That's what we do with silver

Chapter 128 The meaning of that hero is invincibility!

Chapter 128 The meaning of that hero is invincibility!
The first round of bp.

The blue side IG chooses to ban: Ruiz, Shen, Lulu.

The red side SKT chooses to ban: Galio, Camille, Tamm.

The moment the red team SKT got the last ban for Tamm, in the Wuhan Sports Center venue full of domestic spectators, countless LPL fans felt their eyes light up at that time, and couldn't help but let out a joyful cheer.

In the commentary seat on the LPL side, the three commentators also responded in the same way.

Guan Zeyuan even exclaimed directly.

"SKT! Their third ban is given to Tamm!"

"In other words, the barbarian king has been released!"

"Since the beginning of the LPL summer playoffs, he has always been in the ban position. Until today, he has not seen the barbarian king for almost a month and a half. In the first opener of the S7 group stage, he was released directly!"

"What does IG say? If it was in the past, according to their previous style in the LPL, it must have been locked in seconds.

But now the opponent is SKT. As far as I know, there is absolutely no such hero in Huni’s hero pool, so I feel that IG may take it, but it should be placed in the second or third hand. The first hand should be Xia if there is no accident. One of Luo. "

As soon as Guan Zeyuan's voice fell, the rememberer next to him continued to speak.

"At the same time, it is also very important that Kalista, who has been banned since the World Championship, has been released directly by IG, so now there are many choices in front of iG, Xialuo and Kalista How will they choose?"

For the first round of Banners on both sides, the audience and commentators all looked forward to the live broadcast in front of them, wondering what choice IG would make.

What they didn't know was that in the IG team's voice at this moment, everyone was also having the final communication.

Coach Mafa: "What did Ah Yun say? Do you need to grab the barbarian king?"

Zhao Yun: "No, Huni won't know how to play this hero. Let's take the lane hero first."

After a simple communication, IG quickly made a choice.

One choice, Huan Ling, Luo.

On the SKT side, IG's BP is also a little surprised.

Bang: "Huh? They let Kalista go straight away?"

Coach Komma: "They should have let it go on purpose and wanted to take Shiloh by themselves."

Top laner Huni: "Then what should we say, should we directly choose Kalista?"

Wolf: "It's definitely a direct choice. Be confident, everyone? We haven't lost the game against Kalista so far."

Faker: "Let's be sure, if they want Xialuo, just give them. This version of Xialuo is not as good as Calista's."

It was also a simple and effective communication, and SKT quickly made a choice.

SKT's first choice, Spear of Vengeance, Kalista.

SKT's second choice, Fury of the Storm, Janna.

As soon as these two combinations came out, in an instant, all the LCK fans, commentators, and other commentators who were not familiar with the LPL division who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but express their emotions.

"Wow, SKT actually got Janna and Kalista directly in the first two moves, unbelievable."

"With all due respect, I don't feel very good about IG's choice of exchanging Xia Luo for Feng Nu + Calista."

"GG, don't look at guys, SKT has already won."

"Crazy! IG really made an unexpected choice for everyone."

"oH~Let us congratulate SKT in advance for successfully winning a good start, and happy to mention the first victory of S7! (Firecrackers~)"


The opening match of the two teams has already attracted a lot of attention, but the appearance of such a first-hand BP, as the version of T0 hero Calista recognized by everyone, was released, and it instantly filled the anticipation of countless audiences all over the world. People watching the game from all over the world opened their eyes wide, anticipating what surprises will happen later.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's anticipation, IG's second and third hands were determined.

The second hand, the expected Ni Yu, Xia.

And the third hand.

There are no surprises.

Familiar avatars.

Familiar taste.

Then there was that extremely familiar voice line.

"My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

Barbarian King - Tryndamere.


If it is said that Calista just made people marvel at IG's boldness and questioned IG's choice, then at the moment when the third-hand barbarian king is confirmed, the inner feelings of countless audiences at this moment suddenly become shocked.

The moment the barbarian king was selected, before the commentators in each competition area were amazed, the audience at the Wuhan Sports Center venue had already taken the first step, and suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

"Barbarian King!"

"Barbarian King!"

"Barbarian King!"

"Barbarian King!"


The sound wave was higher than the wave, like a wave like a tide, as if it was going to overturn the entire stadium.

The sudden burst of cries from the home audience immediately reached the ears of every audience watching the game around the world through the live broadcast equipment in each competition area.

In the blink of an eye, all the spectators in the competition areas who heard this terrifying cry were deeply shocked by the impact contained in the cheers, and countless foreign friends were shocked by it.

And these shocking emotions turned into dense barrages in the live broadcast room at the first time.

"Oh~My~God! What are they cheering for?"

"ManWang? What is this? Why can the LPL audience be so excited!"

"Although I can't understand what they are cheering for, I can feel the power in their voices!"

"ManWang? Is this a special ritual spell in China?"

"God, the sudden cry just now made my hands tremble in fright, and the Coke fell on the keyboard."

"The atmosphere at the scene is good, I regret not flying over to watch the scene. (Sad)"

"Man Wang?"

"Hey guys, the scene was so exciting! It made me so excited."

"It's unbelievable. Although I've always known that China has the largest number of players in the world, it's unbelievable that they can still maintain such a high level of enthusiasm even after years of unsatisfactory results in the World Championships!"

"Oh~ I'm so excited! I can feel my brain trembling!"


All of a sudden, the live broadcast rooms in each competition area, which could only be regarded as normal enthusiasm, at this moment are all due to the increase in interactive bullet screens, and their popularity has skyrocketed.

At this moment, the foreign commentators who were in charge of broadcasting the games in each competition area also received explanations from the backstage staff through the earphones.

In an instant, these explanations showed sudden surprise.

Then, they began to comment in the live broadcast rooms of their respective competition areas.

Among them, the Korean commentator on Lck also responded in the same way.

"Ah, I believe everyone has heard the enthusiastic cheers just now."

In the Lck commentary seat, several commentators also spoke in their iconic exaggerated tone.

"Through the staff's explanation, we also know that the 'ManWang' that the audience chanted just now is the abbreviation of the barbarian king-Tryndamere, the hero's title in China, Smecta."

"And the most important reason why the audience is so enthusiastic is that the IG team that is currently facing SKT on the field, in all the LPL matches so far, Tryndamere, also known as 'ManWang', has a [-]% winning rate! "

"Yes! You heard it right! It's a [-]% winning rate that can be called a miracle without losing, Smecta!"

Lck's commentators are extremely exaggerated.

"In other words, in the current LPL, Tryndamere represents the meaning in the eyes of LPL fans."

"No~~~ enemy!"

 Try to finish writing this game tonight, but the next chapter will be late, I suggest you watch it tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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