That's what we do with silver

Chapter 104 Opportunity? Not even 1 point!

Chapter 104 Opportunity?Not at all!

It is true that although it is only a dozen or so last hits missing, it is just an exaggeration to say that the female policeman can't beat Xia in lane.

The combination of the policewoman and the wind girl has a range advantage, so it is easy to play against the lane.

However, after missing the low-level suppression period of the previous levels, Xia's level gradually increased, and her wave-clearing efficiency also increased.

As a result, even if the policewoman keeps pushing the line, she doesn't have too many opportunities to tap the tower.

Immediately, after this series of twists and turns, the bot lane of the female policewoman Dayou directly suppressed the laning, and now there is only a little weak Xiaoyou left, and the rhythm of pushing the tower cannot be picked up, so he can only honestly developed steadily.

At the same time, it is an exaggeration to say that the bottom lane is played.

But on the road, there is really no exaggeration in this statement.

Level [-] Thain against Level [-] Shen, that can hardly be called suppressing, it is simply beating!
Faced with Thain's wanton push, Shen had no choice but to hide under the tower and wait for the tower knife.

Seeing Shen trembling under the tower, even the audience couldn't help feeling sympathetic, thinking that his game was really too miserable.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that there would be even worse things waiting for him next.

It can only be said that King Ning's jungle thinking in this game is quite clear.

As the saying goes, persimmons have to be picked softly.

Obviously, in the face of such a miserable and limp persimmon like Shen, no one would be able to resist the desire to bully him as a jungler.

Of course Ning couldn't bear it either.

So, he came soon.

The game time is 50 minutes and [-] seconds. Among the four heroes in the solo lane of both sides, three of them have reached the crucial sixth level.

The remaining one, Shen, has only three levels.

And it happened to be stuck at this critical point in time. Zhao Yun's Thain entered the tower with a large wave of soldiers on the front foot, and King Ning's fifth-level spider appeared on the triangle grass on the road on the back foot.

How could he miss such a perfect opportunity to jump over the tower and kill!

What do you think the hero under the tower is?
Is it just a third-level Shen?

That is clearly an extremely fresh 400 yuan!

Without further ado, let's get started!
The spider walked straight through the triangular grass and went straight to we on the road. After a tower, it was going to cut off Shen's back road and forcibly jump over the tower.

Then, when an eye was inserted into the grass, it happened to be a blind monk who was squatting back.

King Ning glanced at it, his eyes did not fluctuate.

Well, nothing surprising.

With such a pawn line and situation, even the jungler with a bit of vision knows that Shen is going to be overtaken. It would be weird if Condi didn't come to protect him.

But no melons!

There are people coming from their side, and there are people from our side!

"Rookie, hurry up, drive over here, I can't wait!"

Zhao Yun tapped three offensive signal marks on Shen's head, and the sound of 'ding ding ding' rang non-stop in the earphones of several people in IG, expressing Zhao Yun's extremely urgent mood.

And Rookie's excited voice sounded immediately.

"Here we come, brothers! I'm driving here, let's go!"

As soon as the sound fell, a huge earth-yellow stone wall had crossed the terrain and firmly blocked the middle of the first tower and the second tower on the WE road.

"OK! Everyone is here, let's do it!"

Seeing that the rock sparrow was in place, King Ning did not hesitate any longer, and acted directly and decisively.

The spider fought against the tower first, and Thain's skills kept up. The landed chaffinch easily hit the ledge at the controlled Shen.

In an instant, faced with the siege of the three people in the middle and the wild on IG, there is such a small area under the tower, one skill on the left and one skill on the right. In a blink of an eye, the three of IG were directly concentrated and evaporated at the speed of light.

[IG, Rookie killed WE, 957]

Shen's head was easily taken by Rock Sparrow.

The blind man next to Condi originally wanted to save someone, but Shen died too quickly, and in an instant there was only the blind man left under the tower.

Immediately, seeing this blind man who was only level five, the three people on IG decided to kill again, and another inhumane group fight directly surrounded the blind man under the tower and killed him mercilessly.

[IG, Ning killed WE, Condi]

The blind man's head was taken off by a spider.

And at this time, Syndra, who rushed over from the middle, was late.

However, looking at the IG trio whose blood volume was still very healthy under one of their towers, and looking at himself alone, Xiye was silent for a second, but finally he didn't dare to continue to go up, and decisively chose to turn his head and return to the middle.

Forget it, life is important, let's go back to develop.


After a wave of going up the road and overcoming the tower, both WE and Ueno died at the same time.

Commentary seat.

Guan Zeyuan: "Oh, this feels really hopeless. At this time, everyone knows that iG will come to the tower, but you just can't prevent it. The disadvantage at the beginning is really too big. The level is pulled so far. There is a big gap, there is no way."

Remember: "If it's just the spider and Sion, the blind man may be able to protect it, but if you add the chaffinch, the whole situation is completely hopeless, and the damage control is all overwhelmed, let alone be cautious. Two Shen in a second feels enough."

Su Xiaoyan: "In the current situation, the upper field is really completely broken, and the female policewoman in the bottom lane can't play the rhythm of pushing towers. The only normal development person in WE is Xiye's Syndra, although That's a bit pessimistic.

But in this round of WE, it may really depend on whether Xiye can take the lead and stand up to open up the situation. "

As the commentators said, even though it’s only been a few minutes since the game started, WE has almost acquiesced when Ueno was killed one after another and Shen’s development was standing still. big relationship.

The policewoman and Syndra, who barely developed normally, became WE's last hope.

The game lasted 8 minutes, and WE figured out that Shen was already abolished, but the development of the policewoman must not be affected.

Therefore, they completely let Shen, who is on the top lane, fend for himself, while Condi's blind man chooses to operate in the lower half, always guarding against IG targeting the bottom lane, and preparing to fully protect the development of the policewoman.

It can only be said that there is nothing wrong with their thinking.

The top road has collapsed. If the policewoman is targeted and killed twice, then the overall lineup of WE really has no hope.

However, with this situation already established, even if a blind man comes down the road and wants to save, will he really be able to save it?

the answer is negative.

Even knowing that the blind man was in the bottom lane, IG still chose to act forcefully.


With a loud starting sound, after Zhao Yun pushed the line into the tower on the top road, he walked directly into the second tower of Cao Cong TP's own down road in the next second, and then directly opened the big move on the female policewoman Fengnv on the down road.

"The dump truck is coming!"

Thain turned into a Decepticon and rushed over.

At the same time, Rookie's Rock Sparrow directly blocked the road from the river, and King Ning's spider stepped on the eye directly from the river and forcibly appeared.

As a cooperation with his teammates, Baolan's bull head also flashed the second company at an extremely fast speed at the moment Thain started the car, and drove to Fengnv unexpectedly.

This wave directly stunned WE completely.

IG has five players, but WE has only the blind and duo.

Five-on-three, and everyone flashed, there was no suspense in the final result.

[IG, WEst killed WE, Ben]

[IG, Ning killed WE, Mystic]

[IG, Rookie killed WE, Condi]


Under the explosion damage of the rock sparrow spider, the three of us and Xiaye were shattered at the touch of a touch, and died as soon as they were killed.

In just a few seconds, the battle ended quickly.

And at this time, Shen, who was only level five on the road, could only stand helplessly under the tower with a sad mood, silently repairing each of his tower knives.

(End of this chapter)

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