That's what we do with silver

Chapter 106 Ultimate Swing, Brother Moteng Suozi!

Chapter 106 Ultimate Swing, Brother Moteng Suozi!

The third game!

WE directly banned Thain at the beginning.

Seeing this scene, several people on IG couldn't help laughing.

Ning: "Hahaha I laughed so hard, brother Yunzi, your two Sion seems to have really pissed them off, you even got rid of Sion."

Rookie: "Okay, okay, this Sion was banned well, guys, a lot of heroes are going to be released in this round."

Xi Huang: "I can only say that Brother Yunzi is awesome. Every time a new hero is brought out, he will be banned. I really like the opposing BP."

Baolan: "They seem to have been beaten in a hurry."

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in IG's internal voice was filled with joy.

And when the brothers were chatting daily, the first round of BP ended very quickly.

The top three bans in WE: Thain, Barbarian King, Qian Jue.

IG's top three bans: Calista, Wind Girl, Gemstone.

The first round of bans from both sides ended, and seeing that it was WE's turn to choose, the commentators also began to speculate one after another.

"How to put it this way, WE directly sent Lancer's top two heroes to the ban position in this round, and then added a ban to Qian Jue, which resulted in the release of Xia Luo and Galio, so how will WE choose?"

"Do you want to grab Galio, or choose Xialuo to take apart and take one?"

"To be honest, WE certainly don't want to see themselves in this passive situation on the blue side, but there is no way, when there are two top laners in the three ban positions, they can only do this. There's a choice."

When the commentators were guessing, WE also quickly made their own choice.

One grab, Huan Ling, Luo.

Seeing that WE chose to grab Luo, IG quickly made a decision.

On the first floor, the Colossus of Justice, Galio.

On the second floor, Ni Yu and Xia.

It doesn't mean anything else, anyway, if you dare to let it go, I will definitely grab it directly, it's as simple as that.

Then WE's second and third selections.

Second choice, Melin Gunner, Tristana.

Three choices, blind monk, Li Qing.

Then IG took the third pick and directly won Qinggangying.

Then the second round of bans.

IG chooses ban: Kassadin, Jess.

WE chooses to ban: Gnar, Rambo.

Then IG's fourth choice, Nightmare.

As soon as this hero came out, the audience and commentators immediately felt their eyes brighten.

"IG picked Nightmare in the fourth hand?"

"Wow, does it mean that Qinggangying is going to hit the road?"

"Brother Lan plays Qinggangying by himself?"

"Wuhu~ The game has become interesting again!"

"Nightmare Galio Qinggangying, IG's Naka Ueno chooses, this is to carry out the strong team to the end!"

"Not to mention, Brother Blue's Qinggang Shadow, just think about it and look forward to it!"


The audience who watched IG's selection were very excited.

On the WE side, there was also a discussion on the selection of the last two hands.

"They played wild Moteng, what should I say, what should we do among the best?"

"Brother Leg, what do you think, Qinggang Ying should be on the road opposite."

"Give me Kret, I can suppress Qinggangying."

"Where is Xiye, what do you want to play?"

"Let me take Ryze, I have no problem with Ryze against Galio."


Soon, WE's final two-handed players were also determined.

On the fourth floor, the furious knight, Kled.

On the fifth floor, Rune Mage, Ryze.

Suddenly, only IG's final choice has not been determined.

Seeing WE's lineup, the three commentators were also emotional.

Guan Zeyuan: "Looking at it this way, I feel that the lineup of WE in this round is finally much more comfortable."

Remember: "Indeed, compared to the combination of pure speed push rhythm like the female policewoman, who can't play the effect and then stealth, the selection of WE can advance or retreat, and can play both advantages and disadvantages. Klein and Ryze's dual driving support ability is also very strong, and all aspects seem to be more balanced than the previous two rounds."

Su Xiaoyan: "At the same time, IG took the Green Steel Shadow Galio, and then even made up for Nocturne. The three are all strong team-starting heroes. Now both sides have made it clear that the team battle will determine the outcome. , I just don’t know what the last auxiliary choice will take.

Female tank, or bull head?It all feels pretty good. "

In the commentary seat, when the entire lineup is almost finalized, the commentators are not so curious about IG's last support choice at this time.

Because in everyone's opinion, it doesn't matter what the final support is.

But in the next second, when IG's fifth hero was confirmed, everyone was stunned on the spot.

"Death is like the wind, always with me"

When the man's familiar deep voice sounded, everyone couldn't believe their eyes.


"My God, the fifth player on IG's side actually chose Galewind Swordsman, Yasuo?"

In the commentary seat, the voice I remembered was full of excitement.

"It's confirmed directly, this should be the wrong choice!"

"But Galio and Yasuo are two mid laners, so what's going on?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw on the screen that IG had completed the final hero exchange.

Several heroes were exchanged, and when it was finally determined, the real hero split once again made the audience's eyes wide open.

Qinggangying became a jungler.

Galio became a support.

Yasuo went to the mid laner.

And then... the nightmare turned into the road.

In the end, when the lineup was determined, everyone was excited.

"It's confirmed! The last 30 seconds are over, and IG has completely confirmed the final lineup!"

"Top laner Nightmare, jungler Qing Gangying, mid laner Yasuo, support Galio."

"IG! In this critical third game, they once again brought us a huge surprise!"


IG's final lineup is confirmed, not only the commentators are excited, but also the audience in the live broadcast room are excited.

The barrage flew up.

"Here he comes!!! The hot and happy man is here again!"

"The swing of IG really made me dizzy."

"Mid laner shakes support, jungler shakes top laner, all are in the ultimate swing"

"Can Galio assist?"

"How do you play Nocturne's top laner?"



"IG is starting to work again, it's outrageous, I like it so much!"

"Top lane Nocturne? Can this hero still be top laner?"

"Which trick is forcing top laner to play top laner Nocturne, isn't it funny, what is Brother Blue? That's okay, Brother Blue is awesome!"

"Both sides are fighting forcefully, this is a good game!"

"Zilong give me a duck!!"


With the eyes of the audience looking forward to it, the crucial third match point game began.

Off the court, the commentators and the audience were in high spirits.

But in the arena, Zhao Yun at this moment felt a little stressed.

'md is so guilty, my palms are sweating. '

Zhao Yun rubbed his hands, couldn't help but took two deep breaths again.

no way.

Nocturne's beating of Kret may not make any sense in the eyes of others, but only Zhao Yun knows it in his heart.

This is the first time since this season, other than the barbarian king, he has used fighters against fighters on the road for the first time in a true sense.

Before this, he had never played a matchup like this.

Either it is the output of meat, or it is the output of meat.

Or it is to play a team battle hero like Rambo who has no single kill ability.

There has not been a game that really requires a head-on bayonet fight.

(End of this chapter)

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