That's what we do with silver

Chapter 163 Dang Dang Dang~ The dump truck is coming!

Chapter 163 Dang Dang Dang~ The dump truck is coming!
Jess, who was on the road, was extremely fragile because of his backward level and equipment.

The blind man and Lucian set up a beautiful combo to deal full damage, and directly killed Jess under the tower with full blood.

Die very... simply.

And the interval between Jess' last death in battle was not more than one and a half minutes.

Even when he went online this time, Jess was sent back to the spring to soak in the hot springs before he had time to make up a few extra knives.

Seeing this scene, at the LCK commentary booth, several commentators wailed again.

"Ahh~ Jess is dead again!"

"Being forced to death by Li Qing and Lu Xian's set of injuries, there is no room for resistance, Smecta."

"It's over, it's over, he died twice in a row before the level reached six, this Jess feels like he's collapsed again!"

"Facing Rookie's Lucian, Jess feels completely suppressed!"

"Ah~ In addition, he was already out of TP before, after these two waves, Jess is really going to collapse completely, don't do this kind of thing, Smecta!"

"Just now, Lucian didn't even have a big move, just relying on the combination of ordinary small skills, combined with the blind man's output, he dropped full blood Jess in seconds."

"Ah~ die in the middle lane first, then die in the top lane, so how can LZ play in the upper half of the jungle? The upper half is about to fall again, Smecta!"

"No! Calm down, you must calm down, LZ! At this time, you must not mess up. You must know that when SSG and SKT faced IG before, they lost so badly because of the fall of the upper half, which led to chaos and snowballing. You must hold on tight!"

"Please LZ! Calm down!"


In the LCK commentary booth, several Korean commentators were quite nervous. Looking at the 0:3 score on the field, each voice was full of anxiety and worry.

Although both SSG and SKT before this collapsed due to their early disadvantages.

But at this moment, facing the No. [-] seed LZ in their own LCK division, they couldn't help but have different expectations.

They very much hoped in their hearts that this LZ team, which is stronger than SKT and SSG on the surface, can withstand the pressure against IG and stabilize the situation in such a disadvantaged start.

However, it turns out.

Their requirements for LZ are actually a bit too strict.

In the case of being targeted in the middle of the opening, the previous SKT and SSG failed to withstand it.

After switching to LZ now, the final result has not changed.


The game time is just over 8 minutes.

After the last wave of mid-top rhythm, IG's mid-top two lanes completely controlled the line power. Under the influence of this situation, the IG side benefited the most from the jungle blind monk.

The middle road has the right of line, and the top road has the right of line.

In addition, the prince can't beat the blind man under the condition of balance of power, not to mention the disadvantaged situation, he can only be beaten when he meets the blind man.

So naturally, the prince's upper half of the wild area soon became the blind man's back garden.

During this period, the second blue buff refreshed by LZ was directly invaded by the blind man and Lucian blatantly. They easily snatched the buff and gave it to Rookie's Lucian.

Good guy, Lucian was the first to go out of the way, and the vampire scepter has its own blood-sucking battery life, so it is very easy to suppress Jess.

Now there is one more blue buff, it is just like a tiger with wings, incarnation of a fierce beast, a huge qualitative change, no pressure on the line, more soldiers and line pressure, directly crushing Khan's Jess so he can't breathe, he can only stand The experience of hearing from afar.

Seeing this scene, I can see that Lucian is about to enter the tower with a large wave of soldiers, but anyone with a little online understanding of the game can understand that under the current situation, if this wave of IG comes to the tower again, then this round of the game Basically say goodbye to Jace.

This kind of critical time node, many viewers can understand it, the commentator can understand it, and the players on the field naturally know it in their hearts.

Therefore, when Lucian pushed halfway through the wave, Khan had already greeted his teammates in advance.

"Youzan (referring to cuzz), you must come and protect me in this wave. If they come to the tower again, my game will really be over."

"There is also Pucheng (referring to BDD), can you come and rely on it as much as possible?"

With heavy pressure, Khan directly called his own middle and field together, and he definitely wanted them to help him through this most critical wave of difficulties.

The jungler CUzz and the mid laner BDD took a look at the top lane situation, and they also understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately nodded at the same time.

Even Thresh GOrrilla, who has little pressure on the bot lane, also expressed that he can come directly to support.

All of a sudden, LZ began to communicate frantically in the internal voice, and several people began to actively move up the road.

On the IG side, at the same time, Zhao Yun's Thain and Ning Wang's blind man, after they each dealt with the central pawn line and cleared the wild, also followed the original plan, and the wave of pawn lines in Lu Xian was about to be completed. At that time, decisively began to lean on the road.

The blind man moved first, followed by Thain.

And LZ's defensive eye position in the river also happened to see the blind man's movements.

Immediately, whether it was the audience watching the game or the LZ players on the field, everyone became excited.

Jungle Cuzz: "Lee Sin has already arrived, we can squat them behind the tower, this wave will be our chance."

Mid laner BDD: "I didn't eat any Syndra soldiers in this wave, so I can come here directly. Sion's speed will definitely be slower than mine."

Assistant Gorilla: "I'm on my way, I'll be here soon."

For a while, several people on LZ's side were actively communicating, making full preparations for the next wave of key rhythms. The prince stayed at the position of blind vision behind the tower from the beginning, and Syndra had already walked from the blue zone. Triangle grass, Thresh also went to the position of the three wolves.

Then, as they expected, IG's blind monk and Lucian made the first move.

Game time is 9 minutes.

King Ning came directly from the line. After he came out of the grass, he followed Lucian into the tower. With Lucian's first attack against the tower, the two directly attacked Jess under the tower!
And the moment the two of them fought, Cuzz's prince also appeared immediately, resolutely joining the battle.

At this moment, all the spectators felt that their nerves couldn't help but tense.

In the LCK commentary booth, the tone of several Korean commentators became extremely hasty in an instant.

"Here we come! Just like LZ's early warning, IG's style of play is as fierce as ever. Without knowing any prince's movements, Lu Xi'an and Li Qing still chose to jump the tower recklessly as before! "

"But what they don't know is that this time Jess is not alone, there are other brothers behind him who are also protecting him!"

"The prince and Syndra entered the battlefield at the same time. This wave of opportunities is great. IG Ueno will definitely pay a heavy price for their reckless decision!"

In the screen, seeing the blind man and Lucian had just made a move, Syndra and the prince appeared one after another after LZ hit the road, and the voices of several commentators of LCK became excited, as if they had seen the fiasco of this wave of IG.

In the beginning, things went exactly as they thought.

Under the situation that Jess had already taken precautions, although Khan took Lucian's set of output forcefully, he also hammered the blind man in his form at the first time, successfully avoiding himself being killed by a concentrated fire on the spot.

At this time, Syndra, who came out of the grass on the side, made a QE, which happened to stun the blind man who was hammered over.

At the same time, Prince EQ flashed into the arena to pick the two of them away.

Seeing this scene, several people in the LCK commentary booth were really excited.

"Ahhh! The seduction was successful, and Jess' E skill combined with Syndra's to stun Li Qing!"

"Prince's EQ flashed two, and this wave of IG Ueno will die!"

"Lu Xian! Lucian is fighting the tower! Kill Lucian first!"

"Wait... Lucian still has the E skill. He directly opened the distance with the E skill and successfully escaped from the tower. The blind monk also followed the W."

"But it doesn't matter, the prince still has a big move! The prince can keep up with one big move and successfully keep the two of them! Neither Lucian nor the blind monk has flashed. This wave can kill the two together!"

Seeing that the blind monk and the blind man who had used their displacement skills were retained by the prince's ultimate move, the voices of the LCK commentators doubled in an instant, and even the commentary speed flew up.

And many LCK fans couldn't hold back at that time, and suddenly cheered in surprise, and they already regarded IG's disastrous rhythm defeat as a settlement.

But at this moment, in the game screen in front of him.

Sudden accident!

It seems that this wave of back squatting by Ueno in LZ is indeed quite crucial, and the timing is extremely precise. It is true that he squatted at the loophole of Lucian and the blind monk in the first time.

Now that the prince has framed the two of them, it is only necessary for Syndra and Jess behind to make up for the output in time. The blind monk and Lucian, who are not very fleshy, are absolutely doomed in this wave.

At this time, both the audience watching the game and the few players of LZ thought so.

However, they forgot a crucial point.

That is, at this time, the three Uenos in the LZ had no way to set fire to one of Lucian and the blind in an instant.

Not to mention the prince, this is EQ flashing into the field, this combo is full of control but no damage, the only source of damage in the whole process is the ultimate move peace A, his damage is seriously insufficient when he is out of flesh.

Then there is Jess, who originally relied on the hammer form QE combo to hammer the blind man, so he was able to survive. Now the transformation of the big move is still in CD time. He has not much blood in the hammer form. If he is hit twice by Lucian He had to die, so he didn't dare to fight against the past, so he could only stand outside the circle of the prince's big move and wait for the CD of the big move.

As for Syndra, she gave up her QE and W skills as soon as she appeared on the stage. She did cooperate with the prince successfully at the beginning and knocked out more than half of the blind man's HP. Now there is only one big move left that can still be used.

But then, Lucian's E skill pulled out of the tower, and the blind man followed his W skill to touch it out. The instantaneous displacement of the two of them directly left the range of Syndra's ultimate move. When Syndra subconsciously wanted to chase after him, the prince immediately made a big move. , just firmly blocking the middle of the defense tower on the left and the wall on the right.

The man stayed, but he also managed to keep Syndra behind.

For a moment, seeing Lucian with [-]% HP and the blind man with half HP in the prince's ult, and his own Syndra not flashing, BDD was in a hurry.

The prince Lucian and the blind man were at the top of the prince's ult, while Syndra herself was squeezed at the bottom.

"Quickly cancel the big move! Block me!"

Syndra had too few balls, so he didn't use the big move for fear of not enough damage, and was eager to catch up and make up for damage.

All of a sudden, because of the prince's big move, the three of LZ Ueno fell into chaos for a moment.

At this time, the blind man's ultimate move, which has been kept until now, suddenly finds a good angle to shoot.

'One library~'

The blind man kicked the prince flying, just hitting Syndra's body, causing the flying effect.

This kick bought more time.

Although soon, the prince canceled the ultimate move, and at the same time relied on W to slow down and barely stuck to Lucian and the blind monk.

But because of such a short delay, they directly missed the best output time.

Just when Syndra chased after him and wanted to kill a head eagerly, an extremely familiar loud voice suddenly sounded in his ear.


That was the sound of a car starting.

From God's perspective, Xia, the audience also clearly saw that Thain, who had left the middle lane with Syndra soon after he disappeared, was standing at the intersection in front of the second tower on the top road of LZ. The second tower, facing LZ's upper tower, reversely activated its own big move.

clang clang ~
Here comes the dump truck!
 After the matter is dealt with, the normal update and supplementary rhythm will resume tomorrow =. =
(End of this chapter)

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