That's what we do with silver

Chapter 18 This barbarian king is too handsome!

Chapter 18 This barbarian king is too handsome!

Just do it.

The game time is twelve minutes. At this time, the excavator also has all skills in hand.

Hearing Zhao Yun's call, Ning Xiang ran to the road decisively.

At this time, Rookie in the middle road marked a red exclamation mark signal of "proceed with caution" on the map where IG had no vision in the upper half.

"Their junglers may be in the upper half. Be careful, but if there is a fight, I should be able to arrive before Clockwork."

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Yun subconsciously glanced at the position marked by Rookie, but he didn't take it seriously.

And soon, seeing that the position of the excavator was very close, Zhao Yun couldn't help a cruel smile as he watched Han Bing, who was still demolishing the tower under his own tower, and was about to demolish the previous tower.

"Up, up, get him!"

"I'm up!"

Accompanied by this brief exchange, Zhao Yun, who had endured for a long time, finally shot out with anger at this moment.

As soon as he sprinted, he swung the sword.


The sound effect exclusively for sprinting sounded, and the barbarian king suddenly accelerated and ran towards the ice not far ahead.

Before the body shape arrives, the rooster arrives first.


It was the familiar chicken crowing again, and Zhao Yun made a W skill shot, successfully decelerating the ice shooter who subconsciously turned back and retreated.

"Let's fight!"

The barbarian king's extremely angry and low-pitched voice lines sounded, Zhao Yun swung his big knife, and was about to hack to death this stupid AD.

Bron next to him immediately supported, jumped onto Han Bing, a Q skill decelerated and hit the barbarian king, and matched with Han Bing's flat A to play Bron's two passive layers.

Seeing that two more A's, the special effect will be triggered and the barbarian king will be stunned.

However, at this time, the barbarian king, relying on the acceleration of his own sprint and the deceleration of the chicken against the ice, successfully shortened the distance between the two. A whirlwind slashed and ran directly to the face of the ice.

Han Bing raised his hand to tie A, Bron raised his hand to tie A, and Barbarian King also raised his hand to tie A at the same time.

The three of them A at the same time.

The three rounds of tie A take effect at the same time.


This was the sound of Braum being triggered. Zhao Yun's barbarian king was instantly stunned in place, and nearly one-third of his HP was knocked out by the concentrated fire of the duo.


This was the sound of the barbarian king slashing at Han Bing's body.


The magic damage of the electric knife triggering special effects, coupled with the already high attack power of the barbarian's critical physical damage, this knife cut off [-]/[-] of Han Bing's blood on the spot.

Nearly half of the health bar disappeared, which directly surprised Snake's bot laner AD-ohq.

"Fuck, what kind of B damage is this!"

Where did Han Bing dare to stick to his face to output, he immediately walked back and pulled away.

But everyone knows that the ice equipment is far from formed at this point in time, and the damage in the early stage is really limited. Even if the barbarian king has no defensive equipment at all, A is not painful or itchy.

As soon as Bron's control time was over, Zhao Yun didn't hesitate on the spot when he saw Han Bing was still there walking A for a while, and flashed directly without saying a word.


Another knife flashed onto Han Bing's face.


Han Bing's blood volume bottomed out in an instant, ohq panicked, and frightened all the flash healers with his ultimate move on the spot.

"Death or death! Help me, save me!"

In Snake's team voice, ohq spoke awkward Chinese, his tone full of haste.

Now, looking at the bloody Ice, the assistant Hudie was also anxious, for fear that the barbarian king would kill his ad with a single blow, so before the control time of Ice's big move disappeared completely, Braum immediately threw out his big move, A glacier crack knocked the barbarian king into the air, and at the same time he raised his shield to cover the ice and retreated.

Zhao Yun didn't have the slightest chance to get away with it, and directly used one-third of his health to use his big move instantly.

Endless anger!
Barbarian king enters invincible time!

At the same time, just when the Bron Ice duo was fighting and retreating, trying to get rid of the barbarian king's ultimate move as much as possible, the blue TP light beam suddenly lit up on the line of soldiers.

Gnar is TP!
At the same time, two figures appeared on the side of the river at the same time.

Looking at the appearance, it is an ice pig and a black badger.

Pig girl and excavator, both junglers are here at the same time!
Sofm's pig girl was eager to save the AD, and directly made a big move from a distance, accurately controlling the barbarian king who was still invincible.

On the other hand, Ning's excavator hit the bloody ice with the same precision, and then without any hesitation, he directly made a big move, turned into a terrifying black shadow, and directly accepted the cold ice. Ice human head.

Ice fell to the ground.

Gnar's TP also fell to the ground.

Between the lightning and the flint, the original 1v2 between the barbarian king and the duo instantly turned into a 3v2 between Snake Uenosuke and IG Ueno.

All of a sudden, the entire battle situation fell into chaos.

Commentary seat.

During the team battle, Guan Zeyuan's voice sounded at the same time.

"Here we go! It's still on the road, the barbarian king chooses to attack again, sprinting and chasing Ashe!"

"Barbarian 1v2, Ashe and Bron have boxing skills, this wave of choices seems a bit reckless."

"But this hurt me, Ai Xi directly killed half of his blood with a critical strike, and the barbarian king flashed another knife, Ai Xi was about to be hacked to death!"

"Ohq, this wave was directly scared out of the big move and the double call. Braum also panicked and handed over his big move to protect Ashe, but he was also hit by a knife and lost a third of his blood in an instant. What the hell is going to hurt me like this barbarian king? what!"

"The barbarian king started his big move and wants to continue chasing, can he catch up!"

"But here, the junglers of both sides arrived almost at the same time, and Gnar also lit up TP!"

"Pig girl's big move controlled the barbarian king, but the Q skill of the excavator was shot, can it be hit?"

"Hit! The excavator's ultimate move followed, and directly took Ashe's head!"

"It's a 3v2 situation on the court now. Snake has a great advantage here. The Barbarian King's ult is about to end. This position should be able to open smoothly, but the excavator has no ult and tunnel, and it feels like he can't get out!"

At the commentary table, Guan Zeyuan spoke quickly, explaining this wave of team battles very passionately.

And just when everyone thought that the remaining three of Snake were going to accept the head of the excavator, in the screen, only the barbarian king at the last moment was left with the ultimate move, but he did not choose to escape, but directly turned with an E skill Come over and turn directly to Bron's face.

Commentary seat.

"Wait! The barbarian king didn't leave, he turned directly to Braum's face! My God, if he doesn't leave, he still wants to kill someone!"

"Bron is a resilient shoe with very low armor. It can't withstand the damage of the barbarian king at all! After two stabs, he was directly crippled, so he was forced to hand over the flash! Can the barbarian king chase after him!"

"Ah, I can't catch up anymore. It's time for the ultimate move. Gnar jumped over and used the Q skill, and finally took the head of the barbarian king."

"But the side river! Rookie's enchantress has arrived!"

"Flash stomped on the bloody Bron's head, and at the same time the chain shot, and the chain was caught! Gnar was locked in place! Flash failed to break the chain! The enchantress continued to use the second stage of the chain, a set Skill Gnar's blood is gone!"

"Then the excavator next to it! Ning directly connected to the flash top to keep up with the damage! He took Gnar's head away in an instant!"

"My God, the battle situation is changing rapidly. Two of Snake Uenosuke died in an instant, and only Sofm pig girl was left. At this time, the clockwork of the posture was long overdue, but the top two in IG have been pulled away. Under the tower."

"In the end, the two sides had a fierce collision on the road, and they directly played a wave of one for three!"

"At the same time, the IG duo successfully pushed Snake down the first tower!"

"Three hits and four hits, but in the end, IG traded for three and added a tower. In this wave, IG has made a lot of money!"

"Wow, when we first started fighting, I believe no one would think that this result would come out!"

"IG's Naka Ueno, this wave is too beautiful!"

"Especially the top laner Lancer Barbarian, he single-handedly knocked out all the skills of Snake's bottom lane duo, and crippled Ashbron, and even ate up all the key ults and controls on Snake's side. It creates the perfect harvesting environment for the enchantress and the excavator."

"This barbarian king is too handsome!"

(End of this chapter)

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