Chapter 97
News of Lin Jiacheng's move to push up the stock market spread throughout Xiangjiang.

Some stockholders who were still hesitating could no longer keep calm, rushed into the stock market with the only money they had, and bought some low-priced stocks that had fallen the most.

In the eyes of many Hong Kong people, an old fox like Lin Jiacheng has already entered the market, and it is impossible for him to do business at a loss. This shows that the current stock market is really seriously undervalued.

If you don't buy the bottom at this time, when will you wait!
A large amount of money poured into the Hong Kong stock market, and the Hang Seng Index continued to soar!

At the same time, international hot money also launched a final counterattack!

They hold a large number of empty orders. If they are delivered at a high level today, they will definitely suffer heavy losses!

Countless traders on Wall Street were blindsided and sold stocks crazily at all costs!
When you run out of chips, buy stocks at the market price, and then beat the market at an ultra-low price!
The most intense fight happened at the 9500 point mark!

The Hang Seng Index suffered the biggest shock since the opening!

All kinds of huge sell orders were continuously thrown out from the market, causing the stock price to fluctuate violently!

Shareholders check their holdings every ten seconds, and they will see the skyrocketing or plummeting market value.

The stock price like a roller coaster continues to stimulate people's nerves.

Even the most experienced stockholders dare not make swings in the market, because it is very likely that once your stock is sold, you will never be able to buy it back at the same price.

within the Stock Exchange.

The traders of Infinity Private Equity couldn't hide their excitement. They didn't expect Lin Jiacheng to enter the market at a critical moment.

But soon, the desperate fight of international bears put everyone under pressure.

Because they have no money in their hands!

More than 1500 billion have been used up!

At this moment, they can't control the market at all, they can only follow the trend, or even let others slaughter them.

"Impossible! It's impossible for Xiangjiang people to only have such a small amount of funds!"

Chen Jie stared at the turnover of the market with a look of disbelief.

Lin Jiacheng invested at least 500 billion into the market, and Xiangjiang's retail investors added up to more than 300 billion, but they still couldn't resist the sell-off of international hot money.

This shows that market confidence has not been fully stimulated, and one Lin Jiacheng is not enough to reverse the Hang Seng Index!
Then there is only one possibility left!
The Hang Seng Index has risen many times, but it has been beaten down by huge selling.

The retail investors who rushed in to buy the bottom saw that the index fluctuated and became panicked, and began to sell their own stocks again.

The T+0 trading system is doomed that when the market is inconsistent, retail investors can become long or short at any time.

They are like water, they can carry a boat or overturn it, if you don't make the best use of the situation, you will definitely be overwhelmed by this force.

The coming and going of retail investors caused the Hang Seng Index to plummet by more than 300 points!


Just at this time.

Chen Jie suddenly made a crazy move!

He climbed to the highest table in the stock exchange and said: "Everyone, I can't turn over today, we are all going to be over, I, Chen Jie, put my words here, I will owe whoever helps me today, I have a favor Must report!"

On the trading floor of the Stock Exchange, more than 600 traders were shocked.

All the financial institutions in Hong Kong are concentrated here. If they enter the market together at this time, they may really be able to drive away the international short sellers.

"Okay! With your words, I, Lao He, will help you today!"

"I'm coming too!"

Dozens of traders in the back seat of Infinity Private Equity took the lead in frantically inputting buying orders in front of the computer and scanning goods indiscriminately.

The Hang Seng Index soon stopped the downward trend and turned around to go up!



"I rushed!"

Almost at the same time, industrial tycoon Guo Yingzhong, Tuanmen gambling king He Xin, and Asia stock god Li Zhaoxing also held press conferences, claiming that they had entered the market and fully supported the stock market!
The cloud of panic for several months in a row made everyone breathless.

Now several good news have come in a row, just like sharks smelling blood in the ocean.

Funds from all directions poured in from all directions, and the stock market, which had obtained liquid funds, immediately rushed forward, breaking through the psychological barrier of [-] points in just a few minutes!
The Hang Seng Index is the best!
Still pushing up!

"Awei, why did my dad support you?!"

Inside the Sanatorium and Hospital, Lin Zeju stared at the TV dumbfounded. He turned out to be the last person to know the news?
"Hehe, your dad only supports the Hong Kong government, so how could he support me?"

The four richest people in Hong Kong finally took action to sweep the goods, and a stone in Chen Weidong's heart also fell to the ground, and it was much easier to talk.

"You people, you keep everything from me."

Lin Zeju was speechless, could it be that he was really too impetuous?

The Hong Kong stock market soared, and the short-selling institutions on Wall Street almost sold out all their chips, but failed to beat the Hang Seng Index. Numerous undelivered futures short orders faced huge losses.

Even Warren Buffett also stood up and said that this is the biggest failure in the history of Wall Street, no less than the "Black Hawk Down" incident in 1993.

Perhaps we should reflect on whether we have underestimated the strength behind the Hong Kong government.

"George, Mr. Little John blamed us, why did we lose to a small company?" Drucken Miller put down the office phone and said helplessly to Soros.

Quantum Fund holds more than 20 empty orders, and the loss has reached more than 270 billion Hong Kong dollars. It is almost vomiting blood, which has exceeded more than 50% of their fund's assets.

All along, they have been invincible. They won the baht, the Vietnamese dong, the ringgit, and the Korean won, but they didn't expect to lose all of them in the Xiangjiang stock market!
After this battle, the Quantum Fund may have to reorganize.

"It's this institution again, why do they have so much money?!" Jones next to him tore up the report violently, maddened.

Infinity Private Equity invested more than 1000 billion Hong Kong dollars, pulling up the stock market at a critical moment, causing many Wall Street institutions to burst their positions, and [-] small institutions declared bankruptcy on the spot.

The well-known value investor on Wall Street and the co-founder of the International Value Consulting Company, Charles Vaux, also just committed suicide by jumping off a building.

It is reported that when the Hang Seng Index broke through 7400 points, he used all the client funds to buy more than 5 empty orders.

A few minutes later, the Hang Seng Index rose sharply, and he had no time to close the position, so that he lost everything.

At the same time, there are countless elites who were once sought after by others, who lost their capital on Wall Street in one fell swoop.

The astonishing huge profits made the former value investors no longer rational, and they did not hesitate to use their wealth to gamble with all their strength.

If you win, you will be an investment genius, a financial god, and enjoy the attention of everyone.

However, the price of failure is not everyone can afford.

What they are about to face is the crazy debt collection of the Mafia, or they have nowhere to go and choose to restart their lives.

"How many chips do we have?"

"Not much left."

"Let's switch positions, we will fight again in September."

"George, if we switch positions, we will have to pay a cost of up to [-] Hong Kong dollars for a contract, which Quantum Fund can no longer afford." Druckenmiller shook his head and said.

The military division's words completely extinguished Soros' last hope
(End of this chapter)

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