That's what we do with silver

Chapter 20 This wave, I can't come, brother

Chapter 20 This wave, I can't come, brother

On the next road, the barbarian king crossed the tower to kill Gnar by force, and Zhumei and Clockwork supported in time, but in the end they didn't get anything.

As soon as they made such a move, there was a huge gap in the defense of Snake's upper half in an instant.

Rookie's enchantress immediately seized this opportunity and rushed to the top lane to surround Snake's bottom lane duo with Excavator.

Four packs two, looks menacing.

But there were some mistakes when crossing the tower and fighting the tower.

West's Verus accidentally carried it to the tower, and was caught by Ashe and Bron, and a set of controls was fixed under the tower.

In the end, although the Enchantress successfully took the heads of Ashe and Braum, Verus also lost his life.

Even handed in a flash of death.

Suddenly, the head ratio on the field became 10:5.

Commentary seat.

"This wave, West's mistakes are very undeserved, four packs of two were replaced by one, and even the flash was gone.

And if you look at it this way, the barbarian king traded one for one in the bottom lane, and Verus was replaced in the top lane. This wave of exchanges between the two sides directly came to a three-for-two exchange. The look of acceptance. "

For Snake, it was completely acceptable to earn a little from the original blood loss situation.

On IG's side, West is also a little embarrassed about his mistakes.

"Ah, this wave of my brothers, this wave is really stupid, mine, mine."

In the team voice, West's voice is obviously guilty.

The other teammates said they were fine.

After Zhao Yun Yueta killed Gnar, he was in a good mood, and immediately replied with a smile.

"It's okay brother, my barbarian king has a huge advantage in this round, and when I take it alone, he will definitely win this one."

In the tone at this moment, Zhao Yun no longer had the nervousness and apprehension at the beginning, but instead was full of self-confidence and expansion.

Obviously, although the tone sounds like bragging, hearing teammates say such things during the game can significantly improve morale.

Hearing Zhao Yun's words, the teammates all laughed immediately, and the atmosphere of the voice in the team instantly became positive and harmonious.

At the same time, when Verus was still soaking in the spring water, Zhao Yun's barbarian king was resurrected first and went out. The other three on IG's side also seized this time point and directly attacked the canyon vanguard.

"The opposite Nakano is coming this way, Brother Yunzi, can you rely on me?"

Ning asked.

In this regard, Zhao Yun glanced at Dalongkeng, which was far away on the top road, and then at himself who had already reached the second tower on the bottom road, and resolutely chose to refuse.

"I can't go to this wave brother, I will lead the way down the road, you pay attention to yourself, okay?"

Now that he had boasted that he wanted to carry, his mentality expanded, and Zhao Yun began to speak confidently, ready to win the game in his own way.

In response, Ning also nodded.

"OK, then you get off the road belt and fight April [-], don't worry about us."

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Yun could no longer listen to other words, nodded decisively, and controlled the Man Dynasty to run down the lane.

Just when the barbarian king had reached the bottom road, at the river on the top road, the three IG Nosuke who had just won the vanguard were ambushed by Sanke Nakano.

Baolan's Morgana was first controlled by Zhumei Ka's big move, and Morgana, who was already very low, was directly ignited by the combination of Clockwork and Zhumei's set of skills to instantly kill her on the spot.

IG Nakano wanted to fight back, but by coincidence, the excavator was shot head-on by Ashe with a magic crystal arrow from the high ground in the middle.

With a control time of two to three seconds, the excavator, which didn't have much meat, was directly taken away by the clockwork and Zhumei's easy output.

In the blink of an eye, IG, which was still superior in numbers, and Nosuke were defeated one after another, and the situation was immediately reversed.

The head-to-head ratio on the field became 10:7.

Suddenly, only Rookie was left in the middle of the IG side.

Snake's side resolutely seized this opportunity, directly advancing with the line of troops in the middle and field, and cooperated with the bot lane duo who came later to attack IG's middle tower.

Verus revived and came to defend with the Enchantress, two against four. At this time, Rookie subconsciously asked Zhao Yun.

"Brother Yunzi, they are going to win, how can you say this wave, can you rely on it?"

Regarding this, Zhao Yun just glanced at it and then turned his gaze back.

"I can't come in this wave bro, I'll continue leading the way down the road, don't get fired, I can replace their second tower in this wave, okay?"

Zhao Yun replied subconsciously.

Then, he continued to swing the big knife at Snake and slashed at the second tower on the road.

Rookie glanced at the mini-map and could only nod.

"OK, you can."

Gnar, who was also resurrected, originally came down to guard the tower, but seeing this scene and remembering the tragic experience of the last wave, he didn't dare to go to guard at all. He could only stand under the highland tower and watch the barbarian king tear down the tower. tower.

The game time was 8 minutes, and a tower in the middle of IG was broken.

Five seconds after this, Snake's second tower was also demolished by the barbarian king.

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan in the commentary could not help guessing.

"Snake's middle lane, killing IG Nosuke and tearing down the first tower of IG, is already very profitable. Now that the excavator and Morgana have been resurrected, and Xiaolong will be refreshed immediately, Snake should retreat."

Most of them also believed that Snake should quit immediately.

But in the next second, the situation suddenly changed!

Seeing Snake disappear from sight, West's Verus subconsciously took two steps forward, trying to eat the wave of soldiers coming over.

At this time, at the position next to the black vision wall on the side, the clockwork demon ambushing here suddenly flashed a big move, and directly hit Verus first!

Immediately, Pig Girl and Bron took over the follow-up control, combined with Ashe's clockwork output, and instantly killed Crispy Verus.

[SS, ZizTai killed IG, West]

Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan's voice became excited again.

"Here! The Clockwork Demon flashed a big move with a beautiful card vision, and directly controlled Verus. Not long after West was resurrected, he was killed again!"

"At this point in time, Yao Ji has just returned home to make up her condition, and now there is only one Morgana guarding the tower, and the second tower in the middle of IG is in danger!"

As the commentary said, Snake succeeded in a wave of raids, and immediately assembled his troops, leading the line of troops to advance to the second tower of IG's middle road.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun immediately heard Ning's voice in his earphones.

"Brother Yunzi, they are going to hit the second tower, what do you say, can this wave be reliable?"

Zhao Yun gave the same answer to the same question.

"I can't come to this wave, brother. I will continue to lead the way down. Don't be driven away. I can take them off the high ground directly, okay?"

In this way, Zhao Yun didn't even look at Snake's group attack, and continued to control the barbarian king. He dragged his sword and walked towards the Highland Tower on the next road.

There is no way, the remaining three IG can only choose to abandon the second tower and return to the high ground.

Ning stepped back and answered.

"OK, then you continue to take it."

And Zhao Yun also rushed to Snake's bot lane high ground directly with the pawn line.

Commentary seat.

"In the middle lane, Snake pushed in a group. The speed of pushing the tower was very fast. The second tower in the IG middle lane was directly destroyed, but the barbarian king in the bottom lane also rushed to the high ground!"

"So what is Snake's choice, return to defense or continue to push? It is very difficult to continue to push. If Gnar doesn't go back, it seems that he can't defend the barbarian king..."

In the middle of Guan Zeyuan's words, in an instant, under the camera of the director, Zhu Mei suddenly caught off guard with a big move, which was to stop the excavator that was moving carelessly under the tower.

"It's broken! The pig girl's sudden flashing big move directly stunned Rexai under the tower! Ning is in danger!"

"Bron kept up with the Q skill, and the four of Snake focused fire and played passively, and Rek'Sai was dropped in seconds! Morgana's shield was still too late, and in the end it still failed to save Rek'Sai!"

"At the same time, Ashe's ultimate move has also been improved! The magic crystal arrow shot! Hit! Morgana was also charged!"

"It's over, Baolan is going to die too! Verus made a big move to save him, but he was also one step too late, so he couldn't be saved!"


Snake's crazy rhythm directly killed Rexai and Morgana one after another. The four people in the middle directly seized the opportunity and continued to advance the IG middle high ground.

Facing the four of Snake, Verus' ultimate move was gone, and West and Rookie couldn't defend at all, so they could only retreat.

At this time, Zhao Yun heard Rookie's voice.

"Brother Yunzi, they pushed up the ground, what about this wave, can you come back and defend?"

Zhao Yun casually glanced at the small map, without even looking at his highland, and continued to output to the highland tower on the way down to Snake.

"I can't come in this wave, brother, I will continue to lead the way down, you guard the front teeth, just don't get kicked"

He said the same thing again.

Rookie glanced at the barbarian king who was struggling to demolish the tower under Snake, and could only nod his head. Even if Zhao Yun didn't ask him if he was ok this time, he replied habitually.



In the live broadcast, the audience could clearly see that even if the four of Snake had already entered the high ground, the barbarian king in the bottom lane led a wave of minions to cut off half of Snake's blood on the high ground in the bottom lane, even if there were no more minions, he did not want to return. The meaning of the family is still standing in front of the Snake Highland Tower, just standing upright on the line of soldiers.

 Brothers, please count the votes, and the time will be updated 0-0 tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)

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