That's what we do with silver

Chapter 167 Chapter 166 It's up to you, Happy Man!

Chapter 167 Chapter 160 Six is ​​up to you, Happy Man!
The first round of BP for both sides ends, and the second round of bans begins.

The blue party LZ chooses to ban: Qianjue and Lissandra.

The red side IG chooses ban: Big bug, be careful.

Then IG chose to play the jungler first in the fourth move.

Blind monk, Li Qing.

Then came LZ's four or five hands. After a brief communication, they also quickly determined their choice.

On the fourth floor, the Clockwork Demon, Orianna.

Fifth Floor, Lost Tooth, Gnar.

In an instant, all five heroes of LZ were selected, and only the final fifth hand was left to be determined on IG's side.

Seeing this scene, the commentators couldn't help guessing.

"LZ's Gnar's choice is quite reasonable. Knowing that IG's Sion can swing from the middle to the top, he directly chose a clockwork in the middle lane who is not easy to be countered by a counter, and then followed him in the top lane and chose a jack of all trades Gnar."

"Indeed, if Sion is the top laner, Gnar actually has a small advantage, and if Sion is the mid laner, among the current regular top laners, to be honest, there is really no hero that can particularly restrain Gnar."

"Now it's up to IG, what kind of choice will be made in the last hand."

"In the absence of a particularly good Counter Gnar hero, this Sion is likely to be shaken to the top lane."

"Before this, I remember IG's Barbarian King Danar is quite fierce, and he can always kill him. Alas, it's a pity that he was banned."

"That being said, may I ask Lancer's barbarian king to fight against any heroes that are not easy to fight?"

"Hahaha indeed, now, it depends on IG's final choice, and the ownership of this hero will also determine where Thain will go!"


For a while, everyone was extremely curious about IG's final choice.

Then, under the focus of everyone's attention, everyone in IG went through a discussion, and finally, under Zhao Yun's strong suggestion, finally made the final choice.

And the determination of this hero directly exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Death is like the wind, always with me!"

When the familiar voice lines resounded in the audience, everyone was stunned.

IG's fifth choice!
Galewind Swordsman, Yasuo!
The moment the hero was confirmed, in the LPL commentary booth, the three commentators couldn't help but let out unexpected exclamations.


"Here we come, Happy Wind Man!"

"Contrary to everyone's expectations, IG directly chose a hero that we did not expect in the last move, Galewind Swordsman, Yasuo."

"Then now comes the question, which way will this Yasuo choose to go, and who will he hand over to play?"

"Okay, IG has quickly completed the hero exchange."

"In this round, Lancer still controls Sion, while Yasuo is handed over to Rookie!"

"However, it is still unknown where these two heroes will appear. We will not know until we enter the game."


In this way, with the determination of the lineups of both sides, they will soon enter the short reading interface.

Then, with the sound of 'thump, thump, thump, thump', the game officially started.

Ten heroes on both sides rushed out of the base quickly.

At this time, the director was also very detailed and considerate, and specially gave a close-up of Thain's attribute column.

Then, through the above display of the ability values ​​of various attributes, many viewers instantly understood his intentions.

"OK, the director specially showed everyone Sion's attribute bar, and we also saw that Sion didn't wear armor in this round, but brought a lot of magic resistance and life growth points, which is almost confirmed. The game is still a mid laner Sion."

"Then the overall lineup of the two sides is now completely determined."

"Blue side LZ, top laner Gnar, jungle prince, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane are Verus and Luo."

"Red Fang IG, top laner Yasuo, jungler Blind, mid laner Sion, bottom laner Tam and Xia."

"Both sides started relatively harmoniously, and there was no intention of invading the wild area."

"And it's worth mentioning that the summoner skills carried by the players on both sides, except that AD is healing and the jungler is punishment, the six players in the middle and upper assistants directly chose to bring a TP."

"Ten people and six TPs, one thing to say - I have watched the game for so long, and I have seen many scenes, large and small, but to be honest, I have never seen this kind of scene."

"It really feels like this kind of grand event can only happen in IG games."

In the commentary seat of LPL, the voice I remember is full of ridicule.

And Miller next to him also smiled.

"It can only be said that the support and mid laners of other teams may not want to bring TP that much themselves, but IG likes to bring TP here. The pressure from the middle and Ueno is too great, forcing them to bring along with them. An interesting situation."


The commentators in the commentary booth are still chatting, and the game has already started to match the line.

In this round, the junglers of both sides chose the red open.

On Zhao Yun's side, he controlled Thain and the clockwork.

To be honest, he really didn't feel too much pressure.

After all, the hero Sion, like Ornn, although he looks stupid and tanky, his early laning ability is really not weak.

On the road, if he encounters violent heroes like Ax Bobby, Double-knife Nuo Shou, Nu Nuo Shou, Wu Hao, and Nu Wu Hao, then he may really be a little vain.

But in the middle lane, with a magic resistance rune and a clockwork monster with TP, there is really no pressure at all.

Everyone fights with each other, and it's over when the line develops and makes up for the knife.

Then, it is worth mentioning that, compared with Syndra in the previous round, the clockwork of BBD in this round has obviously become much more stable, and he did not make the kind of forced blood change suppression.

In this way, the two people really developed in that harmony.

This development took nearly four minutes.

The game time was 6 minutes and 10 seconds. Without one side deliberately pushing the line, the mid laners of both sides rose to level six with an interval of about three seconds.

It seems that the head is still 0:0.

But in terms of economic comparison, IG has once again taken the lead.

Mainly because of poor CS.

There is not much difference between Clockwork and Thain in the middle, and there is not much difference between the bottom lane combination and the jungler of the two sides.

However, there was an obvious gap in the top laner's make-up matchup.

In six and a half minutes, Rookie's Yasuo made 62 knives, and the number of supplementary knives was perfect.

But at this moment, Khan's Gnar has only a pitiful 42 knives, and he was directly crushed by [-] knives.

When the director cut to the road, he happened to see a cannon soldier with residual blood. Gnar walked over and tried to make up for his Q skill, but Yasuo suddenly threw a wind wall, blocking Gnar's boomerang alive. Let this cannon cart be eaten by the soldiers.

But for this excessive suppression, Gnar dared not speak out, and did not dare to make too obvious resistance.

No way, when everyone had no equipment in the early stage, the hero Yasuo restrained Gnar really too much.

Not to mention the fight, Gnar's pitiful 400-yard range is not even as long as Yasuo's own Q skill. When he can A to Yasuo, Yasuo can already Q to Gnar first. His long Hand advantage is almost non-existent in front of Yasuo.

Without the range advantage, Gnar's front-to-back combat ability is even more stretched. The main output methods are Q and the third ring, all of which are crushed by a wind wall.

The combination of various factors directly led to the hero Yasuo's all-round restraint on Gnar, coupled with Rookie's own high proficiency, it brought out the hero's own advantages to the fullest.

Although Gnar's wretched development prevented Yasuo from having too many solo kill opportunities, but after a few minutes, he still relied on his superb laning operations to successfully achieve a clear lead in blood volume and last hit suppression.

Pressing twenty knives in 6 minutes is almost equivalent to a small single kill!

In addition, it also forced Gnar's first TP.

The advantage of going up the road is already very obvious.

However, the economic disadvantage of just a few hundred yuan is completely within their acceptable range.

The few Korean commentators in the LCK commentary booth didn't pay much attention to it at all.

"Well, the start of this round is more stable than the last round, LZ, after more than seven minutes, it's still balanced."

"Just continue to stabilize like this, our lineup has an absolute advantage in the late stage."

"It seems that our lineup selection in this round can be regarded as limiting IG's offensive rhythm. As long as it develops steadily in the future, it is the most ideal situation."

"As long as you don't give IG a chance to attack and avoid confrontation with them in the early stage, if they can't play well in the early stage, we will definitely get better and better in the future."


The commentators of Lck said so one after another.

However, it is naturally impossible for IG to make them play so comfortably.

Since we are in the strong period of our lineup, there is no reason for you to develop steadily. If you are sloppy online and do not give opportunities, then create opportunities to force you to fight!

Seven and a half minutes into the game, the blue buff in the jungle area in the upper half of LZ was refreshed, which happened to be detected by Yasuo's previous ward.

Immediately, IG Nakano, who had been wandering around, decisively chose the linkage invasion.

At this time, Thain is at level [-] and Blind is at level [-]. Both of them have full skills and their blood volume is full.

Both Zhao Yun and King Ning have thought about it, if LZ chooses to let go of this blue buff, then the two of them will go on the road immediately after taking the blue buff.

It would be better if you don't let it go, this wave of team battles will inevitably break out in the wild!
After simple communication, the three Ueno and Nakano made preparations in advance.

At this time, on LZ's side, the jungle prince is at full strength, but the Clockwork Demon in the middle has less than one-third of his mana.

The actions of the blind man and Thain were immediately seen by the prince's eyes in the river.

"They want to come to anti-blue buff, pay attention to it, and help me guard this blue."

It was BDD, who was seriously short of mana, and decisively said this to his two teammates in the Ueno.

Subconsciously, I want my teammates to help me guard this key blue buff.

In this way, from God's perspective, I can just see Thain and the blind man on IG's side going into the blue zone from the mouth of the river first, the prince is also next to the blue buff pothole, and the clockwork on LZ's side is because of the processing The pawn line slowed down a bit, and waited until the blind man and Thain had activated the blue buff, and the clockwork walked to the path on the right side of the three wolves.

Then, when the blood volume of the blue buff dropped rapidly, the clockwork Q skill threw the ball into the field of vision, and the prince tried to move forward to fight for punishment. Ning's blind monk walked to the right of the blue buff, and suddenly caught off guard with a Q skill, which accurately hit Clockwork outside the wall.

Then in an instant, the second-stage Q flew across the wall, and an R flashed at the speed of light and shot suddenly.

'One library~'

The dragon swings its tail!

When Clockwork didn't react at all, the blind man kicked him from outside the wall into the wall.

And at the moment when the blind man made his move, Thain, who had already been ready to go, decisively opened up on the spot.



Stop quickly!


Thain made a big move, and the front of the car directly hit the kicked clockwork head-on, and knocked the clock back into the air again!


At this moment, BDD felt his heart beat violently, and pressed the F key with his left index finger, and pulled it away in an instant when he wanted to release the control.

Then the next second, the familiar voice from the earphones caused his heart to stop suddenly.

"I'm so tired, click!"

Thousands of miles away, the sword wind hit.

He supported Yasuo who was on the scene first, and connected with his ultimate move, Absolute Breath Slash, from the extreme distance.

The key third ring continued for this wave of air solitaire of the three brothers!

 None tonight.

  Damn, I mistyped the title of the chapter and I can't change it, I can only wait for tomorrow to contact and edit T0T
(End of this chapter)

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