God-level Trader of Rebirth

Chapter 8 Uncle 3's First Battle

Chapter 8 The Third Uncle's First Battle

From stock basics, to K-line candle charts, time-sharing trends, and handicap language.

The third uncle made rapid progress, and soon understood how to watch the market.

Apart from these necessary knowledge, Chen Weidong didn't instill too much theory about the stock market into Uncle San.

Because he knows very well that the market is based on his own feelings and analysis, rather than listening to what others say. This is not what a trader should do.

If you don't have your own opinion.

It's not called a trader, it's called a trader.

Uncle San was very interested, and was going to buy some financial books, saying that he wanted to study further and become a powerful trader as soon as possible.

After Chen Weidong found out, he hurriedly stopped him.

In the original time and space.

Chen Weidong has seen countless traders/investors with reasonable talents, because of reading financial theory books written by some experts, they fell into an investment vicious circle.

For example, when you read a book written by an investment expert, "XXX Stock Practical Techniques." "XXX Theoretical Operation Encyclopedia."

When there is a similar trend in the market, because you have read this book, the memory in your mind will overlap with the current trend.

Immediately afterwards, I couldn't help but apply some formulas in the book, which would affect your original judgment.

However, every day the market moves is unique, and there is simply no situation that can be replicated.

If you get away with it, it's even more terrifying.

Because in your subconscious mind, you will have a sense of identity with these theories, for example: "What the book says really makes sense."

This kind of subtle psychological hint is enough to destroy an originally talented trader and make you take more detours.

Once formed, it is almost irreversible.

Please remember that a top trader must be absolutely confident and have the ability to think independently.

Everyone has a natural sense of the stock market, but if you learn other people's theories.

Then, your own sense of the market will become weaker and weaker.

Until you lose your qualifications to become a top trader forever.

There are many ways to make money. It can be written in a book, but it will not form a formula.

After having a basic understanding of stocks, Chen Weidong opened a stock account with his third uncle.

after all.

Actual combat is the best teacher.

The trading hours of Xiangjiang stock market are from Monday to Friday.

Morning: 09:30 - 12:00
Afternoon: 13:00-16:00
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

From the point of view of its time, the daily trading time of the Xiangjiang stock market is one and a half hours longer than that of the mainland.

Uncle San was very excited when he traded in stocks for the first time, and directly transferred 1000 million to his stock account.

Countless people enter the market with the dream of getting rich.

Uncle San is no exception.

Chen Weidong asked the third uncle to choose stocks by himself, and first feel the atmosphere of the market.

In 1996, computers were already widely used in the larger financial institutions in Xiangjiang, and there was no need to go to the stock exchange at all.

Chen Weidong also spent a "huge amount of money" to buy several IBM computers a few days ago.

In this first-tier city in mainland China, when the per capita annual income was only a few thousand yuan, IBM, which cost 4 to [-] yuan a piece, was out of reach.

Business users are the targets of these big-name overseas computer companies.

But even if you buy accessories yourself and assemble a 486 computer, it will cost more than 1 yuan.

That's almost three years' wages for an average worker.


When Xiangjiang stock market does not use computers, it uses telephones for transactions.

The customer calls the red vest (trader) in the venue, and the red vest quotes, writes it on the bulletin board, looks at the bulletin board, and makes a deal.

Even as long as there are enough people, it is possible to speculate in stocks with an abacus and calculate the market index purely by hand.

(Refer to "Big Times")
But now, Chen Weidong and the others only need to pay an extra fee to activate online transactions, and they can place orders on their computers.

Chen Weidong drank a cup of tea, turned on the computer, and looked at the trend of the Hang Seng Index in recent years.

It went through a round of upswing before.

Now the Hang Seng Index is hovering around 11000 points, fluctuating repeatedly, and failed to break through two consecutive attempts to go up. It seems that there is a risk of a callback in the near future.

Chen Weidong came to this conclusion and was about to remind his third uncle to wait until he bought it.

But I didn't expect that within half an hour of the opening, the third uncle had already put in all 1000 million yuan.

"What's the situation? Are you going to take the whole position?"

Chen Weidong was dumbfounded, and he had to admire these novices for their courage. If they were in Big A, they would have already been set to death.

"Haha, I have already risen by 3 points, and my profit is hundreds of thousands."

The third uncle was complacent and couldn't help showing off.

"What stock did you buy?" Chen Weidong couldn't help asking.

"Lenovo Group, what do you think of this stock? Is it promising?"

Uncle San replied.

Chen Weidong leaned over to take a look, and found that it was really the Lenovo that made computers in his previous life.

The current stock price is around 0.5 yuan.

In the 90s, Lenovo still had certain innovation capabilities, but considering the recent market factors, Chen Weidong still persuaded:
""I feel that there will be a wave of adjustments in the near future, so let's temporarily clear the position. "

According to his estimation, if there is no accident, the market should rise and fall today, closing with a doji.

The cross star at the top of the stage means that there is a big difference between the long and short sides, and it is also a signal that the market is about to reverse.

It can't be said that it will definitely go like this, but it is also a high probability.

The purpose of transaction analysis is not to pursue a 100% success rate, but to pursue profits greater than losses.

Uncle San didn't think so.

In his view, the rising trend has just begun, and the market is also slowly rising. Currently, the trading volume is very active. There must be many people scrambling for chips, so how could it fall.

In fact, just as he hit by mistake, Lenovo Group started to rebound after a small drop in the early trading, and continued to rise, even reaching an 8% increase in the intraday session.

In less than two hours, the third uncle's disk has earned more than 70 yuan.

This is much more exciting than a casino.

If it weren't for Chen Weidong's pull, he would have increased his position by tens of millions.

A gambler moves from one gaming table to another.

It doesn't take long for the fangs of greed to show. This may be the magic of the capital market.

Xiangjiang Stock Exchange implements the "T+0" trading system.

The stocks bought on the same day can be sold on the same day.

For the same stock, within one trading day, the same fund can be used to buy and sell multiple times.

And while implementing the "T+0" trading system, there is no price limit.

Uncle San can sell his stocks at any time as long as he wants.

However, he was already on top and couldn't listen at all.

Seeing the greedy appearance of the third uncle, Chen Weidong had an idea and backhandedly shorted 2000 million shares of Lenovo Group.

This is also a major feature of Xiangjiang stock market, not only can you go long, but you can also go short.

To put it simply and bluntly, the normal buying of Uncle San is called "long".

And Chen Weidong's "short selling" means that he is not optimistic about the trend of this stock, and needs the stock to fall to make money.

However, there are only more than 100 stocks in the Xiangjiang stock market, which can be shorted.

Which includes the "Lenovo Group."

The market is closed at noon.

The third uncle was elated, bragging about how broad the future of computers is.

I only hate myself for entering the market too late.

Thinking of his victory in the first battle, he even waved his hand and called the Michelin restaurant to order some shark fins.

In his words, people in Xiangjiang have made money by buying stocks, and this is what they eat.

We are going to do as the Romans do.

"Shark fin fishing rice".

Very high end.

 There is a lot of nonsense in this chapter. I believe that readers who read my book are interested in stocks, or already have some understanding. Thank you for your support. Later, I will speed up the pace.

(End of this chapter)

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