That's what we do with silver

Chapter 1 Ten thousand silver, one enlightenment

Chapter 1 Ten thousand silver, once enlightened

The famous League of Legends champion ADC, DWG Ghost once said.

"If you have played one or two thousand best rounds in Silver, but you have not been able to improve your rank, then it may not be that you are not strong enough, it is just that your luck is not good enough."

For this sentence, Zhao Yun has always taken it seriously.

Even if he has been stuck in the Unyielding silver rank for nine full years, he averages at least [-] per game every year, and the total number of games has exceeded [-].

He never thought it was his fault.

The reason why you can't make it is just because of bad luck.

Ghost King once realized his epiphany with 1300 silver, 1390 went straight to the strongest king in Korean server, 1450 he entered the professional arena, and then in S10, he directly won the world championship with DGW.

Even the world champion, the son of the legendary version, still worked hard in the silver rank and wasted a thousand years.

As for him, Zhao Yun, he thinks that compared with the world champion, in terms of talent, he may indeed be slightly inferior.

But his requirements are not high!
World champions are not extravagant hopes, and the small goal is lowered a bit, just thinking of the last strongest king with 777 points, which is not too much.

In this way, one up and one down, one increase and one decrease, rounding up.

To sum it up, for the sake of the king's plan in the future, it is very reasonable and reasonable for him to spend a little more time in Baiyin now!

He always thought so.

Therefore, every time he sees the blood-red '×' that is destined to appear in the end, no matter how much he carries or kills, no matter how wonderful the early stage of the situation is, in the life-and-death game of the gold promotion match, his heart will change. So calm and numb.

Without him, the main reason is that I am really used to it.

Nine years!A full nine years!

From s3 to s12, nine full seasons have been wasted!

It was as if he had been given a god-level head drop technique by the God of Silver. As long as he reached the most critical gold BO5 promotion match, there would only be one result in the end.

Promotion failed!

No matter how perfect he performed in this round, no matter how strong his lineup was in this round, no matter how strong his teammates were in this round, no matter how explosive the start of this round was.

It will not affect the final result in any way.

All lose.

In S3, Zhao Yun just came into contact with League of Legends. When the tier system first appeared at the beginning of the season, he was already a young genius who could reach Silver One with only two hundred games. From contacting the game to Silver One, he only spent two Hundreds.

At that time, watching the friends who brought me to play together were still unable to extricate themselves from the Silver Five, but he had already reached the Silver Great Perfection, and only needed to pass the promotion competition to become a real gold powerhouse!
At that time, he was once ecstatic about his game talent, and even began to fantasize about the future of embarking on a career path and reaching the pinnacle of life.

Then, the nightmare began.

After playing two hundred hands, he is silver one.

After five hundred rounds, he was still silver one.

At the end of the eight hundred, he was finally not Silver One, he became Silver Four.

Until the last day of the season's settlement, a total of [-] games were played, and his rank was permanently fixed at .

Unyielding Silver 3, 75 points.

No one knew that on the night of the finale of the S3 season, Zhao Yun, who had been extremely strong since he was a child, sat in an Internet cafe, and for the first time in his life, how unwillingly he shed tears because of a game.

At that moment, he secretly swore.

In the next season, he must break through the shackles of silver, break through his inner demons, and become a genuine golden man!
In this way, the battle of the S4 season began.

This time, Zhao Yun firmly believed that he had become strong enough, and absolutely no one or anything could stop him from getting gold.

He must be able to break the demons and usher in the light!
Then, this welcome lasted for a whole year.

The inner demon was not broken, but several keyboards and mice were broken.

The light didn't usher in, but it ushered in countless dispirited people.

At the end of the S4 season, his rank was .

Unyielding silver two, 75 win points.


For a whole year, he still failed to jump out of the super maelstrom of silver.

When playing games, there is no problem at all. There are wins and losses, which is very reasonable.

But as long as the most critical promotion match or life-and-death round is reached, there will only be one result left in this round.

Fancy lose!
Either you get blown up, or your teammate gets overwhelmed, or the power goes out in the Internet cafe, or the power goes out in the dormitory, or your teammate loses love and cries to the point of fainting, or the opponent is inhumanly strong, or even the Internet cafe is flooded and burned. Things have happened more than once...

Although Zhao Yun played this year's promotion competition in front of the computer, it allowed him to see again and again what it means to be thousands of people with thousands of faces and all kinds of life.

And because of these accidents, his silver detachment plan, because of this, wasted again and again.

And, when he wondered if he had really clashed with the League of Legends game in the past two years.

The experience after that made him realize the error of his statement.

Not these two years, but these two, three, four, five, six, seven, eighty-nine years.

That's right, a full nine years.

He, Zhao Yun, really turned into a silver living fossil. He struggled hard for nine years in the Ionia Unyielding Silver division in the first area of ​​the League of Legends national server.

During the nine years, he has been confused, painful, sad, desperate, dead, and jaded.

Even if he spent huge sums of money to hire Xiao Dai more than once, he still earned back the compensation each time.

I didn't go up in the ranks for a few years, but relied on the power leveling compensation to replace one set of new peripherals after another.

It is true to accidentally get rich by accident.

In the end, he tried his best, but he could only swim wildly in the vast sea of ​​silver, and become a true native of silver who has never wavered in the nine seasons.

You can't get gold, you can't get bronze.

If you want to compare the silver player to a jar of old wine, the longer you stay, the more mellow the taste of the wine will be.

Then Zhao Yun felt that his own altar should be about to turn sour.

But even so, Zhao Yun today still hasn't forgotten his original intention that he has persisted in for nine years.

Even in the past nine years, he has been criticized and possessed every time he has been promoted.

Even if he fought for more than 1 games, he failed to appreciate even one golden scene.

Even if the so-called "silver rank in the terminally ill" cancer has been cured, but he is still in the "cancer rank in the League of Legends" and cannot extricate himself.

Even if the whole world is against him.

However, he still firmly believed that he couldn't go up because of bad luck.

Even if he is only silver, he doesn't think he is weaker than anyone else!
The ghost emperor has a thousand battles of silver, accumulated a lot of money, and once he realized the Tao, he won the championship and ascended directly.

His background is ten times stronger than that of the Ghost Emperor, given him a chance, why not wipe out the Dao directly?
"Don't be so lucky, I, Zhao Yun, will one day be as silver as the gods!"

This is a joke that Zhao Yun called out when he was joking with his friends after he got drunk.

However, what he didn't expect was that the joke would come true when he closed and opened his eyes.

He crossed.

From 2022, came to the parallel world in 2017.

What shocked him even more was that at this moment, he had suddenly changed from a veteran of ten thousand games to a young genius professional brother. He had just joined the IG team not long ago, and now he was the team's substitute top laner Xiaotrans.

What's even more outrageous is that he also found that the bad luck that had haunted him for nine years had disappeared.

At the beginning of time travel, Zhao Yun was very panicked.

No matter how much he talked about it, he knew very well in his heart that he was him, and unyielding Baiyin was unyielding Baiyin. Even if he traveled to another world, it was absolutely impossible to become the strongest king in a second.

The gap between the two is even bigger than bronze to grandmaster.

However, after he personally signed up for a period of time, his mentality changed.

In a month's time, the silver number with a 49 win rate on the Korean server has directly won all the way to the king.

Still the king with 1275 points!
Winning streak all the way, not losing a game.

Bai Yinzi, who was never worth mentioning, instantly became the king of Hanbok and the king of winning rate.

Everything is just like a dream.

Moreover, what made Zhao Yun deeply speechless was.

He has an extremely clear understanding of himself, and he knows that it is not after time travel and rebirth that he really becomes stronger.

Instead, luck suddenly improved.

Yes, that's right, just pure luck.

Forget about the golden game. In the three days, Zhao Yun felt that all the opponents he encountered were surprisingly weak. If the highlights of the opponent's mistakes could be used for dinner, it would be enough to whet his appetite for a month.

No stress at all.

The gold promotion match that had trapped him for the rest of his life ended with a flat push in less than 10 minutes.

Platinum Bureau.

Teammates all seem to be playing trumpets, all kinds of jungler leopard female rock sparrows dominate the jungle area on behalf of the middle generation, the bottom lane duo is stable, and the support of the mid laner is everywhere. The whole game is fast-paced Feiqi, the efficiency of winning the game is more than twice as fast as the golden game. He went on the road before he had time to do anything and it was over, it was as simple as eating and drinking water.

Diamond Bureau.

Playing as a top laner Tahm, passing by Longkeng with a hand shaking Q, he actually snatched the opposite Dalong who was sneaking up on him.

Master Bureau.

The poorly developed alchemy, the Dalongkeng team battle for a while, went shopping (gai) and ran around, inexplicably poisoned the five demented boys on the opposite side, and inexplicably took the pentakill to come back.

Originally at a big disadvantage, no matter how you look at it, they couldn't last 10 minutes of the game, and the opposite Tianfei Nakano dropped the line directly.

Playing a card master, the passive price of every last hit is +6+6+6+6.

King game.

All the teammates are unique skills, and it’s okay to have full operational awareness and mentality.

There was even a scene where Zhao Yun attacked the barbarian king first, and was targeted by the stone man after the opponent, but when the stone man was at level one, he was chopped down on the spot by the barbarian king's sprinting knife.


In less than a month, Zhao Yunzhen got all the way to seventh place in Hanbok in such an outrageous plot.

Sometimes he really wondered if his bad luck in his previous life had reached a critical point, and now it directly caused a bottoming out.

If the cathode and yang are born, it will be extremely peaceful.

After the extreme mildew and bad luck come to an end, good luck begins directly.

The League of Legends game, Zhao Yun's attitude towards him is so friendly that he feels like he is dreaming.

And in addition to the good luck, many people in the line with him feel very scared and nervous for no reason, and make frequent mistakes and deformed operations, making him really think that he has awakened some domineering look.

In this way, Zhao Yun spent the first month after his time travel in a state of incomparable ignorance, eating, sleeping and playing ranking in the club every day.

He is a newcomer substitute who has just joined, and there are two top laners Duke and Theshy on the rotation, so not only did Zhao Yun not have to play in the training game, but the computer position he was assigned was also in the corner of a large training room. In addition, he just arrived She is shy by nature and doesn't like to talk, so after this month, she doesn't feel much presence.

Then, just when Zhao Yun was still in a daze and could live a day-to-day counting, and was about to finish the half-year salary and retire when the contract ended.

The manager, Su Xiaoluo, took the initiative to find him.

"Well, Zhao Yun, get ready for the next training match."

Zhao Yun, who was already thinking about whether to go home and inherit the family pig farm after he retired, was taken aback when he heard this.

"Ah, me?"

After being a little transparent for so long, he never expected to hear such a sentence.

However, in response to Zhao Yun's bewildered reaction, Su Xiaoluo frowned impatiently.

"That's right, it's you, don't be dazed, hurry up and prepare for the training match with RNG later, you go."

At this time, Su Xiaoluo was not in a very beautiful mood.

The summer split has been going on for a while, but the record of the entire IG team is extremely ugly.

The 1-4 start, not only the players are in a sluggish state, but also his manager is under great pressure.

During this period of time, I and my coach Mafa frantically tried various new tactics, new BP, and new formations, trying to find a way to make IG stronger as a whole.

In such a situation, except for the most stable mid laner and support, IG has not changed much, and the other three positions are in frequent changes.

The top laner Duke and TheShy rotate, the jungler Ning starts, but occasionally Kid is also pulled to rotate, and the bottom lane West starts, but Marge also often appears in training games.

It can be said that during this period of time, the IG team played all the permutations and combinations.

It's a pity that no matter how they are combined, they still haven't helped the team much.

He couldn't beat the game and was frantically beaten by other teams.

The training match was even more frenzied, and he seemed to have become the experience baby of the major teams.

During this period of time, Su Xiaoluo's head was as big as a bucket, and when he really didn't know what to do, even Zhao Yun, a little transparent who had no sense of existence, was pulled out by him, trying to turn a dead horse into a living Doctor Ma, pull them all out and try again.

(End of this chapter)

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