That's what we do with silver

Chapter 144 SKT lost because they were weak, they couldn't represent the LCK

Chapter 144 SKT lost because they were weak, they couldn't represent the LCK
In the picture, after everyone from IG shook hands with SKT players, they also stood in the center of the stage and bowed to thank the audience.

At this time, in the LCK commentary booth, the voices of several Korean commentators became obviously lowered in an instant.

"Ah~ no, it's already 2-2. If something goes wrong in the next two rounds, it will be dangerous."

"Huni! He was beaten again on the road!"

"The first place in the group is useless, now I have to think about how to qualify!"

"I didn't expect it at all. SKT was defeated by IG twice in a row in the group stage, and they lost the games with huge disadvantages."

"The explosion on the road was really too exaggerated. After the audience, I felt that Jess had no sense of existence at all."

"It was treated like an ATM."

"Lancer! Lancer! The barbarian king of this contestant is really terrifying, Smecta!"

"Before this, when everyone heard that this hero symbolized invincibility in LPL, everyone here should have laughed."

"In retrospect, whether it's the SKT team or us old guys, it's really a bit too arrogant."

"Knowing the opponent's strength and not restricting it, but going head-to-head, and having to fight again after a bloody head, alas, the game feels like it can't go on like this."

"No matter what, with the lessons learned from SKT, when future teams encounter IG, this hero should not be released again."

"It's unbelievable, I never thought that SKT would fall twice in a row at the same place, and both fell extremely hard."

"This IG team really can no longer be measured by the strength of the previous LPL team."

"I can only say, come on, SKT, try your best first, let's talk after the group stage."

"Even if we qualify second in the group, it's not necessarily a bad thing. From another perspective, at least if we qualify second in the group, if we want to meet IG next time, it's already time for the final."

"Perhaps by that time, they may have figured out a way to deal with IG."

"Come on SKT! Come on! Fkaer!"


In the LCK commentary booth, several commentators also started to cheer for SKT.

On Zhao Yun's side, as usual, he was being interviewed after the game.

It's a bit of a coincidence that the staff who came to interview him this time are from the LCK division.

She is very cute and beautiful, a Korean lady with delicate glasses.

And the one in charge of the translation is Xi Ran, a newcomer translator from LPL, who is also an intern hostess.

The entire interview process was very efficient and smooth.

The young lady asked: "Hello, Lancer, I am very glad that you can accept our interview, let's say hello to the audience in front of the screen first."

Zhao Yun replied: "Hello everyone, I am IG's top laner Lancer."

Question: "Then today's first question, you defeated SKT in the group stage twice in a row, and both times you played a huge advantage in the top lane. Now the outside world is talking about your IG style of play, which just restrains LCK. Team, what do you think of this statement?"

Zhao Yun replied: "Well, I don't think so, because SKT can't represent LCK, he can only represent themselves. I actually watched the match between SSG and LZ, and I feel that they are stronger than SKT.

So for this statement, I think it is a bit too one-sided. The style of play varies from person to person. Our victory against SKT can only mean that we are stronger than them, and it does not explain other issues. "

Question: "OK, so now is the second question. IG is now 4-0, and there is a high probability that they will qualify first in the group, so everyone is looking forward to it. In the next two games against AHQ and C9, what will you give? Will the audience show more surprises?"

Zhao Yun replied: "There are a lot of preparations for surprises, but if there are no accidents, the group stage will probably not be seen."

The young lady also asked curiously when she heard the words.


Zhao Yun smiled.

"Because our coach Mafa said that the remaining two rounds are not too stressful and we can win normally. Let us save the surprises for the quarterfinals B05."

"Oh~ Did you say that, I feel no pressure at all against C9 and AHQ, it seems that Lancer, you are also very confident."

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm confident. Our coach Mafa said this. When the time comes, don't rush to the wrong person."


A simple question and answer also made the Korean lady couldn't help laughing out loud.

Then, also quickly, one last question.

"What is the goal for this S7 World Championship?"

Zhao Yun thought for a while, and quickly replied with a smile.

"On the stage of the BJ's Bird's Nest Finals, the team that beat the LCK upright won the championship."

"Which team do you think you would be on if there was such a day?"

"If possible, I hope it's still SKT."


The post-match interview is over.

At this time, unlike the previous LCS live broadcast room, which had few viewers, the LCK commentary live broadcast room was rebroadcast on all major domestic live broadcast platforms.

Therefore, Zhao Yun's post-match interview was directly watched by many domestic audiences.

All of a sudden, this interview was fun for the audience to watch directly.

"Laughing, brother blue is still as bold as ever, interviewing the ghost stone hammer."

"SKT can't represent the LCK, they lost only because they were weak."

"Awesome, Zilong, do you dare to say that directly?"

"It's really Nima's whole body full of guts, isn't it, Niu Niu Niu!"

"The fans of T1 will be unhappy."

"This trick is fine, drive away wolf and tiger in seconds!"

"AHQ and C9 were crying in the toilet, and they were directly accepted as non-threatening."

"If you think about it carefully, the Ueno of these two teams can't beat IG, and their tactical reserves are completely exhausted. They don't know how to win at all."

"One thing to say, if IG can really win the Bird's Nest Finals, I will be a fan for the rest of my life!"


Discussions about postgame interviews didn't last long.

Because soon, the next game will start.

Although it hasn't been to the IG game yet, LPL fans are still watching with great interest.

the reason is simple.

Everyone is really happy that IG wins the game, but if you can still see SKT lose, it will be even more joyful.

So for the SKT game, everyone is also very concerned about it, and they are looking forward to whether AHQ and C9 can give a little bit of effort, and try their best to give everyone a small New Year in October.

That's what a lot of LPL viewers think.

Then, the final result is a bit of a pity.

Although SKT's state was affected a little after being defeated by IG in the next two games, it is not something that the current C9 and AHQ can miss.

The next two knockout rounds of SKT.They all won without any risk, and succeeded in 4-2 to qualify for the second place in the group.

We deeply regret not being able to see SKT roll over.

But fortunately, after seeing that IG won two games in a row without pressure, everyone also expressed that they are completely acceptable, as long as they are happy enough.

In this way, with the end of the performance and entertainment match between C9 and AHQ in the last round of Group A, the match of Group A in the S7 group stage was officially declared over.

The final score did not exceed everyone's expectations.

No. 1IG, 6-0.

No. 2SKT, 4-2.

No. 3AHQ, 1-5.

No. 4C9, 1-5.

Both AHQ and C9 won from each other, but due to the length of the game, AHQ won the third place.

Just like that, on October 14th, the group stage of Group A officially came to an end.

In the next few days of competition, after some intense and exciting competition, the winner was quickly decided.

By the end of NO.17 at [-]:[-] pm, after the final round of Group D was completely over, the list of the quarterfinals was also completely determined.

The overall result was not much different from most of the pre-match predictions. It is worth mentioning that Zhao Yun's original memory of EDG, which was supposed to be eliminated by the group, changed groups as the second seed this time. promoted.

Moreover, it was very thrilling to win the poorly performing SSG in the final playoff with SSG, and successfully became the first in Group C.

Ever since, the final promotion list of each group is as follows.

Group A: IG, SKT.

Group B: LZ, FNC.

Group C: EDG, SSG.

Group D: RNG, MSF.

It was night, after the last round of Group D, in the venue of Wuhan Sports Center, the draw ceremony for the quarter-finals was held directly.

(End of this chapter)

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