which can make a small country tremble.

once Upon a time.

People from the island country, known as the strongest economy in East Asia, clamored: "Tokyo's land price can buy the entire United States!"

A large number of islanders waved banknotes to buy real estate in the United States, and even the symbol of the American economy-Rockefeller Plaza was bought by them.

The spiritual symbol of the United States-Hollywood was also bought.

A large number of island ninja movies began to flood the silver screens of Hollywood, as if without ninjas, it cannot be called a movie!

Countless islanders were so excited, they shouted in newspapers and TV: "In the military war, we failed, but in the economic war, we won!"

"We have bought a lot of real estate in the United States, and we will buy more in the future. We want to buy the entire United States!"

This!This is their golden age!
The society of the island country at that time was a feast of feasts and feasts, a scene of feasting and feasting, and golden pots (lei) watering the scene of singing and dancing every night.

All Islanders believed that stocks and real estate would go up forever.

The island nation at that time was a state of extravagant capitalism.

Maybe, but that's all
In just 20 years, the stock market of the island country rose from a few hundred points in the 60s to more than 80 points in the late 38000s.

Such a crazy rise has exceeded more than twice the gross national product!

This is horrible!

Economists around the world have expressed their opinions that the island country’s economy has been severely overheated. Many people claim:

This is not a golden age, it should be called a bubble age!
What is a bubble?

That is, although it has swelled greatly, it is empty inside. Once it is pierced by external force, there will be nothing.

According to economists, if the island country cannot immediately stop this madness beyond reason, the economy of the island country will be severely hit.

Maybe, decades of development achievements will be destroyed!
There are more and more such sayings, spreading from North America to Europe. The whole world seems to be pointing at the island country and saying: "You are finished! You are finished!"

The island nation's authorities were immediately thrown into a state of panic.

They began to adopt a variety of tough measures, hoping to immediately cool down the economy through a hard landing.

With a multi-pronged approach, real estate prices in the island country fell rapidly, and funds from banking and financial institutions gradually withdrew from the stock market.

However, not long after, a large amount of funds from unknown sources began to frantically pour into the stock index futures market, all buying and selling!

Those banks, securities, and financing institutions are of course very clear. They know that the source of these funds is American and European consortiums.

They have come to harvest!

The islanders were angry, and all consortiums and institutions mobilized all their forces to fight against foreign capital.

But they have run out of energy.

The kinetic energy of the nationals exploded crazily as early as the early stage.

Almost all the people put their savings into the stock market, expecting to rise to [-] points, or even [-] points
wake up.

The stock market soon ushered in a big crash, and countless huge sales orders were smashed out, making the market full of holes, like a deflated ball, shrinking sharply!

They suddenly realized that such a terrifying falling speed would really kill people!
The island authorities took action.

All previous restrictions were lifted, and a number of policies to stimulate the economy were urgently issued.

It's a pity that the money of the people has been emptied, and they are trapped in the stock market, crying and begging the high-level officials of the island country to rescue the market.

However, hundreds of billions of funds have been poured in, and it is just a small splash in the surging torrent.

The downward trend is unstoppable!
When foreign capital withdraws from the island country, what is left behind is a devastated financial market.

The wealth of the people of the island country, because of the large amount of investment in the stock market in the early stage, now there is only a share certificate that is crying without tears.

The efforts of the 30 years after the war were wiped out overnight.

Will today's Hong Kong become an island country?

Although, human beings never take history as a mirror.
"Check it out for me! I don't believe it's just these two people!"

Xiangjiang, inside the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

Liang Zhaomin was so angry in the office that the table was slapped loudly.

This morning, he suddenly received an envelope from a stranger. After opening it, he found that it said: "There is a ghost inside, please investigate thoroughly!"

After seeing these six characters, he thought it was someone playing a prank and pretending to be a ghost.

But soon, he realized that it might really be possible!
And the probability is not small!

Because the resistance of the recent bailouts has been significantly greater, it seems that someone has predicted the "buying target".

The enemy is currently.

Thinking that every move of one's own side may be under the surveillance of the enemy.

He was in a hurry, and with the mentality that he would rather kill by mistake than let it go, he immediately contacted ICAC and strongly intervened in the HKMA.

After a thunderous blow, two "suspicious elements" were quickly found out from more than 300 staff members.

When they were arrested, some criminal tools were also found from them, such as recording pens, button cameras, hollow coins, etc.

unambiguous evidence!

A random screening found two insiders, further confirming that the content of the letter was true, and he immediately asked ICAC to conduct a more thorough investigation!
Now, inside the HKMA, there is a lot of turmoil, and everyone looks like an insider.

After all, there is a saying that is good, when you find a cockroach, it means that the dark place is full of cockroaches.

After ICAC's overnight interrogation and investigation, a major breakthrough was indeed made!
A senior manager used the opportunity of reporting work content many times to paste and collect monitoring equipment under the deputy director's desk.

It is reported that his purpose is to report the plans of the Monetary Authority to a financial institution in the United States, so as to make targeted strategies.

Before that, he had sent intelligence three times.

 Thanks to the book friends "Lonely Paris, Xuanxiao¥%Moon, dahui200, Raindrop Tianming, Eyes, Beimi 2333, Tianya Broken Bone, and the monthly ticket recommendations for support."

(End of this chapter)

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