That's what we do with silver

Chapter 165 When you choose Jess, you must be prepared to be crushed!

Chapter 165 When you choose Jess, you must be prepared to be crushed!

In the past World Championships, many viewers have seen LCK's famous four-one push.

That kind of way of using the top lane and single belt when the top road has an advantage, and then step by step to expand the advantage through the pawn line, and finally end the game with an absolutely safe operation method, once made the LOL teams all over the world fall in love with it. marvel.

Among them, not to mention the most famous sword girl of SKT-Marain in the S5 period, even the Impact weapon master of SKT in the early S3 period, and even the top lane troll of Huni in recent years, they all rely on the beautiful four-one belt, It left a deep impression on many viewers.

Because of this, I don't know when it started, but all the world-class top LCK top laners, basically every season, have their own iconic top laner hero.

In the past, everyone's understanding of top lane split push heroes was limited to strong heads-up ability and strong line-leading ability.

So much so that most of the cases where the single hero has the advantage, the enemy's top laner basically can only obediently eat soldiers from the tower, which is already a relatively successful lineup.

However, after watching many games in the S7 Global Finals, the audience felt from the bottom of their hearts that IG has given a new definition to this "four-one-point push" tactic.

There was the barbarian king before, and Lucian after.

IG directly told the audience in a more thorough way, when their own top laner has an advantage, what does it mean to do things and what does it mean to cut grass and roots!
After Rookie's Lucian got the advantage, he didn't rush to push the tower immediately, but decisively chose to block the pawn line to drive Jess out of the experience area, and then continued to garrison the line. Soldiers enter the tower.

But at this time, there will be more than one Lucian who enters the tower with this large wave of troops.

Twelve minutes into the game, Lucian entered the tower with a large wave of soldiers that he had worked so hard for nearly 2 minutes.

At the same time, from LZ's perspective, IG's jungler Blind and mid laner Sean basically disappeared from sight at the same time.

Immediately, although they didn't know the exact positions of Thain and Blind, everyone on LZ's side, especially Khan, the top laner, understood quite well what choices they had to make in this situation.

Don't look at the fact that Thain and the blind man are not seen on the map now, but he firmly believes that as long as he appears under the first tower on the road, after a few seconds, Thain and the blind man will definitely appear by his side and force himself into A cold corpse.

Ever since, his choice is.

Rubbing experience.

However, instead of rubbing on the road, go down the road.

Yes, that's right!

In the situation where it was completely impossible to line up on the top road, LZ decisively chose to find a breakthrough elsewhere.

The game time was twelve and a half minutes, and it was useless to go up the road. LZ's jungler prince decisively launched a Gank against IG's bottom lane.

Then, Jess, who was hiding in the autistic bushes on the second tower of his house and was imprisoned, also directly handed over his TP to the bottom lane, and launched an attack on the IG bottom lane together with the prince.

Two packs of four!
The LZ side chose to break the boat and wanted to forcibly open a breakthrough in the bottom lane.

Then, the choice on IG's side is.

The moment Sivir of the Western Emperor saw the prince showing his head, the prince didn't even make a move yet, so he didn't even think about it. He took the lead and turned his head and ran away in an instant.

Knowing that Ning's blind man was in the upper half of the area, within half a second of the IG duo showing the prince's appearance, Sivir really disconnected and led Luo to run down the tower.

Cuzz was in a hurry when he saw it at the time, controlling the prince's EQ ult two shifts would keep him.

Then, what he didn't expect was that Xihuang's reaction was even more ruthless!
At the moment of the prince's big move, Sivir didn't even activate the shield of the E skill, and directly pressed the flash when he was full of blood.


The prince covered it with a big move, directly covering the air.

The LZ Thresh and Xia duo in the back, because Sivir ran too fast, the two of them got out of touch and couldn't keep up.

In this case, Jess, who originally wanted to TP to come down and outflank him, also directly made himself lonely.

Seeing this scene, it was also directly entertaining the audience in the live broadcast room.

"It's amazing, the IG bot lane duo really understands this game, as long as you don't give it away, you can win, don't give it a chance, it's so stable that it's scary."

"Xihuang has really changed. He is no longer the dream-chaser boy who always dreams and wants to talk about it."

"His idea of ​​escape is really too clear."

"Just now, if the mother of the wheel hesitated for a second longer and was slowed down by the prince, and Thresh flashed up behind him, one of the IG duo would die no matter what."

"Tears, his stability makes me feel strange."


IG's steady escape from the bottom lane directly shattered LZ's plan to open up the situation in the bottom lane.

But for Khan, the only good news is that Jace finally gets his share of experience.

Although not much, but for Jess, who had been on a hunger strike for a while, it was a blessing in misfortune.

It's all here, it's impossible not to do something.

Even though the IG duo had been separated, LZ also chose to continue to bite the bullet and fight hard, and several people gathered together to push IG's bottom tower.

They were all like this, and IG naturally left them alone. Although the IG duo lost two skills to clear the troops, they decisively abandoned the tower and retreated, not giving LZ any chance to drive them.

Of course, with LZ making such a big splash in the bottom lane, it is naturally impossible for Naka and Ueno in the upper half to do nothing.

Rookie saw that all the Jayces had gone down, and the control of the line was meaningless, so he decisively chose to forcefully push to the first tower.

And Zhao Yun and King Ning went to take down the canyon vanguard.

Ever since, under such an exchange, Lucian took the lead on the IG road to win the blood tower alone, and the canyon pioneer was also successfully taken down by King Ning's blind man. After taking it off, he turned around and went straight to the middle with Thain, with Lucian, who finished pushing the line on the road, the three of them chose to hold together and push.

Facing the gathering of Ueno in IG, LZ's Syndra was trembling under the tower.

Originally, he wanted to try to defend, but in the next second, Lucian smashed a set of holy guns on his face, knocking out half of Syndra's blood in an instant, and directly persuaded Syndra to retreat.

Syndra was in poor condition and could only retreat, and the three Ueno and Ueno of IG decisively pushed forward.


Hearing the voice of the canyon pioneer, LZ could still sit still with the others in the lower half. Apart from letting Jess continue to develop in the bottom lane, the others immediately leaned towards the middle lane.

It's a pity that, as the passive defensive side, their movements were more than a bit slower after all.

IG's duo took the lead in supporting them. By the time the LZ team rushed to the middle and started to organize defense, the second tower had already been hit.

The four LZ people under the tower subconsciously thought that the IG people would retreat, so the auxiliary Thresh stood a little forward.

Seeing his position, Zhao Yun's eyes lit up at that moment.

"What do you mean? They have one less top laner, four against five, how dare he move so inflated?"

How could he bear this?
So, Zhao Yun made a decisive move.

"Brothers have a chance! Come with me!"

The moment the voice sounded, Thain had directly activated his ultimate move.


As soon as the loud starting sound sounded, and everyone in LZ was caught off guard, Thain, who seemed to be retreating, directly transformed into a giant and rushed towards the duo of Thresh and Xia under the second tower in LZ.



To be honest, LZ's bot lane duo reacted really fast. The moment they saw Thain driving over, they handed over Flash at the same time.

But unfortunately, the flashing speed is very fast, but there is a little problem with the direction.

Thresh dodged to the right successfully, but Xia suddenly had a muscle reaction, but subconsciously chose to dodge backwards.

It seemed that it was okay to dodge at the first moment, but in the next second, it just flashed in front of the front of Thain's car, and slammed into the front of the car firmly.


At the scene of the car accident, the team battle begins!
Luo, who started the big move from behind and followed, directly continued to the second stage of control, and then cooperated with the damage of other teammates, and immediately dropped Xia in seconds.

In an instant, when a battle really broke out under the middle tower, which seemed to belong to LZ's home court, the fighting power of the three of LZ's Nakanosuke was completely vulnerable.

Stunted Syndra.

The prince who has no big moves.

Thresh did no harm.

Together, the three of them put all their skills on the anti-tower Sion, and cooperated with the defense tower to deal damage. At the first time, they couldn't directly take away Sion who had already taken the damage of the defense tower twice.

When seeing this scene, everyone already knew in their hearts that there was no suspense in this wave of team battles.

The fact is exactly the same,
Originally, Jess was not there, and Xia was still killed first, and the subsequent battle directly became IG's unilateral pursuit and harvest.

[IG, Rookie killed LZ, BDD]

[IG, Ning killed LZ, Gorrilla]

[IG, Rookie killed LZ, Cuzz]


Thirteen and a half minutes into the game, LZ was played 0 for 4 directly under the second tower in his middle road.

Then not only the second middle tower, but also the middle highland tower was easily pulled out together.

The game time is fourteen and a half minutes, the head ratio of the two sides is 1:10, and the economic gap is [-].

At this moment, several Korean commentators in the LCK commentary booth couldn't help but howl in pain.

"It's over, it's really over now."

"Collapsed, completely collapsed."

"Upper, middle, and lower fields, everything completely exploded."

"I can't think of how to win this round."

"If you want to win in the future, it is only possible for IG to send it by itself, and one wave is not enough, at least three waves of big rhythm are needed."


What they said is right, in the case of the collapse of all four lines, its own lineup is doomed that LZ will not even have a chance for the Miracle Team.

It's a pity that this time the organizer is in China, and this kind of magical plot is destined not to be staged.

The advantage is too great, just push it horizontally.

Ever since, after that, without any accidents, the game passed another 5 minutes of garbage time.

The game time was 9 minutes and 45 seconds. Before LZ went to the Highland Tower, Jess made a mistake in positioning. When he saw Thain appearing in the field of vision, he didn't run. The teammates kept up, and a wave of chaotic encounters broke out with LZ.

In the end, with the help of LZ's top lane Highland Tower, they were successfully defeated by 2 for 5 regiments. The IG side was left with Lucian, Thain and Sivir. One big man with two outputs, directly led the line of troops, and ended the game in one wave. .

The game time is 20 minutes and 20 seconds, and the game is over.

"OK, let's congratulate IG, successfully won the first game in the BO5 battle of the semi-finals!"

"Congratulations IG!"

(End of this chapter)

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