That's what we do with silver

Chapter 31 No one believes the true chapter, right?

Chapter 31 No one believes the truth, right?

At the end of the game, after the handshake session and the end of the game, all the players quickly put away their peripherals and returned to the backstage.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Su Xiaoluo greeted him with a smile all over his face.

"Hahaha, well played, everyone, it's a beautiful win in this round!"

Today it is rare for IG to end its three-game losing streak. Everyone is very happy. As usual, he likes to pat his players on the shoulders when he reaches out.

While shooting, while letting go that ha ha straight laugh.

"Rookie's Galio in this game is awesome, this round has a full sense of presence, awesome."

"The same is true for King Ning. The rhythm of the middle and field of the two of you has been completely blown out by the opponent."

Let’s talk about the mid laner first, then the jungler, and then I didn’t forget the bottom lane duo.

"There are also two brothers in the bottom lane. After two rounds, one is stable, which is not bad."

After the other four finished speaking, it was Zhao Yun's turn.

Su Xiaoluo walked in front of Zhao Yun, and patted him on the shoulder in surprise.

"It's ok, kid. There's something about Gnar in this hand. The 1v4 counter-kill Victor on the top lane was amazing to me. He's so handsome. Well, I feel like you should be the MVP again in the second game."

Just as Su Xiaoluo finished speaking, the MVP candidate for the second round happened to be released on the live broadcast screen in the lounge.

It was Zhao Yun's Gnar.

I won two consecutive MVPs!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yun was suddenly excited, and at the same time he was secretly happy, but a modest smile appeared on his face habitually.

Just as I was about to speak, I received a notification from the staff next to me.

Send him to the post-match interview.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun felt a little surprised, and at the same time walked out immediately.

At the same time, the center stage of the arena.

The host of this game was Yu Shuang, who was wearing a beautiful blue and white cheongsam, looking tall and decent.

"OK, for today's post-match interview, we are also honored to have the top laner Lacer of the IG team."

Seeing that Zhao Yun had already walked to the front of the stage, Yu Shuang also smiled at him.

"Hi Lancer, let's say hello to everyone first."

In the camera, Zhao Yun gave a green smile and said something softly to the camera.

"Hi everyone, I'm IG's top laner Lancer."

There was another burst of cheers from the audience.

But at this time, because there were only two people on stage, the director's camera directly gave a close-up close-up, and even the slightly nervous expression change on Zhao Yun's face was clearly seen.

Immediately, seeing Zhao Yun's face clearly again, many viewers in the live broadcast room were excited at that time.

"Fuck, so handsome?"

"Damn it, this brother is so handsome."

"E-sports Yan Yikuan?"

"If you look like this, you still have a bad career. It is recommended to make a debut directly."

"Ah, mom, I'm in love!"

"He's smiling at me!"


Immediately, many viewers, especially female viewers, regardless of whether they are IG fans or not, had a deep affection for Zhao Yun in their hearts.

On the stage, Yu Shuang also started the formal post-match interview session.

"Hi Lancer, as far as we know, this is your first official game in the LPL. As a rookie, you won two MVPs in a row for the first time. How do you feel now?"

Yu Shuang asked very routine questions.

As for this, Zhao Yun, who was already a little dizzy, just thought of what to say.

"If you feel it."

"I feel really cool, very happy and excited."


Then the second question.

Yu Shuang: "For this BO3 today, you won the last two rounds very cleanly, and the game ended in just over 20 minutes. Do you think the reason why you won so smoothly today compared to the previous losing streak is that what?"

Zhao Yun thought for a while, then opened his mouth and came.

"As for the reason, I think it's because my teammates played so well. I just played casually. I felt like I didn't do anything. I won by playing for no reason, haha."

With some embarrassment, Zhao Yun expressed his truest feelings.

But as soon as these words were uttered, the barrage instantly burst into laughter.

"Awesome, two MVPs, he calls this casual play?"

""All Teammates Play Well""

""Emotional Intelligence""

"Casual play does it mean that the barbarian king crazily jumps over the tower and kills all directions, or does it mean Gnar's 1v4 Tianxiu counter-kill?"

"6666, Redefinition of 'did nothing'."

"Everyone at Snake feels offended."

"I suspect he's pretending, but I can't find evidence."

"Looks like an honest person, but I didn't expect him to be an interview genius."


Zhao Yun's answer aroused laughter in the barrage again.

On the stage, Yu Shuang also continued to ask.

"Next is the third question. We saw that you selected the hero Barbarian in the first game. You know, this hero has not appeared on the field for a long time. You can tell us, today What kind of tactical considerations did you choose such a special unpopular hero?"

Hearing this question, Zhao Yun opened his mouth without even thinking about it.

"Why did you choose the barbarian king?"

Zhao Yun showed an embarrassed smile with some embarrassment.

"Actually, there is no other special reason. I was too nervous when I was drafting. The coach asked me to choose a more confident hero. After thinking about it, I feel that other heroes are not very good at playing. It seems that this hero is still a little bit confident. , so I chose."

He speaks the truth.

But as soon as these words came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room was refreshed crazily.


"I'm still a little confident === what do you mean by crazy solo kills in the lane?"

"Because you were too nervous, so you killed the opponent?"

"In terms of pretense, I would like to call Brother Lacner the strongest."

"Brother Blue! Can you hold a cup like this?"

"Brother Holy Gun cried to death in the toilet."

"It's just a little bit of self-confidence, so when you are full of self-confidence, don't you want to beat five?"

"Redefining 'a little confidence'"

"Hahaha, this buddy really made me laugh, interviewing ghosts."


Listening to this interview, both the live audience and the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

And Yu Shuang also continued to ask.

"Next is the fourth question. In the last round, Snake hit the road with four guarantees and one to catch you. What I want to ask is, if you see four people coming to catch you from the opposite side, and when you see the other person coming from the river, what should you do? Not only did you not choose to run ahead of time, but you continued to stay and demolish the tower, and then frantically operated to hide a lot of skills, and finally not only survived, but also killed a Victor, can you tell everyone what you were thinking at that time?"

Hearing this question, Zhao Yun seriously thought about it.

At that time?
Did the river have a vision to see Nosuke coming from the opposite side in advance?

Damn I didn't pay attention to the minimap at all!

I thought so in my heart, but when the words came out of Zhao Yun's mouth, he directly ignored the problem of vision.

"Uh, in that wave, I felt that I was going to die at the time, so I thought that I was going to die anyway, and it would be best to be able to pull a back, so I tried to operate it, but I didn't expect that the opponent would also give a chance in the end. , let me be lucky to survive haha."

Zhao Yun scratched his head, and felt a little embarrassed when he thought that everyone saw clearly his erroneous manipulations at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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