That's what we do with silver

Chapter 33 To learn technology, just look for the canyon's unique skills!

Chapter 33 To learn technology, just look for the canyon's unique skills!

It can only be said that the designer who invented the Smash Bros. mode is absolutely a fucking talent!

This mode is really cool to play!
No matter in his previous life or in this life, Zhao Yun can gain a lot of happiness from the game in every big fight, no matter what hero he plays, no matter whether he wins or loses in the end.

Seeing more and more heads rolling in the upper right corner, and hitting 105:111, adding up to more than 200 heads, he almost smiled while beating.

of course!

He turned off the microphone the whole time, so the audience couldn't hear it during the live broadcast, and could only listen to the sound of the game.

The essence of ranking is competition.

Smash Bros. is the real game.

When Zhao Yun was in Baiyin, he felt that this sentence was simply too good.

It is yes to tell the truth in one sentence.

And now, he is the king of Hanbok with 1600 points, ranking first in Hanbok.

Still very much agree with this sentence.

Because now it is more difficult for him to gain happiness from ranking than before.

In the past, no matter whether he was playing against the wind or against the wind, as long as he could win in the end, he would be happy for a long time.

Especially after the big headwind made a strong comeback, it made people feel hearty and sour all over.

But now, it's been a long time, and he hasn't experienced this feeling in ranking.

Because as of now, he has not lost a rank for more than a month.

It's really hard to win.


Keep winning, keep winning, keep winning, and play games on the premise of knowing the result, so that the sense of expectation and accomplishment is completely gone.

At first Zhao Yun was quite cheerful, but after a month of doing this, he became a little numb to the truth.

After playing a round of Rank, I just felt dull, and there was no ups and downs in my heart.

Therefore, last night, after fighting for more than an hour in the first broadcast, and then symbolically playing five ranks in the second broadcast, Zhao Yun saw that the time was about the same, and immediately started to feel sleepy.

The main reason is that when playing games during the day, I was intermittently surprised and overjoyed throughout the whole process, so I was exhausted physically and mentally.

But when it comes to playing Rank, it's really a bit of a distraction.

So, after playing five ranks, Zhao Yun decided to go to bed directly.

After sleeping until dawn, I feel refreshed.

Then the next day, he also discovered that his life of salted fish in soy sauce, which was unknown to the public, began to completely change.

Arranged by coach Mafa, he was also officially included in the IG squad for this week's daily training match.

Moreover, the frequency of playing in the training match is the same as that of the other two top laners Duke and TheShy.

And such an arrangement means that from this moment on, his identity has completely changed from a marginally transparent small substitute to a rotation player on the starting roster.

A substitute in the past, once in a while.

This treatment of Zhao Yun also made many IG second team members and countless youth trainees envious.

However, when Zhao Yun himself heard the news, his first reaction was not to be happy.

But a guilty conscience.

'This is bad. Before I didn't have any sense of presence and I was able to fish quietly. Now that I am put on the starting list, isn't my true strength about to be exposed? '

Zhao Yun was under tremendous pressure.

He immediately found the manager Su Xiaoluo.

"Brother Su, I feel that I am not ready now, why don't you remove me from the starting list."

As soon as Zhao Yun opened his mouth, he went straight to the point.

When Su Xiaoluo heard this, the way he looked at him was like looking at a fairy.

"Aren't you awake, you have nothing to do to tell jokes with me, right?"

Zhao Yun defended seriously.

"No, I really feel that my strength is not enough, I'm serious!"

Su Xiaoluo waved to him directly.

"It's inexplicable, I went to coach Mafa by myself, this matter is out of my control."

Then Zhao Yun went to coach Mafa and said the same thing again.

After Mafa finished listening, he stared at him seriously for a full minute.

Seeing Zhao Yun until his scalp became numb, he nodded meaningfully.

"I see. I will seriously consider what you said. You should go to training first."

Zhao Yun was overjoyed, thinking he agreed.

But a few minutes after he left the office, Mafa pondered for a few minutes, and finally opened his black notebook, found a page marked with the list of players, and behind Zhao Yun's name, he specially added a red note label.

[The talent is extremely high and the future is promising, but he lacks self-confidence and urgently needs a lot of competitions to build self-confidence]

Of course, although Mafa already speaks Chinese very well, it is impossible for him to write so much, so he wrote in Korean.


After coming out from Mafa, Zhao Yun felt extremely relaxed.

Although he did feel very refreshed when he won the game yesterday, but when he thought about it carefully, he could clearly feel that when he played the game, he was still dizzy most of the time as before. Far worse, winning in the end is purely due to all kinds of luck and coincidence.

If you really want him to go up and fight again, he will definitely not be able to achieve the same effect.

after all.

How can luck be counted on every day!

I have heard of champions who rely on personal strength to win the championship, others who rely on teamwork, and champions who rely on invincible operations and team battles.

But he had never heard of anyone who could win the championship purely by luck.

Isn't this bullshit is it?

To be honest, Zhao Yun really felt guilty when he thought that if he played next time, he would have to rely on something that he had no idea about!
What kind of material is he!
Fortunately, Su Xiaoluo couldn't understand, but Mafa's reaction just now should be understood.

'So in the future, I will continue to be a small substitute and fish for my salary, and I will retire directly when the contract expires. At that time, relying on this good luck, wouldn't it be nice to see the effect of the show every day with ease? '

'Well, I really can't blame my buddy. The main reason is that playing professional is really too stressful. It's almost enough to win two rounds by luck. I really need to come a few more times. I really feel that I can't stand it with a silver cub. '

With such thoughts in mind, Zhao Yun sighed for a while, and returned to the training room again.

Then, he went back to the training room. Before he sat down and warmed his butt, he saw that in the WeChat group belonging to the IG team, Mafa suddenly posted a list of this week's training matches.

And added a note.

【The latest training arrangement for this week】

The latest arrangement?
Didn’t the previous one just come out not long ago, why is there a new one?
Could it be that Mafa has listened to my words, has revised the training plan, and crossed out my name?
Zhao Yun was suddenly surprised, and clicked on the list to look over.

Then, he froze on the spot.

Because the list in front of him is indeed a modification of the previous training list.

However, he didn't reduce or even delete his number of training matches as he thought.

Instead, it increased.

Just doubled it for him!
Seeing this list, Zhao Yun's original smile froze completely, and he froze on the spot, only one word remained in his mind.

'send! '


Throughout the day, Zhao Yun was dizzy.

Because from 2:[-] noon to [-]:[-] pm, he played three BO[-] training games.

After playing six high-intensity games, he felt physically and mentally exhausted.

There is no way, unlike other teammates who have long been accustomed to the rhythm of training games, so they are very relaxed throughout the whole process, Zhao Yun has too little experience in this area, causing him to concentrate almost every game and concentrate on it.

Yes, that's right!

Although Zhao Yun was subconsciously resistant to playing and training because of his guilty conscience, when he actually played, he subconsciously took every game seriously.

No way, after so many years, I'm used to it.

Although he is good, he really loves this game. If he really wants to deliberately play the game negatively and play it badly, he really can't do this kind of thing.

In addition, Zhao Yun felt that anyway, he had already said what he needed to say in advance, and it was not his fault that problems would arise.

Since there is no way to avoid it, we can only adapt and accept it.

Then hit it.

Therefore, after playing for a long time, he was exhausted immediately. After dinner, he sat in his seat and stared at the screen, completely unable to arouse any desire to play ranked.

However, if you don’t play back or play, you still have to start the live broadcast first, and the live broadcast on the hook is also counted as a live broadcast.

At the same time, he is here to die or live, but the other players have another style of painting.

They are happy now.

Because, in everyone's opinion, today is a particularly good day.

Why is it a good day?
Because they played three BO2 training matches during the day, they actually won all of them!
Yesterday ended the losing streak and won Snake. Although everyone is happy, they also know that the current strength of the IG team is still in the middle and lower reaches of the league, so we can't be too happy.

Today's three training games were all won, but it directly excited everyone, their morale increased, and the atmosphere and state of the whole team became extremely positive!

Under such circumstances, Zhao Yun, who frequently played "spiritual" operations in the game, unknowingly, his status in the team rose wildly, and was once highly praised and recognized by his teammates.

All kinds of 'Brother Yunzi is awesome', 'Brother Yunzi is beautiful', 'Brother Yunzi is too strong' kept talking, making Zhao Yun's face flushed, and he could only say 'hehe', 'haha', 'hehe' An awkward smile in response.

The harder the teammates blew, the more guilty Zhao Yun felt.

In this weird atmosphere, Zhao Yun finally made it to the end of the training match. During the free training at night, Zhao Yun also made up his mind. It's really not good to be so hard-headed all the time. He must make changes starting today!
So first of all, to become a real professional player, the first thing he has to do is.

Do a good job of laning first, and then practice the proficiency of hero operation!
Just do what you want, Zhao Yun pulled himself together decisively, put his hands on the mouse and keyboard, and meditated for a while.

"Practicing heroes in queue, the teammates are all macho, and there is almost no laning pressure. It is a waste of time to practice laning in this environment."As the saying goes, if you want to learn a hero, the best way is to first experience how awesome this hero is in the hands of others! '

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun moved the mouse away from the game client and opened the browser instead.

Open the live broadcast platform.

Click on the League of Legends section.

Click on the Canyon Tricks tab.

Then, enter 'barbarian king' in the search bar, and click into the most popular live broadcast room.

Yes, that's right!

Watch the anchor, learn technology, and find the canyon unique skill brother!

Since my barbarian king is still barely good at it, let's start with my biggest advantage!
See how other people play.

Let's practice the barbarian king's laning skills first!
With this in mind, Zhao Yun clicked into an anchor live broadcast room called 'Man Three Swords', and began to watch the opponent's canyon solo live broadcast seriously.

However, he forgot that he himself was also running the live broadcast.

The Barbarian King anchor, who was playing a game while watching the barrage, suddenly turned his head away. When he saw the prompt in the lower right corner, he was taken aback for a moment.

[IG, Lancer enter the live broadcast room]

(End of this chapter)

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